High Magic Earth

Chapter 1126: Josie Fox

When you have a decision, you pay for it.

Josie's movements were very decisive, and she didn't feel the fox's treachery at all. She struggled to be kicked on the belly by sg7 for a few feet, and almost vomited to bleed. Josie finally started the magic on the pattern again.

To be precise, it is something stored with magic.


But it was not a potion made by Josie herself, not even a magic potion, but a special synthetic medicine, but it was this kind of potion that brought Josie the power at this time.

Along with Josie's movements, the mysterious pattern that has been hidden by her finally showed all her face.

It is intertwined by countless magical creatures, strange, familiar, common, and even unknown and recorded at all.

They form a composite figure together. I don't know what it means. Some are like horses, some are like fish, and even very like dragons. In other words, it's just like four things.

It may be the image of a particular creature, or it may have no meaning at all.

Below these images, there are two magic wands, which are interlaced with each other, showing an X-shaped shape and placed under these magical animals.

Origin Conference.

This is the meaning of the logo on Josie's arm.

Obviously, Josie is also one of them.

. . .

As the magic power was injected, the magical imprisonment hidden on the mark of the origin meeting was immediately lifted, and the warm liquid slowly flowed out like blood, spreading along Josie's arm to her whole body.

The sign of the origin meeting itself does not have any mandatory magic and meaning. It is not like the dark demon sign. In addition to being used to call the Death Eaters, it can also be used to punish them. The sign of the origin meeting does not have any punitive measures.

It is also not engraved with powerful black magic like the black magic mark, and it is difficult to be removed. It can be wiped off at will, or even painted on its own.

Of course, because its details are very complicated, and it has been cast a magic spell that cannot be copied, unless the person who is very familiar with the origin meeting rewrites it in person, it is difficult to draw it correctly.

The mark of the origin meeting is just a mark, which means you have joined the meeting.

The core of the meeting is the unknown drug, but the effect of the drug is different for everyone, and the amount of each person is not the same, so the excess drug needs to be stored.

Some wizards are accustomed to sealing the extra potions in the logo, and there is not much amount anyway. I don’t know when to start. This has become a popular in the conference. Over time, the entire origin conference has started to do so. .

Of course, the location of each person's mark selection is still different. As a woman who prefers beauty, Josie chooses to place the mark position on the inside of her arm. In summer, it may be hidden even more secretly.

But if she knew she would encounter such a difficult opponent today, she put the location of the mark, to be more precise, the medicine hidden in it, in a more convenient place.

As the potion flowed into her body, Josie felt a dry heat appear in her body, as if rising and burning from the depths of her soul, burning her whole body.

Countless powers and magic powers are gestating, as if coming out of the body, abandoning this useless body and showing a more powerful side.


Josie made a series of howling sounds, like a wolf howl, and it seemed that humans shouted sharply. She looked up and ignored the attack from SG7, and her whole body began to metamorphose.

The thick hair appeared on her shoulders, wrists, and ankles, her ears began to elongate, her chin also began to become sharp, and the entire person's hair and tail had completely turned into silver.

In other words, she is no longer a human at this time, more like a half-orc with human and fox together.

Fox girl.

Josie, this is the true meaning of her name.

. . .

The Origin Conference is not a justice organization from other worlds. Of course, it will not be evil. It is not a plot product of the source world. It is composed of free people.

In other words, it is a conference composed entirely of human beings in this world.

But its existence is little known. At least Yi Chou didn't know, and even Lucy didn't find any information about the meeting of origin.

Not to mention the ordinary freeman wizards like Imogen, whose sources are few and relatively blocked.

So far, they have only figured out that there are two different big-source worlds, and each big-source world has different sub-worlds.

The other source world is biased towards technology and abilities, and their side is magic and other supernatural phenomena.

The hostility of the opponent is great.

Together, they formed a so-called rebel group, and they didn't know anything about the more valuable news and the really useful insider.

These guys are far behind Yi Biao, at least Yi Biao also has the help of Magic Intelligence Lucy.

The origin meeting is hidden deeper, which is due to its early establishment, which may be earlier than the organization of the two major free people's research institutes and campuses.

Soon after the emergence of the source world, about a year ago, the Origin Conference was established.

The original founder is no longer available, and may be alive, hidden among the members of the conference, or may be dead.

The person who is still in charge of the Origin Conference is a guy codenamed Mianlong, who will find and accept new members and one of the most important jobs.

Distribution of synthetic medicine.

In fact, there are no ranks and duties in the origin meeting, and there are no hard and fast rules. Except when meeting with Mianlong when I first joined, and getting enough medicine and enough information, it is difficult to see Mian at other times. Dragon man.

It sounds like this, the origin meeting seems to be a very loose organization, because it has no purpose, more like an association of exchanges.

But this is not the case.

Because the people who can join the origin conference are very special.

Selected by Mian Long carefully, although it is not clear where he got the information from, but the information is accurate enough. After Mian Long personally came to invite you and said the purpose and purpose of the origin meeting, no one has refused. .

Everyone who joins, their ultimate purpose, is also the purpose of the origin meeting.

As the name implies, the goal is actually very simple and clear, that is the origin of magic.

And the origin meeting has already begun to bear fruit, and the synthetic medicine is the best proof.

Of course, in addition to this, everyone is also obliged to solve some minor problems and troubles that should not occur, such as concealing the existence of the meeting, cleaning up the person who investigates the meeting, just like the situation that Josie now faces.

There were very few people at the meeting, and they were all carefully selected. There were very few situations where no one was willing to deal with the task. At least within this year, it never happened.

This is Josie's understanding of the internal situation of the Origin Conference.

. . .

A lot of magic power emerged from Josie's body. At this moment, she seemed to have countless powers. She felt that she could even punch the nasty guy opposite.

But this is actually just a distortion after the sudden expansion of strength.

Josie has experienced this situation many times, and she already knows and understands it.

The effect of synthesizing potions at the Origin Conference does not directly increase the strength of the wizard. There are many types of wizards, and they are very general. It is difficult to say that the increase in magic power is the increase of the wizard.

The effect of synthetic potions is to discover, excavate, and inspire the true power of the wizard.

Josie’s power is Mystic Fox, and the synthetic potion may bring her more powerful mental disturbance, make her more deceptive, and the effect of deception is better.

Previously, Josie had deceived her senses, suggesting that she possessed great strength. Although it had been enhanced, it was still not as strong as sg7.

She also tried to directly interfere with the missionary and SG7, but they were both resisted. Without success, perhaps the power of My Fox is not strong enough, but her strength is not enough.

The true Mystery Fox is undoubtedly a very powerful magical creature. It can exist and is not found by the entire wizarding world, which is enough to illustrate its power.

Now, Josie has clearly improved even further.

However, the mental power is ultimately a mental disturbance. In the face of the sg7, who copied the super power and speed, and a lot of fighting skills, the melee master may not be so useful.

But don’t forget that although synthetic potions can’t directly enhance the wizard’s strength, speed, and physical strength like super soldier serum, many magical creatures already have enough power and physical strength, at least much more than humans.

As it happens, Mihu is one of them. Although it is not the best, it is enough.

The same enhanced strength and anti-strike ability gave Josie some confidence when facing SG7.


SG7 waved again to hit Josie's neck, but at this moment, Josie suddenly raised her hand and directly caught SG7's fast and powerful fist.

This is the first time she has blocked SG7's attack.

Nonetheless, compared to the understatement of SG7, Josie still seems very powerful.

But it is enough.

"Don't think you have a celebrity face and I won't dare to beat you! Even if Ventimiglia is there, I will beat you right!"

With a long roar of anger, Josie jumped back suddenly, and her huge tail suddenly swept to sg7's face as she turned around.

When the strength and speed are not much more than the sg7, Josie’s offense really hit successfully, instead of being hidden by the other party. Although her tail part does not have any power and threat, but this action of Josie, let sg7 No.'s next attack stopped abruptly.

One of the most powerful magic of the fox, sensory deception.

Vision is gone, there is hearing, and hearing is gone, there is smell. The five senses are reversed, and there may even be ways to crack, but when your intuition and subconsciousness begin to deceive you, how should you fight.

The sg7, deceived by the senses, suddenly stood on the spot, and then, just like all ordinary people, it began to shake like a drunken fist.

Although his fist is still strong, he has lost his proper aim and target. He did not fall to the half-meter place beside Josie, but he did not know where he had hit.

"Next, my round." Josie smiled sensibly on her face.

. . .

The second world is a very wonderful existence, it covers a lot of sub-worlds, and it happens that many stories of sub-worlds are known.

Like Yi Chao, because of his special identity, he has obtained more information, and already knows the order in which there is an infinite child world and then the story is projected.

But for many free people who are still ignorant, this question remains a mystery.

This question is irrelevant. What is really interesting is that the Second World has created many identical beings with completely different backgrounds and origins.

For example, vampires, some are due to curses, some are due to the power of God, some are due to mutations, some are due to black magic, and even some are due to genetic changes, or belong to another race and aliens.

The wizard is also on the list.

At the core of the Wizard’s Second World is the Wizard, which was the ultimate hope of the angels and demons in the last era that humans used to fight against magical creatures.

According to the information left by humans in the last era, the wizard is a detached race that originated from humans, but is higher than humans.

It is actually not accurate to say so. To become a wizard is to stimulate the potential once contained in the human body. That is to say, the wizard is the former human being, but I don’t know what the reason is. Humans seem to have completely changed a form.

But this is just one of the wizards, more worlds, there are more different wizards, their birth background, and even the power they possess are completely different.

For example, Harry Potter World is the most well-known and one of the most common low-level worlds where freemen start.

Some people say that in the Harry Potter world, the origin of the wizard is the combination of humans and magical animals. Originally there were only many magical animals in the world, but then after the combination of humans and magical animals, wizards appeared.

The more pure the blood of the wizard, the stronger the power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is because there are more magical creatures in his body. This is also the origin of the pure pride of the pure blood nobility, the pride brought by the power.

Therefore, the strength of wizards in the early Harry Potter world is generally higher than that of wizards thousands of years later, and they should be called warlocks rather than wizards.

It is a new kind of wizard origin.

This is a very interesting phenomenon, and in fact, the purpose and purpose of the origin conference are also derived from this. They tried to find the true source of the wizard's origin and the true source of magic.

In fact, they have succeeded.

Although only a small step.

But it is also a very valuable step, the origin of the potion, the kind of synthetic potion issued by the conference, which can successfully stimulate the long-held inheritance of the magic creature blood in the wizard.

The power of ancestors.

And Josie's bloodline has the magic power passed down by the fascinating fox.

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