High Magic Earth

Chapter 1127: style

Salem is a town in Massachusetts in the United States. Among many state towns and cities, Salem seems to be just a small town.

What really made it famous, and even became a synonym, was the Salem Witch Trial of 1692.

Nineteen people were hanged, one was crushed to death by a pile of stones, and the casualties of more than 20 people made Salem completely equal to the witch and will never be separated.

The most ridiculous thing is that those who died in this incident were not murderers, witches, or even innocent people.

At least before the emergence of the Second World, Yi Chou thought so.

As for now, no one is sure whether Salem actually appeared or not.

But in the eyes of the world, the witch trial is still an injustice case, and it will always be combined with Salem. Even as an elusive guy such as General Sorzo, the codename for the action of pursuing Josie will be set to Cypriot. Operation Rum.

In a sense, this is indeed very appropriate.

After all, Josie is a real wizard and a witch.

But don’t forget another thing, Salem Township does not fully represent the witch hunting operation, it is just a microcosm of that dark age of chaos.

Far away from Salem, the cruel and dark witch hunt continued for hundreds of years, and countless innocent women were hanged under the name of the witch and suffered all kinds of torture.

In this, it can be confirmed that there must be a real wizard in it.

After all, the cause of all this is the angelic settlement of the second world free man.

Therefore, General Sorozo’s pursuit of Josie’s operation was called Salem's plan, which is really very suitable, because it is far away from the remote town of Salem.

Witch hunting. . It has already begun.

. . .

"Falcon Falcon, what's the internal situation."

"Foolproof." As a signal from an unknown communication channel sounded at night in New York, a sullen figure leaned against Seth, in a 22-floor room of a building nearly 150 meters away. A falcon dressed as a repairman was hiding in Behind the sniper rifle.

He aimed his eyes at the sight, observed the inside of the Seth company building below, and then responded in the team's communication line, "There is nothing abnormal, this is definitely the simplest task I have received."

"It's better to be careful, spider..."

"I did it here." Similarly, a guy hiding in the basement, surrounded by electronic instruments, apparently responded immediately as a hacker.

"The electric gate, the gate password, the three-level protection and the temporary identity have all been controlled."

"By the way, I have browsed the internal information of the entire seth company without any difficulty, and Yongyang does not have any information and materials we want. I think this task can be completed in advance."

The person who asked the question was silent for a while, and then firmed up again, "I still have to go in and see it myself."

The two logistic support staff are ready, then the questioner. . The elite female detective from the FBI, Holly Millock, set her sights on the last member.

Their spies, or infiltrated personnel, code-named swimming fish.

The fish swimmer who is also a woman is already wearing a night coat. Only her equipment is the best in the entire special operations team. The night vision camouflage suit, high-pressure weapons, and various destructive diving equipment are all available.

After all, for General Zorozo, although his authority is very high, but because of the very wide investigation, what he needs most is that his men do not reveal their identity when they are in action.

Otherwise, if you invade more than a dozen companies, even if he has the support of the president and the parliament behind him, you will never be able to walk around.

The fish that had already entered the roof of the Seth company building through a special cable made a ready gesture to Holly at a distance. Upon seeing it, Holly whispered, "The action begins."

On the night when Salem planned to fully expose it, General Sorzo dispatched his special operations team to two other companies. They no doubt did not have doubts similar to Josie's body, such as the suspicion of abilities, Or technology beyond the times.

One of these companies is the company that puts new people in front of the stage, seth technology group.

In fact, as such a large company, it is impossible not to be suspected, and the test against seth has never really stopped.

But like Lucy and the hacking spider, they didn't find anything.

The meaning of those new human actions is already obvious. This company was pushed in front of the stage. It did not hide any secrets or have any value.

Over time, no one has seth's idea anymore, it's just an empty shelf.

But General Sorozo did not think so. He believed that the most dangerous place was the safest place. The reason why they did not find any valuable information was not because seth was an empty shelf, but because their technology did not break through the real seth. Line of defense.

This action, called fishing nets, is to gather valuable clues and provide more meaningful information for the next action.

The fishing net is simple in action, with only four people in total.

The hacker spider responsible for logistics assistance, the Falcon with global control and remote support, the swimming fish sneaking into the secret investigation, and the real action commander, Holly Millock.

The ghost knows whether this is her real name or a pseudonym.

Seeing all the players performing their duties, Holly also came out of the shadows, and then directly entered the main entrance of seth company.

That's right, just walked in.

Infiltrating is the responsibility of Yu Yu. Holly’s task is not to infiltrate. Her role is to investigate the truth and use her FBI’s true identity.

She is responsible for mixing the water, dragging Seth's sight, and checking for gaps in the operation.

It sounds like the scene in the movie, with only a rough plan, and then the entire action depends on the proactive ability of the protagonist to play on the spot.

But in fact, this is the case in reality, because there is no plan to be foolproof, and the true FBI performance and psychological quality are definitely better than the protagonist in the movie.

Because life rarely has so many coincidences that are designed in movies.

Although, destiny is always there.

. . .

For Holly, this evening was not smooth.

After getting rid of that **** *ghost boss, she finally managed to get in the ranks of first-line action players. In this way, it would be of great help to collect what Sorozo is doing.

That's right, Holly is an FBI, the kind in the true sense.

General Zorozo did transfer a lot of people from the FBI and the CIA, but that was because the president and the parliament were working behind them, and a large part of the power came from the parliament. That does not mean that the FBI and the CIA must cooperate with Soro. General Zuo.

In fact, the current directors of the CIA and FBI do not know what Sorozo is doing.

As the two largest intelligence agencies in the country, although one is internal and the other is external, they are consistent outside of the issue of Sorozo's sudden emergence.

The United States is a society of entangled interests. Almost everyone is surrounded by other people and a lot of interests. The two directors are worried that the appearance of Sorzo will reshuffle the current situation.

No matter what scientific research project he is working on, spy activities, they all need to figure it out, and if possible, take a slice of the pie.

Obviously, the unfortunate agent Holly is a real FBI, nailed in the base of Sorozo.

Of course, Holly didn’t know about these upper-level interests, and what she needed to know was that General Zorzo had to investigate the problem, this sentence.

"I’m Holly Millock, I’m investigating Andrew Mason, your deputy head of the management section, and I need the personnel department to transfer all his information."

"And immediately."

"If you can't be the master, call your safety supervisor, you only have three minutes."

"Pay attention, don't make a big deal, this thing doesn't need much movement."

Taking a deep breath, seeing that the guard in the duty room had greeted him, Holly immediately calmed herself down, and then fluent enough to say such a long paragraph without stuttering.

Seriously, she also saw the huge and weird sign floating in the sky outside, and she was not surprised that this strange shape made her very uncomfortable.

She didn't know what it was, maybe it was some kind of huge projection equipment, but it didn't matter, it was not something she should consider.

The vague crossfire in the distance made her uneasy, but the mission still needed to continue, which is now crucial.

Pressing to withstand his inner uneasiness, Holly calmly waited for the response from the night guard.

Unsurprisingly, I suddenly heard the FBI come to the door. This night shift security guard immediately stood on the spot. Not every security guard has the quality of the movie.

Fortunately, he was not alone in the night watch. Soon, the sensitive friends knew that they were not under the control of these little guys, and soon notified their safety director through the intercom.

In less than three minutes, Holly had been ushered into the elevator.

At the same time, the fish on the top of the building has begun to act. Her goal is a seventeenth-floor data archive room. Although nothing is available on the Internet, it may be that there will be new discoveries in the qualification documents.

And between the third and second basement, there is a place with abnormal electricity consumption, the underground space is very large, maybe there is a room marked on the drawing.

I don't know if time is enough.

Hacker spiders started to hack cameras one by one and opened code doors to facilitate the infiltration of swimming fish, and the falcon was also prepared. Of course, before the swimming fish did not encounter the danger of being unable to escape, he would not Shot.

Everything seems to be going well.

From their perspective.

. . .

Not far from the seth company, on a ten-storey building, Yi Chou and Athena are shrouded in a black cloak, transformed into two shadows standing on the roof, looking down from the top.

That's right, Yi Chou decided to observe it secretly. .

Of course, Yi Chou’s approach at this time seems to be very blatant. After all, in modern society, standing on a tall building with great fanfare will soon be captured by various cameras set up in strange places, but in reality it is not.

The two men were only wearing cloaks, not even cloaks, but they were not noticed by anyone. Even the falcons who faced the building were not aware of their figures.

Just near the two of them, there is a thin layer of shadow energy slowly covering them. That is the shadow energy of Yi Noo, the convenient magic that integrates thousands of functions into one.

Perhaps every kind of magic is not fine, for example, covering the body shape, there may not be a cloak major in one of the three holy weapons, but it is definitely enough for ordinary people and cameras.

"Ango, I didn't expect you to have a style change day."

After blowing cold wind for more than ten minutes, although the temperature has no effect on the physical fitness of the two people, it is boring, but it is boring enough.

When you get acquainted with Athena, you will realize that she did not behave as she did when she first met. . Reckless, impersonal or even indifferent.

She is a passionate god, to be precise, full of passion for herself.

Athena is an egoist. For example, because of her silver tongue, she regards Yi Chou as her father. Although she doesn't call it that way in private, she still thinks so on formal occasions.

She may be very generous with Yi Huo, but very indifferent to humans.

This is not selfish, because the observation angle is different, she and Yi Chao are the same kind of existence, the same height, and humans are to Athena, just like the animals in the zoo to humans.

Athena deserves everything she does to human beings.

As the huge magic mark intensified in the sky, it seemed that the entire New York night sky was stirred by it, and the gust of wind screamed slightly, blowing the cloak of Athena from time to time, exposing the golden armored battle skirt and cape below.

Intertwined with her long blond hair, exuding a dim golden light.

"No..." Hearing Athena's words, Yi Chou under the cloak slowly shook his head. "It's not about changing the style, but before the situation is unclear, I don't want to expose magic magically and involve the group of wizards."

"I thought you wanted to understand everything, and no longer need to do anything."

"It is no longer true, but fearlessness does not mean recklessness. Recklessness can only bring unnecessary casualties. Exposure to magic may be no problem for me, but other wizards will inevitably be involved."

"Anyway, even with my current speed and strength, it's enough to deal with those miscellaneous fish..."

"You are the boss, listen to you."

Yi Chou turned his head silently, watching Athena with a calm gaze.

Athena shrugged unconsciously, "I learned in that rectangular glass, how."

"Not very good, you lowered Olympus's compulsion..."

Athena, who is studying, obviously doesn't understand what it means to be ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and just as the two were talking nonchalantly, Lucy's cold tone suddenly appeared in the minds of the two guys.

"I have locked the nearby network, the signal lights, raised the roadblock, about thirty minutes, of course, there will definitely be pedestrians coming in."

"Enough is enough." Yi Xuan glanced at Athena, and then said first, "Now, the action begins."

At the moment when Yi Huo's voice fell, he had suddenly lifted off, and his feet were gently on the rooftop. The person had floated more than ten meters high.

At the next moment, Yi Biao's figure suddenly fell obliquely, just like a meteor, and instantly hit the center of seth company.


Accompanied by a violent loud noise, this small and empty laboratory building has been turned into ruins, and the dust is scattered around, turning into a rolling wave spreading around.

"Ah, this is really...a little strength." Athena unbuttoned her cloak and made a quiet voice.

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