High Magic Earth

Chapter 1131: Metamorphosis


The blood was like a blooming firework, flowing down the body of No. sg7 one after another, and the skin was open, and numerous scars appeared on his body along with the residual image of Josie. ???

The sg7, which had lost all its sensations, had almost no resistance when facing Josie’s sharp claws, and could only passively withstand repeated injuries.

Qiao Qian awakened the power of the fox in the origin of the bloodline, and not only possessed its magic power, but also inherited a part of the strong physical quality of the fox.

Perhaps among the magical creatures, the fox does not eat by biting and brute force, but for humans, the fox's sharp claws and its fangs are as deadly as its magic.

"Now if I want to go, you can't stop it."

Josie, who was no longer humanoid, quickly surrounded sg7. Although her hands only extended claws, silvery white hairs grew on the joints of her limbs. From a distance, she looked like she was wearing some kind of cashmere. accessories.

In the same way, both her hands and the palms of her feet bulge with soft flesh pads, which are not abrupt and unsightly like mutant creatures, but with a little bit of cuteness.

These two changes have brought great convenience to her degree and bounce. The fluff makes her more balanced, and the soft meat pad gives her more cushioning and sound absorption.

The fox mutation biased towards canines makes Josie have the flexibility to almost pass sg7. She can't stop around sg7, which is spinning around like a hummingbird.

Qiao Qian injected herself with the Origin Potion, and the Origin Potion once again activated her potential in the bloodline.

But it is not unlimited to inject the original potion directly to obtain the purest power. First, humans can never be magical creatures, because the existence of Josie itself is mixed blood.

There may be magic that allows Josie to trace back to her original source power, but it is certainly not possible to rely on only one origin potion.

And everything is limited, even more dangerous things like pharmacy. The dose of nail size is the limit of Josie again, which is still a long time after she was fully stimulated.

If you give more injections, Josie even has a hunch that she will blow up the whole person.


sg7 opened his mouth suddenly, like a roar, but under the magic of sensory deception, he did not produce any sound and vibration at all, and it looked like a silent pantomime.

Although Josie’s sensory deception can seal his five senses, he cannot abandon his abilities.

I saw the dark red light suddenly appearing around the eyes of sg7. At the next moment, a scorching ray like magma spewed out and hit Josie directly... in the opposite direction.

"This is really funny."

Qiao Qiang smiled and stood up again without hesitation, leaving several deep wounds on sg7's body.

As the blood power increased, many of Josie's characteristics and habits began to move closer to the fascinating fox. Even at the end of the speech, he likes to bring onomatopoeia with unknown meaning.

Of course, from a human perspective, she seems more and more charming.

But the strength of her arms did not appear to be squeamish at all. Although the fox was petite, it was no problem to tear apart the fragile human body.

Thanks to sg7 copying some kind of self-healing power, not even worse than Wolverine, sg7 also recovered quickly as Josie left wounds on him, otherwise he would have died long ago.


With the sound of the ground soil melting away, sg7 closed his eyes again. Although he felt all disappeared, his IQ was still there.

He also knows that his scorching rays are very high in both distance and destructive power, and can not be used for a long time, which is easy to cause accidental injuries.

So after a few seconds, he closed his eyes decisively.

After all, if you want to capture Josie, the moment he opened his eyes is enough, and continuous destruction is completely unnecessary.

But when all the feelings are gone, it is really difficult to attack Josie by feeling, especially when Josie’s degree is not lower than him, I am afraid that even the normal sg7 will want to hit successfully. Are not likely.

SG7 is now as ridiculous as a headless fly.

Not far away, the missionary hiding behind a certain building watched the sg7 ray passing by his head and pressed his hat with fear.

"This kind of situation... is not so good."

He naturally saw the bad situation of sg7 below, but seriously, the expression on his face did not mean much anxiety.

The missionary was still holding a cigarette, seemingly indifferent, and did not seem to intend to intervene at all.

Of course, even if he has good gun fighting skills and the fierce fighting ability of street gangsters, he still has no effect on the battles below.

This is no longer a situation where he can intervene, especially when none of his best abilities are useful.

"Presumably... when sg7 was created, this situation must have been taken into account." The missionary was very calm and told himself with this reason, and then the cat returned to the building and continued to hide.

Sure enough, only a few minutes after the missionary continued to hide, the movement of sg7 began to change gradually. He was still in a state of being beaten, but this time, he seemed to be accumulating something.

But Josie didn't notice this.

Seriously, she hasn't encountered such danger in a long time since she left the chaotic battlefield where the brains of the new human race are about to fight.

Even if the new human hunted the wizard, led by Mian Long and confronted the new human, Josie had never encountered such a crisis.

Of course, it is also possible that as a blood awakening to the magic department, Josie has always been protected in the rear.

After using the senses to deceive the magic to find the place back, Josie left in a hurry. She was so miserable that she was forced by SG7, and she always had to find some interest on him.

Another point is that sg7 can't see any abnormality at this time. It seems that the way to deal with Josie's magic is not the same as himself...

In fact, the way to break the current situation is indeed not from SG7.

In the underground bases outside New York City, countless people are busy, and countless computer screens calculate the latest battle data line by line.

The center of the entire operation command is the sole highest person in charge, General Sorozo.

Looking at the sg7 on the control screen step by step, the look of Sorzo remained unchanged, "has the number 8 started."


Now, the technicians who control the entire weapons program know all the basic combat tactics. He heard General Sorozo's inquiry that they did not have any accidents. They just finished their work while sweating quickly and reporting to the heart.

Yes, since there is a replica of sg7, then there is no 8 and there will be 6 and 5, etc. In fact, the weapon's action unit is a group of two replicas.

Odd numbers are field units, and even numbers are logistics units.

The sg7 copy body possesses the ability copy of the direction, strength, and self-healing direction, while the sg8, which is responsible for action support, is mostly the spiritual control ability.

Among them are the abilities of body swap and remote vision.

"Sg8 has been successfully launched!"

When SG7 had been beaten by Josie all over the body, General Sorozo, who had remained indifferent throughout the process, finally heard the good news. He was not as excited as the control staff, but said very calmly, "The fourth emergency plan, Start immediately."


Countless control personnel started to activate the keyboard. At the moment Sorozor ordered, the emergency plan of the fourth emergency plan began to run quickly.


With the operation of countless control personnel above, the lower level of the base, in an empty warehouse, the lights turned off suddenly turned on.

The sg8 standing quietly in the center of the warehouse also opened his eyes. The clone washed away from personality and memory can only be moved under the control of the control personnel, and at this time, the clone sg8 began to be activated under control His mental powers.

SG8's gaze began to become empty. The normal person's gaze, even when there is no focal length, can observe the reflection in the pupil even if you observe carefully.

But at this time, in the pupil of sg8, the reflection reflecting the surrounding warehouse wall began to gradually disappear, as if the entire pupil had become hollow.

At the next moment, the reflection in his pupils suddenly changed again, from the void that had nothing, to a shadow that was constantly flying fast.

That's Josie.

sg8 has passed the switch of perspective. Even if he is still standing in the bottom warehouse of the underground base, he can see every action of the sg7 battle scene.

And it is the perspective of a third person.

"The first phase of the emergency plan has been launched."

The chief of the operation team at the top reported loudly to Zorozo, and the general code for the second phase of the emergency plan has been opened.

As the missionaries thought, while weapons were being created, plans for various situations were already prepared.

The horror of power is the same as magic. Its unknown often brings huge casualties, but magic is obviously superior because of its larger number. Although the power may appear at the first contact because of unknown information Casualties, but as the information is gradually revealed, eventually a solution will be found.

There are also a lot of very common and common abilities. The emergency plan that matches the weapon is a solution given by tactical experts in response to the abilities and situations that may be encountered.

Some of them include what to do when encountering people with mental control ability, what to do when encountering extreme people, and so on.

The magic encountered by SG7 at this time is divided into two stages in the plan.

First use the unique ability copied by sg8 to directly observe the situation on the battlefield in the base, followed by the exchange of bodies between 7 and 8, so that sg7 can directly remotely control his body in the base .

Sure enough, at the moment when the code of the second stage was started, sg7 and 8 were black at the same time, and by the next moment, sg7 had captured Josie's figure again.

It's just through the perspective of a third person...

Josie, who was playing with SG7, immediately noticed his change, because his eyes began to charge again, and then he suddenly hit his own direction. If he didn’t react fast enough, he might have been hit at this time. bingo.

Obviously, this is not a coincidence, even if Josie doesn't want to pay attention.

"The magic has failed."

Josie frowned, but there was not much surprise. Magic is not omnipotent, nor is it unsolvable. There are always some strange abilities that can wield strange effects at unexpected moments.

She had no intention to think about how sg7 broke through her magic, because if everyone who breaks through her magic had to think about it, she would have begun to doubt her life.

The SG7 offense, which had regained his sight, became stronger again. During this period, Josie tried to use magic to deceive SG7 again, but to no avail.

Although sg7 is due to perspective problems and the use of body 8 that is far from the base, both the reaction force and the battlefield control are far less smooth than his body, but his movements will definitely become more and more with the change of time Fluent.

Then it will return to the previous situation again.

Thinking of this, Josie's heart immediately retreated. Since it was no longer possible to bully sg7 with magic, it didn't make sense to continue playing.

What's more, this is just a clone.

Josie, whose bloodline was deepened, this time when facing sg7, didn't want to be as powerful as before. Now she wants to go, even sg7 is difficult to stop.

With an idea in her heart, Josie immediately took action.

She entangled with sg7 again for a few points, and then took advantage of her own strength, taking advantage of sg7's inattention, and quickly left the battlefield.



Before Josie finished, a bullet hit the concrete floor in front of her with a burning flame~www.wuxiaspot.com~The fist-sized pothole was enough to show the extraordinary firearms in the hands of the missionary.

Seeing that Josie was about to run away, the missionary who was watching in the distance jumped out immediately, and SG7 had regained his vision, and he did not need to worry about being injured by mistake.

"Hate wailing..."

Although the missionary did not cause trouble to Josie, it gave sg7 a chance to react, and the weapon with extremely rich combat experience immediately realized that Josie was going to run away.

He rushed forward, relying on his body to have the advantage of self-healing, and began to delay Josie in a battle with time replaced by injuries, trying to delay this period of time before he was adapted to remotely control his body.

Josie wanted to leave several times, but they were forced back by SG7's lifeless fighting style.

Make her very depressed.

"This guy……"

The figure hidden in the dark watched Josie change from disadvantage to advantage, and then from advantage to death to return to disadvantage, he could not help but sigh deeply.

Although the Origin Conference sporadically entered several sub-worlds controlled by new human beings in a hidden manner, almost everyone has rich combat experience, but as a wizard of wizards, Josie has too little combat experience.

Especially the experience of confronting the enemy.


But just when the black shadow was going to show up and help Josie leave here, the huge ghost logo in the sky changed drastically again. It seemed that its energy had been saved. With a loud noise, the whole logo began to boil like boiling water. stand up.

"not good."

Seeing this scene, Black Shadow frowned, but the next moment, he suddenly changed direction again, and looked down to the far left.

There, a huge energy source is approaching rapidly, and the intensity of its energy is not lower than the ghost mark floating in the air. 8

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