High Magic Earth

Chapter 1132: seth guide

Yi Chou turned into a black lightning in the labyrinthine corridor, as if going straight into a no-man's land, no personnel on duty could resist even one-on-one seconds on his way forward.

The limit of false magic power is far beyond the upper limit of human response. Even if Yi Chao has the dynamic visual increase brought by false magic power, it is still difficult to control himself.

To explain with a more logical reason, the clamor for joining the pole team halfway is not the best adaptor for pseudo-divine power. Even if there is a silver tongue as a hole card and help, it is still not so skilled in controlling the limit of pseudo-divine power. .

You should know that the extreme person is the most heroic profession that tests the responsiveness and turnover rate, because their concepts of time and degree are different from ordinary people.

Any slight difference of one and a half seconds is enough for the extreme reaction to a few back and forth, which is a fatal mistake in the battle.

In terms of metaphysics, Yi Chou is not the protagonist's life, at least not the protagonist in the pole world.

Therefore, he can't fully exert his divine potential like the Flash of the past.

Even if it is just a false power.

Under the blessed state of false magic power, Yi Chou felt very uncomfortable, and every minute of blessing of false magic power would bring him a huge burden.

He felt like his head was about to burst.

However, I have to say that the pseudo-magic power against the ordinary people is completely at the level of crushing, which is really suitable for cleaning up the little security guards on duty.

Fortunately, the feature of pseudo-magic power is fast. It doesn't take long to clean up the entire seth company. Just be patient.

The first floor underground, the second floor underground, the third floor underground... The black light flashed through every corner of the underground class.

In the eyes of the on-duty personnel and the monitoring screen, the time when the black light burst into each room and then leave quickly, I am afraid that it will not even reach a second. A short time seems to be unable to accomplish anything.

But in Yi Chou's vision, the world is actually completely different.

Every second, even every frame, is the same as ordinary people. Yi Chou can also feel the existence of time, but the difference is everything except Yi Chou.

The movements of the staff on duty, the bullets ejected from the muzzle, everything is like the slow motion shots in the old movies.

Yi Xiao can see the changes in the expressions and muscles on the face of each duty officer. He can see the bullet's track in the air and see that they slowly touch the weapon in his waist, slowly, even ridiculously.

Time is a relative concept.

For ordinary people, Yi Huo is a degree that cannot be captured by the naked eye, but the world is unchanged. At the same time, for Yi Huo, everything around him needs to slow down.

Less than a second in the eyes of the staff on duty, in fact Yi Chou had already traversed the entire room, and by the way threw their weapons aside, then knocked them out.

It was only then that the bullets advanced a dozen centimeters in the air.

So when the gunshot of the first bullet roared out, until the bullet successfully hit the white wall that was already empty, Yi Biao had already lifted all the resistance forces from the ground to the third floor.

Black lightning still surrounds the three underground floors, this time, he is looking for a hidden entrance.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd...

Nearly a minute, when Athena stepped on the ground with her feet and ejected like a cannonball, Yi Chou stopped quite unwillingly.

The black current rang from time to time between his shoulders and neck, making him look like a motor that was about to be scrapped and sparks everywhere.

"It seems that our Hermes encountered a problem..." Athena said quite interestingly.

The gods of Olympus are all very funny, such as turning into some wild animals, experiencing some indescribable strange feelings, or building a maze, and then throwing enemies into it, etc.

Athena also got the true story. Although she wouldn’t turn into an animal and wander around, her favorite thing to do on weekdays is to hang online to watch prank videos. Even if she doesn’t feel human, she still expresses such pranks. strong interest.

Yi Xiao felt that she should not be called the goddess of wisdom and war, but also the belly-dark and female barbarian.

He will only use brute force to kill and kill, not any magic, this is the most unbearable place for Yi Chao.

"I can't find the entrance between the second and third floors. Seriously, I didn't find any abnormalities in every room. I even opened every cabinet."

Yes, Yi Chou encountered a problem, that is, although Lucy detected abnormal points concentrated between the second and third floors, the current reason is because the electricity consumption here is far beyond the ordinary scale.

According to the architectural design drawings and the specifications of the two standard laboratories on the second and third floors, seth does not need such a large amount of electricity.

There must be a problem.

Maybe it's a mezzanine, maybe something else.

But this requires Yi Chao to explore on his own, but Yi Chao, who does not use magic, does not have such a direct way and a convenient means of finding targets. He uses the level of pseudo-divine power and searches the past room by clumsy way, but he Nothing.

That's why he cleaned up the third floor but stayed on the second floor.

"I'm sorry." Athena said without much sincerity. "My wisdom cannot help you."

Athena is right, her wisdom is still in the Greek era. Even if it has improved recently, but it has increased to the level of modern times, it needs to continue to learn.

Currently, she can't help Yi Chou.

"I know." Yi Xuan nodded. The real Athena may indeed be a group of wisdom, but now this one around him is using a template from the world of God of War.

Apart from being beautiful in the name of Athena, neither wisdom nor force is far from the level of legend.

In the plot, not only did the Titans be successfully released, but they were almost chopped into several sections by the Titans.

& nb technology company, Yi Huo did not expect Athena to help from the beginning.

Athena was a little strange when she saw Yi Huo swearing, "How come, you are going to use magic, not planning to hide your identity?"

It is not surprising that Yi Ao can find Mi Dao Athena. In her eyes, Yi Ao and her true father are not much different.

Of course, under the premise of using magic.

But at the beginning, Yi Sao said that no magic was needed. In order to avoid exposing identity and attracting firepower to the wizarding community, it was just that besides magic, Athena couldn't think of any other way, so she was very strange.

"Of course not." Yi arrogant said.

"I have a simpler way than magic."

He paused slightly, then shouted loudly, "Lucy!"

&nb, but through Yihuo, Lucy, watching all the scene with magic, rolled her eyes.

"Don't call it so loudly," she said impatiently. "Did body strengthening transfer your intelligence and memory attributes to strength?"

"You are a wizard, we have a spiritual connection, I can hear it."

Well, it seems that Lucy is still angry that she didn't choose to bring her.

"I can still hear it."

Ok, okay, it's really a blessing...

"I said it all!! I can hear it all the time!!!"......

Even if Lucy is a magic intelligence, her spell level is far from the average wizard, otherwise it is difficult to run such a huge magic calculation.

Like artificial intelligence, although it may not be the top of all walks of life, but if you really learn, even if it is a calculation, it will be a few streets out of ordinary people.

This kind of detection-shaped magic does not need to come to the scene at all. After a while, she pointed out the direction for Yi Chou.

"It's there." Yi Chou turned back and quickly locked Lucy to give the position, looking at the elevator door and saying.

"A boxy little box," Athena muttered. "Hiding the only correct way out of the trap is indeed a blind spot. It's like my uncle's style."

Athena used the elevator as a trap, and Yi Ao immediately realized that, but Athena's uncle... Yi Ao's ears captured Athena whisperingly, and as a wizard's instinctive instinct, he began to think subconsciously.

This question is very simple. In a blink of an eye, the answer appears in Yi Chou's mind.

It’s Hades, this Greek **** who is not so well-reviewed. Anyway, the guy who rules places like the Underworld and Hell doesn’t have many good reviews.

Yi Biao doesn't want to know whether Hades is good or bad, but it is estimated that it is only him who fits the style of Athena's mouth.

But the relationship between the private gods of the Olympus system is notoriously chaotic. Even if Athena and Hades are okay, it is inevitable that Yi Bao’s mind will turn to other eighteen bans.

But the messy thoughts had just appeared, and there was a sound of righteous words in his mind.

"I've always been there!!"

Still Lucy, Yi Biao sighed and diverted his attention. Question two, although Hades's identity was judged, but... Is there also the term uncle in Greek kinship?

"Can you not be distracted when you are on a mission?"

In Occlusion of the brain, Yi Biao's gaze instantly had a little hollow, and the hollow of the gaze was an obvious sign, and it was easy to expose the existence of the closure.

Yi Xiao has solved this problem long ago. Shadow energy can be a good substitute for closed surgery, as long as he carefully covers his head.

But at the beginning, he didn't plan to use any shadow energy, so at this time, the brain is still closed.

"You isolated your thinking?"

At the other end, Lucy immediately noticed Yi Chou's anomaly, and her voice contained a rather regretful and dark tone. "Zombies will definitely be disappointed when they open your head."

&nb rolled his eyes.

He kicked the elevator door with brute force, and two thin steel plates smashed into the elevator shaft immediately. Of course, the elevator did not stay on the second floor, and I didn’t pay attention to it.

Whether it's an elevator crash or a lift, Yi Biao and Athena can easily rub the elevator into scrap iron.

Then immediately afterwards, Athena had taken the lead to notice the abnormality of the elevator shaft.

"That wall..." Athena's blue eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a faint golden luster flowing in her pupils. "...There is a problem behind, it is empty."

Yi Chou was surprised, "Do you really have magic?"

"No... I can see that there is a gap between the walls. Obviously, the walls are movable." Athena said with a good expression on my face.

"Sure enough." Yi Xuan rolled his eyes.

Of course he could see it, but at first he didn't pay attention, seeing that Athena had found the hidden entrance so quickly, and thought Athena would indeed have one or two valuable divine arts.

But he thought too much.

The silver tongue will not deceive him, just as magic will never deceive him.

The entrance is indeed very secret.

Its location is on the wall of the elevator shaft between the second and third floors. Obviously, there is no button to stop at that position in the normal elevator, it should be through other operating means.

And its existence itself is a blind spot, few people will try to stop the elevator halfway, which makes its concealment greatly improved.

But now that I have found it, a wall is like a joke to the two.


Suddenly moving forward, Yi Chou directly slammed down, with the gravel splashing, the wall burst open, revealing the hollow corridor behind it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Behind the wall is a solid steel plate, but this is for Yi Chou It makes no sense, but his body can fly directly out of the atmosphere, can withstand such a pressure, and hit the steel plate in the area, even the shoulder pain.

But as soon as Yi Biao's feet stepped into the ground behind the wall, he noticed a very unstable energy field around him.


Lucy, who was hiding in the background, immediately began an analysis.

At the next moment, a golden figure jumped to Yi Chou's side, and then, Athena also noticed this uncomfortable feeling.

"this is……"

"This is a special energy position, dominated by electromagnetic force, which combines data of many different forces such as gravity, gravity, etc., and they have reached a wonderful balance between them to limit..."


"Action?" Yi Chou is unknown. So this explanation is too general.

"Yes." Lucy continued to answer. "You should have felt that the level of pseudo-power is suppressed."

Indeed, Yi Chou shook his right hand, but he didn't show the kind of phantom-like vibration before. He felt that the space around him was very sticky. The thicker the sticky feeling, the faster it became.

This is inhibition.

"And magics such as phantom shifting are also restricted. This mixed position interferes with the surrounding space. I don't know how it is done. The specific data... have not been parsed successfully."

"All in all, this position seems to fix the surrounding space, which will have a great impact on your next actions."

Yi Xiao turned to look at the Athena next to her. Her movements also fell into a normal degree. Sure enough, what was hidden by the seth company was not so simple.

At the beginning, they limited the ability of the two to clear the game. 8

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