High Magic Earth

Chapter 1133: The beginning of chaos

"The core defense has been breached! Please go to b302 on duty!"


"The core defense has been breached! Please go to b302 on duty!"


At the moment when Yi Biao and Athena stepped into the underground mezzanine, the entire above-ground part of Seth Company was instantly shrouded in scarlet warning signs.

The dazzling red light swept through all the rooms like a radar, and everyone in Seth was alarmed by the sudden alarm. The dark red luster exuded an ominous breath in the middle of the night, like some kind of desperation on the verge of death. colour.

The synthesized sound of the machine echoed in the communication channel in the headset of every surviving night watchman, including several security personnel who followed Holly to the personnel department.

Listening to the repeated warning words in the headset, they looked at each other, and at a certain moment they were at a loss.

The people on duty in the movie rushed to the place where things happened, and subconsciously ignored the protagonist as an unrelated person in a panic, not for no reason.

In such an emergency situation at this time, there was an urging from the defense system in the ear, and the security director who could give the order was gone, and few people could make a correct judgment in such a situation.

The same is true of these duty officers.

After a few brief whispers, they gave up Holly decisively and ran towards the stairs.

What's behind room b302 is crucial. This is the news they just got. In fact, they didn't know that there is room b302 before today, but what does it matter? Anyway, they need to obey the command.

Holly may bring some kind of loss to the company, but compared to room b302, everything is trivial, and they have to rush there.

The staff on duty are only working, and they will not give up their work in order to consider the gains and losses of the formula.

Seeing that several people had disappeared from the cigarette smoke, faster than herself, and Holly was a little confused, but she could see the red warning flashing everywhere. Obviously, something happened to Seth, maybe it was the same as before Related to the explosion.

While no one was around, Holly quickly found a dead end to monitor, and then removed the micro-connector from the cuff.

Fortunately, it works.

As soon as it was connected, Holly hurriedly asked her team members, "Spider, Falcon, what do you see when you stay outside, what is going on outside?"

"Swimming fish, where are you now and how is it going?"

Youyu did not answer Holly, but the Falcon gave the first reply. Obviously, whether it was Athena's appearance or the battle in the seth building, it had brought a lot of impact to the Falcon, but he It seems to have recovered his calmness now.

"It's a power." Falcon said calmly.

There seemed to be some kind of eagerness and excitement in his voice, and he didn't know why.

"Superpower...not only in movies and comics, I saw a woman who dressed like a Roman warrior."

"But she can move at least fifteen meters in one jump."

"She has moved towards the target location, and I suspect that within Seth, it is not only her who has superpowers at this time."

Falcon's words sounded unbelievable, and the structure was not very clear. For a calm sniper, Falcon is still a bit panic.

But Holly reacted for the first time.

And believe it.

"Superpower..." Holly immediately realized what was happening inside Seth, and there was no less surprise in her heart than when Falcon came, and there was a sudden ecstasy in her heart.

She is not a loyal subordinate of General Zorozo, she is a spy of bi.

In fact, when entering the action team and gradually getting in touch with the core content of General Sorozor's plan, Holly noticed something unusual.

Weapons and technologies beyond what can be explained by existing technology, super powers that have only appeared in movies, and even magical existences that are not so much technology as magic.

But these are just paper materials and data materials.

These can be faked, and there have been other ib spies before to pass the information back. Bi’s headquarters is not disregarded. They only believe in superpowers, even if they are only 1% possible, which sounds like nonsense. Intelligence.

In any case, even if it is an ordinary operation, concrete evidence and proofs must be produced before the next operation can continue.

What's more, super power is enough to subvert the existence of the entire world.

Holly didn't believe it at first. Even if she came into contact gradually, she was still dubious. As a bi, she doubted that Sorozuo was using it and superpowers were cheating on them. This was just false news.

Because the existence of superpowers is too unbelievable, and because it is unbelievable, no one would be so stupid as to use this as false news to deceive others.

So once this news is found, basically everyone will be suspicious.

This is also a blind spot.

Holly has always been suspicious of this, not to mention finding evidence.

But unexpectedly, in the course of her first official mission, she was lucky to encounter the existence of true powers, and once the data of this operation was transmitted back to bi, I am afraid it would be the same as she thought.

The whole world has to be changed.

Bi is a sieve, and basically valuable news reaches it, and it will be known to everyone in less than half a day.

Of course, the whole world refers to other departments in the United States, and it seems that the mutual attention between other departments has become a certain tradition, but these two major intelligence organizations are still a difficult line of defense for other countries.

Find the female power holder in Falcon's mouth, and then try to pass the message back to ib.

This is Holly's only thought at this time.

The next moment, just after the Falcon's voice fell, the spider immediately said, "I saw it too." His voice seemed to tremble.

"Light... black light..."

"I saw a ray of light, and then all Seth's garrison fell to the ground without knowing his life or death. He was like the Flash, but his lightning was black."

"The only valuable information that the surveillance could not capture him is that this person is a male... he knows each other with that female power."

I don’t know if the hacker is a common problem of the technical house. Even during the mission, the spider will still feel that it brings out some comic terms.

Fortunately, superheroes are almost a well-known culture in the United States. Even if they haven't seen them, they have heard of them more or less.

What's more, such a title as the Flash, can almost think of his ability as the name suggests.

Holly changed her face after hearing the description of the spider. She also saw the Flash on the radio. She could even make up the situation depicted by the spider.

Sure enough, opportunities and dangers coexist.

She didn't feel that she was in front of a speeder, and there was no difference from those who were on duty.

But the spider’s words didn’t end. Now, during the time Holly left the newsletter, there were almost earth-shaking changes outside.

"...Besides." The spider said that something new was discovered on eth's network, an artificial intelligence, which was hidden in a local network in the basement. "

"The network construction of seth company is amazing. I have never seen such a framework. If it is not for this artificial intelligence to violently come out, in fact, I can't find it at all."

Artificial intelligence doesn't sound so tall.

Because there are always people who make false claims, human beings are only one step away from artificial intelligence. Maybe when, artificial intelligence has quietly appeared beside us.

In fact, so far, no artificial intelligence in the true sense will appear, not even the prototype.

But what the spider said, there is an artificial intelligence inside seth.

Sure enough, Holly knew that Seth was also not a simple existence.

Power, artificial intelligence, seth companies, these words seem to be magical, encircling her head attracting her curiosity, and constantly let her look for the past.

There must be danger, but Holly is not afraid.

Only the fish in the squad did not respond, but because of the special nature of the fish's action, she could not speak out many times.

For example, when hiding in the ventilation duct, just above the head of the person below, or there is a place where sound waves are detected around.

So although Holly was worried, it was not surprising.

After taking a few deep breaths, I have run in a few times, and I already knew that the two players of Holly’s character, Spider and Falcon, immediately knew her decision..." said the spider. "If you are going to join in the fun, then it is best to go On the third basement floor, I saw all the security personnel gathering there, and the copywriters had begun to evacuate the building. "

"We'd better keep communicating. I don't know if Seth's artificial intelligence has discovered me, but it seems that there is still a continuous attack on me in the data."

"I don't know where it came from, or how much it can support..."

"Zi -!"

Along with the severe current sound, the spider's voice came to an abrupt stop. Holly frowned and took the micro communicator out of his ear. Of course, it was thrown away, and he didn't step on it closely, but carefully put it away again. .

She still believes in spider technology, even if...the other party is an artificial intelligence...

But...since there is no help from spiders and falcons, then next, it is all on my own...

what! "

Suddenly a roar came from the sky, and then, with a series of funny laughs, almost half of New York was lit.

But what is more obvious than the sound is the huge energy fluctuations coming from above the sky, which in a moment attracted the attention of everyone including Josie below.

In addition to sg7.

Seeing Josie stunned, sg7 immediately seized the opportunity, dark red appeared around his eyes, and then glared at Josie next moment.


Thanks to the fact that after stimulating the blood of most fans, Josie's perception and acuity of threats became much higher, and then she flicked aside between the final shots, avoiding the good attack of sg7.

Otherwise, by virtue of such a scorching high temperature, I am afraid that it will penetrate through Qiao Xi's body in an instant, even if it is the recovery power of the fans, it will lose its combat power for a while.

This can't be said that sg7 is wrong. After all, this is a battle, and everything is correct. Moreover, sg7 is controlled remotely and will not be affected by the monsters that appear above.

The entanglement of sg7 forced Josie to resist seriously, and the two confronted each other for a while, while on the other side, the missionary who was not disturbed by sg7, and the dark shadow hidden in the dark, looked clearly To the weird change of the ghost logo above.

The huge cartoon ghost above struggled, always trying to escape the shackles of the red forbidden sign, and now, it finally successfully extended the forbidden sign, and then came out. ! "

A series of weird smiles of unknown meaning in it, the two below watched its body swell like crazy.

Short limbs, bucket-shaped figure, and something shaking like a nightcap on top of the head.

This is completely the evil version of the cartoon ghost in the Ghostbusters, and it is a ghost in the Ghostbusters, which is an innumerable number one. This ghost shows this form, which is almost exactly the same as it, but all the people present Not a guy who likes to watch movies.

The only one like Josie, who is not available at this time.


As it grew bigger and bigger, its roaring sound became more and more scary. The huge body seemed to endlessly swell outwards, its feet became the size of a car, and then quickly exceeded In the past ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then it became the size of a bus, and it has not stopped.

It was only when its body was higher than a thirty-story building that its expansion stopped.


It screamed again, the huge body moved slightly, and everything around it was like the end of the world, completely destroyed by it.




The building was collapsing, the ground was cracking, and countless cars and shops were trampled into ruins by it, splashing everywhere, and with just a small step, everyone underneath had to flee everywhere.

Even sg7 gave up on Josie for a while and began to avoid the overwhelming attack.

For the huge one above, the human below is not much larger than the ants, and even one foot can stamp out four or five humans.

"...What the **** is this thing." The shadow, who seemed to know the origin, looked at the huge ghost with a headache and whispered, "Is it a ghost..."

This thing is so big that it almost occupies the center of New York. As long as it is not blind, it can be seen clearly outside New York. I am afraid that the headlines of the whole world will be tomorrow.

He realized the danger of the logo above, but he didn't expect it to be such a big guy. This sudden change made the shadows somewhat unprepared. He hated this feeling.

And... he paused a little, because another energy source was also approaching here.

Only the next moment, without waiting for him to think about it, the gigantic ghost had a new action again.

It grinned wide and made a series of ridicules while turning around Meng, grabbing the cartoon red forbidden symbol still floating in the air, but then tossing it out! (To be continued...)r

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