High Magic Earth

Chapter 1134: Declare

Simon is a photography enthusiast. ??

His greatest fun is to record some wonderful shots every day, and then organize them in the evening and upload them to ytb.

No matter what kind of comment, sharing is his greatest hobby.

To describe it in profile, he probably belongs to the type that prefers to show himself. Of course, if you want a more detailed profile, you need more clues.

However, Simon is completely an analyst with bi to profile him. Except those who like his video, I am afraid that there will be no other friends in his life.

Any glance at him was superfluous.

He is just an optional person.

But today, it is destined to be an unusual day, and all the calm in Simon's past will be completely broken.

In fact, Simon's life had a new turn a few days ago.

With his persistent submission day after day, although sometimes, the daily video is not so good, because there will not be things happen every day.

But because of Simon's carefulness and good sense of lens, a small number of fans were still gathered.

Three days ago, there was a new live broadcast site that liked him, because the site was just established. In this era of Internet access, valuable anchors have long been divided, so as a latecomer to the live broadcast industry, the site can only Even small people like Simon don't let go, all in one go.

Although Simon likes to share, he is not a good talker. He can even be said that he is introverted, cowardly, and timid.

Otherwise, with his shooting skills above the qualified line, how can he be a deputy photographer in a small crew, life will always be better than now.

But Simon chose to hide behind the screen.

I just don't know why. This time when the choice reappeared in front of him, he changed the choice.

Perhaps for this newly launched live broadcast website, it just adheres to the principle of wide-spreading and multi-fishing, and gathers popularity as early as possible.

And small anchors like Simon are not the main source of popularity. The real source is also to dig up the big anchors in the e-sports world and open up potential newcomers.

But for Simon, the choice this time was enough to change his life and change his life...

"Cough, everyone can see me."

At 17:50, Simon appeared on time in his live broadcast room.

Today is the first day of the website. Through a large amount of publicity, there will definitely be a lot of people. As a new anchor, he will definitely not give up this opportunity.

Simon felt his heart pounding a little bit, this feeling, just like the first time he attended the prom in high school.

Even if you don't have a beautiful dance partner.

Rao is so, Simon did not intend to give up. He made a decision, it is difficult to give up, the main reason is that with the part-time job is being dismissed, the money he now comes from part-time work, it is already not enough for his life.

Anchor is a new career, he needs it very much.

Simon thought a lot about what he could say for his second live broadcast, but when the live broadcast really started, he still instinctively chose a satisfactory way to say hello.

Probably because the website is also the first day, there are more people in the live broadcast room than he thought, there are already a dozen people, and even closer to 100.

Hearing Simon's voice, a few barrage flashes scattered on the screen, and he responded.

In the same way, Simon did not ask too much. He shrugged. "Let's just see it." He smiled.

Unlike people in the e-sports world, Simon has no game talent, so he chose the outdoor live broadcast, which is the city he records the daily video, his most familiar home, New York.

New York is a city known to Americans, where heaven and **** coexist.

Whether it is in a movie or a TV series, New York seems to have appeared countless times, and there hasn't been any place worth attracting.

But this is not New York in Simon's eyes.

He loves the city and understands it. He knows that every graffiti that may be emerging today, and where and when he can find the most delicious food truck, is Simon's New York.

But as it should be, not everyone can understand this wonderful feeling.

At first, the cover of the live room of the New York night scene attracted many people, but now Simon is just going around, constantly introducing some of his small secrets hidden in the city, such as abandoned factories, mysterious basements, etc. , And left the live broadcast room.

Not everyone likes Simon's appearance.

Until the end, there were only about a dozen people left in the live broadcast room.

It should be considered a failure. Simon looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room and sighed slightly. The number is pitifully small. There is basically no barrage. I am afraid that his own anchor will not have any gains.

But in any case, Simon will always give his first live broadcast a perfect end.

It's just...just then.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, Simon clearly felt the ground tremble violently, and the sky's flare rose from not far away, almost illuminating half the sky.

Not far away, a place closer to the suburbs.

Similarly, with the shaking of Simon's arm, the screen of the mobile phone also shook violently, and the few viewers left before the live broadcast immediately noticed this conspicuous change.

Because of the loud noise, Simon didn't think he fell.

"What happened?"

"New York earthquake?"

"Release*! How is it possible for me to see..."

I thought that the live broadcast room where the barrage function was turned off immediately became lively. In these few seconds, the screen has been splendidly floating on the screen is almost a barrage.

But the most notable of these is Simon.

He still behaved very calmly. It seems that the previous explosion did not appear around him. He took the phone and still said the passionate voice with the hand that introduced his collection.

"Oh... dear friends, you are so lucky."

"Good luck, you caught up with another New York specialty. The time when this specialty appeared was not easy to grasp, and even I couldn't grasp the law."

"That is, New York has been destroyed again!"...

Whether it is in a movie or a TV series, New York always seems to be the first to be destroyed. Of course, because it is the most prosperous city in the United States, this special temperament is justifiable.

Even if it did not destroy New York for the first time, New York will definitely show its face in the next plot.

After all, the popularity of New York is here. Only by turning over New York can the shock of the plot be highlighted.

So this strange phenomenon also spawned a strange culture, New York destroys culture.

People living in New York must have a big heart, because it seems that they do not know when New York will be destroyed by a sudden attack.

Alien, own person, space-based weapons, zombies, blood viruses, nuclear bombs, heroes, villains, and even tornadoes with sharks.

Everyone doesn't ruin New York again, it seems that there will be one less achievement.

Living in New York, if a colleague who goes out on a certain day has turned into a zombie, don’t be surprised, the world is going to be destroyed, at least New York has been destroyed.

If you see an orangutan fighting with a big lizard, don’t be surprised. Look around calmly, maybe you will find a guy named Sweet.

As for the appearance of aliens in the sky, this is even more normal. Be careful not to be a cannon fodder. After the protagonist solves these aliens, you will still be lucky not to be counted as absenteeism.

All in all, if you want to live in New York, you still have to get used to these things... a ghost.

These are just spit on the Internet. They only exist in movies and TV series. In the real world, there are a few attacks on New York, which are few in number, and each time the Ministry of Defense recognizes it as serious and fierce. Made a stroke.

For example, the building collapsed at that time.

New York is definitely not that good attack, otherwise it will not hurt once, and it continues to this day.

But the frequency of recent attacks seems to be a little higher. The recent Broadway block incident and now, this unknown explosion suddenly appeared.

Simon can only hope that this is just an ordinary accident, such as a natural gas explosion. After all, the attack sounds very cool, but it really is not a good thing to appear in life.

Because no one likes to risk their lives in life every day.

But at this time, in addition to exploding, the screen constantly brushed on the screen also attracted Simon's attention.

Obviously, he calmly explained before, and pretended to be a wave of pressure.

"666 this anchor I serve."

"Are the anchors serious? New York is terrible."

"Is anyone injured, the anchor will go and see."

"What's going on? What's going on?" This is the newcomer who just came in.


"I have a white headscarf that has been banned."

The slogan is not always available, even in the live broadcast room.

The flying barrage also reminded Simon that the important thing now is not to stay in place, but to hurry to the scene, whether it is out of humanitarianism, American-specific heroism, or curiosity, you must go to see Last look.

Simultaneously thinking about this, Simon had already walked quickly.

But while walking, he said.

"The location where the explosion occurred was in the suburbs. I called it the suburban area 73, close to the third highway. We can now copy a trail, which will shorten our formation by more than five minutes."

As he said, Simon had drilled into a small alley.

Everyone has something special, what they are good at, the difference is only whether they are excavated, which is actually what Simon is good at, knowing New York.

His knowledge of New York is beyond the general sense, even...somewhat magical.

"If I remember correctly, the only building near the explosion that can be marked on the map is an upscale restaurant. By the way, there was a New York prison there...but that was a very early thing. The city was demolished during the expansion."

"But that restaurant is meant to be high-end. If it is good enough, it has long been open to places like Times Square. How can it stay in that broken place."

"It just hangs a high-end name, scams some people who have no money, but sometimes they need to go to some high-ranking wage earners."

Non-stop mouth, steady in his hand, Simon skillfully avoided the litter boxes falling down on the ground, passed through the old wire door and the old stairs outside the building, and crossed a block in the blink of an eye, the whole process was skillfully like Is playing a realistic version of the escape game.


At this time, a lot of people have gathered in the live broadcast room. It seems that it is due to the explosion. The number of people has returned to nearly one hundred again, and it is still rising.

Seeing this scene, the barrage began to float almost immediately.

"Anchor, don't tell me you still have a companion named Watson."

"The New York version of Sherlock Holmes."

"The anchor's movements look like parkour, but they are not so chic, and they haven't run."

"...That's called parkour."

"It reminds me of this movie in the 13th district of violence."

At this time, although a lot of people were gathered in the live broadcast room, they were all onlookers who did not know why, and not all of them were directed at the explosion in New York.

Even if this is a big event, news needs a certain reaction time, which cannot be spread as fast.

As the building above the barrage became more and more crooked, Simon had reached the edge of the explosion, where he encountered the first blockade.

The alternate blockade of police and unidentified men in black.

Fortunately, Simon responded quickly and hid directly in the shadows. The main task of the police was to disperse the crowd and block the reporters who had swarmed in. He didn't expect a guy like Simon to be on the edge and did not notice him.

Seeing this scene, the barrage even exploded.

What Americans like to do the most is to spare no effort to try their best to try to figure out their government. They always seem to feel that the government is carrying their evil experiments on their backs, hiding key information from them, and letting them know nothing about it. , Always cheat them, aliens don’t tell when they come, let alone the end of the world.

So for a while, Simon was all on the screen to see ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what was blocked.

It's just that Simon hesitated a bit. After all, the people behind the barrage were just brushing off, but what he did was really in danger. If something went wrong, he certainly couldn't run away.

This is a world of rich people. If Simon really sees something he shouldn’t see, he will have a lawyer to find out a lot of reasons and regulations that he hasn’t heard of, and directly calculate that he will always Impossible to take out the fine, let him sit down firmly.

Simon is still sensible, he doesn't want to do this.

But between his hesitations, a huge explosion came again not far away. The strange dazzling white light almost illuminated most of the night sky, and even made Simon's eyes hurt.

The white light ended, and the world seemed to be stuck for a few seconds because of this, but just before Simon relieved from the buzzing tinnitus, the dense gunshots suddenly sounded, and it seemed that he was brought into the battlefield in an instant.


Simon immediately realized that he was a big event, maybe this was not a secret operation, he should not be facing a crisis of extermination, but this is probably an attack, rather than thinking about how not to be extinguished, it is better to think about how to do Escape from the attack.

Turning around and running now is the most correct choice.

Then at the next moment, it seemed to appear at the same time as Simon was about to leave, and a ghost sign with a faint green luster rose into the air.

It hangs high, like the second moon in the world.

"what is that……"

Including the audience on the screen, everyone, like Simon, raised his head and stared blankly at the sky, which was a strange sign that was completely unlike the special effects that technology could.

This is the announcement of magic. It is like the first flame in the world. For the first time, it really appeared in front of the world. 8

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