High Magic Earth

Chapter 1135: First advent

"what is that?"

"What is Google's latest light effects.

"Idiot, Google headquarters is not in New York."

"That's a sign of Ghostbusters."

"Movie promotion?"

After a moment of silence, Simon's live broadcast room immediately clamored. At this time, the number of people in the room has already exceeded the 100-person mark, and even easily reached the number of 1,000 people, and is still rising.

Obviously, although the introduction of New York is not very popular, but because of this sudden incident, it attracted everyone's attention.

New York is a big city. Big cities mean complicated interpersonal relationships. Many people see the news sent by their friends on Twitter, and they know that New York has exploded again.

With more followers, Simon's live broadcast room naturally caught fire, and who made him happen to be on the spot.

The huge sign floating in the sky has attracted many unknown people. It can be said that the number of Simon's live broadcast rooms is increasing with a terrifying increase.

Only this time, no one has realized what the logo above means.

But Simon, who was at the scene, was caught in a dilemma. His reason told him not to be close to the past. Everyone is equal in the face of danger.

He couldn't go away either.

Perhaps when there were more than a dozen people in the live broadcast room, he was free to leave without hesitation, but when the number of people in the live broadcast room had already reached the threshold of 10,000 people, Simon became a little scared when he wanted to do anything. stand up.

Looking at the barrage, he began to float neatly and let himself go to the front to see, but Simon's movement was a little hesitant.

Hearing beasts and fierce gunshots like beasts kept coming, hitting his fragile nerves, and even the people outside the screen could feel the danger at the scene.

But the more they were, the more they felt that the government had concealed something. Occasionally a few barrages that made Simon leave here were immediately submerged in the ocean and the ocean.

Let's get closer.

In the end, Simon still made such a decision. After all, he is now under the eyes of nearly ten thousand people, and he still can't escape.

But before waiting for him to act, the huge sign in the sky changed again. ! "

A weird roar came from the sky. Simon looked up and saw a huge ghost struggling, as if trying to jump out of the sign.

Of course, with the change of angle of view, the lens of the mobile phone also moved over, and there was an immediate shock in the live broadcast room.

"Cool special effects, I must watch this movie."

"It has already been released."

"Is this really a special effect?"

"It looks so real."

No one would think that this is magic. After all, the modern age is no longer a foolish middle age. The advanced technological civilization has allowed humans to do many things that once seemed incredible.

The existence of magic has long been denied, that is just a scientific phenomenon that people in the past cannot understand.

The effect in the sky is very cool, and it seems a bit daunting, and Simon, who is on the scene, feels this kind of shock more than these guys on the other side of the screen.

Negative energy is not accessible to humans, just like humans are afraid of flames, because flames burn skin and cause pain, which is natural.

Even if it was far from the ghost mark, Simon still felt this way.

This made him reluctant to move forward.

But just when Simon was going to find a reason to convince the audience in the live broadcast room that he did not plan to move on, someone had already made a decision for him not far away.

"leave here……"

As if in a trance, there seemed to be some sound surrounding Simon's ear.

Like the whisper of the closest person, confided, persuaded, Simon's heart told himself that this voice can be believed and can even be said to be 100% believed, if there is only one voice in the world can be believed, it is it, if even it Can't believe it, Simon couldn't think of anything else to trust.

In such a trance, Simon had withdrawn from the quarantine after the explosion without knowing what happened.

When he recovered, he found that he was far away from the ghost mark in the sky, even a few kilometers.

Simon instinctively went to see the barrage and found that the situation above was similar.

The missionary’s orders can’t be resisted, even if people are not near him, as long as he hears the voice, it’s the same. Simon is farther away, and the voice he hears is relatively small, but since Simon heard it, then the voice will naturally pass to him. Inside the live room.

However, because the missionary said to leave here, because the audience in the live broadcast room was not on the scene, so he just broke away and quickly broke free.

Rao is so, and many people have noticed the anomaly.

"What's going on? I feel hypnotized..."

"It's dizzy. If I were to die, would anyone call the emergency number."

The barrage is an open platform. After a few words, everyone will probably know what the situation is. They seem to have dizziness at the same time, and some people say that this is hypnosis.

Although many people didn't believe it, they also felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts when they saw that Simon's state on the screen kept completely away from the scene.

When Simon understood the previous situation through the barrage, he couldn't help but also his face pale, because he really didn't know what he had done a few minutes ago, just like the memory of these few minutes was missing.

It's just that he didn't wait for Simon to figure out these problems before he found a bigger problem.

Because just when he recovered, he heard a cry from his ear, "Who is this! Martial law is here! Hand over all photographic equipment!"


Simon turned around and found himself surrounded.

I don't know when, there are many policemen and police cars around him, and of course there are many sneaky radio reporters and photographers who carry long guns and short guns.

Not surprisingly, he was also found, and two policemen are coming here.

run? How is it possible that there are policemen everywhere, not to mention whether they can run away, and if they run away, it will be very troublesome even if nothing happens in the end.

You know, the police have quite a wide range of rights and take part in multiple roles.

Simon doesn't want to cause trouble to himself, but he also doesn't want to hand over his mobile phone. Although he doesn't have a photography, he is on the live broadcast and he doesn't have to think about it. This matter is more serious than shooting.

While Simon was contemplating here, in the live broadcast room, what the government was covering up, the murmur of conspiracy became even greater.

At this time, you can see the freedom of the American network. If you are in other countries, I am afraid that the entire live broadcast room has been completely blank at this time, but here, Simon's live broadcast room is still alive and well, and even recommended on the home page.

"Give me the phone."

At this time, a policeman had come to Simon's side. When he saw Simon, the police didn't pay much attention. He and his partner had encountered many single young people like Simon. Most of them were traveling alone. After all, seeing his frustration This is not like having a girlfriend.

Of course, there are also many people who come together and come over as noisy as a play.

They are not spies, and there is nothing malicious. These young people just want to shoot something, and then put it on the Internet to seduce, or to increase their popularity.

Originally, this was fine, but the news was asked to block the message. Then these little policemen could only take the mobile phone, delete the information to an unrecoverable level, and then return it.

As for other things...such as the law, will anyone sue them for infringement of their rights and interests? This is not something they need to consider, they just do it in accordance with the orders and requirements above.

Of course, they seemed to have come here suddenly for sleepwalking, and even police cars followed. These policemen were also panicked, but after all, they had a higher psychological endurance than ordinary people. They did not choose to delve into the panic. But instinctively continue to do his job.

But Simon certainly will not hand over the phone.

Simon was nervous about his cell phone, and the two policemen immediately realized that something important might have been photographed in it, but the human rights law was still very strict, and they could not do anything casually until there was no evidence and Simon had committed no crime. Just slammed Simon.

And just when they are tearing. ! "

With a monstrous roar, a terrifying breath spread out of the sky instantly, and then turned sharply. Under the stunned gaze of the nearby reporters, police, Simon, and the full-screen audience, the ghost mark on the head seemed to have at this moment. Life, like living creatures, is not only confined in the prohibition, but jumped out in one fell swoop.


"It looks so cool."

"This is the lens in the Super Stolen Team, it is simply God Restore, how did this special effect be done?"

"Someone's little friend in New York? Is this true?"

In a panic, Simon did not forget to point his mobile phone at the sky. The two policemen in front of the front were also looking up at the sky, and did not take him into account for a while, so they also saw it clearly in the live broadcast room.

But soon, Simon, who was on the scene, realized that this thing is probably not just a special effect...


The seemingly hilarious noise turned into a deafening roar, which surrounded Simon's ear, making him feel a fear that seemed to be born from the depths of his soul.

Under Simon's horrified gaze, the white cartoon ghost broke free from the red forbidden character, and its body began to expand rapidly as if blowing a gas. The white body slowly turned into a ghostly green. The sprouting appearance and smile also became untidy.

Just like a evil spirit who came out of hell, the original harmlessness was only the appearance it used to deceive, and now it finally tears off this disguise and reveals its true face.

"It's getting bigger! It's getting bigger!"

People who have watched the Super Dangerous Team start to frantically pop up the barrage in the live broadcast room, because according to the plot, this cute cartoon ghost looks like the final scene, although there are no prohibitions and ghost marks floating in the air, but the appearance is There is nothing wrong.

The ghost in the plot started to swell from an early age, without stopping for a moment, and directly rose to a size that was taller than skyscrapers.

Soon, as a small number of people continued to brush the barrage, many other unknown people in the live room began to brush up, and finally the whole screen left only the phrase "to be bigger!"

Simultaneously watching Simon in the air did not pay attention to the changes in the live room, but the same, he suddenly felt a lingering palpitation, vaguely felt, as if something bad happened.

"Quick! Quickly shoot!"

The reporters who saw this amazing change on the side also did not give up the great opportunity, and regardless of the police, they madly urged their photographers to record this strange scene with the lens.

Whether these reporters are in danger or not, what the mark above represents, for them, the only function of this mark is to mean big news.

And in this short moment, the miserable green ghost blew up like a gas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ already had a huge height of nearly ten floors, and then at the next moment, it rose from the tower to the cloud Jumped down in the air.


The ground was cracked, gravel splashed, shaking and buzzing around all the buildings around it, and anything blocking this ghost growth road was crushed by it.

Simon felt unsteady standing, because the ground was rocking violently under the trampling of this ghost, even cracking a huge gap.

The wreckage and gravel of the sky fell down, "Bang!" With a loud noise, the reporter and the photographer next to them didn't even scream, just because they couldn't dodge, they were directly pressed by a falling wall. the following.

And this is far from over, because just as the miserable green ghost landed, it was still inflated like a blow.

The gigantic body crushed the surrounding buildings, like a mountain rising from the ground, squeezing out a place of its own in the steel jungle forest. ! "

The miserable green ghost gave an unpleasant laughter, its eyes exuded a faint green light, his wide mouth and rag-like face were like the most terrible creatures in a nightmare.

Between the sucking, the mountains moved.

It doesn't need to do anything at all. Its huge size is its most terrifying weapon. The smallness of humanity is unobstructed in front of it. The same high-rise building is as fragile as bean curd dregs.

But all this is less than the shock that it initially caused Simon, because at this time Simon had only one thought left in his mind, or that it was not just Simon, including everyone, but only their heads. One idea left.

"It's true..." Simon looked at everything that was being destroyed in front of him and muttered to himself, "It's true..." (to be continued...)r

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