High Magic Earth

Chapter 1136: One after another

At the same time, there was already a silence in the live broadcast room, as if the barrage was closed at this moment, and there was no letter on the screen. The fastest update

It is not a special effect or a visual effect caused by lighting, but a living existence.

All of this is real, just like the two people who were killed in front of Simon. The scene that should have only appeared in the movie really appeared in the real world and appeared in front of them.

All of this is incredible, but I have to believe it.

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room, including Simon, felt a strangeness, which was strange to the world.

It seems that I don’t know when, something unusual happened in this world that they didn’t know...

"What the **** is going on." Simon felt a bit confused in his thinking.

But reality did not give him so much buffer time. The sky full of gravel was like rain, and the two buildings closest to the ghost were only touched by one, and a large piece of gravel was spilled.

The building collapsed from the top floor, the walls were peeled off, and in the blink of an eye the entire building was left with only one rubble and debris.

These falling rocks are no matter whether Simon is in a daze, the raindrops are falling down, and the end of the unfortunate reporter and photographer next to them is the best proof that he can't dodge.

Too late to think, Simon ran to the side with his head in his arms.

In a panic, although the mobile phone was still held in his hand by his hands, the camera didn’t know where to point. The angle of the live room has been switched to looking up at the sky, watching the black dots continue to grow and then quickly fall, on the screen A series of exclamations and barrage came out.

Simon's luck is good. It seems that he has been blessing his good luck at this moment. He is still exhausted at this moment. There are constantly police and crowds under the crushed stones. The life and death are unknown, but Simon has only been a little bruised.

"Run! Run! Run!"

After all, Simon was just an ordinary person. Faced with such a chaotic scene, his actions were not organized at all, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

That is to leave here!

It's like a headless fly.

But it has to be said that at this moment, Simon seemed to be the *birth of the goddess of luck, and countless rubble fell from his side, setting off a piece of smoke and dust, just like a doomsday, but in the end all passed by dangerously Innumerable police and journalists and other escaped crowds were crushed under the rubble by Simon's side. His life and death were unknown, but Simon was not injured in the slightest.

In the large areas of dust and ruins, Simon fled through the raindrops, his route was tortuous, swaying but soon gradually left the falling area.

At the same time, the tendency of the building to collapse in the sky began to weaken. It was not that the ghosts had stopped growing, but that there were not many stones on the building that could fall down.

The building that originally surpassed forty floors now has only a scaffold and ruins that cannot reach ten floors.

"Quick! Quick!"

Simon urged himself in his heart. He didn't care about looking around, and he didn't have time to observe. He only knew that if he fled as soon as possible, he would be safe as soon as possible.

In fact, Simon is very close to the edge of the range, plus the building has collapsed, he is indeed safe.

But at this moment, it seemed that the goddess of luck left Simon's body at this moment, and a stone wall full of room size fell down, hitting Simon directly.

The flashing lights of the police car were squashed in an instant, leaving no **** left. Large pieces of gravel broke from the stone wall and splashed everywhere.



With a violent roar, a large piece of smoke and dust rolled out from the place where the stone wall fell, blocking Simon's second sentence back, and completely covering his figure, there was no trace of noise.

"Anchor, are you alright?"

"Hey, man, man."

"! Where are the police in New York!"

"Aren't they all there..."

A series of barrage fluttered on the screen, and the phone lay quietly in a ruin, becoming the last witness of this disaster...


With a burst of sound like electric current and light bulb bursting, the dazzling white light flashed through the air, then disappeared in a flash.

At the next moment, there was already a vigorous figure on the spot, which was the Markel of the Maya family.

She stared solemnly at the huge green ghost that had stopped expanding, and her face was very ugly.

The closer she gets to this place, the more she can feel the strong negative energy in the air. The richness of the breath has even surpassed the flames of the Middle-earth mainland. Even in Middle-earth, such powerful creatures are rare.

"It's a little trouble..." Marco Tell whispered.

Even if it is a flame demon, it is not the existence that she can kill. Of course, it is very simple to expel the flame demon, completely relaxed, but it does not mean that she is also easy to expel the ghost above.

Marcotel's power comes mainly from Maya, which is the development of her racial talent, which is the biggest difference between her and other wizards.

Obviously, you don’t need to wait for age to accumulate magic like the wizards in Harry Potter, nor do you need to enrich yourself with a lot of knowledge like traditional wizards. The Maya race gave Markot from the beginning. Here comes the starting point of extremely high combat power.

But the same, it also brought great difficulties to Marcotel to improve his strength.

Her main source of strength is the development of her own talent, which is self-improvement. This is slowly changing with the accumulation of time. Even if Marcotel is a person outside the box, he knows the Maya race very well, but this This kind of growth is still very limited.

After all, race and talent are established, and there will be no growth changes.

Fortunately, Marco Tell knew her shortcomings, and the existence of the Second World can make her make up for this.

Marcotel has been learning other magical methods, such as the magic system of the Harry Potter world, the magical knowledge of the world of Narnia, but this improvement is slow after all, and by far, Marcotel is the strongest The big method still comes from her talent.

As a demigod race, Maya's starting point is indeed very high, but it has stopped there.

Marcotel's inability to deal with this ghost means that she has no means to stop the other side, and the most powerful Maya force has no effect. Even if she has other magic, I am afraid it will not have much effect.

There are only two roads in front of Markot.

Leave, or fight.

The battle has a high probability of dying. This is not a second world, without the inertia of the plot and the protagonist aura.

Reality is cruel, and any mistakes mean death.

Marco Tell, who has been fighting in the Middle-earth for many years, has long known this.

Reason tells Marco Tell that it's best to leave here quickly, but her heart understands that she can't go away like this.

Even if the ghost event was actually premeditated, it wasn't because of her accidental release that Marco Ter still felt that she couldn't just leave easily.

Even if she was not a hero, she was still human.

The wooden staff turned a flexible arc in her hand, and at the next moment, Martell jumped up, and the super-physical quality that Maya brought her made her jump directly out of the distance of nearly three meters.

With a strong magic luster, Marcotel leaped among the ruins of the building and began to approach the ghost...

Ken quietly looked at the huge ghost in front.

He was also the first to see this kind of creature, strange in appearance, and terrifyingly powerful. Even if it ignores the rich negative energy it radiates all the time, its huge size is also the deadliest weapon.

The foot of this ghost is even taller than himself. I am afraid that with only one foot, you can crush yourself.

As one of the members of the origin meeting who came to rescue or rescue Josie, Kenko did not have the deceitful power of Josie's fans, and could even deceive the rubble of the sky to let them avoid Josie below.

Ken’s bloodline comes from the gargoyle, more precisely, the night dragon.

He is a descendant of the nocturnal dragon and humans. In the long time and long river, his appearance has long been completely transformed into a human being. The nocturnal dragon power in the body is also almost thin, leaving only a lot of magic that ordinary people do not have. A new ethnic group, the wizard.

However, under the excavation of the medicine of the origin meeting, the blood of the nocturnal dragon in Ken was reactivated again.

Being able to rescue Josie, or being dispatched as a responder, Ken's strength is obviously not weak, he is a member of the battle-biased in the origin meeting.

The nocturnal dragon is a very special race. Its appearance seems to resemble the gargoyle. Many people even think that the gargoyle is an alias of the nocturnal dragon.

But the two are actually not the same.

Gargoyles are artificially created and are magical structures. It is not even a creature, but an item, while the night dragon is an ancient race, and its magic and physical qualities are extremely powerful.

One of the most remarkable characteristics of the nocturnal dragon is that it is easy to be mistaken for gargoyles, which is the characteristic of its petrification.

In the daytime, when the nocturnal dragons are exposed to sunlight, they will turn into stone statues. In the state of stone statues, they will heal the previous injuries and store energy through the sunlight.

This storage can keep them full of physical strength, and almost endless power.

And at night when the sun goes down, the nocturnal dragon will turn from a stone statue into a creature.

Of course, the rising and setting of the sun is not absolute. To be precise, it is light and darkness. When the nocturnal dragon is exposed to darkness, it can move away from the stone imagery autonomously. In the light, they will become a statue. .

Because of this strange characteristic, many wizards also believe that the nocturnal dragon is not a real magical creature, but a certain kind of magic curse.

But the real history of the nocturnal dragon has long been unable to be studied. Even the origin meeting can only trace the wizard's own blood through the potion, and cannot dig out the truth buried under the history of the river.

However, since it is history, then the specific reason is no longer important, anyway, the power and magic that Ken now gains are real.

But even if Ken is a combatant in the origin meeting, he is still somewhat dwarfed by this huge giant ghost.

Of course... if only Josie was taken away, it should be very simple.

"It's troublesome." Ken murmured in distress. He was still hiding in the shadows, his eyes fixed on Josie, who was hiding from side to side.

Although it is night now, Ken is still covered in shadow magic, which is why he always wears his cloak.

This cloak is a very rare magic item, inspired by a vampire diary, a ring that allows vampires to resist sunlight.

The man who made this cloak was the magic stone maker, Nicole May.

The Origin Conference has its own stronghold world, a very common world, the parallel child world of Harry Potter, but this world is not the opening world because its time is in the father’s era, which is the student era of Harry Potter’s father .

As the home base of the origin conference, they have operated it very well and have been deeply entrenched for a long time. Although it is possible to let the nearly undesirable Nicole May help, Ken is also surprised, but at that time, Mianlong came forward, Let Nikolay help to create a batch of magic items, I am afraid the price paid by the origin meeting is not small.

The role of the cloak is to remain in the shadow all year round, to keep the dark state, so that he can move freely in the sun.

And there is a magical transformation on the cloak, so that even if he is in a semi-dragon state, the dragon wings behind it can be fully opened~www.wuxiaspot.com~The most important thing is that this cloak can be with Ken’s will during the day Enter the petrified state, and slowly repair the broken place, which makes Ken no need to fear the damage of the cloak in the battle.

It can be said that without this cloak, Ken's strength will be cut by half.

Not far away, the battle between Josie and sg7 continued. Although the sudden appearance of a huge miserable green ghost at first scared the two of them, but soon as Josie became more determined to leave here, sg7 attacked It also became crazy.

sg7 has a strong self-healing ability, which makes it can ignore the attack of falling stones, even if a large stone presses him underneath, he can use his own strength to break free.

And Josie directly deceived the sky and green ghosts, making the stones mistakenly believe that this is not the ground, and they can't fall and turn directly in the air.

As for the ghost... Although it looks terrible, it is really not as difficult as sg7 in defense against Josie.

So for these two guys who can ignore the surrounding fighting environment, the appearance of the green ghost did not affect them much. Instead, it was the missionaries and Ken.

At this time, Josie and SG7 still had a hot fight, one tried to escape, the other tried to drag each other, did not care about the attack at all, and Ken, who was ready to rescue, was trapped in place.

Even if he is a nocturnal dragon, he can't ignore the huge stones that fell from a height of 100 meters.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but avoiding the falling rocks while looking down at a ruin not far away. There, he seemed to feel a very powerful energy fluctuation.

This volatility came here long ago, but I don't know why, but it hasn't appeared. (To be continued...)r

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