High Magic Earth

Chapter 1137: Prohibition

In fact, the giant energy source in Ken's mouth was Miss Fujiang who had rushed to the scene long ago. The fastest update

Yi Ao pulled out of his temporary stronghold and went to trouble with seth company full of malicious intent. He took away Lucy and Athena, but did not ignore the fierce New York.

The army’s arrests are easy to ignore, and the battle between Josie and SG7 can be ignored. Even Marco Delex’s ghost army can be ignored.

Because in Yi Biao's eyes, this is just a battle of ordinary wizards, just like a child fighting, it doesn't make any sense to lose much.

But the strong spatial energy fluctuations above, he could not pretend not to see.

The intensity of this energy has reached an extreme value, and to some extent, it can already threaten Yi Chao.

What's more, this is still a magic without a target, because of the special nature of space magic, this energy that does not specifically attack the target is often used to tear the space to form a portal.

It takes such high intensity magic to break through the space, and the ghost knows what is behind the door.

Yi Xiao doesn't think this door can be solved by the group of fighting guys below.

Saving mankind is not Yi Chou’s responsibility, but also, if he can easily solve the other party, Yi Chou will not mind reaching out.

Fu Jiang is his helping hand.

Unfortunately, Miss Fu Jiang did not realize that she was the savior. She was still hiding in the corner of the ruins, watching all the broken thoughts in front of her eyes.

"Why do I turn green, and what do I turn green."

"I don't want to turn green!"...

Ken was a bit blind at this time, and the battle between SG7 and Josie became more intense, and Josie was indeed able to resist, but this situation may become worse with time.

Because SG7 is a war machine, the only meaning of his existence from the time he was created is to fight, and his experience and combat methods will become more and more full as he continues to fight.

And Josie is not.

Even in the origin meeting, Josie is not a combatant, but exists as an auxiliary.

No one is more suitable for disguising, sneaking in, spying on intelligence, and deceiving enemies than the fox that was born to deceive the master.

And there is another variable, that is, the miserable green ghost at this time.

Ken is quite sure that if he is fighting head-to-head, he is definitely not the opponent of this ghost. Even by virtue of his size, the other party can crush himself, otherwise he will not be trapped here just by some gravel, and he will even have to try his best to avoid it. Things.

Of course, there is definitely magic that can target this ghost, but it’s a pity that magic is not a field that Ken is good at. His magic level is definitely counted down in the origin meeting. If it is not by virtue of the blood of the nocturnal dragon, it gives him powerful strength and physical strength. , He simply couldn't get into the battle queue.

Every minute after the time, Josie and others will be more dangerous.

Because after the green ghost completes its transformation, it certainly won't let go of the ants below. Presumably, in its eyes, the wizard and humans should not be much different.

Because the appearance is like a little bug.

A few small pieces of rubble were hit hard, and they rushed out of the collapsed area of ​​the building. Although other places were not absolutely safe, they were at least less impacted.

He decided to forcibly take away Josie.

The existence of the origin conference has not been exposed, and his true face is unknown to anyone. Even if it is exposed this time, it will not attract attention. At most, people think that there is another freak in the free man.

But before waiting for Ken to hide in the shadows to make the next move, the green ghost that has stopped expanding has made an amazing move.


It grinned wide, like a broken doll's face, with a weird and evil grin, and then grabbed the prohibition in the sky.

The illusory forbidden pattern at this moment seems to be condensed into reality by illusion, and it is squeezed in the hand by the big ghost. It did not ravage the guy who once imprisoned himself, but throws it away and throws it out.

"! What the **** is this?"

Seeing this scene, Ken below almost did not stare out his eyes. Even from a magic point of view, this scene was too shocking.

The moving portrait, the person who walked out of the picture, directly sketched the pattern with the wand on the wall, and then the little animal that jumped out of the wall may not have not seen it, but there is no horror from this scene.

Because the volume of the two behemoths above is too large, any slight movement between them is no less than the disaster to the humans below.

The pattern of the prohibition symbol is projected by the light from the ground to the sky, so its volume is very large, which is a circle larger than the skyscraper site.

It was originally just a projection and a pattern, but when caught by the green ghost, it directly had an entity, just like the sky turned into a huge picture scroll, the prohibition symbol is part of the picture scroll, and it is now picked up by the ghost.

The huge forbidden sign was spinning in the air, as if it were falling like a car wheel. Although its size was much smaller than the ghost after the condensation, it was still no less than the ground of a building.

If such a huge thing falls, then New York below...

I dare not think of it again. New York below is not just ordinary citizens, there are many wizards and free people hidden in ordinary people, and even... there are also non-staff members and reserve members of the origin conference living in New York...

Ken closed his eyes and prayed, hoping that these guys had enough abilities and magic to protect themselves.

After all, their fighting might not only be alarmed not only for more than half of New York, but for the entire world. The free people who remain near New York cannot be unguarded.

Ken closed his eyes quietly waiting for the disaster to come. He grabbed the building debris beside him and fixed himself so as not to be embarrassed by the violent shock and ripples that followed.

He had even imagined how tragic the situation would be next.

One-tenth of New York was destroyed. The US government was suddenly furious. The pressure from all parties fell on the head of the free man. Whether it is a free man in a different energy point world or a free man in the magic world, all are divided. This kind of department and organization can only survive... The moment when the disaster came is very short. The really long time is the time after the disaster.

But... after a few seconds, Ken didn't hear the unexpected crash.

What happened?

This thought had just appeared, Ken opened his eyes, and sure enough, he was somewhat pleased to see that the red forbidden sign was still floating slowly in the air, and did not fall to the ground, but it was far away from the long distance of the ghost, showing that it was indeed Was thrown away by the ghost.

Although I don’t know why it didn’t land, it is clear that New York below escaped, causing all the free men and the second world to avoid the same order.

It's just... Ken seemed a little too happy, because after a while, he would regret why the prohibition wasn't smashed down. Because even if it hits New York directly, it is much better than what happened next...

The messy crowd made Madison very unhappy.

She thought she would encounter something interesting, but the encounter was encountered, but the scope of this thing seems to be beyond her ability.

The new magic did not bring much discomfort to Madison. Except for the fact that a lot of eggs were scrapped because of the difficulty of control at first, Madison easily regained control of the instinct belonging to the witch.

It's just like when she first discovered her witch's ability, she became familiar with and mastered again, and she started to practice from scratch.

And it's not really starting from scratch, because she has accumulated a lot of rich experience, not a rookie witch who didn't understand anything at first, the power of the explosion seems very huge, but soon under Madison's combing Attributed to her use.

Those eggs also fell into the pan and became quiche, and there was no waste.

As time went on, these instincts began to be controlled by her, and she didn't need to exercise at all, just like they were born in Madison and she was born with it.

Nothing is different from her own talent and strength.

For this reason, Madison also carefully released several detection spells to herself, mainly to attract ghosts. She wondered whether Emma's soul was attached to her.

The answer is not as Madison suspected.

She is still her, and there are no other strange things on her body.

This made Madison a little confused, where did her surge of magic come from, and why she could control them perfectly.

You know, in her original world of British magic, there are indeed some very rare and rare potions that can enhance the magic of wizards.

Expensive and scarce are one aspect.

More importantly, its effect is very slow, and in the early stages of growth, it will be difficult to control the magic for a long time.

This situation is somewhat like the magic riot after the little wizard first awakened the magic.

At this moment, Madison very much wanted to have a smart head melon, for example, the little **** called Hermione Granger smashed, although watching her uncomfortable, but have to admit that her head is smart enough.

In other words, as long as she has seen the recorded magic and knowledge, she can remember it, it is simply a human-shaped candle castle.

As for Madison, although she is not stupid, but... it is just not stupid.

Fortunately, Madison is a bit like a lazy guy in this regard. Since things don't make sense, then don't think about it, and leave it behind and move on is the right choice.

Madison couldn't understand the reason for his magic surge, and he didn't care about it anymore. After all, this matter was in her favor, and she didn't see any disadvantages for the time being.

The soaring magic power is accompanied by the intuition of the witch.

Sorcerers often have some premonitions and some very bad thoughts and feelings on a whim before the danger comes. These are not illusions, but they really exist and are not without reason.

Although magic does not need to follow the rules and logic like technology, it completely jumps out like breaking all existing cognitions and laws, but it still needs a minimum reason.

The reason for the wizard's intuition is simple.

Any wizard has magic power and can feel the magic power. This is the most intuitive communication between wizard and magic power.

When danger comes, no matter what the danger is and where it comes from, change will always occur. Any small change will drive the change of magic power. When this change is accumulated by quantitative change, it will be qualitatively noticed by the wizard. .

Yi Ao's intuition is very keen, precisely because of his huge magic power, with the entire fantasy island as a backing, and it also feels very good.

Any slight changes will be quickly noticed by him.

Although Madison does not have Fantasy Island as a backing, she is a witch. The witch is inherently strong in this respect. She is a leader in wizard intuition. Most women are more careful and sensitive.

After all, a woman’s intuition is terrible, and perhaps after becoming a witch, it becomes even more terrible.

When the grotesque sign in the sky appeared, Madison noticed a hint of non-existent danger, but obviously, this little danger was enough to threaten her life.

This was the first time after Madison became the Supreme Witch.

The entire West Coast witch is under Madison’s control~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And she is not a brutal ruler. Compared with the last supreme witch Fiona, Madison is still younger and more in line with Modern world and fashion trends.

And she also transformed from the ordinary witch, knowing the thoughts of those little witches.

The supreme witch is the place everyone wants, but in addition to strong power to protect this title, supporters are also essential.

There must always be tough means and ambiguous attitudes toward these newly-born witches. It would be strange to be able to reap the supporters, and it would be nice not to spawn a group of enemies.

Under Madison’s leadership, the witch rally has long since faded out of the old-fashioned, mysterious old core and replaced it with the latest fashions and trends that are more in line with the girls’ minds, which will make them more enjoyable while allowing them to live Settle down, don't use magic to sway and show everywhere.

Even they can less worry about the position of Supreme Witch.

After all, if life is too boring and only magic is left, these witches would have no difficulty even thinking about their magic. Perhaps it is their greatest fun to use magic to show off.

Of course, the shell of the witch assembly is still old-fashioned and mysterious. Madison did not change it. The necessary disguise is necessary, and it also makes it look cool, right?

I heard that the mysterious element is a popular theme in Paris...

Madison also has a good girlfriend and assistant Zoe to help. Although even so, it cannot prevent some people from snooping on the title of Supreme Witch. After all, the heart is the most unpredictable thing, but compared to the Supreme Witch, Madison should be The most peaceful one.

The entire witch rally was also the most stable in the house.

The remaining enemies are probably some external trouble. (To be continued...)

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