High Magic Earth

Chapter 1139: energy

The sealed passage is like a huge cocoon, the cold metal refracts on the smooth metal wall, and the surface can even reflect the figure. The fastest update

Athena and Yi Chou glide silently in the corridor like a ghost. Although they cannot continue to move at a high speed that is more than 100 times that of ordinary people because of their solidified positions, other physical qualities are still there.

Under the change of the silver tongue, strength, physique, nerve reaction force, Yi arrogance are several times or even ten times more than ordinary people, even more so as the **** Athena.

Control the power under the foot, the speed is constant but there is no sound, this is just the most basic control of power.

Even if there is no sound source, there will naturally be no echo.

There was silence in the hallway, and if it weren't for their speed that had fallen to the point where they could be caught by the naked eye, they were like two shadows invading seth.

But no matter whether it is Yi Chou or Athena, they have no intention of covering up their whereabouts. Their actions are silent, and they are just instinctive.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Athena opened the topic without hesitation.

"I felt a very nasty breath, decaying, full of death."

Yi Xiao turned his head slightly and asked in a low voice, "Front or back?"


"The space fluctuates there." Yi Biao stared angrily. "We don't know this already. I've sent Chuan Shang Fujiang away. There is nothing to worry about."

"This breath is very powerful, just as my uncle was walking in the human world. I am afraid that the vase will not last long, and he will open his arms and embrace this breath."

There may be many kinds of decay and darkness, but there is only one that can be related to Uncle Athena. That is the underworld, and the only thing in the underworld is death.

Embrace it, embrace death.

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes inwardly, and Athena's hostility towards Fu Jiang was not surprising at all.

The charm of Tomikawa Kawakami is unparalleled. It can’t be stopped. No matter men, women, children or children, they will fall in love with Fujiang completely as time goes by, or even be crazy.

Similarly, as love accumulates to a certain degree, this love will deteriorate, possess, kill her, and let her be with her forever. This will drive people crazy.

Yi Biao has long known about the characteristics of Fujiang. At first, he spent a lot of brain and energy before he let himself face Fujiang.

Rao is so, he dare not contact with multiple Fujiang for a long time at the same time, three or five Fujiang is the limit, more Fujiang will make their magic entangled, and even Yi Huo can't stop it.

But it was only recently that Yi Chou discovered that Fu Jiang’s charm could not even be blocked by magical intelligence and gods, even if it had been greatly weakened.

Lucy, intentionally or unintentionally, began to take more care of Fu Jiang, and even Athena, who had always been too lazy to talk to humans, seemed to show a good impression of Fu Jiang.

Fortunately, Yi Xiao has been watching them. After all, Fujiang has a conviction. This situation was discovered very early and the Fujiang was destroyed in time.

Later, under Lucy's suggestion, Yi Chou carried out several remakes, and only then had the current Fujiang River, one would not be obsessed with Athena and Lucy, but on the contrary, there would be a sense of hostility between them Fujiang.

But anyway, slight hostility is always better than crazy obsession.

Seeing that Athena did not miss any chance of Heifujiang, Yi Chou was also somewhat helpless. Fortunately, the situation was not serious, and she simply did not deal with it for the time being.

But don’t be so small and rich, maybe she doesn’t seem to be offensive except for the obsessive and divisive characteristics. However, in the hands of Yi Chou, she has a lot of rich magic items.

Before Fu Jiang had accepted the Chuangshen Project, there was something that was very suitable for her.

"Don't underestimate the vase in your mouth," Yi Xiao said softly. "In a sense, she can also be counted as a half god, even a **** more powerful than you."

"God?" Athena was stunned, and then she was unbelievable. "How is it possible."

Athena is not an idiot. On the contrary, she is still the goddess of wisdom. Perhaps she was strange to the world at first, confused about the power of the silver tongue, and even confused herself.

However, with the accumulation of experience and learning, she is familiar with the world at a speed more than a hundred times that of ordinary people, and began to develop towards the top ranks in various fields.

She and Lucy also understand the existence of Yi Xao's silver tongue power. If Yi Xiao created a second god, how could she not know.

"You will know." Yi Ao whispered, seeming to see through Athena's heart.

Athena seemed to intend to say something, but at this time, Lucy's voice sounded in the heads of both of them, "I found a lot of interesting things outside. Would you like to listen."

"No need."

"What is it?"

Athena and Yi Chou responded at the same time.

Of course, Lucy was too lazy to ignore Athena on the side, but listened to Yi Chou's words and replied indifferently. Put it online, do I need to stop him."

Yi Xiao frowned slightly, but he did not expect such a thing, but this did not need to be stopped, because with the sudden emergence of many magical animals in New York, the existence of magic and abilities could not be covered up. Too.

"Just let it go," he said.

"Okay." Lucy was not surprised by Yi Xuan's answer. After all, she knew Yi Xiao and knew his character. I'm afraid she had already judged one or two how she could respond to Yi Xiao.

The reason for asking again is just a little confirmation.

"I collected some intelligence and found a lot of interesting things after sorting out." Lucy continued. "You remember the occurrence of magical animals in New York."

"can not forget."

"Not only that, after comparison, I found that the signs gathered by the spatial fluctuations at this time also seem to come from the movie, the classic series, the Super Dangerous Team."

"Based on the above two points, I have reason to suspect that we may encounter a very serious problem."

"The world is converging."

Rao Yiyi's psychological quality, he still has a short pause for a few seconds, the reason is very simple, Lucy's guess is really terrifying.

The fusion of the world and the creatures in the second world brought out by free men are completely different concepts.

The latter is just an independent incident with little worries, even if a free man is brought to death to bring out Sauron, Yi Chou is too lazy to ignore it, because this will not have much impact on the world, at most it is to fight a war, It is impossible to become a Sauron like destroying the whole world.

But if it's the former... Even Yi Chao doesn't dare to ignore it.

Not only because the second world has many powerful biological relationships, but also because it will have a strong impact on the entire world, and even countless sub-worlds.

Yi Chou didn't believe Lucy's judgment very much, not distrust Lucy, but this matter was too important.

But again, because it is important, even if there is only a slight possibility, he should pay attention to it.

"Why do you say that?" Yi Xuan and Athena asked as they walked.

"Isn't the appearance of the three worlds enough to prove it?" Lucy asked, "I searched a lot of unreal stories created by humans on the Internet, that is, novels, comics and the like. The concept of fusion, creatures that exist only in fantasy come to reality, I think it is very similar to our situation at this time."

"This is an ascension from low to medium."

"Conversely, with the disappearance of magic, supernatural creatures themselves are becoming fewer and fewer, and the people who know their existence are becoming rarer, which will also cause the world to decline from high to low."

"I think the song of ice and fire is a good example."

But Yi Biao was silent for a moment, but shook his head. "It's just three. The thing above New York...is itself used to open the portal. It has strong spatial fluctuations, which means nothing."

"Rip Hunter, the Lord of Time, he is more special, he has traveled through time and space, and it can't explain much.

"In other words, the anomalies that really appear in this world are only the magical animals of New York, but we also only saw a small number of creatures such as Ye Qi..."

"Where is the magical animal? The hero and heroine in this movie, but none of them appear. You control the entire New York network and information. Don't tell me that they appeared and you didn't find it."

"So... these magical animals appeared in New York for other reasons, not as you might guess."

"It's not just Ye Qi," Lucy retorted. "During the time you entered seth, I also found traces of dementors, sniffs, unicorns, and even griffins..."

"No needless refutation of Lucy, you understand what I mean."

It is meaningless to refute on such a question, it is more like a fight.

"Okay, I understand." Lucy is good at it. "You mean, these films are just the things in the film that appear in this world. If the world is integrated, maybe the movie plot should be re-run in this world. ."

"I think...the reason you gave seems more far-fetched than mine..."

"In general, it is because of insufficient clues that I cannot make a correct judgment." Yi Xuan does not seem to want to discuss more on this issue. He hastily concluded the topic and finally concluded, "Continue to observe and always report the latest to me Case."

In any case, Lucy, who is a magical intelligence, is serving Yi Chou. Facing Yi Chou's final order, Lucy can only readily agree, "Yes, sir."

But the fact is not as simple as it seems.

Despite telling Lucy this way, Yi Chou's heart is actually clearer. Lucy's guess is probably the truth of the matter.

He told Lucy that there was no key proof. In fact, the key proof was already there, and Lucy didn't know it.

Because that is the entire core of the second world, the control center, the hourglass.

The hourglass has given three tasks to Yi Chou, all of which collect a strange energy called world energy. Except for the world of Tom, that is, the Harry Potter ancestral world has not found an energy source, the other two worlds are easy to change. Successfully completed the task.

Katrina, the witch of Guillotine Valley, and Daenerys, the mother of the dragon, a song of ice and fire.

But after the world's energy is passed back, the hourglass has not changed. The only response given is that it is processing energy.

Now... Yi Chao seems to understand the role of this energy.

As the last means for humans to fight against angels and demons, the second world is used to cultivate wizards and other combat powers, but the operation of the second world requires human fantasy energy as support.

Once human beings are completely absent or lose their imagination under the enslavement of angels and demons, then the second world will stop functioning, and the so-called resistance will become a joke.

Whether it is an hourglass or a fantasy island shadow, they have given precise information, and they are going to raise the earth into a high demon.

Even in the virtual reality, Sadako said to Yi Chao that the fusion of the world is the beginning of change, although Sadako’s original intention may not refer to this world.

But the way to ascend to high magic is not just to increase the magic of the earth, but the more intuitive change is the fusion of the world.

It seems that the magical creatures and the super-powerful death squad are the first two worlds to merge. Rip Hunt, the master of time, is still a special case. He can cross time and space himself. Even if he can’t, he belongs to the new human world. The second world does not belong to Yi Chou.

No wonder there will be a lot of magical animals in New York, it is because of this reason.

Now, why the unknown situation of so many magical animals in New York has been answered, but the same also raises more questions.

Why are these two worlds of magical animals and super-powerful death squads and nothing else, really only these two worlds?

With the integration of the world, what will happen to the real world and the second world, do the creatures or characters of the second world appear so abruptly in this world? There are many sub-worlds that are in conflict~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The answers to these questions are not easy to know.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for a while. Seth's affairs are more important..." These thoughts only turned around in Yi Biao's mind, and he was left behind.

Because I continue to struggle, I'm afraid I won't get any answers.

"Besides that, there are many other interesting things." But Lucy didn't stop. Her voice rang again in the mind of Yi Chou and Athena. "Three parties gathered under the energy fluctuation."

"Affiliated to us... a wizard, she seems to be a half-magic creature and a half-wizard, and the bloodline of the magic creature on her body is a very rare fan."

"Mihu?" Yi Huo was stunned. "I thought that thing was just a legend."

Even if it is Yihuo, I have never seen real fans, but I have seen the description of fans in some rare solitary books and handbooks.

"It's not really a fox, she just has a part of the blood of the fox, which can release the magic of the fox." Lucy explained.

"This situation is stranger than seeing a fan, continue."

"There is a wizard hidden nearby, and I can't see his face clearly." Lucy sorted out her thoughts.

"In addition, it is the United States. The leader is Chief Chadlis. He is under the command of General Zorozo. I have not used real-name magic and no more information."

"The third party is a missionary, a character in an American drama, a new human being, but he still has a certain connection with the US. He is surrounded by the protagonist of the super hero TV series, Peter Parker, and his mental state seems to be abnormal. A controlled state."

"Uh... here comes another wizard, witch, Marco Tell, let me see... Um? White robe wizard? She is from Middle-earth, she is a Maya!" (Unfinished...)

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