High Magic Earth

Chapter 1140: Ghost Gate

Yi Xiao frowned at Seth’s headquarters, thinking that it was just a free fight between the free man and the government. It was a very ordinary battle. The strong spatial fluctuations in New York were probably due to a certain wizard at a critical juncture. Controlled by magic. ;

Unexpectedly, there were so many messy guys involved.

The United States...not surprisingly, what seth company introduced to the stage as a free agent was all listed on Wall Street.

Unless there is any agreement between the upper class and the free man, it will certainly not be ignored.

It's just a matter of time.

General Sorozo's information is unknown, and Yi Chou is not very curious. The Supreme Commander sounds very powerful. This guy is obviously not stupid, but after all, it is just a personal category.

Yi Biao didn't even bother to ask Lucy to find his data. Magic intelligence is different from artificial intelligence. The latter needs the existence of the network to invade various databases indiscriminately.

If there is no data in the database, then artificial intelligence is helpless and can only follow the logic to make predictions.

Magical intelligence is completely different. Only one real-name magic is needed, and all the data of the target will be inescapable. Of course, it is only the most basic.

At this time, Sorozor's scenery is infinite, and perhaps the free people under the layout are directly defeated and invisible.

In fact, he is far less important. Once the situation is out of control, he will definitely be thrown back to the pot, without hesitation, only consumables.

It is not to depreciate human beings. On the contrary, it is because the potential of human race is so great that there are countless outstanding or even outstanding leaders in the huge base.

Therefore, even a very good talent cannot be sacrificed when it is absolutely necessary.

For ordinary people, Yi Chou directly neglected it. Perhaps before, all countries have been slow, and Yi Chou may still doubt whether they have any conspiracy, and they have reached an agreement. Perhaps the next thing free people will face is after calm. Suddenly, it felt a bit distressed by the strong blow like a storm.

But now he will not.

Yi Xiao did not dare to say that he could surpass everyone, and he was invincible at this time, but at least the power in his hands was enough to start a war and even shake the world.

Chuangshen plan, this is Yi Chao's bottom card.

Lucy also agrees with this plan, and it is really not easy to identify with this critical magical intelligence.

The rest needs attention, only the free people, the free people on both sides, the new humans, and the wizards and magical creatures of the second world.

Listening to Lucy's live broadcast, Yi Chou knocked on his head, missionary... He seemed to have some impressions.

After creating Lucy not long ago, Lucy updated all the new movies, TV series, and even comics and anime that Yi Biao had left this world, and then filled a duck-like brain to Yi Biao.

For the missionary, he has some impressions, it seems to be a new American drama that has recently appeared...but the comics have already been there.

Lucy's approach is not meaningless. Even if the Second World didn't appear because of the movies and TV series created by human beings, Yi Chou can still get enough useful information from it.

Because it is the second world that projects its own content to a few humans, let them create the content, and then the second world uses the fantasy energy bred by humans to feed itself back.

Therefore, Yi Biao can infer what kind of sub-world the second world has based on the movies and TV series that are constantly appearing in the real world.

After all, even if you sit in the hustle and bustle of the entire Neverland, there is no way to know how many worlds the second world has.

Maybe it doesn’t make much sense to other people, it is just a first step to gain the advantage of the plot, but it is very important for the clamor that can use the shadow and the silver tongue to open the portal alternately.

What the silver tongue needs is imagination and rationality, and the world's screenwriters have satisfied this very well.

Fortunately, Yi Biao's memory is very good, otherwise the average person really can't accept Lucy's duck-plug.

The missionary, whose real name is Jessica Custer, is also the main character in the missionary of the entire American drama. In addition, there is a vampire and his crazy ex-girlfriend.

None of the three of them can be counted as absolute decent characters, and they are very difficult to get around.

The ability of the missionary is almost unsolvable, not only for ordinary people, but also for many super-British forces.

This seems to be given to him by God, a whisper from the soul, echoed in the depths of the soul, making people obey his commands unconsciously.

Yi Xuan is temporarily unsure of what level his abilities have reached. After all, there is no mutant in the world of missionaries, but it must have approached Alpha.

As for Peter Perry, it is an earlier American drama, super hero.

Yi Chou’s memory is deeper, because it’s not that Lucy came in, but that he had watched it at the time. This American drama is also regarded as a classic TV series. The superpowers in it are varied, and there are even super similar to the missionaries ability.

Peter Perry is the protagonist among them, possessing the ability of sponge, that is, the super power that can replicate all super powers.

This TV series is counted as a more traditional TV series. Unlike the late missionaries, it often happens that the protagonist is abused. Peter Perry is a well-deserved protagonist, always defeating the victory at the last moment, and good luck Always came to his head.

So Peter Perry was in control of what Lucy said, and Yi Chou expressed doubts.

Sponge's ability is very powerful, and Peter Perry at the peak is also a guy who can modify the timeline at will.

In addition, it is Yi's companion, the wizards.

According to Lucy, there are three wizards present, and none of them are ordinary characters.

A guy hidden in the shadow, although able to avoid Lucy's prying eyes, is nothing, but because the identity is hidden, it seems to be the most common for the time being.

Next is Maya, although rare, but not uncommon, just because there are few free people entering the Middle-earth world.

The second world treats every free person equally, and it will always awaken the free man to the magic power, wizard, or whatever that suits him best.

Now that there is the first Maya, there will be a second one sooner or later, all that is required is to wait.

But as the first free man to touch the Middle-earth, Yi Chou also wanted to get in touch with the witch named Marcotel, maybe he could get his own camp...

The Chuangshen Project is calling her!

The remaining one is Yi Chou's most curious existence.

Witch Josie, she can use the power of magical creatures, a kind of semi-wizard, the existence of semi-magic creatures, in other words... Warlock?

Yi Ao is no stranger to this power. In addition to the wizard, there are also the werewolf Jamie, the vampire Mei honey, and the free man is not a power that cannot awaken magical creatures.

It's just that these forces are activated under the stimulation of the second world, and it's not known whether they are humans or magical creatures.

Yi Chou was just curious about how she did it.

Although there are not many worlds to experience, Yi Biao’s knowledge reserve is definitely rich. In so many records, there is no record of the wizard’s ability to integrate magical creatures into himself.

Yi Xiao has also done experiments to try to integrate Bogut's ability with humans, but the results are not very good.

Only one experiment was successful, not to mention, it is still in a state of sometimes craziness and sometimes collapse.

How did this Josie do it, what kind of magic was it, or was she like this, and in the latter case, what world did she experience in order to give her this ability.

Josie's existence is critical.

Because of her, Yi Huo even vaguely turned around and left, going back to save her heart.

But Yi Chou didn't do it in the end, because what was waiting for him was more important.

And presumably Lucy won't agree. Although she can't stop Yi Chou, Lucy's broken thoughts are as admirable as her excellent work ability.

In addition to Josie, the new human missionary and Peter Perry also made Yi Chou very curious, because so far, it seems that the members of the new human are all characters in the plot.

Rip Hunt, Captain Frozen, Atom, Firestorm, Witchcraft, and now the missionary, Peter Perry.

On the contrary, the free man hardly sees it. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Yi Chou must find out why.

To overcome the enemy, it is undoubtedly necessary to understand the enemy first.

This made Yi Xuan even more determined the implementation of the next plan.

The huge spiritual power allows Yi Huo to quickly think about many things. These thoughts hovered in his mind, and then slowly converged back.

But at the next moment, Yi Chou realized that the chaotic situation of the space fluctuation scene was far more complicated than he had imagined, because Lucy's nearly live broadcast of the explanation still did not end.

"That thing came out!" Lucy, who had just kept silent just now, seemed to deliberately leave time for Yi Chou to think suddenly, but instead scared Athena who was in a daze.

"What are you talking about?" Athena growled dissatisfiedly.

"Space energy." Lucy paused. "It is a mixed magic composed of teleportation magic and summoning magic. It can't be described clearly in words. Look at it yourself."

In the next moment, the scene of the green ghost over New York is clearly reflected in the minds of the two Titans. The means of magic intelligence is far more than that of artificial intelligence, because the means of magic itself is more than technology. many.

The green ghost roared and destroyed the surrounding buildings.

Seeing this big guy, Yi Xiao also frowned a little, but not because of itself, but because of the red prohibition sign next to it.

Yi Xiao noticed a strange breath and rich unstable space energy on it, which means...it is a very large portal.

But then, the picture came to an abrupt end, and Lucy's magic was over.

But what is going to happen next, even if there is no Lucy's magic show, Yi Chou can guess clearly.

It's just that the portal was opened and a catastrophe broke out.

Seriously, in the face of this situation, even if Fujiang Kawakami was on the scene, Yi Chou was still a little uneasy, because the guy from Fujiang was not very reliable.

She is like a little girl who hasn't grown up. Both her combat effectiveness and combat experience are far from enough.

And as it is, Fujiang's single age is almost only high school girls. Girls of this age are either girls in secondary two, or little girls, or good girls, and it is difficult to be reliable.

Thinking of Josie under the portal, Yi Xiao couldn't help but frown. "We're afraid we have to speed up some more." Yi Huo whispered, and at the same time, the news was delivered to everyone.

"Yes, sir." Lucy responded immediately. "There is only this for the time being outside. By the way, in addition to the staff on duty, seth seems to have a team led by bi. When the explosion happened, they Inside Seth, I don’t know what to do."

"The artificial intelligence of seth company hides the key information of your location. I am trying to crack it. Please give me a little time."


But Yi Xao just nodded, and found that Athena next to her touched herself gently.

"I'm afraid the other party does not intend to give us so much time." She said.

Seeing Athena's expression is different~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Chao looked up. They had left the sealed corridor and came to the inside of Seth's hidden laboratory.

Although the surrounding area is underground, the glass on the wall has a very realistic view, which makes Yi Chou think of the beehive of the umbrella.

But here seems to be more advanced. Because through the surrounding glass, Yi Xiao can see the isolated labs are all precision machines he has never seen.

Even the technological level of many machines has already surpassed this world, obviously brought out from the sub-world.

But if this is the case, it's not worth Athena to remind herself deliberately, around...and something she didn't find.

Yi Xiao did not intend to use magic, he did not want to reveal his identity as a wizard, not to put himself in a foolish shackle.

The features are more obvious, and the magic that is difficult to hide cannot be used, but it is not too convenient to use the silent detection magic to detect the enemy.

Yi Huo calmed down.

Sure enough, at the next moment, he found the quiet and empty laboratory around him, and I don't know when it was already full of hidden enemies.

They are perfectly hidden in all corners, and there is no trace of strangeness. If it is not Athens, Yi Chou may not have noticed that the surroundings have been killed.

The faint green light, like a nebulous nebula, had a hint of beautiful color at the beginning, but soon, it rotated and became bigger and bigger.

Like countless stars, trying to break free from the dark void and come to this world.

The upper part of New York seemed to become a magnificent and gorgeous outer space at this time, and the prohibition symbol opened a gap, leading directly to the unknown end.

But unfortunately, it is not just beautiful and shining, because under this light, there are endless dangers hidden.

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