High Magic Earth

Chapter 1142: Ghost's Gate (3)


A green ghost resembling a fried neck dragon makes a sharp howling in the air. It has a huge body, is fat, and is extremely strong. The long neck is like a giraffe, connecting the ugly and brave dragon head with the body. The fastest update

This is a rare green ghost that looks familiar to human beings.

Although the appearance of the dragon is extremely ugly, it is at least many times better than the green ghosts that can't see anything at all.

Similarly, its destructiveness also showed a geometric rise.

The length and width of nearly five meters make all nearby creatures and buildings vulnerable to damage. It can easily paw through the roof of the car with claws, and then throw it into the crowd, leaving large corpses.

But its wanton behavior will not last long.


With a loud drink, a white figure suddenly jumped out of the window of the building next to it, and when it was still in the air, her feet lightened a little, and a bright white spark formed under her feet, instantly making it should be The body that had nowhere to borrow was bouncing high again.

In the blink of an eye, the figure had jumped to the back of the dragon-shaped ghost.

It was Marco Terre.

"Why do dragons always ask me to kill?" Marco Tell, who had raised his wand high, couldn't help but complain. As a rare female Maya, she is also capable.

But Marcel did not hesitate to start. At the next moment, the bottom of the magic wand had shone brighter than the white robe she was wearing, with a warm and bright breath.

"Go back to hell! Monster!"

The magic wand hit the dragon-shaped ghost with a ray of light.

At this moment, the bright light is like encountering a natural enemy, and it spreads out like a tide instantly. It emits an invisible wave in the air, just like the air wave generated after the explosion.

All ghosts nearby heard some kind of invisible roar at this moment. Maya's magic is so characteristic. It does not require magic spells. Most of them are direct blows of energy and have special effects on dark creatures.

Darkness does not mean evil, but these ghosts composed of negative energy are definitely dark creatures.


Like flowers blooming in the air, with the burst of light, all ghosts nearby flew out under the impact, whether it is on the ground or in the sky.

The entire open space formed a brief clearance.

The dragon-shaped monsters directly hit are even worse.


Its head was like being poured with boiling water, smoking white smoke constantly, and then quickly began to melt, at a rate visible to the naked eye, the entire head had disappeared, and even began to corrode its neck.

As the most powerful Maya in the Middle-earth world, Marcotel can even oust Sauron and deal with such a ghost in the movie, which is not even a small boss. It is natural to catch it.

The monsters of the four protagonists in the Super Dangerous Team can only be killed by exhausting their efforts. In the hands of Marcotel, it is just a magic that can be solved.

Of course, this is also related to Maya's natural aim at evil.

In fact, it is not that ghosts are uncomfortable, but that they are too numerous. Except for the biggest green guy, the other ghosts are not her opponents. The question is only how to Before these ghosts regarded New York as their paradise, wipe them out completely.

At the next moment, Marco Tell jumped off the dragon's back easily, jumped five meters, and landed on the ground.

But the dragon-shaped ghost wailing in the air behind her did not stop. The light corroded it like sulfuric acid, making it unable to struggle and roll over painfully. Large buildings were destroyed by it. Fortunately, it was already in its place. If there is no living people, it will cause even more casualties.

But soon, the ugly dragon-shaped ghost struggled to become weak, weakened, and then fell to the ground.

Without waiting for three minutes, the entire ghost had been corroded by the light power released by Marco Ther.

It was just that there wasn't much joy in Marco Terr's face, because the scattered ghosts she wiped out were too insignificant for the almost endless army, and even a cup of water.

The ghost vortices circling above did not diminish at all, and even from time to time, large groups of ghosts continued to dive down the sky, screaming, destroying, and flying everywhere.

"Ghost Legions are so difficult..."

This is not the first time Markoell has faced an army of ghosts.

In Middle-earth, there is a group of ghosts that are very similar to the ghost behind New York's time and space gates at this time. They are the people in the mountains who have been cursed.

In the Second Age, the Lord of the Rings worshipped Sauron 3,300 years ago, but after the establishment of the Gondor Kingdom, the king of the mountain people led his men to allegiance to the King of Gondor Isidor. But when the war came, these people rejected Gondor's call and renounced the oath, so Isidor cursed them.

The mountain people did not dare to help Sauron because of the anger of Isidor, they hid in the mountains, and they all died with the passage of time, but because of the curse of Isidor, their souls could not be detached, and they became ghosts and ghosts. .

This curse lasted for 1960.

When Marco Terre entered the Lord of the Rings world, the time had reached the development period of the plot. Anyway, it was a long time before 1960.

She couldn't stop the Shanmin from happening, in fact, it didn't need to be stopped either.

After all, the mountain people are betraying their beliefs, and it is justifiable for Yisidu to curse them. Perhaps the time of cursing in 2000 is too long. Perhaps the matter is not the historical record. The truth has long been buried in the river of time, but this does not It doesn't matter, because it doesn't matter what Marcotel does, she is not a virgin, and she doesn't need to worry about anything.

It's just that as a person outside the box, Marco Tell, who is familiar with the plot, was still preparing to accumulate advantages for himself before the Lord of the Rings plot began.

Mountain ghosts who have no entity but can kill half-orcs are naturally spotted by Marco Ter.

She has dealt with them.

But getting along was unpleasant. Marktel originally thought that her Maya status could add a lot to herself, but she soon discovered that not all the existence in Middle-earth world had bought Maya's account.

And no matter where, most of the time weak meat and strong food are the only general rules.

Things need to be done in the end.

The ghosts are immortal, there is no entity, and even because of the curse of Isidor, the light power of Maya cannot dispel the ghosts in these canyons.

Marco Tell was almost helpless.

Then she left. Anyway, these guys will be summoned by Aragon sooner or later. Seeing that nothing could be done, Marco Tell decided to give up.

The ghost did not chase her, after all, the two were not dead enemies.

At that time, Marcotel was already the top force in the Middle-earth world. Even in the face of the Ring Spirit, as long as it is not the nine Great Ring Spirits, she will have the power to fight.

There are very few things that she needs to be careful about. Except not being caught by the orc army and being captured by them, there are some strange plots. Only Sauron herself and a small number of other middle-earth wild powerful existences can really compete.

But the appearance of these ghosts gave her a heavy blow.

Despite the physical superiority of Maya far beyond ordinary people, and when Maya's magic can't restrain the other party, Marcotel finds that his magical means is so thin.

It was also from that time on that Marcotel began to constantly learn different magics from other worlds, instead of just relying on Maya’s demigod body to rampage.

Maya is a very powerful race, but in the Middle-earth world is facing a stronger Sauron, and other elven races that are not weak, it seems that it seems to be just ordinary.

However, if you replace your opponents with Maya to ordinary people, you will find that the two are completely the gap between heaven and earth.

However, Marcel did not pay too much attention to the problem of ghosts. After all, the existence of the mountain people is a special case. She thought that she would not encounter such existence in the future, so she did not think much about it.

I just didn't expect... she encountered them for the second time so soon...

"I hate them..." Marco Tell murmured as he watched the screaming green ghosts.

The portal must be closed, and the huge black gaps in the sky are still pouring out of the ghost army, and Marcel immediately realized this.

Think about it, but it is not so easy to do.

Not to mention how the gap should be closed, the big guy who was so excited and looking around was a near-insurmountable obstacle for Marktel.

Its destructiveness and danger no longer need to be proven, and Marcotel does not believe that it will allow itself to destroy the portal just to watch.

"What should I do……"

He is not the opponent of the big green monster. How can he bypass it and close the gap in the sky? At this time, Markter also seems helpless.

"Let's go back with the others first..." Frowning, Marco Tell made the decision again.

She naturally came by herself. Marco The original purpose was to trace Daisy's disappearance, but somehow, she encountered a lot of evil spirits hiding in the subway tunnel.

The evil spirits came out of the cage, and then the incident began to spread and became worse and worse.

There was no companion of Marcotel nearby, but she was aware of different magical fluctuations. Obviously, there are other wizards and more than one.

Among the wizards of the Harry Potter world, it is very incredible, even impossible, to detect the fluctuation of the magic and identify the person through the fluctuation of the magic.

Maybe Dumbledore couldn't do it.

The reason why Yi Chao can do this is because he has not only been exposed to the magic of Harry Potter, he has a complex and extensive knowledge reserve, and because of his role in Neverland, the magic power is very huge.

But this is very simple for Marktel.

Maya can perceive each other originally, and exchanges with other magical creatures to a certain extent. For example, Maya who likes to stay in the forest can directly become friends with animals.

The magic of the wizard is actually similar to the magical creatures, not to mention that Josie is in a semi-fox state. The huge fluctuations and ups and downs are just like the lighthouse in the storm, which is directly captured by Marco Ther.

Thinking of this, Marco Tell immediately gave up the practice of clearing the mobs and turned to run towards Josie.

Regardless of the situation of these strange wizards at this time, and what kind of thoughts they have, whether they are friendly or malicious, they need to be touched and talked about first.

The situation can't be worse anyway...

The situation is really bad.

This is the portrayal of Josie and Ken at this time.

When the ghost mark appeared, Josie didn't care at first, because it didn't matter what she did. She had a task and was mixed into the mysterious organization that traced herself and others. Obtaining intelligence was the key.

When the green ghost came out, Josie didn't pay attention to it. At that time, she was determined to run, not to mention that the green ghost had no resistance to her deceptive magic, and the real enemy was only sg7.

But when the empty door was opened at the time, Josie found out that when the disaster had erupted, it fell silently to New York ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and came to human head.

In other words, it's not silent, it's just that you didn't pay attention.

The number of enemies is somewhat large, but this is not a problem for Josie. Her deception magic has nothing to do with the number. She can even easily deceive human memory in an entire university and the entire base, and the number is not small.

The trouble is that the combat effectiveness of sg7 has more than doubled.

He is quickly re-adapting to his body. With the passage of time, he has a vague initial feeling no matter whether he is fighting experience, or the speed and power of punching.

That kind of fighting power that Josie can't resist.

And Josie had used a synthetic potion once. In a short time, she could not use it for a second time. Even if it was used, she could not activate more blood in her body, could not gain strength, and might even be dangerous.

In other words, she is now in an embarrassing situation where she wants to run but can't.

Why didn't she equip herself with a combatant, Josie couldn't help but complain, but she forgot who promised to ensure that her fox's magic was nobody's aware of it, and mixing in a base to get information was just a small matter.


Taking advantage of the fox's light body again, Josie evaded the attack of sg7, and then hid to the side, but sg7 would not let her escape so easily, her eyes burst into rays, and directly turned Josie again. The escape route was sealed off.

This situation has been repeated countless times, and I see more and more ghosts around. Although they are affected by their deceptive magic, they will not attack themselves at all, but Josie can’t help but get anxious.

More importantly, his own rescue signal has been sent, and the help from the meeting has not yet arrived. (To be continued...)

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