High Magic Earth

Chapter 1143: Ghost's Gate (4)

In fact, Ken came here long ago, but the meeting aid that Josie said was in trouble. The fastest update

The appearance of the ghost frenzy did not affect Josie, but Kenko did not have Josie's deceitful magic power. Even if he used the magic to hide it well, he was quickly exposed to the vision of these ghosts in the face of the overwhelming number.

These ghosts do not seem to have higher wisdom, only know to destroy, destroy, destroy again, and then draw happiness from the destruction.

Obviously, these little guys who are not even counted as mixed soldiers are not Ken's opponents at all. In the midnight state of the dragon, he has a strong immunity to magic and physical attacks.

The flower pot statue and the car thrown down by the ghost could not break his skin at all, but the surface of the car was knocked out by Ken's hard skin.

The ghost under the mania quickly abandoned the fun of playing and threw it directly to bite, but even Ken's skin could not be bitten.


Ken's claws spread a black flame, and then he did not hesitate toward the nearest ghost. Almost instantly, the ghost was penetrated without a substantial body.


The ghost screamed harshly. At the next moment, the flame covered its whole body, like a green torch lit at night, and it was easy to burn out the powder and residue of this unlucky ghost. .


Ken gasped lightly, and there was no trace of decay in the flames on his hands. This was a fierce fire, not the power that the blood of the nocturnal dragon brought him, but magic.

Although synthetic medicaments are the source of power for everyone in the Origin Conference, they are not their roots, nor are they the only ones.

Magic is always the most powerful means of wizards.

The fierce fire in Harry Potter is also called the **** flame, the devil flame, the real source is unknown, maybe it was really summoned from hell, or maybe it was just a normal flame with a higher temperature.

But it is true that it can incinerate most creatures and objects, and it is almost impossible to extinguish.

Ken doesn't have much magic on hand. It's not that the origin meeting collected less magic, nor that Ken's learning ability is not strong, but the night walker dragon has a strong resistance to all kinds of magic.

This resistance is from the inside and outside. Not only can it resist Ken's magic from outside attacks, Ken's own control and affinity for magic is also very low.

Or to be honest, when Ken first awakened his magic, he was also a talented and hard-working genius wizard, until he learned of the existence of the conference of origin...

Although the blood of the nocturnal dragon brought him a lot of obstacles in learning magic, it also brought a lot of unexpected surprises to Ken.

For example, Ken found that he is very suitable for the outgoing type, and it is difficult to control dangerous spells, such as Lihuo mantra.

In the face of such spells, most wizards often hide behind it after release. If the level is not enough, it is entirely possible to be affected by the magic released by themselves, or even used by the enemy in reverse.

Not every wizard, like Dumbledore, uses magic like magic.

But Ken does not need to be so.

The hard nocturnal dragon skin gave him excellent resistance. The skin of this magical creature can even resist the erosion of the fiery fire spell.

Ken with a big brain hole tried to attach similar magic to his skin. Initially, he started experimenting with some less harmful magic, ice, ordinary magic flame.

Then he found that he could hardly feel the power enough to kill an ordinary wizard.

Then he began to test the Lihuo mantra, and it turned out that his skin would still be able to block it even in the face of the fiery fire. As long as it was not attached to the flame for a long time, he would not be hurt.

So attaching all kinds of magic to one's own body has become Ken's conventional attacking method.

The Li Huo mantra is one of the more skilled spells he uses.

"Ah... it's really scratching your head." Although the ghost can be torn apart easily, Ken's face didn't have many light colors.

Because there are too many ghosts, if you tear them off one by one and tear them all away, Ken even suspects that he will be exhausted.

"However... it feels good." Ken waved his arms again, and the fiery fire left a burning black mark in the air that was visible to the naked eye, turning a few menacing ghosts into fly ash. "Tear it a bit like jelly."

He also saw the dilemma in the face of Josie. As a fighter in the Origin Conference, Ken's combat experience is much richer than Josie.

Early in the morning, he judged that Josie would not be an opponent of SG7. Seriously, the Mystic Bloodline did not have much advantage in combat.

Deception magic is its killer skill, and it is almost impossible to resist magic.

But again, once the deception magic has no effect, then Josie will also face an embarrassing situation with no other means. For example, at this time, sg7 uses the power of mental and physical replacement to perfectly avoid Josie’s deception magic. .

As long as Ken received Josie's rescue signal and came to the scene, he hid in a dark place, and he felt the situation nearby and the ambushing personnel.

After all, although the signal was sent by Josie, even if Josie would not betray, no one can guarantee that Josie has been controlled by unknown means. The means by which abilities and superpowers emerge in endlessly are not less than magic.

Or, it might be a trap that even Josie didn't notice. It was originally intended to attack the people who came to rescue her. These might not dare to guarantee it.

He must be careful.

But after the investigation, Ken found that in addition to those US troops that can be classified as miscellaneous fish, the real enemies are only missionaries and SG7.

The missionary's ability is similar to that of Josie, except that it is a skill that can be regarded as more fierce among ordinary people.

And the tenacity of the nocturnal dragon itself can meet and dress up similar mind control capabilities. In this way, the missionary can be considered abolished and become a threat-free existence. The only one with real combat effectiveness is sg7.

Only one is not a problem at all.

Regarding Josie... Ken has heard about it for a long time. Although the new wizard companion who joined the Origin Conference has not been in the meeting for a short time, his abilities are one-on-one.

The origin meeting is not lacking in combat power. Not only is Mianlong itself a very powerful existence, but there are also many other powerful magical creatures in the meeting. Rather, this auxiliary magic ability is very rare.

Because the existence of this magical creature is very cherished in itself, leaving offspring with human beings, and even less that has not been broken off for countless years. It happened to be a free man and was found and accepted by the origin conference. For so long, there are only three Only four.

And relying on non-combat capabilities, but standing on many magical creatures, all are extremely powerful.

For example, My Fox.

The three or four people at the origin conference have always been distributed in different sub-worlds. With the accumulation of rich combat experience from battle to battle, I am afraid that it is not much less than Ken.

But Josie is different. As a newcomer, her experience in combat is very weak. Even in her own opinion, she should be considered a battle, but the fact is far from it.

Because free people can travel to and from different worlds, their abilities are often varied and varied. Every battle is not easy to win. If you are not careful, you may overturn your boat in the gutter.

And the high starting point of Josie’s fox power gave her excellent self-confidence, which is extremely dangerous. In fact, several other existences of the Origin Conference have passed this state of Josie.

This situation must be corrected quickly, otherwise Josie is likely to kill herself first before growing up.

Under normal circumstances, Ken rarely returns to the present world. It happens that this time Mianlong seems to have found a new potential person. They just temporarily gave up the task of another world and were sent by Taman, the owner of the bird bloodline when he returned. In the present world.

Mianlong rushed to the East, Ken and others were disbanded in situ. It was just then that he received Josie's help.

Ken felt he needed to cultivate Josie's sense of crisis. Anyway, only one SG7 was dangerous. With his rich combat experience, Ken felt that he could hold the scene.

But sometimes, in the face of battle between magic, it is not enough to have rich combat experience.

The sudden space door disrupted Ken's plans. He didn't expect the ghost army of a whole world to hide behind the space door.

Ken is confident that even if the sg7 body is in person, he can escape from here with Josie. The night dragon may not be excellent in attack power, but the defense power is definitely first-class, and even if the attack power is not outstanding, it is not. Some ordinary guys can deal with it.

This is indeed the case. A single ghost cannot walk a turn in Ken's hands, but there are too many ghosts to hold.

Ken had just drilled out of the gap in the ghost army, and realized that things were not good. He had already hurried towards Josie, but even then, he was still stopped halfway.

A series of ghosts blocking the road died under Ken's claws, and soon attracted the attention of other ghosts. They didn't have much wisdom themselves. In the face of Ken's seemingly difficult existence, the only thought in these ghosts' heads was that one But if you can't fight, you can fight in groups.

The swarming ghosts even formed a small vortex in the air, and the green army radiated the aurora-like beautiful light in the air, accompanied by the thunder and thunder of mystery that came out of nowhere, but in this beautiful Under the whirlwind, there are countless deadly dangers.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

At first, Ken was able to use the fist of his body to directly hit the ghost from his face with these fists. These green luminous objects seem to have no entity, but they hit like a fat ball. As usual, the bang exploded directly, very emotionally.

Ken is still having a good time, and feels that he can rush through with brute force, but as the biggest ghost vortex that circles around the gap in the sky continues to shunt down, the small vortex that is hitting Ken begins to get bigger and bigger. .

There are constantly ghosts being exploded, but their number has not decreased at all, but has increased exponentially, until they are able to punch later and the punching speed is no longer as fast as they rushed. Nearly ten ghosts directly surrounded him.

Up to now, Ken is completely unable to fight back, because the ghosts are not as good as casualties. As long as they seize the opportunity, it is a knife that comes up fiercely, or it is a firearm gun, or even a direct bite. What a strange attack anyway. All.

Although some of these injuries can hardly break Ken's skin, there are a large number of ghosts that can't stand. The drip stone can't be carried by Ken, and he has to protect himself with the hardest back and shoulders.

In this state, don't say to go to Josie, I'm afraid it's difficult for him to get out.

But even Josie, who is a newcomer, has killer skills. How could Ken not have? Of course, he would not use Josie’s stupid way of injecting synthetic medicine again. The blood in Ken’s body has been activated by the medicine many times. , Even if it is used again, it will not improve much.

But now it is not suitable for use, because...the sky is going to dawn...

Fu Jiang question mark face:? ? ? ?

Fu Jiang, who was observing in secret, was also confused. She had just found a light bulb-like guy rushing here, and when she looked back, an unparalleled whirlwind had formed between heaven and earth.

Like the Babylon Tongtian Pagoda that connects the bridge between man and god, the green vortex covers the sky and forms a huge funnel shape almost below the gap.

And the lower end of the funnel is the force of the entire funnel ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also their core.

"When did this thing come out." Fu Jiang scratched his head in doubt. "I remember it was not a wizard..."

"Yeah!" Fu Jiang clenched his fist in his right hand, and hammered his left hand fiercely. Below the funnel was the place where the wizard tried to escape not long ago. If the whirlwind was made of ghosts, so many ghosts would fight the wizard together, think about it He is also miserable.

With such a large number, even Fu Jiang will feel a headache.

Looking back again, it seemed that the light bulb was not far away from here. This light beam was the rapid coming of Marco Ter. Fujiang could feel that she was not because of magic, but because she was Maya. ,Demi god.

Marco Tell clearly saw Ken's situation, but seriously, in the face of this situation, she could not help Ken anything.

Fu Jiang also realized this. Although Fu Jiang himself did not have any combat experience, in the early days when Yi Huo used her silver tongue to create her, she had instilled rich combat experience into other Fu Jiang memories when they were aggregated. Their memories were shared. And these experiences are being absorbed by Fu Jiang little by little as time goes by, and are being recovered again.

Now, the situation at this time is very crises, probably should have arrived... Yi arguing, the scene can not control this bad situation.

"Then I should have shot it." Fu Jiang scratched his head again, his face full of reluctance, "but green is really ugly..."

Although reluctant to do so, she had to obey Yi Chou's command.

At the next moment, under the glare of Fu Jiang almost bulging into a bun face, his right hand, bitter and bitter, slowly felt something she would never want to see again.

It was a gray wooden mask wrapped in green stripes.

Rocky mask. (To be continued...)r

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