High Magic Earth

Chapter 1144: Attack from the shadow


The chilling cold light traversed the dazzling arc of light in the air, and fell from above with a terrifying breath. The black shadow enveloped it, and it seemed to crush everything on the ground to pieces.

It was a guy covered in cloak and cloak, and he couldn't see his face clearly. He couldn't even tell whether he was a man or a woman.

Xiu Jian was hidden in his cuffs, extending about the length of a palm. With his fist in one hand, he pierced fiercely towards Yi's neck.

Moderate strength, perfect angle, almost no prey can avoid this blow, whether you choose to give in, or choose to take a blow, you will pay a huge price.

It has to be said that the timing of this guy's choice is perfect.

He is an excellent assassin, hiding in an inconspicuous corner. At the moment when Yi Chao relaxes his vigilance, he shoots from the most perfect position, chooses the most perfect angle, and launches a fatal blow.

In fact, if it was not for him to expose himself, Yi Chou did not find where he was hiding above.

Yi Xiao realized that there were enemies around, but did not find out where they were.

Especially the ceiling above, in addition to the ventilation ducts far away from here, there are only a few poor long lights, even if this guy does jump from above at this time, but Yi Chou still can't feel where he is hiding. To the mind.

Such a big person can't hide inside the light bulb.

Yi Chou still has the leisure time to think about these issues.

That's right, even if the assassin's speed is fast and his skill is agile, in the eyes of Yi Xiao and Athena, it is still like a snail.

In the face of the shimmering cold light, Yi Chou even had time to take a closer look at the other party.

Um... still can't see the face.

At the next moment, without Athena's reminder, Yi Chou has easily turned his side to avoid the other party's attack at an incredible angle and speed.


The assassin fell heavily on the ground, and the sharp sleeved sword left deep bone scratches on the ground, making a strange, sharp, piercing sound.

He also didn't seem to expect that his attack would fail, whether it was the opponent's forcible evasion or a desperate fight. He always had a way to inflict the greatest damage on the opponent and bring a deep memory to the opponent.

But what he didn't expect was that his attack was really evaded by the opponent.

This seems to make the assassin's movements stagnate and slow down, but the other party looks like an elite monster. His experience and skill are indeed good. Even in the face of a sudden mutation, he responded in the shortest time.

The whole body was tense. At the moment of landing, Yi Chou's eyes clearly captured the assassin's muscles, and the whole person slowly released the impact from below with a strange rule.

This unpleasant sound was made on the ground only if his hand was not controlled.

But his attack has already failed.

Right next to the assassin, Yi Chou clearly captured all his movements, which is the main reason why Yi Chou can avoid this fatal blow, and he can keep up with the speed of this assassin.

Although some kind of strange and unknown solidification position around them greatly impeded the speed of Yi Chou and Athena, their other advantages could not be restrained.

This includes far more than ordinary people's ability to respond.

"Oh, this outfit looks a little familiar." When the assassin got up, Yi Chou and his thoughts teased beside him.

But the answer to him was the assassin’s unspoken words. The assassin slowly got up and stood slightly upright at the moment when he could borrow power from the earth perfectly. He popped out of the bow. Clamor.

In his arms, in the invisible corner beneath his wrist, there is another sharp and deadly short blade.

"Familiar?" Athena on the side took the conversation, and she quickly inspected the future, then frowned slightly, "I can only see that he seems to be an assassin, and does not feel familiar."

"You must haven't started playing video games yet, or you have forgotten this item. If it is the latter, you better write it down in your notebook."

Facing the attacking assassin, Yi Chou did not evade, but instead faced him up. His hand also reached under the tattered gray windbreaker in his waist, and then his wrist bowed slightly, seeming to be charging.

No one noticed that when he saw Yi Xiao's movements, the assassin's pupil hidden under his hood shrank slightly, and he felt an incomparably dangerous atmosphere in Yi Xiao's movements.

Whether it is an assassin's intuition or his rich experience.

The end of progress is the beginning of death.

The assassin's body suddenly stopped. When he launched the attack, his movements seemed to be so desperate, as if he had given up all defenses and retreats, but at this time, his movements were so smooth, not necessarily rigid and rigid.

If you underestimate him and intend to kill the reckless assassin with a life-changing way, then the other party is bound to give a profound lesson with agility.

But he faced Yi Chou.

Even if I tried my best to avoid it, I was still one step late.


At the next moment, Yi Chou suddenly made a loud drink. He seemed to be a Kendo master from Japan. The right hand hidden in his clothes was suddenly drawn out. The cold light was cut like lightning, as if he wanted to split the space in half. Fall to the assassin.

Although the other party tried his best to dodge, his speed was still not as fast as it was.


Along with the sound of flowers blooming, the scarlet liquid bloomed in the air. It was a petal made of blood. When the cold light flashed, the assassin's left arm fell in response.

Yi Biao has a pseudo-god speed that is almost as fast as he is, and his speed is very fast, far exceeding the limit of ordinary people.

Similarly, if you want to successfully control this speed, you must have a matching reaction nerve. Only in this way can you perfectly control the rapid force acting on your own.

Every speeder has a quick reaction, which is brought to them by the super speed force, which matches the super high reaction power of the super speed force.

Yi Chou is also not excluded, otherwise they simply cannot control themselves normally, let alone use the super power of super fast power and maintain world peace, it is not easy for them to be able to walk smoothly.

Although the existence of a solidified position limits the speed of Yi Huo, it cannot limit his responsiveness.

Assassin's agile movements are as slow and ridiculous as snails in Yi Biao's eyes, and the same is true of Athena, the **** body next to him.


Even though blood spewed out, the assassin remained silent.

Obviously, after digging into Seth’s interior, the two people are no longer facing ordinary people such as night shifts, but have been trained and at least have been informed and psychologically prepared for the existence of free people. Guy.

I just don't know what they are.

It’s the abilities of the same free men, or the cloning consumables of a certain world, or the robot army brought out.

Yi Xiao envisioned many possibilities, but now it seems that they are not. They are more like ordinary people who have only received a little training and training.

Cheap cannon fodder.

Perhaps this assassin is an elite among human beings, but under the change of the silver tongue, Yi Chou has long been separated from the category of human beings, at least in terms of his strange power or speed, or resistance regeneration and flight, it is not Any human can have.

In Yi Biao's eyes, he is not worth mentioning.

The blood can't stop spraying out, and the wound of the broken arm is very serious. If such serious injuries are not subject to careful treatment in a short time, the blood will stop. The blood flow alone is enough to make people faint and die.

Obviously, there will not be that condition for the assassin to heal the wound.

Seemingly knowing that death was imminent, the assassin suddenly made a loud roar, which was also the first time she made a sound from her appearance to the present.


It was a whisper, but there was no slight tenderness and tenderness, and some were just cold killing and indifference. She was a woman.

In the case of massive blood loss, a person's sober time can support a few seconds, three seconds? Five seconds? Or more?

The assassin was not clear. She remembered that she had learned this knowledge, but when her consciousness was a little vague at this time, her mind was so muddled that she could not remember anything. The only thought she remembered was to kill the opposite. enemy.

This time, she finally completely abandoned all defenses. The remaining left-handed sword slid out, and the whole person rushed to Yi Chou in a erratic manner.

Then at the next moment, she felt a darkness in front of her eyes, wondering if she had lost too much blood and fell into a coma, or whether the enemy had taken her life first.

She just vaguely heard a murmur before the darkness came.

"what a pity……"

In the face of Miss Assassin’s attack, Yi Chou was not in a hurry, and the opponent in the peak period could not hurt him in any way, not to mention that the opponent was already seriously injured.

Short Blade has long been regained into his arms. In fact, Yi Xuan didn't carry any weapons with him at all. This short knife was completely condensed by him using magic.

Both Transfiguration and Shadow Energy can easily do this, and the reason they are placed under clothing is just to cover up.

Faced with an assassin who was still steadfast in pace, Yi Chou calmly drew his knife and retreated slightly. While the cold light flashed, he did not hesitate to send the sharp blade into the abdomen of the other party.

The assassin's actions came to an abrupt halt. The trauma of the abdomen and the magic attached to the weapon instantly made her lose her mobility. Life slowly flowed out of her with vitality, and her body also leaned weakly on the blade of Yi Chao It didn't move at all.

The current Yi Biao moves lightly, between the swings of the sword, almost as smooth as the clouds and flowing water, and he can't see at all that he used to be only the kind of rigid knight sword.

While Silver Tongue reshaped his physical qualities, Yi Biao also infused himself with a lot of fighting knowledge. In addition to the common Thai boxing Brazilian boxing judo kendo, he is also proficient in many partial and rare fighting techniques.

Lucy, a magical intelligence, looked for vacancies and filled in the sidelines. Almost all the fighting techniques that could be found and recorded were collected by Yi Biao.

It is this kind of knowledge reserve that is close to the master of fighting, so that Yi Chou can easily kill this assassin. Otherwise, just beyond the reaction of ordinary people, it is not enough for him to fight back in a moment, and even kill the enemy calmly.

Yi Xiao was expressionless, gently pulling the knife from the assassin's belly, and then lifted her hood.

The face of the unfamiliar assassin appeared in Yi Chou’s eyes. A young woman whose face was not good, but she was not ugly. At this time, her eyes were wide, and she seemed unwilling.

Judging from her appearance, she is an Asian. Carefully observe the curvature and angularity of her face. She is likely to come from the same place as Yi Chou.

"What a pity..." Yi arrogantly said softly.

Although he said so, he had no nostalgia and pushed back the body that had lost his vitality. The blood-stained blade was slowly pulled out and re-entered into Yi Huo's arms. Her body slowly fell. To the ground, there was a heavy boom.

The blood splattered and ran wildly on the ground, drawing twisted patterns.

This time it seemed to touch a certain signal. At this moment, countless figures rushed out from all corners of the base.

Yi Ao had noticed that there were many people lurking nearby at the remind of Athena, but did not expect that there were so many, cloak cloaks and hoods, their faces were all hidden in the shadows, dressed in a customer service outfit and the previous attacker It is exactly the same, there is no distinction between men and women.

"Where did these guys come from." Yi Chou felt very puzzled~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although the internal structure of the base is complicated, it is also clear at a glance, surrounded by laboratories separated by various experiments The walls of the room are made of glass, and the transparent walls and doors make it possible to detect any dangerous situations in the first time, so that they can be dealt with.

Obviously, with Yi Yi's eyes alone, he did not see so many people hiding in the laboratory.

Originally he thought these people were hidden far away, or they were not human at all, but now it seems...

"Look for their information." Yi Xuan said to Lucy while pulling out his weapon.


At the next moment, the majestic murderous opportunity came from all directions, but even if there were many people, it would have no effect on Yi Chou and Athena.

Because of the different hidden positions, these attackers rushed in and out of each other, staggered from each other. Four of the attackers were closest to Athena. They used the advantage of position to attack quickly, one on the front and three on the side. Surround Athena.

But in the face of such a stern attack, Athena also did not panic.

The two sickles resembled two golden meteors, and staggered in the air in an instant. Athena's movements were as fast as lightning. Even if it was suppressed by the solidified position, it still vaguely exceeded the limits of humanity.

The four attackers on the opposite side, she did not enter the opposition, jade legs slammed the ground fiercely, the whole person has turned into a sword, fiercely pounced on the attackers in the positive direction.

Athena's petite **** body exuded a fierce and fierce atmosphere at this moment, making her whole **** look like a Titan waking up from ancient times. "Mortal!" A clear question rang from all directions and echoed in the ears of each attacker. With a breathtaking force.

"In a long time, have you not learned any lesson!"

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