High Magic Earth

Chapter 1148: mask

As a god, Loki's name is quite big. ??

Before a certain second princess was known, Loki's main reputation came from his title of mischievous god. No matter the world or the **** realm, the name of the mischievous **** is known by everyone.

It is not a recognition of his strength, but everyone feels the need to remember this name, just like in the winter, you can’t lick your iron with your tongue, so that you don’t know when you will be tricked by Loki.

Of course, some Rockies are just tricky, use pranks to open up, no harm, but some Rockies are not so harmless.

For example... still the second princess.

But the master of this thing in Yihou's hands is not the second princess who likes to do things everywhere. Its owner is much stronger and more humorous than the second princess.

The mask of a real prank god...

"Click! Click! Click!"

The dark sky changed color, as if it turned into a bright day.

Countless thunders converge. They are intertwined and merged into a huge thunder lake. They roll in the sky like magma, mixing into a thick plasma.


Then immediately, a thick lightning of python slashed hard, as if to break the sky and tear the space.

The sudden change attracted everyone's attention, including the huge ghost that destroyed the terrain. Its fierce inverted triangular small eyes flashed doubtful gloss, and then scratched his head with his fingers for unknown reasons.

"There is……"

Marcel and Josie may not be aware of the fourth party that has quietly sneaked in because of the fierce battle, but Ken has noticed it for a long time.

Although the vortex condensed by the ghosts could not fight back, but also these ghosts will not be able to break through his defense for a while.

He lifted his head a little bit hard and looked at the direction where the Thunder fell. There... that's where the huge magic power source suddenly approached the battlefield.

"Is that guy shot?"

While using his petrified skin to withstand the attacks of ghosts, Ken silently pondered that these ghosts were like annoying flies. Although they could not break Ken's skin, the huge number also made Ken unable to move.

He lacked a chance to break the game.

But as a descendant of the nocturnal dragon, his predecessors could bear the loneliness of turning into stone statues every night, and he never lacked patience.

Opportunities will always come.

But if you think about it carefully, you think this Thunder seems to be different from what Ken expected.

If it is an attack, then this Thunder should obviously go straight to the ghosts, but now... Thunder's position actually fell to the opponent's own position, how can he use his own attack to hit himself.

This made Ken a little confused.

But this does not prevent Ken from marveling at the Thunder.

It is the same as that of Markel, who has stopped and has a dignified face. Although Ken himself is not high in magic because of the magic resistance, but his theoretical knowledge is there, he can see the gold content of this thunder at a glance.

The spells about the Thunder were rare and powerful. They were even rarer, and wizards who were able to successfully release and even control them were rare even in the origin conference.

These thunders are black and dark, like a large black cloud, but these black clouds are blooming with dazzling white light, which is the plasma rolling in the clouds.

The destructive power they possess may not even be able to stop Ken, even under hard resistance, even if they will not die, they will be seriously injured.

"It is the terrible power..."

Ken has never seen such magic.

It seems that there is a strong presence among the free men of wizards.

"He Daoyou is here..."

But just when Ken felt there, a small voice seemed to come from a distance, with a strange rhythm around Ken's ear.

Ken:? ? ?

Ken is British, it does not mean that he will not say, in fact, because the origins of the wizards from various countries have reasons, communication is a problem.

Fortunately, wizards tend to have higher mental strength than ordinary people. Don’t forget to remember. When you change to a scientist in minutes, at least your learning ability has indeed been greatly improved.

After more than a week of hard work, Ken has mastered the simplest communication.

Of course, this sentence is definitely not within the scope of mastering simple communication, but its frequency of occurrence on the Internet is very high, and Ken will naturally not know it.

But just because he knew it, Ken felt a little inexplicable.

He knew this sentence, and knew the meaning of it. Looking at the thunder falling in the distance, there was indeed a bit of fierce momentum in the sky.

No wonder this sentence popped out of his head.

"He Daoyou is here..."

"Click! Click! Click!"

But at this moment, Ken's ear appeared again the looming voice, but this time, Ken's cold sweat immediately shed.

Because obviously, it appeared twice, and it wasn't auditory.

This old voice was really someone talking, and it was completely transmitted to his ears.

The nocturnal dragon is very resistant to magic, and Ken has been used as a shield in the origin meeting, and the nocturnal dragon is not only directly against magic, such as fire, ice, and is very resistant. On the contrary, it is more resistant to mental attacks.

Each nocturnal dragon has a mind as tough as a rock. The soul-spelling spell will only let them stay a little bit, and ordinary interference magic has no effect on them.

Fortunately, after activation, Ken's bloodline inherited a part of this ability.

Although it is impossible to say that he did not directly ignore the Soul-Spelling Curse like his predecessors, but he can quickly get rid of it. The spell about Soul Magic has always been taboo. There is not much knowledge that everyone has. It's easy.

It's hard to imagine anyone can pass this sentence to Ken's self-protection and pass it directly to his ears.

But it was not this thing that really made Ken sweat cold, but the meaning contained in the sentence itself.

Daoyou... cross the robbery... as a half pass, willing to understand, at the origin meeting, nearly a quarter of wizards come from China, if these two words are really...

"Click! Click!"

The Thunder continued, and became more and more anxious. Lightning fell one after another. Between the lightning and thunder, the world was shining like the day.

Lightning and Thunder's power of electric prison is not blocked by any creature below.

But in the next moment, when Ken was staring at the thunder landing, trying to see what terrible creatures were hiding under them, these thunders suddenly slowed down, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if There has never been a pan in general.


What's going on again, Ken feels that he can't even feel his mind.

Fortunately, this question does not require him to wait long, and a series of questions before him can be answered quickly and completely.

"Boom buzz!"

Like a green spring, a slender figure suddenly bounced from the ground, and she suddenly rose to the air, as if all the world had become her stage, directly attracting everyone's attention.

No... Maybe not just just become a stage, but really become a stage directly.

A huge open-air theater suddenly appeared at the top of a dozen-story building. Lights, sounds, and even a large number of audiences were sitting on the chairs underneath. They were all strange guys, Mickey Mouse, Myna Bunny, Jordan What.


The slender figure in the middle of the stage with one hand on hips, showing the shape of a large teapot, then asked enthusiastically, "Is my way of playing very special!"

"I'm coming from the deep mountain..."

In the next sentence, the figure on the stage suddenly became pretentious and profound, but at the same time, this sentence spread throughout the audience and echoed directly in Ken's ear.

It is the old voice of He Fang Daoyou.

Ken: ...

"It turned out that this guy was making trouble..." He rolled his eyes.

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden guy, and no surprise, her attention was attracted to her.

As if the halo and talents inherent in the show itself, the appearance of this guy made everyone's eyes fall on her involuntarily, even forgetting the work and things at hand.

For example, the ghost in the whirlwind above Ken, for a time, forgot about Ken below, and even the shape of the whirlwind could not be sustained.

Of course, Ken wasn't much better, because he hurried away from here and forgot.

However, although his eyes are attracted to the past, it does not mean that everyone will have a good impression of this sudden guy. In fact, it is correct to have a bad impression.

Missionary Marcel Josie: ...

Including the expressionless sg7 and the huge ghost, they all looked melancholy and looked at the slender figure under the light gathering with a mentally retarded expression.

"Click! Click!"

It seems that I feel that my introduction is not detailed enough. The figure snapped his fingers and summoned the thunder again. Countless thunders formed a small cloud on the stage, only the size of the washbasin, but the rolling lightning was again simulated before. The bang.

It was deafening.

"How about it, it's wonderful!"

Not waiting for others to respond, there was a scream, applause, and pleasant cheers just below the stage, just like the most commonly used radio stations to highlight the background atmosphere.

I saw the figure on the stage make an exaggerated gesture of gratitude. She bent down fiercely, and then put her head through her crotch and stood up from above.

While knotting themselves into a knot, some strange creatures who didn't know where they came from were posing as the staff of the award ceremony, ran from behind the stage, and instantly turned the stage into the award scene, and began to hand her trophies.

The huge trophy is bigger than people, and it is covered with glittering diamonds and orbs, which makes women unable to extricate themselves.

"thanks, thanks!"

The figure on the stage didn't care that his body was tied into a knot, very excitedly took the trophy, and then thanked everyone.

And the applause below became more and more heated. In the end, the guy on the stage seemed to be infected by the warm atmosphere and became a little, directly raising the trophy higher than one person.



One was unstable, and she failed to hold the trophy. The huge diamond trophy fell down violently, directly smashing her into a meatloaf and lying flat on the ground.


You must be kidding, Ken is talking badly in his heart.

But I have to say, in fact, Ken guessed right, this is indeed a joke, a meeting with a new face.

Seeing the silence outside the stage, the crushed figure on the stage could no longer be flat, she slowly pulled herself up from the ground, the flat figure-like figure began to inflate, and changed again in the blink of an eye come back.

But at this time, it has become silent under the stage.

"I said you shouldn't watch so many Xiuxian, Daoyou, Dao your sister's friends."

As if talking to himself, or like schizophrenia, the figure stood up again so self-consciously, muttering while standing up in the mouth.

"Okay, I know my performance was a failure, but can you respond a little bit, even if you curse me loudly."

The figure seemed to be crying, with an aggrieved tone, "This makes me feel that...I have even failed to live forever..."

I don't know why, when hearing this sentence, Ken's heart suddenly moved.

At this moment, he seemed to see himself once.

Before becoming a wizard, he was the lead singer of a band and he also pursued his dreams.

During the initial period of time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ whenever he stood on the stage, the biggest motivation is the audience below, which is his only support.

Whether it is cursing or praise, he can always re-energize himself, and what Ken is most afraid of is the ignorance of the audience below.

Indifferently ignored, it made him feel like he was abandoned by the world.

All efforts are lost.

Between feelings and feelings, Ken opened his mouth, seemingly intending to express his heart, "In fact I..."

When he just raised his voice, and before he finished talking, he saw a sudden jump on the stage, directly hiding in the dark shadow on the stage, and then he began to laugh when holding his belly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"You idiots, look at your expressions, it's so funny!"

"Are you really touched by me at that moment, ha ha ha ha!"

Ken: ...

At this moment, Ken does have a feeling that his kindness has been fed to the dog. Where did this woman come from, and why is it so annoying.

The battlefield became silent at this time, only the woman on the stage had some harsh, sharp laughter that kept laughing, as if some kind of annoying drumbeat, challenging people again and again nerve.

Then the next moment.


As if the patience had reached the limit, the fierce and evil little triangular eyes seemed to spout fire, and the huge ghost finally couldn't help it.

It reached directly at the top of the building and pressed hard.

Along with the loud roar, the top of the building was flattened by it directly, without accident, and the strange theater that suddenly appeared at the top disappeared into the ruins.

It was only then that the huge ghost breathed a sigh of relief, and even the ferocious expression on his face looked a little less ferocious. 8

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