High Magic Earth

Chapter 1149: Painting style

At the same time that the eccentric guy who suddenly appeared disappeared into the ruins, the other people on the scene seemed to be relieved, even they didn't even realize it.

The entire building was flattened by huge ghosts and two floors, and the strangely constructed amphitheatre on the top of the building will naturally not be spared.

Although it is said that this will definitely cause casualties to other innocent people, people such as Martell and Ken from the human standpoint should be angry at the practice of the huge ghost, but...

I don't know why, they are more happy.

That guy is like possessing some kind of magical power, so that people don't feel it, so they focus on her body. More importantly, she is very annoying.

But not everyone can bear her neurotic style.

Feeling that his heart had been eaten by the dog, Ken also exhaled, feeling that his mood was much more beautiful, and then he raised his head, saw his head just lowered, and looked at his own ghost again.

Between the two seemed to stare at each other for a few seconds, falling into a silent silence.

next moment……


Ken let out an angry snarl. He even forgot to leave this place before the chaos. It is really unforgivable. Although he realizes this now, these ghosts are also aware of it.

In the bursts of roar, Ken's back skin began to harden again, and the magic resistance from the nocturnal dragon gradually emerged on his body. Whether it was a physical attack from the ghost or their energy attack, they were touching Ken. The moment of the skin was greatly reduced.

But at this time, the ghosts in the sky also began to reunite. They tried to reunite into a whirlwind, using the principle of the water droplets to break through the open defense.

Just as some kind of continue button was pressed after the pause, as the strange character disappeared, the scene suddenly began to be confused again, meaning to continue the leading edge.

Only, in the next second.


Some shy and angry voices suddenly appeared in everyone's ears. With the roar spreading all over the audience, a figure also emerged. It was the one who was flattened by the huge ghost and should not be buried under the rubble even if he was not dead. , The guy who was on stage before.

She stood in midair, pacing freely as if standing on the ground, making a stop gesture with both hands, and then continued to emphasize.

"I said...stop!"

Obviously, the person present was once again calmed down by her, which can be discerned from the suddenly quiet voice.

Whether it is the two missionaries who are fighting with Josie, or Marktel, who is preparing to try to help in the past, even including the huge green ghost, there is a doubtful expression.

But seriously, this expression appeared on the face of the huge ghost, but it made it look stupid.

Then next moment...

"I didn't walk away..." Just when everyone noticed, the figure in the sky suddenly twisted, she pressed the bottom of her skirt with her hand, and seemed to say something embarrassingly.

She is wearing a skirt and standing in the air, there is indeed this risk, but...

Ken rolled his eyes at the bottom. This guy stands at a height of more than a dozen floors. Normal people can see the height of the figure, and the ghost can see what she is wearing.

Also, why is there a sense of deja vu... Ken silently spit in the heart.

As soon as this guy appeared, he was always able to make the scene chaotic, but Ken frowned slightly when he thought of it, because he finally realized the strange place.

Everyone was attracted by her strange movements and words, and subconsciously ignored some details.

For example, in the previous Thunderstorm, Ken felt a real threat inside, not just a mere voice, and a guy who can release such an attack. She may be a stronger person than everyone present. Exist, but some are not reliable...

The wisdom of the huge ghost seems to be very high. Unlike other companions floating in the sky, Ken is also aware of the things he thinks of, and the reaction is far more direct than Ken.

This time, it no longer regards the little thing in the sky as a clown, but as a guy who can threaten or even take it seriously.


It screamed angrily at the figure in the air, a thick green accumulates in its open mouth, and then, a large gust of wind rushed out, instantly sweeping everything in front of it.



Like a bursting bubble, under the hurricane, the windows above the building cracked and cracked. One by one, the fragile glass was instantly destroyed by the wind, and the falling debris seemed to constitute a grand symphony.

The electronic version of the billboard fixed in the air did not last long. After a few seconds of shaking, it also fell to the ground with a huge loud noise.

And the figure at the center of the hurricane can't escape the gust of wind that was lifted by the huge ghost, like a boat in a tsunami.

"Ahhhhh..." She screamed exaggeratedly.

At the next moment, this guy was suddenly lifted under the wind, and the wind slammed her back. Fortunately, she grabbed the cable next to it in time, but the cable was not strong enough, and it was originally in the wind. After shaking, after bearing the weight of a person, it started to shake.

But... it just looks very thrilling on the surface.

If you look closely, you will find that although surrounded by the screaming wind, this guy who is almost blown into the sky is not as panic as expected.

She even has time to make other sounds.

"Hey, stop naughty, you will be sad when you know it."

Of course, as she opened her mouth, the screaming wind rushed in, but this guy was like a rubber man without bones, and the grown mouth was directly stretched into a fist by the wind, which was very ridiculous. .

"Hmm..." she muttered vaguely, "drinking Xu Wuyou is more oblique (perhaps I'm going to flatten)"

Obviously, the huge ghost will not stop with a single sentence. When he heard this ridiculous words, the big ghost began to become more angry.

It continued to open its mouth wide, and the violent wind screamed and spread out. It seemed to intend to use this hurricane to wipe out everything on the ground.


Although the strange guy resisted easily during the hurricane, other people were frightened. Whether it was Marcel or Josie, even the two missionaries, they were not sure to resist this level of manic hurricane. .

The hurricane that whistled even lifted a layer of ground, maybe only Ken can be stable in the hurricane.

And... this is just a hurricane, the huge ghost itself, even not moving.

Faced with ridicule from this nasty ghost, a strong hurricane is the best answer for a huge ghost, but obviously, this answer is not the answer that the weird guy wants.

At the same time, the strengthened hurricane finally made the cable unable to withstand tremendous pressure, and it broke directly in a crash. The figure that lost the fixed object was immediately wrapped back by the hurricane and was beaten fiercely in a loud noise. To the wall.


Large cracks appeared on the wall, with the figure as the center, spreading like a cobweb, and the figure was in the center of the crack, showing a large shape, and the whole person was already firmly embedded in the wall. , It looks like it can't be pulled out.

"Uh..." She stretched out her hand tremblingly and said intermittently, "Seriously...I'm sad now...and I think I can save it..."

The wind screamed, accompanied by sky-long waste and gravel, a scene like the end of the world.

But in this grim hurricane, an unyielding figure of resistance appeared.

She slowly climbed out of the wall, under the violent wind, as if ascetics climbing the road to the top of the world, every step was very difficult, but she was unwaveringly moving forward.

She is defeating the gust of wind, defeating nature, and also defeating herself.

Hmm... Actually it was just a very simple scene. This guy pulled himself out of the wall where he was photographed, but she was taken out of Hollywood's blockbuster sense.

And not only just the sense of sight, but also really don't know where to come from a group of strange creatures, which blew grand background music for her.

"In every night's dream, I saw you..."

Giant ghost:? ? ?


But at this moment, she turned suddenly again, as if she didn't feel the huge wind pressure at all, and quietly said to the band with her hand covering her mouth, "I don't want my heart to be eternal. ."

The band certainly has no objection, and the next moment, the grand background music sounds again.

This strange guy also seemed to have found a certain feeling, turned his head again, and the whole person seemed to have more than doubled in vicissitudes, and continued to move forward with the wind in three steps.

Seeing this scene, even if the giant ghost is stupid, it can be seen that the other party is completely playing with himself, not to mention that the wisdom of the giant ghost is not low.

It was out of anger.

The hurricane slowly stopped from its mouth, and there was an angry look on the face of the huge ghost. It seemed that a spooky blue and green ghost fire appeared all over his body. It was ready to use his fist to teach this nasty little guy.

But at this moment, the eccentric woman below suddenly changed her face. She waved the band and dismissed the band. Then she spoke to the giant ghost very seriously.

"I said, I am sad now, I am really sad."

"Stupid man, today mother should educate you and let you know what is obedient!"

As soon as the voice fell, a lasso of a western cowboy suddenly appeared in the figure below. She began to swing all the time, and as the lasso swung more and more, its volume began to expand as if it was full of air.

Then immediately, when the speed of the lasso reached its extreme, she suddenly released her hand, and the lasso quickly flew to the huge prohibition sign in mid-air.

At this time, the entire lasso had become the size of a swimming pool. During the flight, it was like a javelin, completely ignoring the soft physical properties of the rope, and flew straight to the portal.

During this period, there are countless ghosts trying to block, but the power of the rope seems to be endless, directly hitting them in random.

The gigantic ghost was also stunned for a moment, and there was no reaction for a moment. It looked at the rope that was getting closer and closer.

Then the next moment, it made a roar.


There was anger in this roar, but there was also anxiety and panic hidden, mixed with its huge body, with a very funny feeling.

The corner of Ken's mouth below twitched slightly, and he realized that as long as anything was related to this strange woman, it would become abnormal.

At this time, as the woman finally fell to the ground normally, he also saw the other person's appearance...good shape, but face...

She seemed to have no face at all, her long hair hanging down, directly blocking most of her face, but from the vaguely revealed part, it seemed to be green.

Green skin? Sure enough, it was a strange guy, Ken thought so.

"Aha!" Seeing the lasso getting closer and closer to the portal, the guy yelled in excitement.

Hearing the ghost's voice and looking at its anxious and funny expression, she seemed very happy, as if she had encountered the happiest thing in the world.

"Don't worry, big man." She said with a grin.

At this time, the lasso had been put directly on the space-time door as if it had long eyes. It locked itself and hung firmly on it.

Seeing the rope caught her prey, she became more excited.

"You're not in a hurry." She said in a nasty tone, "I've grabbed it, and the next time is good mother's education time."

Seeing the portal controlled, the gigantic ghost was finally anxious. Regardless of it, he moved towards the portal with the fat feet.

Countless buildings were crushed and collapsed as it progressed~www.wuxiaspot.com~The ground was shaking, and a few people on the scene stood unstable for an instant, and all fell to the ground, only Ken stabilized his body.

The little ghosts floating in the air also began to abandon the others, and a swarm of bees rushed to the portal.

Although they are stupid, they are not stupid. Portals are the basis for them to enter this world, for example to prevent the portals from being destroyed.

But it was too late.

Although it is just a rope, this rope is not made of what material it is made of, and its perseverance is abnormal. Normal attacks cannot destroy it at all, and even flames and corrosive liquids can't hurt it.

The gigantic ghost was still a few steps away from here, at this time, the figure below had already laughed sharply.

At the next moment, she yanked the rope violently. In an instant, the rope connecting the ground and the sky was straightened. I saw her slowly shaking the rope, and the lasso began to turn around, carrying a huge portal together. The power of it turns.

"Call! Call! Call!"

It's like a meteor hammer with a rim. The pool-sized portal seems to be as free-handed as a small stone in her hand. The huge portal is used by her as a toy, and a circle is drawn above the entire city.

This scene, which can often only be seen in cartoons and anime, actually appears in reality.

"Leave you!"

Then immediately, just as she was pushed to the fastest speed by the portal, she suddenly shouted loudly and then released her hand suddenly.


With a sound effect visible to the naked eye, I saw that the portal was like a meteor, flying directly into the vast and deep sky.

Farther and farther, smaller and smaller.

Until the end, it became invisible again, and then, like the most common ending in every cartoon, it left a cross-shaped star in the void, a flash of light.


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