High Magic Earth

Chapter 1150: Weird guy

The people below were stunned.

Whether it is Ken, or Josie in the fierce battle, or even Markter and the missionary, except for the sg7, which does not have complex thinking ability and will not be interfered by foreign objects, even the huge ghost is no exception, all He opened his mouth blankly, staring at the end of the sky.

"Portal... became a meteor..."

Marco Tell murmured, even thought he was dreaming, and pinched his face.

Of course, it hurts.

In traditional hero stories, the villains usually don't die that simple. Either at the last moment somehow emit a burst of smoke to escape, or they are let go by the decent moment of compassion.

And the most common sentence they say is, "I will come back!"

This is among traditional stories, such as books, movies, TV series, stage plays, dramas, etc.

But in addition to them, there is another kind of artistic carrier, which is exaggerated, grotesque, and uses whimsical techniques and expressions to render the story, which is completely different from the real life of the former ones.

That is cartoon.

Cartoons and animations are often referred to as children's favorite things. Of course, there are also suitable for adults to watch, but after all, the number is small. Until the appearance of anime and manga, the age group was spread backwards.

As an adventurer and explorer who loves the outdoors, Marco Teres is certainly different from those dead houses.

She has no time to watch these anime stories, nor will she spend a whole day sitting in front of the computer and watching instant noodles, but it does not mean that she has never been exposed to cartoons at all.

Everyone has a childhood, and cartoon animation on TV is often the best memory of a person's childhood.

Classic stories and melodies gradually fade from memory under the wear of time, they become blurred, and then are reprocessed into new stories between efforts to recollect and rethink.

Following the memories of their subconscious and vague impressions, these ancient memories are continuously processed, and finally become unrecognizable new stories. With the names that can no longer be remembered, they become eternal classic memories and regrets that cannot be found in the heart.

Marktel naturally has a childhood.

She is not an adventure family. She has been trained as a qualified successor since she was a child. Traveling around adventures is just one of her hobbies. In fact, Marco Terr’s family is opposed, whether it is her father or Mother, because no one parent will be assured that their daughter will go to some dangerous places in the world.

When he was a child, Marcotel always stayed at home. Unlike the strange or incomplete guys, Marcotel had a completely normal family.

Her mother loves her very much, and her father loves her mother very much. The economy is not poor, but a little rich.

In his free time, Marcotel was sitting in front of the TV, looking at the grotesque cartoon world, the turquoise green wild fairy, the wind-sand roaring lion king, it was from these fictional cartoon worlds that made Marcote I grew up breeding a hobby to explore different landscapes.

Of course, as she grew older, whether it was time or other aspects, they began to be further compressed or grow with it, and she never came into contact with cartoons.

But even if you have only been in contact with the earliest cartoon stories, it is enough.

Unlike the story carrier that is biased towards the real department, the most important point of cartoons is the exaggerated expression. Perhaps in the real world, the villains will at most make a ruthless word after failure, and then hurry up, but in the cartoon world.

The most commonly used method is to be directly flies, turning into a shooting star disappearing at the end of the sky.

But this is a very old expression.

As it happens, Marco Terre is also an old antique in the cartoon world, and this scene, which happened to be true today, was restored to the real world and appeared in front of her.

Quirky or funny, funny? absurd?

Apart from being stunned, Marcotel didn't know how to describe the scene in front of her. I'm afraid any adjective would be difficult to accurately describe her heart at this time.

In addition to being surprised and lamenting the strength of the other party, the only thing Marcotel knows is also certain.

The portal really disappeared.

Turn into a shooting star.

. . .

Ken below also rubbed his head with a headache.

It can make a descendant of the nocturnal dragon who can't shake his brain even a coma curse feel a headache, and don't know if the weird woman should be proud.

As a backbone of wizards in the origin conference, Ken's vision and experience are rich and broad.

He was neither as self-satisfied and sat in the sky as Josie nor a solo traveler, such as Markotel, who was alone and did not have a deep understanding of the outside world.

Ken followed his two companions, Yamami Keiko and La Nina, who had participated in countless battles and entered many different sub-worlds.

The existence of the origin conference is indeed very secretive, but it does not mean that they are usually low-key when they are abnormal, and do not even appear when they appear.

On the contrary, the members of the Origin Conference are often active in different worlds, and their number is not large, but relatively, the number of free men and wizards is also less, so in comparison, their cardinal numbers immediately seem much larger.

Because as long as the identity of their origin conference is hidden, no one will find their identity, and naturally no one will find that they are a member of the origin conference, and no one will know of the existence of the origin conference.

For example, Josie.

At this time, her own secrets were indeed exposed, but it was only limited to this. She was known that she possessed special magical powers, which can be changed into the existence of half-human and half-fox, but the origin conference is still not won by others. know.

Even if she was finally captured or even killed in battle, she at most got some kind of complicated patterned logo from her body, thus reminding her that she should be a member of a certain organization.

And this was also when General Sorozor had vaguely learned that a secret organization had ordered a tracing after news of the activity.

After all, the hidden secret, after a long time, will inevitably reveal a few flaws.

So the members of the origin meeting can rest assured of bold activities.

You may not even know at all that perhaps behind your most trusted companion, you may have a second, different identity as a member of the Origin Conference.

Of course, the origin conference is only better hidden, not that it must be a very bad existence.

Incidentally, Ken's other two partners are all women, and they are two beautiful women from Japan and the Mediterranean.

Rich experience and broad vision let Ken know that there are more insider divisions than Josie and Marcotel. Although the free man has not been around for a long time, the year since the first free man appeared has been completely It allows certain beings to grow to a sufficient height.

The Origin Conference seems to be very powerful, but there are also a few non-witches who can fight them.

Among them are magic creatures belonging to the second world. For example, as far away as France, there is a guy who claims to be an underworld. His abilities are almost at the soul level. His magical origin is unknown, but he is powerful. Doubtful.

There are also free men from the other second world. They are mostly superpowers and abilities. Their abilities are complicated. Most of them are weak guys, but there are also some powerful ones.

And the superpowers of this part of abilities are almost compound.

Many worlds use drugs and equipment that plunder and directly give ordinary people superpower talents. Although there are risks, they can't stop the huge resources available to free people. If they succeed, a very difficult opponent will appear.

Some powerful ones, even the origin conference, need to avoid its edge.

Fortunately, most free people are negligible fish, but I don’t know why, another plot character in the second world is very active, often leaving the original world.

The people of the origin conference are not without this idea, but they don't know how to bring out the people of the second world.

Back in time, Bird Taman could only use special means to follow people from another second world into another second world, and could not open the door of their own world at all and bring out the characters in the plot.

Dare to be sure that those nasty abilities and super powers guys have mastered some means of time and space portals.

After all, their world is mostly the world of science and technology, and there are not many worlds with this kind of black technology.

The best example is the sporadic appearance of Chaoying. This cloning weapon and missionary called the sg series, which is entangled with Josie, is a newcomer.

The Origin Conference has also been spying on this method, but it has not been successful for a long time.

It sounds complicated, but if summed up carefully, it is still very concise.

Needless to say, the free man on the wizard's side, vampire werewolves, common magical creatures on the bad streets, have a great advantage in the early stage over the wizards who have just entered the magic gate.

However, the disadvantages are also very obvious. It is difficult to advance, and there are few means for promotion in the later period. Almost all rely on explosive seeds and unconventional means. There is no growth of the wizard in a steady manner.

Except for some guys who have a particularly high start, the origin conference is basically a section above them.

The free people from super powers, although they have various abilities, are mostly weak, and the weak magnetic field control current control is not worth mentioning at all.

They are neither natural protagonists nor experimental products of mutants with x genes. It is almost impossible to strengthen their superpowers through continuous exercise and development.

Not every current controller is an electro-optical person, there may be Lincoln.

Powerful abilities are better understood.

They are undoubtedly all superpowers activated by various pharmacy methods and equipment raids, such as the mutant mutant raiders of the Shizida Enterprise, the flawed molecular formula of Dr. Mohid Suresh among the super heroes, and the complete bet Terrigan crystal.

The people who come through the plunder almost always choose the super powers from the super hero world Sierra or Peter.

Loot its superpowers and replicate by seeing through the rules of things.

Only these two superpowers have unlimited possibilities. Although the choice of self-healing ability can guarantee that you will not die, it also limits the future. The biggest achievement is only a meat shield warrior beyond the Wolverine.

In this way, the situation in which the high-end combat capabilities of the abilities are almost all messed up with a large number of compound abilities.

And through this point, it can also be determined that the sub-world is not unique, otherwise it is impossible to have so many copying capabilities and machines for them to plunder.

Let’s not mention any interesting endings that can be extended on this issue. It can be said that the composition of the fighting power of free men is also relatively transparent.

Miscellaneous fish that can be ignored, these are not talented, but they just awakened the weak and super free people without entering the world.

They thought that they had come to work, and finally found out that they were still at the bottom of the world of superpowers.

Free men’s high-end combat power, they may have awakened their super powers, or they may not have been awakened for various reasons, but they have all kinds of super powers combined by various means to exert one plus one combat power far greater than two. , Each is a very difficult existence.

Then there are the plot characters.

They do not need to be introduced, because their ability settings, backstory, and even hobbies and secrets are clearly shown in movies and comics and TV series.

I am afraid that free people know themselves better than themselves.

Ken has a relatively detailed grasp of this information. After all, the so-called flesh shield, he will rush to the front line of battle almost every time. He always needs to know who can attack hard and who can't. , So as not to be directly beaten into small cakes.

But Ken never heard of such a weird existence.

You can even turn a portal as big as a pool into a shooting star and throw it at the end of the sky. This is simply to reproduce the scenes in the cartoon in reality.

At first, Ken thought it was a wizard, because she had a strong magic wave.

But now he is not so convinced that not every guy with magical fluctuations is a wizard, or it may be something weird. The most important thing is that this strange ability does not look like magic, more Like. . Some unknown superpower.

If this is the case, it is definitely not good news. Although they are now in the same position, but once the common enemy disappears, perhaps the situation is not so harmonious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not every ability person And the free people with super powers are hostile to the wizard, but most of them are like this. The super power side has such a high-end fighting power. .

She threw the portal directly into the sky and even flashed a cross star spot. She could not bear to pay attention to it.

Thinking of this, he could not help but frown.

. . .

The portal completely disappeared.

The flashing meteor is not an illusion, because until now, the portal has really not reproduced again, the lower-level ghosts that have lost their sources begin to mess up, and the big ghost is even more outrageous.

But in this chaos, another temporary foothold in New York's Yihuo, but a guy looked at this scene with relish, and did not let it go for a moment.

"It's amazing." Looking at the increasingly exaggerated Miss Fujiang, Lucy couldn't help but raise a beautiful eyebrow on one side, "This will definitely become your dark history..."

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