High Magic Earth

Chapter 1152: Fu Jiang under the mask (2)

A crisp sound, like awakening the sleeping sky.

The manic thunder and lightning crashed down, they were like countless long snakes, mixed together, and swooped down fiercely from the sky, constituting a manic thunder electric prison.

These falling mines are more than just appearances. They burst on the ground and immediately leave scars at the mouth of the basin. The amazing destructive power and veritable lightning speed are enough to prove their truth and power.

But Fu Jiang didn't seem to care about these little guys.

Standing in the thunder, she merged with the storm, like a wild conductor, shouting, "This is what I want!"

At this time, Fu Jiang has completely changed her appearance. Her body is still slender and thin, like a delicate girl, but her face is painted with a thick layer of green paint, smooth and green, and occasionally The flash of lightning flashed even reflected the dazzling light.

The devil's figure and the face of the devil, and the latter is obviously a realistic school.

In fact, when Loki’s mask was not worn, it was just a simple wooden mask, covering an area of ​​only half of the face, and looked like an ornament at a masquerade, or even the part of his eyes. There are also two rows of printing pins.

But as Fu Jiang put it on his face, it completely changed into a different look.

The emerald green mask was close to her face, the cheekbones of Fujiang were highlighted, and the entire face became angular, or it was more like a skull with a green skin.

This kind of delicate feeling resembling the second skin can hardly be reminiscent of that it used to be a rough wooden mask.

At this time, Fu Jiang looked like a red skull with high claws, but in terms of styling, Fu Jiang's face was more sensual, but still like a skull.

Sure enough, no woman would like this image.

In other words, it's hard for anyone to feel good about a skull-like face, no wonder Fu Jiang doesn't like wearing it.

Fortunately, the mask still retains Fu Jiang's nose, instead of only two holes like the red skull. This is also a comfort that is better than nothing.

This is Fu Jiang's new look.

In fact, she is also the weird guy in Ken's mouth. Under the watch of Marko and the missionaries, she directly caused the whole scene to be the culprit.

. . .

Thunder purgatory farce like a huge vortex like a cloud robbed in the air, like a gorgeous stage farce like a unicorn drama and a musical dance. Before Rocky's mask was found by Yi Chou, it seems that it hasn't been the owner for a long time.

It is like a bear child who has been held back for countless years, wantonly venting his emotions in the sky.

Under the rendering of the mask, the prank-loving side of the human form is rendered to the extreme. Even if Fu Jiang had never had such a thought, after wearing the mask, these exaggerated practices can not be avoided.

This is why Yi Chou is unwilling to try it easily.

Although there is no threat, although it is only used to achieve the purpose and use mischief to make things more troublesome, Yi Chou still does not like it.

Because maybe you won't notice when wearing a mask. Once you take it off, you will find yourself before you, it's stupid.

Nowadays, Fu Jiang will probably not find anything wrong with his approach, but will feel complacent.

Then immediately, Fu Jiang aimed at the portal in mid-air.

The mask exaggerated her character, but did not make her stupid. On the contrary, would a **** be stupid.

Fu Jiang was not stupid. After putting on the mask, she felt that her brain was much easier to use. After the series of slapstick appearances ended, she set her eyes on the portal for the first time.

It must be cut off and destroyed, otherwise no one knows what they will face next.

The ghost of that stupid man looks powerful, but who can guarantee that there is nothing stronger than it behind the door, Loki is not a **** who is good at fighting, and his abilities are used by him for pranks.

What's more, at this time, Fu Jiang was only wearing Rocky's mask. Although it is said that wearing a mask is equivalent to Rocky, with the power of infinitely close to the **** of pranks, but after all, it is not a god.

So without hesitation, the Divine Power turned the air into a rope and wrapped it around the portal-this scene looked like it was made out of nothing, and then threw it hard and threw the portal directly.

Of course, because of Rocky's bad personality, Fu Jiang certainly wouldn't just throw the portal out so easily, so it became the lens in the cartoon as seen by Ken and others.

But Fu Jiang was very sure that perhaps the evil villains in the animation could not be killed, and would always yell back and reappear again.

There is no chance for this portal.

Because it is not really thrown out of the earth, Fu Jiang is not stupid, outer space may be a restricted zone for humans, but no one has heard that the ghost needs oxygen and throws the portal into space, does it directly give it a chance to develop? .

In that case, maybe it won't take long, the earth needs to face the vast ghost interstellar team, it is a disaster.

So while throwing it out, the destruction of the portal has already begun, even if there is no control of Fu Jiang, the rope will cover the entire portal a little bit until it is crushed.

Although the portals with prohibited appearances are of different shapes and shapes, they are still only magic, and huge ghosts can touch it because they contain roughly the same magic and energy.

In theory, ordinary physical means simply cannot destroy this magic.

But these strange abilities of Fu Jiang didn't belong to ordinary physical means, otherwise how could the rope extend outward without limitation, or even tie up the portal.

The portal itself has nothing outstanding, except for the shape, except for the big ghost, the small ghosts in the sky are only a terrible number, and they can't cause trouble for Fujiang at all.

and so. .

"I can feel its wailing." Fu Jiang stood in the sky, showing off to the huge ghost with a nasty triumphant look, she shook her waist exaggeratedly, "It seems to be in my body Begging hard..."

She was talking about the portal.

In the distant, invisible void, the portal is still flying in the dark universe.

As the portal passed, it was like dumplings behind him, and a large piece of new ghosts was spilled, just like a hole in the pocket tied to the back seat of the bicycle.

These little guys are obviously a little confused, because they just fell out of the portal, they were thrown a seven-element eight, they may also be immersed in the delusion of the world on the other side of the portal, I did not expect that waiting for them is endless The darkness of the void.

But after a moment of stunned, they decided to pursue the pace of the portal gradually away, at least can not be abandoned by the large forces, right? This endless darkness or something, at first glance scared the ghost.

Of course, they must not be able to catch up with the speed of the portal alone, which resulted in a forbidden-shaped portal that quickly flashed in a vacuum, and behind it was closely followed by a large group of densely packed ghosts Spectacular sight.

This is a rare scene in a dead universe without much anger.

Judging from the distant starry sky, it is somewhat similar to a meteor, and it is still a green meteor.

In fact, the real situation of the portal is far less chic than it looks. As Fu Jiang said, her destruction of the portal has already begun.

The rope hanging on the portal seems to have life at this moment, it gradually transforms into thorns, and then spreads and climbs continuously, as if the python gradually coiled the portal, and then firmly locked.


At this time, the portal was already acquainted with the old TV with bad signal. At the same time it made a sizzling sound, it was extremely unstable. The thorns wrapped on its surface were like a chain of fire around the ice, making the portal like ice cream. Melts and melts as quickly as possible.

The thorns imprisoning the portal are not really airtight, so there are still ghosts falling out of the gap, but even if all the ghosts bite together, slash, and use acidic liquid to corrode the thorns, they still cannot destroy the portals. Play the slightest interference.

There are more and more sharp thorns, and the pressure it brings to the portal is also increasing. Gradually, the portal begins to be overwhelmed.

The bulging forbidden symbol was compressed into an oval shape by thorns, until now it is almost flat, and then. .


Fu Jiang, still in the sky above New York, snapped her fingers again, and then she seemed to see something that made her scalp tingling, and she exaggeratedly embraced her two arms and stroked.

"Oh..." she said. "what a pity."

"You look angry." Fu Jiang tilted his green head and looked at the big ghost. "But it's gone."

In fact, this is no longer a matter of indignation, no need for Fu Jiang to explain, the big ghost can understand what Fu Jiang is referring to.

The moment the portal was destroyed, it became aware that the energy channel between it and the ghost universe was cut off.

This means that its power starts to use one point and one point, energy is not replenished, it does not need to be expelled and die, and it will return to its own world sooner or later.

And it cannot open the portal again.

It can be seen from its strong body, it is more like a strong warrior than a mage, if the ghost also has this difference.

The portal was not opened by it, nor did it know how to open it. The only thing it knew was that it needed to protect the portal until a more powerful ghost appeared.

But it failed and the portal was closed, which also means. .

No, maybe not.

Suddenly, the big ghost was stunned, because it remembered another method. The portal was just to give the ghosts a stable passage into the world. It would not open the portal, but in fact, it did not need to do so. .

Because it is enough to send a ghost that can open the portal into this world.

Forcibly breaking a ghost channel and holding it for a short time, it can still do it.

Thinking of this, the gleaming silver blaze in his eyes immediately jumped twice, but before that, it still had an account to calculate.

The usual evil smile on the face of the big ghost has long disappeared, and he is full of anger. Its whole body seems to have flames without substance, soaking it into a dark blue-green, and then it is fixed on his eyes. Rich river.

The collision of one green monster and one big green monster is almost instantaneous.

. . .

As the fuse of all battles, the battlefield where Josie is located is the most intense place in New York, but it is not the only place where battles take place.

In fact, tonight in New York is like a chaotic end. Everywhere is full of chaos and disputes. At first, it was just a mess of Josie, then Yi Chou attacked the seth company, and then all the witch hunting plans began to act simultaneously. These riots It gradually intensified until more and more guys in muddy waters touched the fish.

I am afraid that General Sorozo, who is in charge of the entire witch hunt plan, did not anticipate this. Don’t think, the pressure from everywhere will fly to him like a snowflake through Congress.

The scene of Yi Hao and Athena's attack on Seth's company is actually not less dangerous than that of Josie.

Although Josie is located in a battle center with a large number of people, the highest fighting power is nothing more than a Fu Jiang wearing a **** mask and a large green jelly ghost.

In contrast, although there are only two people in Seth Company, one of them is a real god. The existence of Yi Chou has vaguely exceeded his **** companion.

For those who stand up against their opponents, it is indeed too dangerous.

For example, the real fbi agent who trails behind Yi Huo, Miss Holly.

The practice of following a **** is too bold. I really hope that she will not encounter any strange dangers, or see some unacceptable things, and fall into the destruction of the world view.

Of course, the premise of all this is that she can keep up with the speed of the two without being discovered, otherwise the possibility of losing will be greater.

. . .

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Agent Holly's approach is dangerous and bold, then the mood of another guy at this time may be desperate.

"! Where the hell's door! Go!!"

Dastan's heart collapsed at this time.

He has been struggling with Strange for a long time, facing Strange who is full of firepower and no longer saving energy in order to maintain long-term existence, Dastan does not have much advantage. On the contrary, he will still be caught from time to time. Strange suppresses and is in a disadvantageous state.

Although both have occasional advantages, in general, the situation is bad for Dalstein.

The Strange opposite was just a magic left in the eyes of Agomo, the energy body condensed from the energy of the time gem, in other words, it was not alive, just a magic.

Even if it is eliminated, it doesn’t make any sense. On the other hand, Dastan, any wound that Strange left on him is really real.

Obviously, this battle was not equal from the beginning.

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