High Magic Earth

Chapter 1153: War of the same color

Faced with the sudden outbreak of Strange, Dastan, who has been chasing each other, has counseled him. What he most hopes to see now is that the gap appears again, and then he can take the opportunity to escape.

But it wasn't Strange who saw through his intentions and started to go crazy, recklessly snatching and retaining himself, but that the gap seemed to disappear.

Yes, it disappeared.

Not long ago, the black gap appeared again for half a second, but after Dustan failed to catch up with Strange's best efforts, it seemed to be completely closed and silent.

Until now, it has not appeared again.

But Strange didn't know if he was still worried, worried that the gap hadn't really disappeared, or if he hit Hi, the offensive seemed to be unable to stop.

Of course, even if there is no gap, as Strange's energy is exhausted, this mirror world will disappear, and it can't trap itself.

It was just looking at Strange's radiant energy without losing energy. . Dustan felt the wounds in his body hurt again.

. . .

And outside the world of mirrors, Fu Jiang, who didn’t even know that his approach had pitted a future or past partner, was tilting his green head, making a funny expression on the green strange face, and taunting the big ghost, "You It seems angry, it seems to be on fire."

Answering her was an angry roar and a car falling like a raindrop, mixed with the remains of the house ruins.

The little ghosts spewing out of the portal can still interfere with reality, destroying everything that can be seen in the surroundings like demolishing a house, and hitting the crowd with large pieces of rubble on the ground, not to mention this big ghost.

This stupid man has a fat and muscular body, even if it looks soft and fat like fat, but the huge body will be prohibitive.

It does not have a real physical body, but the whole body is like a large piece of rag connected, as if the rag doll is inflated, and then come alive.

It has a ridiculous red bow on its neck, and its face or head is in the shape of a falling water drop, and a soft cloth bag is hanging at the top of the head. . It's like the piece of nightcap hanging down.

It looks a little cute and cute, but its rudimentary essential teeth, and the dazzling and bright eyes like a light bulb destroy all this.

This guy is not as harmless as it seems on the surface. The ruins and howling wraiths under his feet are the best proof of its cruelty and tyranny.

"Hah! The big guy is angry and angry!" The big ghost's attack seemed fierce, but in fact he was not even qualified to cause trouble for Fu Jiang.

With a slight twist of his body, Fu Jiang let a scrapped car flying with a whistling sound pass, and then twisted again, passing the other one again.

"Your eyes are not only small. Sure enough, it's really useless." Fu Jiang started to make fun of the appearance of the big ghost again, this time instead of opening his eyes, "I have reason to believe that you need a pair glasses."

When the words fell, Fu Jiang put his hand under his skirt and pulled it out, and then pulled out a pair of sunglasses under the silent eyes of everyone below and in the puzzled expression of the big ghost.

Sunglasses in the true sense.

Although the face of this big ghost has the shape of a water drop and the position of the eyes is pitiful, it also has a distance of more than two meters, which can not be worn by ordinary people's glasses.

However, the volume of this sunglasses in Fujiang's hands is sufficient.

There was an unusually funny feeling when the big sunglasses of more than two meters were held in Fujiang's hands, but now Fujiang liked this. She pulled out a slingshot again, and then put the sunglasses on the frame, aiming at the big ghost.

"Ready to launch--!"

The voice and accompaniment of the missile launch in her mouth are exactly the same as the background music during the war in the blockbuster movies. Suddenly, the whole scene became passionate and even magnificent.

The slingshot aimed at the face of the big ghost, although it was just a slingshot. . Have you ever seen a slingshot bigger than a house?

Faced with this thing, even the big ghost couldn't help but panic, because this guy looked bigger than his face, he couldn't help but block his face with his hand, and tried to retreat with a panicked expression.

Of course, this is useless.

Ignoring the struggle of the big ghost, Fu Jiang took it easy.


Accompanied by Fu Jiang's special dubbing, the sunglasses instantly passed through the distance between space and time, and flew directly to the green face of the big ghost.


In fact, this is just an illusion made by Fu Jiang using the ability of the mask. She did not eject the sunglasses, but scattered the sunglasses, and then condensed one directly on the ghost's face.

Seeing the big ghost scurrying around his face in panic - because the sunglasses are pure black, produced by the **** of mischief, he would never let the creatures behind the sunglasses see anything, and Fu Jiang laughed very politely.


She laughed so exaggeratedly, from the beginning with a loud voice, to holding her belly, and then kneeling in the sky, as if hammering the air like a hammer on the ground, until she finally laughed, even her eyes fell out, and then Converted into a series of coughing sounds.

"Cough cough cough!"

Ken looked at Fujiang above very silently. He didn’t know this new guy. The ability of the Rocky mask was too weird. It can be said that there are many tricks and the recognition is not so obvious. Because of the distance, Ken also I couldn't see the special color on Fu Jiang's face. I didn't realize that the guy above was wearing a mask from a disguised geek.

He only knew that this guy was very powerful, but. . It seems a little unreliable.

The sunglasses just brought some trouble to the big ghost, and could not cause substantial damage to it. In fact, after the initial panic, the big ghost quickly calmed down, and then angrily smashed the sunglasses into pieces, while The angry look on his face was even better.


Like a general who was stunned by anger, the big ghost screamed loudly, and at the same time, he swung his short arm forward, pointing directly at Fujiang in midair.

Of course, it is not a random wave, but a ghost that really responds.

Although the portal was thrown by Fu Jiang to nowhere, there were still a large number of ghosts left in place, and they were also a great force to gather. . At least for Ken, who is suffering.

Hidden under the hard petrified skin, Ken is waiting silently with his head in mind. He is not just spending time. The nocturnal dragon has greatly weakened his sense of magic. Many magics that are not very difficult for ordinary wizards are in Ken. It takes a while to prepare here, and for ordinary wizards, it takes a long time to prepare magic. For Ken, the time required is even longer.

This is somewhat similar to the slogan commonly used in games, but Ken doesn't like it very much.

Along with the big ghost's shouting angrily, Ken lowered his head and found that the degree of attack he had received was reduced. He thought it was just the anger of the big ghost when he was being played by the weirdo again. . After all, that strange person's behavior was indeed very bad, and he couldn't even look down on himself as a bystander.

But this does not seem to be the case.

Looking up, Ken immediately realized the reason.

Because the ghosts in the sky have all floated up, like the waves on the sea, rushing towards the strange man with crazy turbulence and waves. Naturally, I have always recognized my own ghost whirlwind is also among them, they are broken up , And then mixed into the ghost army.

This time, Ken will obviously not miss the opportunity.

The turbulent flames spewed out, as if a coat of flames was draped over Ken's body, like a fire ring for sacrifice, this is Li Huo curse, in fact, he can drape Li Huo on himself Even in the origin meeting, only Ken can do it.

The long-nosed nocturnal dragon finally ripped off the silent coat, revealing its sharp fangs.


Ken's back opened a pair of wings in an instant, like the wings of a bat. The wings brought great buoyancy and let him take off.

The fist wrapped in flames swept through the air quickly, and even made a sizzling burning sound. Ken, who had seen the power of a large number of ghosts gathered together, no longer kept his hands. In a few blinks, he would still surround the scattered bits and pieces around. The ghosts were all burnt to ashes.

There are also many strange ghosts staying nearby. There are no head warriors, children riding on the carousel, perhaps because of the call of the big ghost, or the fierceness that Ken has shown for a while, they have not dared to come around, and Ken has no time To control them, all he has to do now is take the opportunity to take away Josie, the sooner the better.

The scene has become very confusing. Under the impact of the large ghost and ghost group, even Ken can't be sure that he can completely protect himself.

and. . With the dawn, his strength will be greatly reduced.

There was no need to go to this muddy water again, holding this idea, Ken dived quickly in the air towards Josie, and as the weirdo above faced the large group of ghost legions, Ken could only pray and let her ask for blessings.

. . .

The vast and spooky army of ghosts joined together, forming a dark green cloud. From afar, it seemed to be a bit infiltrating.

of course. . As a creature of the same color, Fu Jiang does not seem to be much better.

"At least my figure is much better than them, right." Fu Jiang asked to the screen.

At this time, the Ghost Legion had begun to converge towards Fujiang, and the Great Ghost was not idle. It abandoned its useless destruction and moved its heavy body to Fujiang with its heavy steps.

I'm afraid it hasn't realized that it wants to rely on its own speed. I'm afraid it's impossible to catch up with Fujiang in this life. Fujiang can play around with it.

But even so, the Great Ghost still caused severe damage to the neighborhood, and the ground buildings it passed by had almost no chance of surviving, and all collapsed into ruins.

"The harm caused by obesity." Fu Jiang muttered murmured.

The huge ghost army does not know what is called fear. Their wisdom is not high. Following the orders of the big ghost, they rushed to Fujiang without reservation. In the face of a large group of enemies, Fujiang could not even twist himself into a twist. All their attacks are avoided.

But actually. . There is no need to avoid it.

Fu Jiang's face again showed a mischievous smile, and she reached out into the group again and grumbled, "Good babies... try this!"

She yanked outwards and pulled out an electric fan that was two floors high. The huge blades shone cold and cold under the night, icy, as if people could feel a chilling cold light flowing down. Its blade passed by, and at the end there was a crisp sound of "锃!"

Then Fu Jiang picked up the plug of the electric fan and slammed into the air, making the action of turning on the power, and then at the next moment, the fan really turned up.

Almost instantly, the fan exploded into a huge and powerful wind.

The ghost army rushing towards Fujiang seemed to be pressed the pause button, and after half a second of stagnation, his face showed a flash of expression, then. .


Like a gust of wind that can set off a tide and tsunami, the huge wind instantly blows the ghosts. The large number of ghosts are different in appearance, but at this moment, all of them have the same expression on their faces. , That is, his mouth was filled with wind, and his entire face bulged.

But the initiator Fu Jiang slapped his forehead and flattened his forehead, revealing an annoyed expression. "Stop!" She unplugged the power supply helplessly and said with no sincerity, "Sorry, I made a mistake, not This one."

The wind suddenly stopped, leaving all the ghosts suffocated, but before the blown hordes of ghosts had slowed down, Fujiang plugged in again, and a stronger force reappeared instantly, but this Once is no longer strong wind, but a greater attraction!

"That's what it is." Fu Jiang spread his hands and showed a funny and innocent expression on his face.

The products of the Rocky mask are obviously not simple things. A normal electric fan will not emit both wind and suction, and even a normal electric fan will not have such a large volume.

This is just a prank product of the Rocky mask.

The crazy suction pulled several ghosts near here into the electric fan almost instantaneously. The huge blades flashed several times, and these unlucky ghosts left no ashes, and they disappeared.


And this is just a preview~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a short slow charge, the rotation speed of the electric fan increased to a very terrible level in the blink of an eye, just like the ghosts that were blown away at the beginning, this moment, a strong attraction Li once again pulled them back crazy.

Countless ghosts are flying backwards. From a distance, it looks like a vacuum cleaner cleaning up everything.

And any ghost that is sucked into the electric fan can't escape the fate of destruction. The sharp blade of the electric fan is like a blade to switch all the ghosts that are drawn into powder.

"Hahahaha!" Fu Jiang exclaimed sharply, and said aloud, "That's right, the babies are coming to their mothers!"


The huge attraction is difficult to resist even the big ghost. It screams in anger. The huge body is shaken by the attraction and almost leaves the ground. It stands close to the fan and is unstable. Even if the big ghost tries to maintain balance, its feet are still Leave two deep gullies on the ground.

At this scene, Josie and Ken and Marco Tell were stunned.

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