High Magic Earth

Chapter 1154: go ahead

Lucy, who has retained a lot of the rich history of Fujiang Black, satisfactorily turned his eyes back from the battlefield in New York and put it back on Yi and the two.

Seth's sneaking in is the top priority tonight.

"I have to say, sir, Miss Kawakami Fujiang's mission is better than expected... The scope of the battle is also acceptable."

"The casualties of more than 1,200 people, six buildings with more than 30 floors and five buildings with more than 30 floors collapsed, and the initial estimated loss of 350 million US dollars should be considered good."

Steady footsteps twitched slightly, and Yi Biao's mouth twitched, "I don't think this is what I said to you."

The reason why Yi Chou sent Fujiang to the past was not to deal with that big ghost, because when the big river started, the big ghost did not appear, and no one thought that there would be a ghost army behind the portal, even connecting the ghost world.

Fu Jiang arrived there only with the fastest speed, the fastest means, and quickly ended the fight. Although the existence of the free man could not be exposed, he was able to conceal it for a while.

The government no longer deliberately conceals the existence of free people, so this naturally requires the free people's groups to defend themselves.

Yi Chou will not be busy helping every free man to finish. He is not a savior, but he does not mind less cover-up if fighting breaks out directly on the edge of the suburbs of New York.

Of course, with Josie's confusion and the appearance of the Great Ghost, things became more and more serious, and Fu Jiang's mission also changed in real time.

In any case, according to Lucy's description, the scope of this battle is certainly not small.

even. . Everything was revealed, probably in New York News tomorrow morning.

In fact, seeing the volume of the big ghost, Yi Chou should have this psychological preparation, but the situation is more serious than he expected.

"Neither can I say that." Lucy was not worried, because for Yi Biao and others, the exposure of the free man was not important. What he worried about was not the reaction of the world, but the reaction of angels and demons. .

"At least Chuan Shang Fu Jiang has destroyed the portal. The battle will soon be over."

"Her adaptability is really good."

"Oh sir, I have live video and rebroadcast here, do I need to send it to you?"

Although wearing a mask, Fu Jiang is a bit verbose, and even his personality becomes weird and exaggerated, but as Lucy said, the mask will only magnify the prank side of your personality, it will not distort you, and it will not be born. New personality.

Fu Jiang is still Fu Jiang, and she still takes orders from her mind.

In addition to wasting a few minutes of time on the stage, Fu Jiang’s actions were perfect and smooth. The first step directly destroyed the portal. She threw the portal into the sky and then cleared the scene. The killing of the big electric fan soon Will clean up all nearby ghosts.

Then the last remaining step is to solve the last big guy.

There is nothing wrong with her thinking, just that the mask renders all this into a mischievous atmosphere, which looks strange.

This information was instantly transmitted to Yi Chou by Lucy. After half a second, the whole thing was already understood by Yi Chou. "I know." He said, "Also. Just broadcast the video."

But Lucy's appreciation of Fu Jiang made another guy very unhappy.

"It's just relying on the power of the mask." Athena said coldly, "That's an item belonging to another god, she still borrowed the power of God."

"Without that mask, she is not even as good as a mortal."

"But you can't kill a guy weaker than a mortal, right?" Lucy asked rhetorically.

Athena was choked immediately.

Everyone knows that Fu Jiang cannot be killed.

Yi Biao has long been blamed for this situation. It would be strange if these people do not talk about it several times a day, but seriously, the situation now seems not very suitable.

"Beautiful ladies." Yi Huo was helpless. "Is it really a good opportunity to discuss these issues now?"

The surroundings finally became quiet, and when the task was going on, only Yi Biao's words could suppress them.

"Excellent." Yi Huo exhaled a breath, a lot easier.

. . .

It's been more than five minutes since Yi Ao and Athena resolved the Assassin assassin. During this time, no enemies appeared to stop them.

It can be said that Yi Chou is a real killer who has used his fighting skills to kill a **** road among countless Assassins. No one can take a trick in his hands. He is experienced and countless assassins are just like him in front of him. Childlike, no matter what kind of attack can be easily resolved by Yi Chao.

Of course, Yi Biao's strong physical quality occupies a large part of the factor, but the rich fighting experience of the master is still an indispensable condition.

And for those Assassin assassins, their chance is only once, as long as Yi Shou is shot, then the next consequence is death or injury.

On the other hand, even when he made a mistake, the cold dagger penetrated his heart, but he couldn't even penetrate his skin.

Athena on the other side didn't have so much beauty. She killed a **** path and left behind a blood plasma and meat, just like the **** of realistic painting style.

I don’t know if it’s because of the two men’s powerful fighting ability, or the people behind the scenes decided not to send these guys who can’t count these cannon fodders to die. Anyway, as the last wave of Assassin assassin died, no hooded man appeared again. .

Yi Chou feels that the latter is more likely.

Either way, it was a huge shock for Agent Holly, who was trailing behind them.

Because, as Yi Chou said, Athena killed a road to hell, it was really behind her, paved a road with flesh and blood.

. . .


Squeezing the tumbling liquid in her stomach, Holly swallowed back the nausea that almost came up. Although the surroundings have been completely transformed into a pool of blood and mud, no clever forensic doctor can extract anything valuable from the scene. Information, but Holly still doesn't want to leave any clues.

She resisted the discomfort and suppressed the vomit that was about to blurt out.

but. . As her elite fbi agent, this kind of mistake should theoretically occur. Years of experience should have trained her nerves to be extremely stout and not easily discomfort with certain scenes.

But as Holly judged, this is all around. . It's really a pool of blood pool and pulp.

Although Holly did not follow Yi Yihou from the beginning, she also followed for a long time, at least when the two first played against the hooded assassins, she stayed away.

The guys didn't even know where it came from, even Holly was startled.

Fortunately, she was lucky, hiding far enough, and there was no distance for the assassin to hide. She was lucky to be undetected.

Because of this, Holly never dared to get too close, fearing that there would be something strange and lurking around. She didn’t know that she had been hanging behind her.

But this is enough for her to roughly restore the scene at that time.

While shocked by the amazing fighting power of the two, Holly didn't feel how cruel the fighting was around at that time, because Athena still had her hand at that time.

Broken limb, mutilated, blood sprayed on the wall, which Athena originally brought to them.

But Athena's power is far more than that. With her full strength, she can even penetrate the Titans.

Although in the original plot of the battle of the gods at that time, Athena was almost split by the Titans, but she also wiped out a lot. The shape of the Titan in the original plot was very frustrating, and it seemed nothing like the soldiers, but they It’s still Titan.

Ordinary human weapons cannot even break through their skin. . The reason why Athena and Titan are so fierce, it seems that Athena's combat power is very watery, then it depends on who the opponent is.

Replaced with these Assassin assassins, isn't it directly in a state of crushing?

What's more, this Athena has undergone preliminary silver tongue strengthening, and its combat power is even higher than before.

With the increasing number of Assassin assassins, Athena's patience was being worn less and less. In the end, she almost did not leave any room between her fists and feet. The sharp sickle seemed to form a streamer of thread. Everything is cut off.

What it would look like to hit the human body with the power of the Titan.

That's what Holly sees now.

As long as Athena's fists or legs and feet are rubbed, the part of the hand will burst into a blood mist instantly, and small blood beads and meat particles are condensed in the blood mist, which is the body that was directly hit.

A large amount of blood mist mixed together constitutes a scene like this. Every step, even thick plasma and minced meat will splash on the insteps of the feet, and the smell is disgusting.

The slippery sensation from the soles made Holly couldn't help numbing her scalp and goose bumps on her body.

"Oh my god..." Her complexion was ugly, and she even turned pale. "What the hell..."

Agent Holly knew what had happened, she just couldn't believe it.

superpower. . In other words, the power person really exists. This is the first time. This is just her original idea. She found the evidence and her task can be completed.

In fact, she is also very interested in this matter itself, but this is a superpower, an absolute big event in human history.

With the initial killing of Athena, Agent Holly did not find anything wrong. After all, abilities are always more powerful than humans. There may be some useless abilities, but there are always suitable for combat.

Abilities are just fighting alone, and unless those mutants in the comics really show up, they can never be opponents of the human army.

Just see this scene now. . Holly felt shaken about her inner thoughts. .

Such a cruel, even such a powerful ability, is it really their fbi can deal with.

The red plasma splashed on her instep, Agent Holly seemed a little uneasy, and her concentration was not as concentrated as before. She didn't have the previous alertness. In contemplation, she didn't notice a dark shadow. Slowly approach yourself.

It was not until the splash from the ground reached her ears that she realized that there was a second footstep near here.

Except for yourself. . Footsteps.

Pulling the gun without hesitation and aiming, then she turned her head violently.

Just before she could react, the creature that caught her eyes had her pupils shrink in an instant.

"God! What a monster is this!"

. . .

Athena and Lucy, who had calmed down, re-entered the working state. Athena was in charge of finding the way, and Lucy was in charge of the way. With Lucy pointing the way, their speed of movement was obviously much faster.

Before Lucy had been competing with the opposite artificial intelligence for dominance, now she finally had the opportunity to explain to Yi Chou.

In fact, the battle is still not over.

The artificial intelligence on the opposite side did not fail, as did Lucy.

Different from ordinary artificial intelligence, even if this guy with Lucy's magical intelligence is unique, it is not so easy to deal with.

If Lucy is just an ordinary artificial intelligence, I am afraid that he has lost long ago. In fact, Lucy also suspects that the other party is not just a simple artificial intelligence.

Seeing that neither side can do anything, the other side quickly retracted Seth's internal network again. It couldn't beat Lucy outside. With it in place, Lucy couldn't invade Seth's real core.

For this reason, Lucy can only have free time and easy chat.

but. . Although it is impossible to get the real information inside seth company, Yi Biao and Athena are already in it.

Unable to invade the network to find the map, but Lucy can still detect the surrounding environment based on Yi Bust's field of vision and describe the map in real time.

For example. .

"Sir, turn right at the second fork in front of me, I found something interesting, I believe you will also be interested."

As Yi Xiao and the two passed a laboratory, Lucy's voice appeared in his ear again.

I don't know what happened here, and I walked all the way, except for the original Assassin assassins, almost no one saw it.

If all the facilities here are intact and there is no trace of damage, Yi Chou thought that some kind of virus or accident happened.

It is obviously impossible for such a large experiment place to work like a normal company, go to get off work during the day and get off work at night, and there must be some people staying here for 24 hours.

Throw away the above two points~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then there is only one possibility.

The other party knew that he was coming and had already withdrawn.

The company building on the ground is still working, and there are staff on duty and night guards, but the hidden laboratory between the second and third floors has been evacuated and nothing has been left.

Even more. . This may have been made into a trap. At least, the most critical and core things have been taken away by them.

But even so, Yi Chou still has to find out, because he has a reason to do so. This is the most valuable clue in his hand, and it is impossible to give up easily.

But now that he knows that this may be a trap, then Yi Chou will naturally not rashly break in. The silver tongue has brought him a qualitative transformation, but this is not the reason for his carelessness.

The enemies he faces are not only new humans, but also angels and demons.

The latter are all masters of magic. Many strange and strange magic even dare not say that they have all seen it. If you are not careful, you may overturn the boat in the gutter.

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