High Magic Earth

Chapter 1155: explore

This is why Yi Chou insisted on bringing Athena.

With Yi's strength, even if he does not use magic, it is enough to penetrate the entire seth company, unless it encounters angels and demons in the true sense.

What's more, when it comes to an emergency, Yi Chou will certainly no longer worry about hidden identities without magic, and naturally it is a variety of means to greet the past.

Athena is very different from Yi Huo.

This difference is not literal, but true.

This is a suggestion made by Lucy when using silver tongue to reshape Athena's various abilities, a specious existence that is very similar to Yi Chou but completely different.

If Yi Biao is a sorcerer, then Athena is a god, Yi Biao uses magic, Athena has divine art, Yi Biao's power comes from super powers, Athena comes from the body of the **** talent.

Similarly, the curse against the wizard, or the arrogance, is also invalid for Athena.

In fact, since the new human has already anticipated this step of removing people in advance, it is obvious that their own destruction of the virtual reality artificial intelligence program has been exposed. Even if they guess that the coming person is themselves, it is not impossible.

My identity has been guessed, and the trap left by the other party can be directed against myself.

Real name magic, prophecy trap. .

If he can guess what the enemy will do next and where he is going, Yi Biao knows several magic arrays that can seal up powerful enemies that are far from being confronted.

Although the traps formed by real names and prophecies are powerful, they can contain and even seal enemies that cannot be confronted on the front, but their limitations are also great.

For example, the prophecy trap, which is a magic that uses the power of prophecy to rewrite reality, was discovered in Oz. It used something called prophecy energy. Seriously, Yi Chou has never seen it.

According to the handbook, this needs to be extracted from the prophet, in addition to various props and magical creatures related to prophecy, etc.

It is a pity that the only prophet Yi Chang met was also burnt by the power of the yellow light ring, and Yi Chang directly killed her.

Besides, Yi Chou did not expect that this energy would be needed.

Fortunately, when he searched the ruins of Oz, he found many good things, including a glass crystal the size of a fingernail. Yi Chou suspected that there was prophetic energy, but it was only doubt.

Thanks to Oz, a country where magic and technology prevailed at the same time, otherwise all the traces would have long disappeared without the protection of magic under the long time, and it would be left to Yi Chou.

Just a cursory search of a small area will reveal so many useful things.

With the power of prophecy, the whole magic can be completed next.

First of all, what needs to be done uses vague predictions to indicate the goal, guess what the goal might do next, where it might go, what might happen, and when all the predictions are given, magic will play a real role .

The wizard can specify what the design goal will encounter next, and even what the outcome will be.

In other words, when the previous guesses were all established, the target finally encountered what was given in wizard magic.

This is to use the power of prophecy to deceive the world and directly rewrite reality.

But the limitation is also very big. First of all, you need to guess everything correctly. Only in this way will reality be deceived. Eventually, things will be done according to the ending given by magic. Otherwise, it will not have any effect at all.

Similar targeted magic is not uncommon. Although they are often very limited, they are equally powerful.

If similar magic has been set in the front, guessing that Yi Xuan will come here, and then seal his ability to speak, it is likely to be higher than the silver tongue brought to Yi Xiao, and will never be sealed.

In this way, even if Yi Chou can escape by other means, without the silver tongue of the Bailing Bailing, he would be very troublesome to crack this magic.

Although it may not be such a coincidence, it still requires some caution.

Athena walked ahead, and she was responsible for the way.

It's not that she is used as a cannon fodder, and the gods are not so easy to die, not to mention that she is completely different from Yi Chou. The magic against Yi Chou will not have an effect on her, but will be discovered by Lucy.

As a magic intelligence, Lucy's reserve of magic knowledge is not more than that of Yi Chao, because all her knowledge comes from Yi Chao.

But what is more convenient than Yi Chou is that she will never forget, or there is a low-level error that she cannot see when she sees something.

As long as it is magic, she will definitely be aware of it, unless Yi Chou does not recognize this magic.

Of course, there may not be many means for the new humans who can only be killed and killed by abilities, but behind them are angels and demons. The magical knowledge of the two families is not less than the wizards.

after all. . Their magical creatures are one of the real sources of magic.

There is no need for Yi Biao to make any representation. The three people who have fully understood their minds already know the meaning of Yi Biao.

After turning a few more turns, they came to a laboratory that seemed to be exactly the same as before, but inside, there was a very different spacious space.

"That is.."

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes.

He saw the so-called surprise in Lucy's mouth.

The inside of the laboratory is very spacious. Although its appearance is the same as that of all previous laboratories, with glass doors and huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the space inside is four to five times the size of other laboratories.

It was empty, there was nothing, only a seemingly lone robot arm, and a pillar leading directly to the top of the laboratory.

"Animus system."

Lucy's answer has appeared in Yi Chou's ear.

Although there seem to be many things in many laboratories that have passed before, they are actually not very useful. They are just some basic equipment such as centrifuges, which are the basis of all tests. Anyone will only go there when they need it. The materials or other things required for the production of equipment are simply not a laboratory for a specific project.

In addition, there is no researcher, Yi Biao even doubts whether they have found a fake laboratory, or they have evacuated all valuable things.

But Lucy was very firm that they were right.

Now, Yi Huo finally saw a valuable thing.

The Animus system is exactly what cultivated the Assassin assassins in capes. It comes from the world of Assassin's Creed and is very similar to vr virtual reality.

But it's just similar in model. It's not like vr. Everything is controlled by man-made and man-made. It can trace the memory of ancestors through the genes of human beings and let you relive the deeds of ancestors.

And because the genes are completely imprinted in the bones, as the Animus system is used more and more, the user's skill will be closer and closer to his ancestral memory skills, even because of different personal qualities, often Will surpass their ancestors.

Assassin's Creed is a game. Obviously, Yi Biao has experienced countless worlds and has not experienced the story world other than movies and TV series.

When the Second World leaked information, it was very likely that it did not refer to these two art forms. These contents were indeed created by human beings.

but. . The appearance of Assassin's Creed has overturned Yi Chou's perception.

Although the game of Assassin’s Creed has been adapted for a live-action movie not long ago, the huge mechanical cantilever in front of it is completely the lens of the movie, but after all, the movie is completely based on the game. If it is completely unrelated to the game, obviously Is impossible.

Fortunately, it does not appear directly in the second world in the form of a game, otherwise it is not just a matter of easy games to play many games, after all. . This is equivalent to adding countless new worlds.

Although it is not clear why the existence of Assassin's Creed has two forms of movies and games, and there are still games first.

However, this situation was also the first time I encountered clamor. There were very few clues about the essential problems of the Second World. Now it is impossible for him to find out for a while, not to mention that it is not a good time to discuss this issue. You can only temporarily bury it in your heart and refocus your attention on the auxiliary arm of the Animus system in front of you.

"If this is the case... the Animus system must also be nearby."

Looking around slightly, Yi Chou said to Athena.

At just the moment, Lucy has passed all the information about the Animus system to Athena. With her learning ability of the Goddess of Wisdom, she almost glanced at it and memorized the content in her heart.

The mechanical cantilever in front is just an auxiliary device of the Animus system, not itself.

What is more amazing about the Animus system is that it is just a live vr in the whole world, and it does not really make people go back to their ancestral era.

Abstergo Industries is a shadow company composed of Templars. Templars are also the enemies of the Assassins. The grievances between the two are not interested. He only knows that Abstergo Industries successfully made Humans can reproduce ancestral memories through genes, but the progress on the Animus system is not so magical.

In fact, Animus was made by the forerunners, and the Templars were just discoverers.

The technology of the Animus system is not irrelevant, and assassin assassin, their best thing is to run and jump on the top of the building, climb the tall building with bare hands, and then choose a thatch pile and plant it.

This requires them to create a virtual scene suitable for play.

The mechanical cantilever in front of the two people is such a function. It fixes the human body, ascends to simulate climbing, descends to simulate falling, and so on. It is not a complete system, but only an auxiliary device. It is a link of the system.

There are other real Animus systems. In the game, there are many forms, helmet helmets, vr glasses, and even sleeping beds. The Animus system in the movie is integrated with the cantilever and is above the cantilever. , But no one knows what is happening in this laboratory, so you have to find it yourself.

Athena nodded, she understood Yi Yi's meaning, and immediately strode towards the laboratory door.

The electronic combination lock with red lights flashing at the gate, but it was useless to Athena, the golden light suddenly, accompanied by, "Dang!" a crisp sound, the entire password setting has been completely removed.

At the next moment, Athena pulled out the scythe again, and then stabbed fiercely into the crack of the gate.


The harsh sound of iron friction sounded, and Athena's weapon was obviously an artifact. Its material was much better than that of the human alloy door. Under her strange support, she directly squeezed a gap into the door.

Seeing the size of the finger gap, Athena closed the knife, and then pushed hard with her hand to push the alloy door open.

There was a crevice enough for one person to pass by the door, which was enough for both Athena.

If magic is used, Yi Biao naturally has many means, through the glass, or even directly open the code lock with the door open spell, but Yi Biao is not like exposing himself.

The new humans have already retreated from here, which means that they guessed their identity. After all, the entire virtual reality project is carried out in the second world of the wizard, which can destroy it, and only the wizard can find it here.

But it is not the new human beings who need to be prepared for.

What he prepared was that after the incident was exposed, and he was known to the whole world, he used super powers and super speeds that were very similar to abilities.

Maybe he would be mistaken for a power man with a strong body, like Captain America, Superman or something.

In this way, the stress of the wizards will be much less.

Although the cooperation between angels and demons seems to be not so pleasant, the super heroes from the plot world have great distrust of angels and demons, but there are still many free human new humans who are controlled and even choose to cooperate with them. .

Anyway, some new human beings are enemies, and the dirty water is just pouring on them.

Following Athena into the laboratory and watching Athena jump into the air to find a possible Animus system, Yi Chou asked Lucy again.

"Have you noticed that there are traps here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Chou's eyes are looking around, he noticed that there are many things on the console not far away, and even a cup of undeteriorated coffee.

This shows that they were in a hurry when they evacuated and did not leave for long.

Perhaps the situation is not as bad as you think.

"No, sir." Lucy's answer was not unexpected, "Everything is normal around."

Yi Chou nodded, but then, Lucy at the other end seemed to be hesitant, as if he was not sure about something. "Uh..."

"What's wrong?" Yi Xuan immediately asked.

"It's okay." Lucy replied, "It's not a matter of trap. There is no danger here. I think there is something else behind me."

Lucy didn't make it clear, but since she said that, there are naturally her reasons. Yi Chou still believes in Lucy. It was at this time that Athena above began calling for Yi Chou. Obviously, she also found something.

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