High Magic Earth

Chapter 1157: look familiar

Looking at the back in front of him, Agent Holly, who was completely paralyzed on the ground, swallowed secretly, and Athena created a scene of **** here, full of blood plasma and minced meat everywhere, now Because of the panic, these things all contaminated Holly.

Let this fbi who is self-respected as an elite agent look very embarrassed.

Very careful not to make a sound, Agent Holly feels that her muscles are all stiff. Of course, she didn’t ask who you are, such a stupid question. The goal is too unqualified.

Because of this, she was extra careful.

She witnessed all the previous battles, strong body, crazy speed, invincible power, and the brutal fighting power of the two gave her an extremely profound impact.

Honestly, Holly wasn’t sure if the other party had good intentions or bad intentions, but if it was the latter, I’m afraid she couldn’t even support a round.

Holly is facing one of the most common questions, what kind of mentality should humans use to face the mutant individuals in the human race.

Powers with powerful powers.

and many more. . If you don’t say anything and don’t seem to be curious, you may be too calm, which will make the other party wonder if it’s not self-inflicted.

Just as Holly's head had these tangled thoughts in it, Yi Chou had slowly turned around.

"Why should I help her."

He questioned Lucy in his head.

"Not to help her, but because it is necessary to confirm what kind of creature the thing you flew out of."

"And... she is a fbi, this world is an existence that you can't get around, she will be useful, although her current status is not high, but the task of contact is just to investigate you."

"In this case, your contact with her is also the least suspicious."

"Fbi..." Yi Chou's expression didn't move, "Is there any need for contact? I thought they had already stated their position in the battlefield where Fu Jiang was."

The US military, cia and fbi, joined forces to round up Josie. Obviously, mankind has already made a choice in dealing with free men.

"That's just General Sorozo's." Lucy explained, "You don't think he can represent the entire United States."

"Agent Holly in front is only affiliated with fbi. Her mission is not to arrest, but to investigate the situation. Obviously, General Sorzo is not the same as the real fbi. He concealed a lot of information."

"This is still the case between the two departments, and the entire United States."

"Humans are never united creatures."

"It's dangerous for you to say this." Yi Xuan responded in a low voice in his head. "It feels like you will become an intelligent crisis that will destroy the world in the next moment."

"You are not human."

"Although I am a wizard... but I still recognize myself as a member of humanity, and all my habits are the same as humans."


Faced with this arrogance, Lucy apparently couldn't respond, and could only face it with silence. Fortunately, Yi arrogant didn't pursue this issue much, just a joke.

"You investigate... I feel like there is still something hidden around."

But then at the next moment, Yi Chou in his mind looked right and said to Lucy.

Because everything was going on in my mind, this brief exchange didn't take half a second. When Yi Chou turned around completely, his conversation with Lucy was over.

then. . He saw Agent Holly with a tangled look.

Similarly, Agent Holly felt his gaze.

Opening his mouth, Agent Holly didn't know what kind of words to start with, and asked him what he was doing here, why he wanted to kill, or to ask, or to say yes, as well. . Completely ordinary communication.

These thoughts quickly flashed through Holly's mind, but when she opened her mouth, she realized that she had not really made a decision.

In the next moment, the voice had become in his mouth.

"You... have superpowers?"

She asked hesitantly.

As soon as his ear moved, Yi Chou seemed to hear that the thing that had been hit by himself before was crawling out from under the rubble, but. . There is still a period of time, not enough to worry about.

He continued to focus on Holly in front of him and asked, "Are you doubting your eyes?"

"No... it's just all this, it's unbelievable." Holly smiled bitterly.

The free man is covering up the news, and General Sorozo is covering up the news. In fact, the investigation about the free man doesn't even know much about the two intelligence agencies, fbi and cia.

What is scary is not the hiding ability of the free man, but that his own person is also hiding the news.

The black hand from the inside is always the most unpreparable.

Maybe some people with higher positions have contact, but for the lower-level personnel like Agent Holly, superpowers and abilities are still just products of imagination in movies and comics.

Even if technology is improving. . I am afraid that it will take a long time and process, and even some coincidence.

But as Yi Biao attacked Seth this time, after Agent Holly slipped down, the previous moment was only a imaginary product in the comic film, and the next moment really appeared in front of himself.

Even though she is investigating the existence of free people, she has been psychologically prepared, but it is still somewhat difficult to accept. If it is replaced by other people, I am afraid that is even more so.

Once these ideas spread, Holly couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

Before superpowers appeared, various works of mankind always designed a variety of abilities, controlling time, reading people, transmitting souls, and the existence of some abilities was completely unscientific and completely cool. Some abilities are so powerful that they exceed the range that humans can afford, and even directly threaten the universe.

do not know. . What a real power looks like.

By the way, the opponent will not have the ability to read the mind, he seems to show a lot of abilities, speed and power, strong defense and fighting skills. . No, these can also be regarded as an ability. .

"I don't have the ability to read the mind." Yi Huo standing in front of Holly said suddenly.

The sudden sound made Holly's face stiff, and you all saw what I was thinking. . You even said that you have no ability to read.

Wait, **** it. . This sentence will not be seen by him.

Holly's face was tense, but this time Yi Yi's next sentence dispelled her worry again.

"Your thoughts are all written on your face. It's really hard for you to make such a tangled expression."

Isn't Yi Xao good at communicating with people? No, on the contrary, he is very good at communicating with people, but the most important factor is missing in the process of communication.


That kind of genuine indifference is hard to be accepted, because in the eyes of normal people, this approach is a model of ruthlessness and scumming.

After so many years, only Ye Jie and Qu Hong were in contact with Yi Huo.

Fortunately, the emotional factor now has a temporary filling of soul energy. After the most critical defect has been recovered, the exchange of Yi Huo only needs to be familiar with it again.

Perennial disguise even makes Yi Huo better at imagining people's hearts than others.

"Who are you and why are you here."

At the next moment, Yi Biao started to ask Holly what she didn't know, "Are you from Seth Company."

Holly did not immediately answer, because her brain was spinning wildly. What should she say, was she a fbi person?

It is not a good thing to be found by fbi, normal people can't avoid fbi, let alone a power.

According to many movies and comics. . Because of their special status, such people often have a crippled childhood, and they always have some strange psychology and are very sensitive.

Damn it. . There is too little information. Humans have never been in contact with powers in the true sense. It is not clear how they will look, how to think about themselves, and their abilities. Only absurd things like comics and movies can be used as a reference.

When you are an elite detective, you still need this speculative product as a reference, and the instructor will never let go of this after knowing this.

But he said he was a member of seth. .

Just looking at the situation where the other party killed in, it is clear that he has any grievances with Seth, at least there is a reason for this.

Powers, super powers, and a new and emerging technology company, Holly can completely complete a 30,000-word dog blood brain supplement in his head.

Judging from the opponent's decisive means, he obviously doesn't mind killing. If he admits that he is from Seth, he won't be killed directly in the next moment.

Holly is worthy of being an elite of FBI. Although the situation is critical and she is in a state of embarrassment, she is still in a state of panic. Various analyses are organized and the most critical factors are selected.

Fortunately, Holly's entanglement did not last long.

Because of the ruin that was hit by Yi Chou, there seemed to be news again.

That one. . No matter what kind of creature, it has to crawl out again.

Naturally, without Holly's expression as a guide, Yi Ao's keen hearing has already noticed the movement behind him. He can even hear the creature get away from it, leaving only the last three rubbles.

After giving up asking Holly, Yi Chou turned around again.

At the next moment, the golden light flashed, and Athena, who had evacuated the mainframe of the Animus system, was also rushed over. The distance of 100 meters was also not far from her. If you sprint with all your strength, it is about a dozen jumps. That's it.

Holly only felt the flash of light in front of her eyes, and the sudden gust of wind lifted her hair. When it fell again, there was already another person in front of her eyes.

The woman wearing golden armor.

It's weird. . These abilities do have quirks, or does her ability need to be like this?

Holly should be thankful that the gods who shook the God of War template did not have the ability to read the mind. They are arrogant like Athena, and they are simply too lazy to ignore a mortal, otherwise they will end in disrespect for the gods. .

The blood here and there can be perfectly explained.

The connection in the brain allows the three people to not have too much useless communication. After a short glance, Athena has understood what happened before here.

She does not intend to deal with mortals. . Then her task is the unknown monster in front of her.

As Athena stepped forward, the ruins smashed by Yi Chou also swelled.

It must be said that the laboratory's infrastructure and materials are very strong. It is also about worrying that there may be accidents during the experiment. Even if Yi Chou broke through the two laboratories, there is no sign of collapse in the entire space.

Only a lot of ruins are left, there is no trace of shaking.


Along with the sky of gravel splash, a somewhat fat figure splashed out from inside.

"The information library found a suspected match target and is comparing it."

The sky of dust and gravel may have a certain impact on the creature, but it cannot stop the detection of magic intelligence. Just when Yi Chou has not responded, new clues to Lucy come to his mind.

There are suspected matching targets in the database. . That said, have you seen it before?

In fact, in addition to the mortal Holly, other existences have long exceeded the definition of ordinary creatures.

Athena is a god. Even if she can't fly, there is no magic art, it seems to be very low, but it is still a god, and the overall physical quality is thrown out of the human street.

The same is true of Yi Chao after the reshaping of the silver tongue. His pupils contracted as if there was an invisible light turning inside. The next moment he had passed through the layers of smoke and dust and saw the fat body behind him.


At this time, Athena also rushed up and began to hand over with the other party.

However, after the three punches, it can basically be determined. This is not a fight, but this unknown creature was unilaterally beaten by Athena.

Sure enough, even if the gods were shrunk, it wouldn't be able to fight against just a creature.

Athena's wanton storm of power swept through everything when she attacked, quickly blowing away the dust around her, and even clearing the gravel from the ground, revealing a relatively clean open space.

At this time, Yi Xuan can also carefully observe the appearance of this thing.

A fat man.

To be precise, it is a fat man who looks like a demon. His body swells irregularly, not at all like normal obesity, and more like being blown up from the inside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his face And the black, embossed patterns on the eyes seem to be a bit daunting and scary.

It is. . Familiar with it.

It's not just this strange feature and body type, his already completely distorted face seems to be familiar.

At this moment, Agent Holly, who had been wearing a small transparent in the back, after observing the monster carefully, suddenly exclaimed, "He is... Feng?"

This uncommon Chinese character, and the purpose of their trip, instantly reminded Yi Huo of a person.

But before waiting for Yi Chou's thoughts to continue to spread, Lucy's voice also sounded and cut in.

"The information has been compared. The match rate exceeds 93%."

"You have encountered similar creatures in the world of the song of ice and fire, please be careful, they are no longer in the category of new humans, but..."

"The product of angels and demons."

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