High Magic Earth

Chapter 1158: Synchronize

After sniffing the muddy air deeply and showing an intoxicated expression on his face, Lucifer stepped back into this land of New York and sighed, "Ah... come alive."

"Sure enough, it's still inseparable from here."

In front of a crowd of people, the time is already late at night, but New York, as the city that never sleeps, the most prosperous area is neon for almost 24 hours, and it is rare to be lonely.

Because only when the daylight is gone and the world is completely buried in darkness, things and creatures that are inconvenient to appear in the sun will come out.

Human beings wantonly vent their desires in the dark, looking for stimuli that can comfort the tiredness of the day, or many people do not start work until the dark, because the world will not stop working because of the sun.

The development of science and technology has made humans get rid of the work and rest habits that end the day when the sun goes down. Work during the day is as important as life at night, and they are indispensable links in modern human life.

Charm Blue Bar, the home of Cool Brother, looking at each young but empty figure active under these neon light billboards, Lucifer's face showed a charming smile.

This is the place where he is familiar, the familiar breath, the depraved existence.

Rather than the endless but empty nothing but the scarlet Canadian plain!

Lucifer is very familiar with such New York, even intoxicated, but Gabriel on the side is very strange to this. This body was just born, it is not a true dimension, or even a template for any world, even if there is memory Sharing and short-term instillation, but the picture in memory is definitely not more real than what I saw.

Darkness and depravity coexist, sin and madness go together, and mankind has become more willing to degenerate than ever, even. . I forgot my true existence.

"No wonder you will like it here," Gabriel said lightly.

He smelled a lot of intertwined smells in the air, and these smells made him sick, because the most intense is the smell of sin. Darkness and multiple original sins are mixed together, and light still exists, but. . Almost negligible.

In addition to that, Gabriel seemed to smell a bit of hell, which was different from other flavors. This really came from hell, in other words. . If it wasn’t for **** to come, or if the gate to **** was opened, it was the existence of many **** creatures in this city.

Is their taste.

"Sin...killing is everywhere..."

"What did you make this city look like."

Next to him, a smiling girl said hello to a good-looking girl. Lucifer, who was just about to get up and stunned, was stunned. He widened his eyes, and then rolled his eyes at Gabriel.

"This is not my business." He spread his hands innocently, "This city is like this ghost, you are not unaware of humans..."

Gabriel was silent for a moment. As Lucifer said, human beings are not perfect races. In fact, there is no perfect thing in this world. . Except for the father.

"The war you provoked?"

At the next moment, when Gabriel's range of perception expanded and he vaguely included the entire city into his range, he immediately felt the abnormal condition not far away.

The soul is crying and howling, and there is the breath and taste of death everywhere, and there is only one possibility that can cause this situation. . war.

It happened that there was an existence beside him that had fun to provoke war. This had to make Gabriel think about Lucifer.

Lucifer couldn't say that he was happy. Hell is closely related to human soul and suffering, both of which can be achieved by war.

In the war, Gabriel used the term war to describe the chaotic land where Fu Jiang was. In a sense, this is not wrong.

Except for the final battle of the previous era, and the period after the human era entered modern times, in most cases, especially the dark medieval period in the West, the number of people on both sides of the war is indeed not large.

Thousands, even hundreds.

Gabriel's body was familiar with the Middle Ages, but on the contrary it was relatively unfamiliar with the modern world. Such a large number of deaths immediately reminded him of the wars that he once had.

But it was a medieval war.

Lucifer next to him frowned, the expression on his face was very helpless.

He is a template person. His identity is the protagonist of the American drama Lucifer and a member of the Marvel World. His true dimension finds him, giving him a detached mind and letting him jump out of the box.

Lucifer does not doubt his authenticity, because he is part of the true dimension, and the true dimension is also a part of him. . Countless of them exist like this.

As a template for the American drama Lucifer, Lucifer knew much more than this newly awakened brother, Gabriel.

In the long time, he observes humans, understands humans, he sees the progress and regression of humans, he knows humans better than humans.

Helplessly spread his hands, "Why would you think this was caused by me." Lucifer said to his brother.

"Why wouldn't it be you." But when faced with Lucifer's question, Gabriel appeared calmer than him and asked back.

Shaking his head silently, Lucifer no longer had any hope for Gabriel, "This matter really has nothing to do with me, but I came back with you."

Of course, looking at Gabriel's expression, he obviously had not yet believed it.

But Lucifer didn't believe Gabriel or not, it was only a small matter, and Gabriel would not really fight him because of it. . Humans only.

Shaking his head, Lucifer took the lead in moving his legs towards a bar with the sign of the Light Bar, but after two steps, he turned around and found that Gabriel was still in place, "Go away," he said.

"You never plan to stand here all night."

"Go to my bar and let me take you through... the human world."

. . .

Lucifer naturally has his own industry in this world. . Not to say seth.

It belongs to the new human, controlled by several free people who were bewitched by him. These people secretly obeyed Lucifer's orders, because there are many free people who did not receive the bewitched. . There are a lot of them. Although they are not necessarily Lucifer’s opponents, they are still very troublesome.

It is obviously stupid to turn the existence that can become a subordinate and cannon foe into an enemy.

But as the king of hell, it's undoubtedly easier to be like a fish in the human world.

With a few enchanting spells, Lucifer easily got a bar in a prime location in New York. The light bar, the procedures are absolutely complete, the decoration is first-class, and there are many guests.

With this foothold, Lucifer did not ask for more, and he did not need those useless things, so he stayed in the bar and seth company every day.

The plan has been proceeding in an orderly manner. This is a long war, and it will not end in a day or two. There is no need to be anxious. . All he needs is to wait.

Pushing Gabriel open the door is different from the warm and erosive atmosphere in other bars. Lucifer's bar is full of a seemingly elegant atmosphere, like a ball composed of polite hypocrites.

Erosion and sin still exist, but they are buried under the elegant appearance.

Although Lucifer is the boss here, there are few people who know. After all, the bar is a mobile occasion, and Lucifer cannot possibly post the news that he is the boss on the wall.

Dragging Gabriel, all the way to the back door of the bar.

While passing by the bar, a dark-skinned young female bartender looked up, she and Lucifer looked at each other, and did not speak. Then her eyes fell on Gabriel again, with a look in her eyes. .

She is called Metz, a demon, and Lucifer's most faithful executioner.

In the American drama Lucifer, she is Lucifer's most loyal subordinate. When Lucifer chose to jump out of the box, she also brought her out.

As a demon who can be selected by Lucifer, Metz is obviously not the same as a cannon fodder. She can see at a glance that Gabriel is an angel, plus Lucifer mentioned before he left that he might be greeted today. A brother, so Metz easily locked Gabriel's identity.

But after all, the status is different. Perhaps she has a closer relationship with Lucifer, because she is a subordinate of Lucifer, if she hurriedly got close to an archangel. . If it were those fake avatars with bad tempers, the ending might not be so wonderful.

Lucifer quickly dragged Gabriel into the lounge behind the bar. Metz raised an eyebrow, put down the glass that was constantly wiped, and walked out of the bar.

She gently placed a tourist prohibition sign on the only way of the rest room, and then she sat on the high-swing chair next to her.

Human beings are a very strange creature. Even if they know that the place should not be visited by themselves, there will always be some people who try to break in.

It may be because human curiosity is very heavy, curiosity promotes human progress, but. . Excessive curiosity is also the original sin that killed humanity.

. . .

It wasn't until Lucifer was dragged into this relatively closed and quiet second-floor private residence, away from the bar and dance floor below, that Gabriel frowned.

The breath of sin constantly disturbed him, making him unable to calm down at all.

In the private residence on the second floor, although there is only a wall and door blocking, it is not helpful for the transmission of the soul and emotion level, but it still relieves Gabriel.

He is an angel and should not have this emotion, but at least half of the blood in this body is human, so he has become closer to humans.

Obviously, Lucifer knew his brother well, or rather. . Understand that in addition to being the Lord of Hell, other angels view the feeling of hell, sin, and humanity.

He didn't seem very experienced. He poured half a glass of wine for himself, half a glass for Gabriel, and put the glass in front of him.

"This is the first time you have come to the human world, do you remember?" he asked with a toast.

Gabriel did not answer, because no angel would remember this kind of question, nor did he know the answer.

"So what is your first body?" Lucifer asked again.

"You seem to be bored. My task is over. Next... do you have no task."

After being harassed by Lucifer three times and five times, Gabriel could no longer remain silent. He took the wine glass and drank the liquid inside. The high-concentration spirits did not bring him any inappropriateness. He took a sip of white water and didn't even change his face.

"Mission? Of course there is." Lucifer put down the glass exaggeratedly. "Father has arranged the way for us, hasn't he?"

Gabriel looked faint, and even got up to get a bottle of vodka.

Lucifer's temptation was fruitless, but he didn't care. "I have already arranged people, the vanguard of hell, there will be no problems with the magic circle." He said with a smile.

"Pioneer of Hell?" Gabriel's hand pours wine slightly, frowning as if thinking about it, after hearing this somewhat unfamiliar name.

This is indeed a very strange name, because. .

"This is my original world." Lucifer's face had a good feeling on his face, but it also seemed to have a smile of disgusting disgust, "Thousands of **** vanguards...maybe It should no longer be called the vanguard, these guys can form a legion."

The original world of Lucifer was the third multiverse, a Marvel world.

These thoughts were raised in Gabriel’s mind, and immediately, the memory he was instilled began to emerge on his own, with information about the Marvel world, about the Lucifer fake template in front of him, and about Hell Vanguard of. .

In the next moment, Gabriel sneered on his face, "Thousands of **** vanguards...Hundreds of thousands failed?"

"Okay." Lucifer spread his hands. "I knew you would say that."

"Don't underestimate the other party." Gabriel warned, "Don't forget, he once beat you."

"That's just a projection of me... Even the body of the fake dimension template is not counted." Lucifer immediately began to call aggrieved, "Are you doubting my fighting power."

He leaned back elegantly, with his two arms resting on the shoulders of the sofa at the rear, his right leg pressed against his left leg, and it seemed that there was a style in which he would fight with a word.

But as a brother for thousands of years, Gabriel knew him well, even without lifting his eyelids.

"I'm just worried about you.. The result that you have to bear after the mission fails, it is not a punishment that can be smoothed out by staying in this world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lucifer rolled his eyes lazily, "I didn't expect you to return About my day. "

"I'm just worried about Ren..."

"I understand, I understand." Before Gabriel finished, Lucifer interrupted. "But rest assured, I didn't expect the Hell Vanguard to defeat that guy."

"Look at what I left to him, failed works, useless mortals, pioneers of hell... and the baby he dreamed of."

"It has become a garbage disposal plant. Anyway, the garbage is not going to defeat him, it is just procrastinating... enough time."

But the expression on Gabriel's face was undeniable, "I don't think these things can be dragged..."

"It's okay." Lucifer spread her hands again. "Did you forget the previous sacrifice."

He seemed to wink at Gabriel playfully, with a constant smile on his face, but there was no trace of temperature in his voice, "That's not just a joke."

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