High Magic Earth

Chapter 1159: situation

Night shrouded the city, covering the bustling and gorgeous lights, it seemed to put a layer of shackles on the city.

The sky is extremely gloomy, as if there are invisible vortices converging, and the surrounding visibility becomes very low. Obviously it is not a fog or a cloudy day, but the darkness has become out of reach.

If you see New York at this time by aerial photography or satellite, you will find that the entire city is as if shrouded in deep, muddy mist. The city can’t see the sky, and the sky can’t find the city. Even the high-rise buildings with bright lights in the past Until late at night, it was still gorgeous and beautiful, but now, only the aviation obstruction lights flashing red and sporadic are flickering.

The rich magic energy enveloped New York.

New York in the world.

When Lucifer returned to the city, he felt like he was returning to the territory. It was not his exaggerated expression, but that New York was now full of inexplicable magical energy. They were intertwined like a large net, and they engulfed each other. grow.

Under this dark burial, it is chaos, pain, wailing, and war. The whole New York is in a state of impetuousness, like a huge gunpowder barrel, which is about to strike.

This energy is very suitable for Lucifer, but it will make Gabriel uncomfortable.

Not to mention whether there are justice and evil between the two, whether darkness must represent evil, and whether light must represent justice, but. . Gabriel is more friendly and better at bright magic.

But at this time, the energy that enveloped New York was more towards the infinite darkness.

This made Gabriel feel restless and restless.

The presence of the Hell Vanguard made New York gradually emit the breath of hell. The Vanguard, as the name suggests, was the forerunner before the arrival of the army.

Where there is a **** vanguard, no matter whether the vanguard is willing or not, he will continue to exhale the **** breath. Even if he comes to a place without magic, the energy and breath of the **** are enough, and magic will come into being.

The magic of opening the gates of hell.

This is precisely the purpose of the vanguard.

Lucifer released the vanguard, then New York naturally began to be filled with hell, but Lucifer did not intend to turn this world into hell. In fact, he could not do this.

The inexplicable energy that guards this world will stop everything from eroding yourself, otherwise. . This world has long been reduced to angels and demons.

As the vanguard dies, the breath of **** will gradually dissipate and then be assimilated, and this vanguard. . Already doomed to failure.

In addition, New York is also mixed with a second kind of negative energy.

The energy of the ghosts.

Not long ago Gabriel turned into a meteorite and fell from the sky. Lucifer greeted him to this world. They joined forces to open the gate that was once sealed, the second gate left by their father.

The gate itself has no name, but because angels and demons guard too many such places, it is called the second gate for distinction.

Lucifer did not know exactly how many similarities existed, because some doors were completely empty, or some things that did not have any value had long been abandoned with the passage of time.

Such places are also guarded by low-level angels and demons, even without guards, and Lucifer cannot know everything.

He only needs to remember the door numbered the top ten, because the closer the number is to the front, the more terrible the things behind the door are, and the second door is ranked second.

Behind the door is not necessarily a creature, or some kind of evil magic item, because the definition of justice and evil itself is worthless and meaningless.

For example, the second door, its existence blocks a terrible and terrible space energy.

No one knows how this energy is brought together, only that its power is unstoppable. If all of them burst out in one breath, it is enough to destroy several sub-worlds.

Fortunately, the long time is enough to calm these space energies, and the space energy is originally biased towards mildness. Although the agitated space energy bursts is certainly terrible, but if it is not touched, it will one day clam down.

But this time is uncertain, maybe ten years, maybe hundreds of years.

Lucifer and Gabriel were lucky, or that the second door blocked the space energy, and imprisoned behind the door played a certain role. These energy have calmed down and can be used by them.

But Rao is so. When a lot of energy rushes to the magic array underground of Seth Company, the diffused space energy still nearly penetrates the protective barrier of this world.

The inexplicable energy that has always surrounded the world and blocked the invasion.

In the long time, no matter what ideas angels and demons have in mind, this energy firmly protects the present world, but just today, it is almost breakthrough.

Fortunately, it stabilized in the end, because if the space energy really spreads out, it is not a good thing for the present world or for the angels.

Although the space energy is mild, it is like sea water. The calm sea is azure and looks peaceful and quiet, but when it is angry, the violent waves will destroy everything that is blocking the front.

Once the protective barrier of the present world is breached, the entire present world will be destroyed by the ravages of space energy.

This is absolutely unbearable in this world, nor is it what the angels want.

So Lucifer and Gabriel were surprised that this energy was so powerful that even the barriers of this world were almost penetrating, but they did not have the urge to regret using it.

but. . Even though the barrier finally stabilized, this spread of space energy still caused very serious consequences.

It connects the gates of the ghost world.

This is also the second energy mixed with New York at this time, the energy of ghosts.

When the first ghost crossed the gate and came to this side of the world, in fact, things started to move in an unpredictable direction. The fusion and convergence of energy is only the first step, and no one knows what will happen next. .

. . .

"This is the New York News Channel! We can see that at the intersection of 17th Street and 20th Street, everything was destroyed by a huge monster! Now this huge monster is occupying here!"

"...Control the scene... Riot on Sixth Avenue..."

"I am a temporary reporter of current affairs news. Now the battle is getting more and more fierce. The entire Twenty Street has been destroyed into a ruin. The chance of survival of the victims is not great..."

"... I have two colleagues buried underneath, and there has been no response so far. The good news is that with the appearance of another unknown creature, those nasty little monsters have been wiped out."

"There was a robbery incident on Twenty-fifth Street, please be far away from the citizens who were at the accident site."

"Spiritual phenomena report for you! What exactly are humanoid creatures floating in the air! Powers? Or another terrifying monster?! What is the identity of those people fighting the same fiercely below?"

"Do superpowers and magic really exist? Do ghosts and monsters really exist? Facing these things beyond technology, what else in this world do we not know?"

"Today, we will take you to open the door to a new world!"

"Seth emerging technology company was attacked, the identity of the attacker is unknown, please citizens..."

"The fourteenth incident of a monster attacking people, please ask the citizens nearby to act immediately, and the police will be there soon."

"... It has been shrouded in dense fog, and there is no warning of the occurrence of fog. Most flights in New York have stopped taking off and landing, and it is expected to exceed three hours."

Just like the ant nests that rioted before the tsunami, the whole New York was in chaos. Chief Chadlis, who had been evacuated near the battlefield of the huge ghost, took control, and the scene was quarantined. No one could enter, nor did it A creature can come out of it.

Maybe for the creatures like Josie, Marco, and the Big Ghost, Chad's interest rate leader is not enough to look at, but it is just a little ghost of the fish that missed the net, or the surviving citizens, then they can solve it quickly enough.

However, when the portal was initially opened and the ghosts were rampant, the attack from the ghost caused Chadley to lose a lot of people. Fortunately, the New York Police Department soon rushed a second wave of support, and they united together. Finally, the scene here is under complete control.

but. . After all, the police station is not a subordinate of General Sorozo, there are many things that they should not know.

The trouble of Chief Chadley, his subordinate, was so unclear to General Sorozo, because even at this time the situation became more and more crisis and serious, the scene became more and more chaotic, he remained in the underground base without any visit. On-site plan.

It was not that he did not do his due diligence, but it was precisely because General Sorozor was the chief in charge of the entire operation, he knew the existence of wizards and magic, so he did not dare to step out of the base easily.

Once the witch hunt begins, perhaps the wizards who were originally ordinary people, not everyone is determined to fight the US government, but he is definitely the first target.

General Zorozo knew this.

The U.S. government represents the entire country, the entire United States, and perhaps in the movies and on TV, there are always protagonists or heroes who dare to fight against the evil elements in the U.S. government, but that is just the movie.

In reality, it is often just the name of a government, which is enough for people to make compromises.

But he is different. General Zorozo knows clearly that he has a lot of authority now. It seems that he can mobilize the military and the three departments of fbi and cia, but once something goes wrong, he is definitely the first to be thrown out. The outgoing child.

Many of his procedures are completely unqualified, and only some members of Congress and the president support him.

Why is it that Director FBI is not sure what General Sorozor is doing here, and even needs to send Agent Holly to conduct an in-depth investigation, because this order is simply to directly cross the directors of the two departments, and Congress Support and presidential support directly transferred the manpower to Sorozo.

Some of them were originally installed in various departments, that is, their cronies, and now they are only mobilized to borrow from General Sorozor, and the other part are the bottom personnel in the three departments. They do not need to know what they are doing, only Need to know what to do, what to do, they are concealed and mobilized.

In other words, all of what Soroso has now is completely unregulated.

However, the personnel responsible for and investigating this matter all have inextricable relations with members of Congress. Congress naturally will not allow them to investigate General Sorozo. Before the investigation, there are members of Congress backing up. *of.

And once. .

General Zorzo also knew this, but he didn’t care, because when he took the task, he knew it clearly. The risk and reward were proportional. Although he might be imprisoned for the rest of his life, he might also be able to take one step into the sky. .

As long as the entire action and plan succeeded.

In this case, how could General Zorozor be careless, as the orthodox people who are not like the government, more like independent institutions and evil organizations, they must be the primary target of the revenge of those wizards.

Only God knows what their magic can do. Until there is no complete defense, General Zorzo will not expose himself or even step out of the base.

but. .

"General." The adjutant standing on the back suddenly stepped forward and whispered into Sorozo's ear. "Communication line x2."

This is a confidential route in an emergency, and this represents the lighthouse, that is, the president.

"Say." Zorozo uttered a word.

"The lighthouse lets you... hurry to the scene as soon as possible to control the situation. He doesn't want the impact of this incident to continue to expand after dawn."

It is already 4:58 am New York time, and it is only about an hour before dawn.

"Reply to the lighthouse, I will not rush to the scene, but I will control the situation."

"But..." the adjutant seemed to be persuading, but General Sorozo did not intend to listen.

"Just like that." His tone was firm with irresistible.

"Yes, sir."

The adjutant said no more immediately, and as a deputy who knew Sorozo, he knew that persuasion was useless at this time, and all he needed to do was obey.

Soon, the adjutant disappeared behind Sorozor, and he needed to reply again through the confidential communication line.

With only one person left, General Zorozor stood in the command room on the second floor of the base~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Looking at the huge screen directly in front of him, the situation was chaotic and catastrophic. His eyes were hard to see.

Soroso remained calm, but he knew that he had to make some kind of decision.

More than an hour before dawn, even if there is a strange mist surrounding New York, you can delay the emergence of sunlight for a period of time, but it will still not exceed two hours.

In two hours, the situation could not be controlled at all.

It’s not that the president embarrassed him, but that the impact of this incident is getting more and more serious. Once the day comes, the monster is still raging. I am afraid that the whole country, even the whole world will fall here.

That kind of result is definitely not something he can afford, and his ending will definitely not be good.

He didn't want to end like that, nor did he want to come to such a bleak ending, Sorzo closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and then flickered open.

Things must be controlled, even if you sell yourself to the devil.

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