High Magic Earth

Chapter 1160: Observed


The deafening weird roar pierced the sky and reached everyone's ears. The reporters who lived in the fierce battlefield regardless of life and death suddenly froze, but no one fled here, but took advantage of the vigilance of the policemen around. Not paying attention, trying to continue to approach the center of the battlefield, worthy of the title of uncrowned king.

Of course, they were quickly stopped.

The roar is getting louder and louder, and the vibrations coming from it are getting stronger and stronger. I am afraid that the battle has reached the most critical moment. Everyone knows this in their hearts, but similarly, they all know that It's not a battle they can intervene in.

"May the Lord bless us, Amen." A middle-aged policeman maintaining order kept a cross on his chest and muttered to himself.

. . .

"This world is really terrible..."

Hiding in the corner, watching the huge green ghost raging not far away is struggling to resist the fanatic attraction of the fan, that was also terrible, the green ocean with the ghosts of the sky was also crumbling under the wind, and Madison couldn't help it. Whispered emotion.

Sure enough, she did not go to this muddy water is the right choice.

As soon as the portal appeared, Madison hid cautiously. She originally planned to escape far away immediately, but then thought that if something behind the door appeared quickly, then the running self obviously became The most conspicuous one is better to hide in silence.

Fortunately, although the number of things behind the door is large and destructive, the individual strength is relatively weak, which makes Madison relieved.

How to say Madison is also a supreme witch. If she deliberately hides, these little ghosts will definitely not be able to be found.

Of course, although Madison can ignore the strength of these little ghosts, for humans, they are far less simple than the three words of little ghosts.

Otherwise, it will not cause a huge damage as soon as it is played.

Seeing that all these things came out of the door, gradually, Madison also felt relieved, she changed a few times to find a better place to observe the overall situation.

She saw the missionary and Josie fighting below, as well as Ken, who was helplessly beaten in the ghost pile, and the inexplicable Marcotel who was more like a warrior than a wizard.

When she still has no plans to participate.

Madison thinks her strength is not weak, and if it is not counted as Josie’s deceptive magic, maybe the people below will not be her opponent, but in the face of the whole situation, her power is still too weak.

It doesn't play any role at all, and may still trap itself like the black robe who is being beaten.

What's more, they don't know them at all.

The appearance of these guys broke Madison's perception of the world. She thought that there was only one wizard here. She was like a Hollywood movie. As a protagonist, she traversed into a strange world, and then opened a series of legend.

Then she discovered that this world is more dangerous than hers. At least her world hasn't had such a big thing except the Magana incident.

of course. . The resurrection of the dead continues all the time.

Sure enough, these hidden unknown forces and supernatural beings will not be known to ordinary people, because Madison, who has no intelligence source, knows everything through the Internet and books.

Then Madison saw Fu Jiang's entire appearance.

The strange style of painting made Madison a black line, while Fu Jiang's strange means also filled her with fog, but as a bystander's perspective, and not threatened, Madison can have a better situation to observe Fu Jiang.

She soon noticed what makes Fu Jiang different.

Only the color of the head is green.

But Madison doesn’t know what’s going on. Rocky’s mask is completely attached to the face, like a second skin, that is to say, everyone looks different after wearing the mask, it is difficult There is a brain hole that makes one think of the existence of a disguised geek.

After another observation, Madison was about to leave here.

With the advent of the fan, or with that freak's full shot, I'm afraid the battle will end soon, even if there are any twists and turns in the battle, such as the green ghost still has no cards turned over, it has nothing to do with her.

Because there are only three endings, the weirdo wins, the ghost wins, or a third party comes in.

These have nothing to do with Madison, she is not a person in this world.

Successive changes made Madison feel a strangeness to the world. The original intention to spend a holiday here, or even a good rest, had long since disappeared.

Instead, how to return to your own world.

after all. . There is everything that I am familiar with.

But how to go back, Madison is not clear, but she already has a certain clue, that is. . That man, the guy who arguably changed her destiny completely, but never appeared once in the American horror story where Emma Roberts starred.

Yi clamor.

As early as when she first watched the American horror story, Madison realized this problem, but she subconsciously told herself that this might be just a coincidence, or that the plot in the TV series is not entirely her own life and life. .

But obviously, it was just that she was deceiving herself, or that she deliberately did not believe the truth of the matter.

It was Yi Biao’s sudden appearance that changed the direction of the whole story, and even the ending. Madison was not sure whether his appearance was related to him, but he did disappear twice before and went to other worlds.

What's more, even if everything has nothing to do with him, the guy is also a wizard who is far stronger than himself, and it is the help that Madison badly needs now, and. . She has indeed not seen him for a long time.

But when he thinks of this guy, Madison also thinks of the nasty woman who was with him when he met last time. . It seems to be called Winnie.

Thinking of this, Madison's face was involuntarily gloomy.

But even if you want to tear it, you have to find the other party first. Madison doesn't know how to find the other party, even if the other party is in this world.

The clue is there, but for the next action, Madison is still confused.

But what she needs to do now is to leave the land of right and wrong, which is beyond doubt.

Looking again, the huge green ghost that was fighting with the fan, Madison concealed into the darkness, and then gently floated down the roof.

This is on the edge of the battle center, and Phantom Shift can also be used. . But the wind is too strong, and the fan turned out by the weirdo has even affected the lively Madison in the distance. She is not like an illusion of adventure, so she decides to walk away for a distance.

but. . Although as a supreme witch, Madison has a very big advantage in magic, but in other respects, she is still just an ordinary girl, not as strong as Marcel's physical fitness.

Even if there is a floating spell as an auxiliary, the dangling forward for a while, but it has only pulled a distance of 100 meters.

This is enough.

but. .

Madison stopped, she felt a peep from the secret, what was it. . The silent detection spell spreads out instantly. With the double magic power, the detection range of the spell has also more than doubled.

In the corner of the side and rear, Madison felt a lot of cold feelings and was a dementor. . This is not surprising. The existence of ghosts should be similar to that of dementors. The gathering of ghosts on this scale will certainly attract the appearance of dementors.

Would that be the person I saw before. .

When the ghost army first appeared, Madison, who was hiding in the dark, once saw a strange person. He was obviously just an ordinary human, but no ghost attacked him.

He was like a walking dead, numb walking forward step by step, his eyes dull, his face dull, and he even looked like a walking dead. . It's just that his movements are harder than the walking dead.

Seeing this scene, Madison naturally would not simply think he was an ordinary person, but Madison didn’t know exactly what he was. In the light of more things than less, Madison didn’t care.

There is another reason. . That is, she feels faintly that the other party may have discovered her peeping in secret, but she is just too lazy to ignore her.


While Madison was somewhat distracted, she suddenly extended her right hand, and the wand slipped to the palm of her hand, aiming at a corner in front, and the smashing curse suddenly appeared.

"Come out!" Then she whispered.

The feedback from the detective magic is to her, right in front, the red evil light is gathering quickly, which means that something or a creature is becoming hostile to her.

Obviously, because of his sudden stop, the other party thought that he had been exposed, so he became hostile and decided to start with the strong first, so he turned red in the detection of the detection spell and was discovered.

These things turned around in Madison's mind, and she thought about it clearly.

There was no answer in the dark, but a response was given.

Between the dust that collapsed the walls, a dazzling red luster suddenly flashed, unwilling to show weakness, and flew to Madison at a very fast speed.

This is the other party's answer.

"Armor bodyguard."

A wizard, Madison frowned, cast an iron armor spell on himself, then waved his wand and flew out of this faint.

After becoming a supreme witch, the huge magic power, there are few spells that Madison can't resist, not to mention that her magic power has doubled again.

The wall exploded by the smashing spell obviously didn't cause much trouble to the opponent, nor hurt the opponent. The opponent's confidence was still full, and the spell was thrown outward without being affected.

And the other party's reaction was very quick. Just when Madison blocked a faint, he had thrown out two consecutive spells.

Fainted! Fainted!

It is still a coma curse, and there are no life spells or other deadly black magic.

Madison waved his wand again, and the front part of the wand exploded in the air with invisible waves like silver arcs of light, and then flew out two coma shells again.

Thinking about it, Madison temporarily quelled the urge to use the Life Spell.

Dealing with wizards obviously cannot be as impulsive as dealing with ordinary people.

However, the end of the two coma spells was like a signal. The wizards ambushing around finally reflected from the initial change of Madison's preemptive shot. The next time, the red spell light flew in the sky.

"Except for your weapon!" "Stunned!"

What a long-lost magic.

Looking at the colorful surroundings and the unique style of spell sounds, Madison's eyes flashed a little familiar, but she didn't panic.

The opponent is only about three or four people, this number is much less than the Auror team sent by the British Ministry of Magic every time.

And Madison, after succeeding the title of supreme witch, has grown to such an extent that the British Ministry of Magic dare not easily provoke incidents, otherwise how can she lead the witches to occupy the West Coast of the United States.

Even in the face of the Ministry of Magic encirclement and suppression, Madison, who can successfully escape, obviously does not fear these unknown wizards.

The wand flexed flexibly in her hand, with a very small movement, in a very short period of time to release one after another to resist the spell, all of the spells that struck her all aside.

The other party shouted the names of a few spells at the beginning, and then seemed to avoid silence. After a while, the scene was silent, and only the magic light of the flying sky and Madison blocked it. The crackling sound at the moment of the spell.

The interlaced light and shadow and sound seem to constitute a magic picture, but the terrain here is relatively biased, and it is not completely out of the center of the battle. I am afraid that no one except Madison between the spells can appreciate this scene.

Like a calm dancer, Madison's wand blocks spell attacks from all directions, and at the same time, he carefully shifts his position under his feet. The effect of detecting the spell is still not over. The person who originally attacked her. . Not far in front of her.

Although the seemingly fierce attacks on the sky, there are not many deadly spells, most of them are coma spells and petrified spells. There are also stiff spells and disarming spells. There is not even a smashing spell.

The opponent did not intend to hurt himself, and Madison also did not intend to use black magic.

Three seconds later, Madison finally left the center of the battle and moved forward a distance of nearly four meters, and this distance was already close to the other party. .

At the next moment, Madison no longer kept his hand.

"I fainted!" She also did not say anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but chanted the spell in her heart. Then, a thick red arm sputtered out along her wand and ran into the ruin directly. .


At the same time, Madison again blocked a few spells, and then the witch's ability to control the material ran away instantly, directly exploding the rubble that covered the other's figure.

At this moment, Madison's coma curse also arrived.

The coma curse can't hurt people, but it's not that it's not lethal. The coma curse that Yi Biao hits with all its strength can even blow up the car, and Madison can't be underestimated.


With a blast, the attack behind the ruins stopped instantly, and in Madison's field of vision, a figure stumbled out.


With several anxious shouts, the figures of other wizards also appeared around her, faintly surrounding her.

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