High Magic Earth

Chapter 1161: Fight

Is it really a wizard, or rather. . Wizard of the British magic world.

Hit by a blow, seeing that his companion was knocked down, the witches hiding around suddenly couldn't bear it, they showed their physique and hidden Madison in it, but more attention was paid to the one named Imo The golden witch.

However, Madison himself knew clearly what he was doing. The man should not have been injured, or said it was not badly hurt, but he must have had some hardships.

Although encircling himself, I have to say that these wizards have really poor vigilance, much worse than the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

The little man directly in front. . Don't think that you haven't seen her eyes fall tightly on the felling guy, even the wand in her hand is a little crooked.

Facing these wizards with no combat experience at all, Madison was able to put them all down as long as she wanted, but instead of doing so, she watched with cold eyes and wanted to see who they were.

Sure enough, there are wizards in this world, and they are still in the British magic world. Why, why? . These thoughts are fleeting in Madison's head, but she has no answer at all.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter if you can't touch your head. The answer is right in front of her. She doesn't need to worry about it.

"Who are you." Madison, hidden under the hood, asked eeriely, her voice became hollow and cold under the change of magic, completely unlike human beings, "Why attack me."

Imogen is not seriously injured, Madison is not as cruel as her old good friend, and her life is from time to time. Although she is a supreme witch, she has strong strength, but she is also covered with an invisible shackle, responsibility.

Although Madison has maintained her consistent arrogance over the years, her life is still a lot smoother, even though she can kill all the unsightly guys, it will make Zoe very embarrassed.

Especially in public, or for those guys who know everything, if there is no one around in private. . That's hard to say.

Madison's temper is still not that good.

Imogen had stood up again with the help of her companion. She waved her hands again and again to signal that she was fine, but from her embarrassed appearance, she apparently still suffered a lot.

Hearing Madison dare to ask questions, a wizard next to him asked angrily, "Attack?! Didn't you attack us first?"

The clear voice made Madison under the cloak frown, and was still a witch. .

But aside from these useless things, the complaint in her words was real, and he thought about it for half a second. Madison found that this was the case. It was not the other party who first attacked, but the first move.

Although the truth is this truth, it is only. .

"You have surrounded me." Madison sneered. "Do I have to follow the spirit of the knight to let you do it first? Don't tell me that you are preparing for a picnic here. It was just an accident to meet me."

Faced with a group of robbers surrounded by it, do trapped persons have to politely move their hands first and then fight back?

But there is also a possibility that it is indeed a misunderstanding. The goal of these people is not Madison, but Madison just happened to appear on this necessary road.

Sure enough, the witch also snorted, intending to refute this, "How are you..."

But the next moment, he was stopped by the wizard called Imogen.

"Wait, Joanna."

The clear voice tells Madison that this is also a witch. The proportion of witches in the British magic world is not low, but it is never too high. Anyway, it must not be as high as the West Coast witch assembly, after all, the ratio of the latter. . Is one hundred percent.

Although the ratio is not low, the quality is somewhat uneven. This does not mean the level of magic and magic, but refers to the place, appearance, figure, personality and so on where women should really be valued by men.

Although the witches of the British magic world cannot be said to be unsightly, they are just ordinary, and the number of outstanding appearances is not much, and most of them are in pure blood. They do not intermarry with each other, and only marry the same pure blood wizards. .

This caused even if Granger’s **** smashed the order to ban the exchange and exchange between the British magic world and the witch on the west coast of the United States, there are still many reasons why wizards run here.

. . After all, the wizard has magic, but magic is not all of life and life, and the major issue of marriage is the real problem to be solved.

In the past few years at Hogwarts, high-quality resources have long been used up, but there are still a large number of single dogs hoarding until graduation. If you don’t want to find a Muggle woman to turn the next generation into a mixed race, you can only come to the West Coast. It is undoubtedly more difficult to pry one in the magical world like the backwaters of Britain than to challenge the dragon.

especially. . The witches in the witch assembly are often 16 to 18 years old when they are awakened by magic.

If you think about it carefully, the problem is still very serious. Madison can’t help but be a little preoccupied. Although she doesn’t like the noisy, arrogant, stupid, unprecedented, simple-minded and magically bad witch, but if If they were abducted by the British guys. . I don't know why, there always seems to be a very uncomfortable feeling.

It's like having a litter of puppies and suddenly being divided up for adoption one day.

Why didn't I realize this problem, thinking that those guys who secretly sell books, magic wands, magic materials and even pets in the British magic world seem to be young wizards, and Madison finally became alert.

No, after going back to this matter, you must talk to Zoe. .

Far away at the witch rally, he was mad at Madison's disappearance, and he was very angry. But in the face of the greedy Wall Street vampires, he still had to smile to win the share of the witch's pharmaceutical industry shares. Zoe: Ah!

Wait, damn, Zoe wouldn’t be abducted too. As Zoe’s girlfriend for many years, Madison can say that he really knows too much about himself, but the gender female hobby man is her, as long as it’s obvious A more handsome man will be able to **** her soul away, and then come back at night and shout that he has found true love.

But if the man really intends to have an in-depth exchange with Zoe, or a good night. . Then he would definitely not be able to live the next morning, or to say, a few minutes.

The black widow's witch cursed, Zoe was still alone.

But maybe Zoe found true love, and found a guy who doesn’t mind her platonic love. Although these girlfriends who curse themselves seem to be not very good, but really, without Zoe’s help, Madison alone Can't hold a witch rally.

Within three days, the school could be blown away by the female monsters whose minds were empty and whose behavior was completely controlled by hormones. .

Or Madison, who was stimulated by the female monsters, was blown up.

In short, the inheritance of the witch assembly cannot be broken. This problem must be solved, and he must find a way to return to the world sooner. . Before Zoe held his position.

Madison thought so much, and even looked at the wizards around him much better.

There are already two witches. . They are not all witches. I have to say that Madison’s intuition is accurate, or that of women.

The enemy in the enemy is a friend. As a witch who can share the overwhelming single dog in the British magic world, Madison feels that he has not hurt them. It is really a wise choice.

Imogen, who had recovered from the shock of Madison’s huge magic explosion, had got rid of the muddy dizziness. She stood up and looked at Madison in the middle of the black mist. It was not clear that she was identified as An extremely powerful wizard, at a certain moment, his brain hole has broken through the blockade of the Second World, and his grievances have led directly to Zoe himself.

Although it is not clear about Madison's incredible psychological activity, but as a witch, Imogen always felt that the other party seemed to have some very bad thoughts in mind. .

Shaking his head, expelling the last trace of dizziness, and also taking these messy thoughts out of his mind, Imogen said quietly, "I'm sorry, I think we might have misunderstood."

"We are not here to ambush you specifically. You have also seen the battle ahead, and its spread is becoming larger and larger, we can't just sit back and ignore it."

"However... in the process we discovered your presence, and then we followed."

Madison has been quietly stopping and noticed that there is an obvious pause here, so he naturally followed up, "So say... Are you your goal or me?"

"It's just curiosity." Imogen didn't seem to be surprised that Madison would ask questions like this, and explained very calmly, "We are not malicious, but it seems to have accidentally caused a misunderstanding, on the contrary... I am grateful Your men are merciful."

Because of the special nature of the Sorceress Sisterhood, there is no leader in the Sisterhood and everyone is equal, but as a collective, then naturally there must be a unified voice. Although the strength of Imogen as the spokesperson of the Sisterhood is not the strongest, But it is the best with the highest social status and the oldest.

She is the CEO of a newspaper.

Although the company in which it is located does not have high-tech content, nor is it one of the world’s top 500, but a central newspaper, it is always much better than other witch employees of certain companies, electrical salesmen, and college students who have not yet repaid their loans.

This is indeed the case. Her explanations are comprehensive, and even a picky guy like Madison can't find the slightest problem.

The corner of the mouth covered under the cloak twitched slightly, which was not good, because it reminded Madison of the same feeling when facing the English bitch, the same dripping, the same official style.

Fortunately, she also knew that the other party could not be Hermione Granger, because Granger would not be so calm, but would be more aggressive.

After a moment of thought, Madison did not put down her wand, but the black mist magic that haunted her was dispelled silently, and after covering up, she revealed that she was not strong and tall.

"So, why?"

In the same way, she also removed the disguise of the voice, reused the original female voice, and asked quietly again.

The clear voice passed through and was captured by every witch present. The discovery made them look at each other, and in the same way, Madison's reactions were all in their sight.

"What?" Without waiting for Imogen to answer, the witch named Joanna, who was initially blocked, asked the question first.

She didn't seem to understand Madison's question and asked back.

"This is a misunderstanding, and I have understood." Madison, however, showed patience uncharacteristically, and she whispered, "Then there is only one most critical question, you are curious about me, why, The reason."

"You won't be curious every time you see a wizard."

Unfortunately, Madison is Madison. In the end, she still couldn't hold back a rhetorical question with a little sarcasm.

But she had revealed enough information.

Facing Madison's question, Imogen and Joanna glanced at each other, and then explained again by Imogen, "In fact, that's the case."

"Every time a wizard appears, we will appear, even if it is not us, there will be others."

"We don't know how many wizards there are in the free man. The free man is born every moment, but New York... Every wizard is familiar to each other. For outsiders, we always have to pay attention and exchange. "

"..Free man?"

A new noun appeared in Imogen's passage. Madison understood both the words liberty and human, but she did not understand it when combined.

Instinctively, Madison asked subconsciously.

Just after blurting out, Madison realized that it was not good. If this is a well-known vocabulary, maybe she exposed a lot of things.

but. . This is her. Madison was not surprised that she would have such a problem, but she also held the wand again and was ready to continue fighting.

It was just that, things didn't go to the bad places as Madison expected.

Because after hearing her doubts, Madison could almost feel that there was an atmosphere of sudden enlightenment among these witches.

Of course, this made her very uncomfortable as a party that was suddenly realized.

"Are you new?" It was still Imogen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She said in a certain tone, "Are you the first time to return to the real world, or the first time you have come into contact with you? Free people outside?"

"Free people...refer to people like us who can travel between different worlds."

"It doesn't have to be a wizard, it could be a vampire, a werewolf, or even Maya."

"Mai... Ya?"

Madison doesn't have easy memory or easy intelligence to help search. This word is very strange in her poor memory, but because of the special pronunciation, it is faint and familiar.

It's a pity that Madison searched the stomach and scratched his stomach.

Fortunately, Imogen seemed to have anticipated this situation, and she relaxed and explained easily, "It is the one in the Middle-earth of the Lord of the Rings, the white robe wizard and the gray robe wizard."

"They are all Maya, it just so happens that our companion also has a Maya."

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