High Magic Earth

Chapter 1162: Contamination

"Seriously, Maya is still very good. It is always more reassuring than vampires and werewolves. At least you don't have to help them steal blood bags, right?"

"Introduce yourself, my name is Imogen, and you can think of us as a sister association of witches."

Imogen's voice was brisk, and he took the lead in throwing a friendly olive branch at Madison. She took off the hood, and all of them looked out of the face that was not young but not old.

Western women tend to age very quickly once they have passed their shelf life, and sometimes they will show fatigue when they have just passed 30 and have not fully entered middle age.

But Imogen is clearly not the case.

At the moment when the other person showed his face, Madison glanced at the past, not only curious, but also the nature of women's concern about appearance, whether it was her own appearance or her appearance, whether it was a witch or ordinary Women are like this.

But Imogen's face puzzled Madison a little, because her appearance was very confusing.

Fortunately, in addition to magic, Madison's favorite thing is to study various fashion frontiers, clothing, cosmetics, and the latest big name brands.

When I was thinking about the Hollywood dream, I also learned a special makeup technique.

Imogen's makeup is still very rough, and Madison soon saw her true face. Her age should be not small, but she is well maintained.

that's the truth.

As a medium-sized newspaper eo, Imogen is not too young. She is approaching her middle age in her 30s, but if she looks at her achievements and status in the newspaper, she is undoubtedly very young.

But she does not have the fatigue of ordinary women. This is also thanks to Josie’s beauty potion. Even if it is a wizard, immortality and eternal youth are also very difficult things. Almost already a legendary magic, ordinary wizards want To do it is simply impossible.

But magic is not a means, and beauty potions can improve a person's appearance very well, becoming younger and more beautiful.

But after all, this is limited. As time goes by, the signs of aging will become more and more serious, until the beauty potion can no longer be covered, and it has no effect.

This is also much better than ordinary people's cosmetics.

Josie's potion talent is very good. Although it may not be as good as the real potion master Snape, it is also similar to the potion on the market in Diagon Alley. It may even be slightly higher.

As an expensive beauty potion, there are not many on the market, and there are fewer good quality.

Madison didn't know the hidden things behind this, she just thought the other party's maintenance was very good, even though she still looked very young, nothing more.

And immediately after Imogen exposed his face, the one next to her, Joanna, who was stopped, also took off her hood after a few seconds of silence.

"I am Joanna," she said.

The same is a witch, but she is much younger, obviously only in her early twenties.

Other than that, others have nothing.

And after the two of them finished speaking and exposed their faces, the others not only did not relax their vigilance, but instead became a little vigilant. They clenched their wands slightly, and the atmosphere seemed to be frozen for a while.

Obviously, they are waiting for Madison to make a statement.

I want to come to Imogen and Joanna to show their true face so generously, and for this reason, they are not worried about what unscrupulous actions Madison made behind them, because even though they may not be Madison’s opponents, they used Magic can glimpse Madison's true face, it can still be done.

Of course, Imogen and others also know that their attitudes seem to be aggressive, but now is a very special period, the hidden identity between free people and ordinary people is becoming more and more fragile, and more and more impetuous, maybe what At that time, the whole world was completely chaotic.

Rather than waiting for a companion to do something resentful and involve the entire group of wizards, it is better to strangle the threat in the cradle first, so as not to be caught by surprise.

After all, there are always a handful of murderers who like to deal with ordinary people or take pleasure in killing. More cases are accidents and accidents, and then things are getting more and more troubled by more and more misunderstandings. The bigger.

And this kind of thing often happens when there is only one person in isolation.

One more companion will give you more strength, maybe you can avoid some kind of bad ending.

Unusual times, extraordinary means, Imokin and others are unwilling to do this, but... the battle in the distance is even continuing, time can not wait for others.

Madison didn’t know the truth behind the matter, maybe instead of Zoe, she might have all speculations about Imokin’s approach, but if Madison is expected to have such a keen political sense, it is tantamount to winking. Blind look.

Madison didn't realize the intention of the other party at all, but cared more about the information they inadvertently revealed.

Free people, people who can travel freely through different worlds.

Madison is not clear. This so-called freedom is slightly different from the freedom she understands. After all, except Yi Chou, everyone may be a world that is passively chosen by the source will.

Even after Yi Ao entered the Neverland, he was still guided by the shadow to collect energy from world to world.

The difference is that originally it was to go to other worlds to complete some weird tasks, but now it is to collect world energy, which is essentially the same.

But the latter's mission is normal.

It was not until the incident of Dornting’s rebellion that Yi Biao saw such things as space coordinates, but after all, he was not a magical intelligence, and he had no relevant means. After he got the magic lamp and the ability to obtain the silver tongue, he broke free from the constraints of Neverland. , Back to the real world.

Silver tongue, magic lamp, as long as one of these two is enough to open the door to the home world, but the latter is probably only one-time, and the former has unlimited possibilities.

Even Yi Chou is so rough, not to mention others.

I am afraid that no one can get rid of the manipulation of the will assembly, and the shuttle world is all selected by it.

But Madison does not need to know these things, because she is not even a free person, and the information she knows now is enough.

Because this can already explain why the person appeared in front of him at first, and then asked without asking, he directly changed his destiny.

Madison narrowed her eyes with arrogance and arrogance, which seemed a bit more mean, but the dangerous luster in her eyes was the top priority.

Yi Huo... You are also a free person, free people can travel freely in the world, so why have you only come back once for so long?

In front of Agent Holly, Yi Chao, who watched Athena beating the angel monster while whispering with Lucy, always felt that there was a vague presence of a third party watching him, wondering if it was an illusion, and then the next moment, "Ah !"

Very good, not an illusion.

Madison complained of breaking through the dimension wall and continuing to +1.

But this only explained why Yi Xiao would intervene in her life, but did not explain why she came to this world, and the other party's words...is the world.

This has brought a trace of stimulant to Madison who has known that the world he lives in is a TV series, and although there is no response, it does not mean that Madison has no thoughts in his heart.

Perhaps this is the theory of the parallel world. As for why this world will have its own TV series, even before the incident happened, the plot of the TV series has been filmed first, perhaps for other reasons.

After all, there are too many unsolved mysteries, and parallel worlds have appeared. Madison still feels that his head has become bigger.

Madison's silence made the atmosphere a little more tense, but Imogen didn't take the liberty to think that some were irreversible. She still maintained a friendly attitude and continued to ask.

"Then you, strange wizard, can you tell me your name... and true face?"

Further inquiries brought Madison back from his thoughts. Imogen seemed a little aggressive. Perhaps a spell was a good choice, but after a long silence, Madison chose a more peaceful way.

She needs these people, she needs to return to her own world, she needs the help of free people, at least to understand free people.

And the peaceful solution can get more valuable information than the soul charm.

"My name is... Emma, ​​Emma Roberts."

Madison pulled off the cover and looked calmly at Imogen.

The surrounding atmosphere continued to be silent for a long while, and finally a uncertain voice appeared, "... Emma Roberts? That star? Julia Roberts' niece?"

At this moment, Madison finally understood Emma's feelings...

The witches seem to have become accustomed to the addition of new companions. As Imogen said, new free men are born every moment, and they are already used to it.

But most of the new companions they are accustomed to are students at school, or they haven't had time to graduate, haven't had time to find a job or even do odd jobs in convenience stores.

It was the first time a big star joined them.

Well, maybe Emma Roberts is not a big star, but she is also a Hollywood lover. She has an aunt who won the Oscar for Best Actress award, which brings her closer to the big star than everyone else.

At least more motivated, isn't it.

To be honest, as a young man of Hollywood, Emma Roberts's young and gender reasons, her idol group is more inclined to young boys, young people, especially young girls don't know much about her.

The principle of homosexual repulsion exists everywhere.

The number of wizards surrounding her is not large. Of the less than five or six people, it is a coincidence that one of them can recognize her.

After all, the star in front of the camera and the star outside the camera are often two people, even if Hollywood stars in Europe and the United States prefer to take the street shooting route.

Seeing a companion saying this, Joanna also frowned. This is what people are like. Herdsmen are very strong. Once someone takes the lead, it will make others think that she really is this person.

Especially when facing stars.

Unlike Joanna, who does not know Emma Roberts, Imogen knows her.

Because Imogen is a eo of a medium-sized newspaper, even if this newspaper is not a gossip paparazzi, a newspaper specializing in the spread of gossip, as a qualified manager, Imogen should also know about these famous guys.

Of course, small stars like Emma Roberts are limited to understanding.

As the Madison newspaper's name revealed the truth, and she was still a star, the surrounding atmosphere calmed down immediately, but unlike her companions, Imogen did not relax at this time.

She was a little strange, and it was because of the special status of the other party that she felt strange.

Imogen has heard of Roberts’ name. This is because her aunt is Julia Roberts. Although Emma Roberts is not a big star, she also has a lot of popularity and exposure in Hollywood. She was named the four generations of the new generation.

The tasks of the Second World are often very long, ranging from more than a month to more than a few months, and even a small half year.

It's been almost a few days to come back to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

If Emma Roberts is a free man, even if this is the first time she has just become a free man, she returns to this world for the first time, but judging from the good magic she possesses, she should have stayed in the Second World for a short period of time. .

Why... I didn't hear any wind.

The disappearance of an ordinary person may not cause the slightest waves, but a star is obviously different. Even if there is an emergency public relations treatment, or it has been expected to be covered up well, her fans will not see themselves for a long time. The little angels of the family heard rumors.

As a newspaper eo, to say that it is well-informed, except for the ib and ia departments, I am afraid that no one can compare with themselves.

If it's not confidential information, I'm afraid that even bi and ia will sometimes have to fall in love.

What's more, the candidates in the Second World cannot know in advance that if Emma Roberts disappears for a few months, she will certainly attract widespread attention. Even if her own newspaper does not report the entertainment section, she should have heard about it. Yes.

But why... there is no news at all.

Imogen didn't understand it at all, but in this short time, his companions had introduced himself to the other party, even Joanna, who was in conflict at the beginning, eased down.

The other party looked very arrogant and did not want to talk very much, so Joanna didn't go up to talk, but she didn't continue to engage in things, but just stood beside.

Watching the stars up close, I am afraid this is the first time for my companions. At this time, it is no longer a difference between a wizard and an ordinary person. Looking at their curious looks, I am afraid that even the fierce battles are not far away. Continuing this matter, they were completely forgotten and left behind.

Imogen could not help but help. r

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