High Magic Earth

Chapter 1163: Sudden discovery

She always felt that Emma Roberts was weird in front of her. There seemed to be something wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. The fastest update

What's more, if she is not a free man, how does she learn magic?

and many more! Indistinctly, Imogen seemed to think that a certain thought flashed through her mind. Perhaps that was the truth of the matter, but she didn't catch it.

The thought soon disappeared, leaving her with nothing at all.

Forget it, Imogen denied these messy questions in his heart, only to feel that he was more attentive.

After all, even if someone teaches, ordinary people in this world cannot learn even the simplest magic.

It’s not that no one thought about it. After learning magic, he thought of giving it to other people, most of whom were friends, loved ones, or loved ones.

But this thing actually does not require experimentation, to be able to know that it is not feasible.

Most of the magic learned by wizards originates from the world of Harry Potter, where the magic is relatively simple, and it is also the best choice for professors and sources of spells.

In fact, the spell in the Harry Potter world is not very advanced. It is English, and some or even the nouns of the spell effect are slightly deformed.

For example, the coma spell, its spell is fainting, and the pronunciation is the morphology of English vocabulary.

The magic wand has been carried into the real world by the wizards, and as a freeman wizard, they used to be ordinary people in the real world. All this seems to be no problem.

But they overlooked the most critical point.

The magical awakening, or in the world of Harry Potter, is called the magical riot.

No matter which world, magic power is the basis of magic needs, perhaps called differently, but there must always be a process of magic awakening, even in a world with a high degree of magic power.

It's just that the awakening process there may be smoother, and there will be more people with magic talents.

Ordinary people do possess magic power, otherwise free people cannot soon have their own talents for magic or other magical creatures after entering the second world, but no one knows when this process takes place.

Perhaps it was done by the Second World. After all, the free people it chose were those who were screened out, those with a very good magic talent.

Without magic awakening, it is impossible to use magic.

Ordinary people want to learn magic, must go through one of the processes, but no matter which process, even the magical riots of the Harry Potter world, they do not know if it is reproduced, after all, in the Harry Potter world, this is completely It was the little wizard’s instinctive reaction as a child.

No magic riot means that he is a dumb cannon, completely out of magic.

Ordinary people have no way to learn magic. It may be bitten by a vampire and transformed into a vampire, but it does not work here with a wizard.

To be a wizard, you must be a free man.

Finally dispelling the inner suspicion, Imogen also came to Madison's side. Obviously, through this short exchange, it was enough to see that she was not malicious, but just proud.

I don’t know if it’s because she is a celebrity.

Imogen did not know much about Emma Roberts, only to the extent that he had heard of the name, and a large part of it was that her aunt was Julia Roberts.

Of course, this is certainly not the case now.

And no matter how arrogant the other party is, at least now it has released a friendly signal, which is enough to show the sincerity of the other party. After all, the practice of blocking people in small alleys was originally wrong.

"I didn't expect a star to enter our ranks one day." Imogen said with a smile.

Facing this seemingly leader, Madison was no longer able to remain indifferent. She nodded and smiled, "I didn't expect to have so many companions."

"Harry Potter?" Imogen continued to ask.

Madison froze for a moment, and did not respond to the meaning of Imogen until a moment when he looked at her magic wand under Imogen's signal, her head had a rare aura.

Unique magic, also unique magic wand... Because of these factors, they just recognized them as wizards in the British magic world.

And who is the most famous in the British magic world this time, is undoubtedly Harry Potter.

During this time in the world, Madison also watched the entire Harry Potter movie, and she realized that Imogen was asking what the world she experienced was.

"Harry Potter." She repeated instinctively, then nodded and gave a confirmed reply.

Imogen is not surprising, after all, judging from Madison's casting method, how Harry Potter's special method is correct, as Madison uses the witch's ability to control the gravel.

In such a fierce battle, how can Imokin, who is not a professional Auror, pay attention to these details.

Immediately after the rough greeting, Imogen went straight to the subject.

"Why are you here?" she asked strangely.

"You are not here."

But the answer to her was Madison's rhetorical question, which made Joanna next to frown slightly, but thought of being companions in the future, she said nothing.

After all, people always have shortcomings, and there are also flashing places. Although the initial impression is not very good, they are more tolerant. Maybe they will accidentally collaborate in other aspects, so it may be more intimate girlfriends.

Although Joanna's character is a little anxious, her heart is unexpectedly kind.

"We were attracted to that thing." Imogen pointed to the huge green ghost. She had been walking in the mall for many years and she did not take the small matter of tone into mind, and explained it by the way." I want to see if I can stop it."

There is nothing to hide.

"I came earlier than you." Madison paused and began to elaborate. "I feel a bit bored after spending too much time in the house, so I went out and walked around. ghost."

"It didn't appear at that time."

Madison was also referring to the big ghost, which made Imokin frown a little. She thought the big guy was the culprit of the whole thing.

Unexpectedly, this does not seem to be the case.

"I just looked at it from a distance... Then I was about to leave, and then I met you, and you all know the rest."


Seeing Imogen speak, Madison seemed to think of what she was going to say and said first, "I don't think I am that monster opponent, what ability can stop it."

"I don't think you can do it, my advice... just like me, leave here quickly."

Although Madison's words were a little polite, it was not wrong. The big ghost was not something they could deal with. Even the little ghost next to the sky was enough for them to drink a pot.

But at this time, the next Joanna interjected again, "Then we can't do nothing, this thing is obviously not something ordinary people can deal with."

Shaking his head inwardly, "I don't think we can become girlfriends in the future...the difference is too great..."

"What?" Madison froze.

But Joanna shook her head quickly, and she unknowingly expressed her inner thoughts.

Madison frowned and didn't care, but felt that the guy in front of him was a little strange in addition to being nasty. There were many strange little witches in the witch rally, and she was used to it.

"Fortunately, things are not so bad." Madison followed Joanna's words. "I don't think we need to do it anymore."

This does not need her reminder, because everyone has seen that because of the monster that appeared suddenly, the ghost of the sky has been cleaned up, and even the biggest ghost seems to have been unable to support it for a long time.

Because of this, Imogen and they noticed Madison, and then chased over, otherwise they should consider how to stop these ghosts, how can they have time to manage Madison's business.

Well, this is an indisputable fact, even Joanna can't refute it...though she is still a little unhappy with Madison's attitude.

But Imogen, who is more calm, obviously also holds the idea of ​​not dripping the muddy water. Someone can solve the ghost event.

In Imokin's view, what the Witch Sisters need to do most is to protect themselves and hide their identities, rather than thinking that they really have turned into a vengeance.

"This is indeed good news." Seeing that Madison seemed to be able to pinch again with Joanna, Imogen hurriedly rushed in to eliminate this idea in advance.

"Then we have only one problem to consider, what to do after the disaster reconstruction."

But in fact, this question has just been exported. Imogen has a certain degree of speculation about how Madison will answer. Although she does not know Madison, Madison’s style is actually very very good in some ways. purely.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Imogen greeted Madison's puzzled eyes.

"Reconstruction after the disaster? That doesn't matter what we do, nor is it something we need to consider."

It's just that Joanna clearly understands Imogen's problem from another angle. The wizard's magic is very suitable for the restoration of buildings and broken things.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a very large project, and even a complicated and expensive repair process is often just a recovery spell in the hands of the wizard.

In a word, a spell, the process is very simple, but the problem is solved directly.

"Yes." Joanna followed, and nodded. "We can't stop that guy...but we can wipe out the mess it caused."

Joanna's words were equally correct, but Madison frowned.

"It doesn't fit your thoughts." She didn't pay attention to this guy who had a strong sense of justice in her heart, but directly focused her eyes on Imogen.

She could feel that Imogen followed the same way of keeping her body. She would not agree to such a risky move, which would expose the existence of the wizard to everyone's eyes, completely contrary to her thoughts.

"This is just a wand for us, it doesn't need to waste a minute at all."

Joanna wasn't stupid. She immediately realized Madison's inner meaning, and in principle, Joanna, who was more kind-hearted, was almost invincible.

"The follow-up effects and effects you have created are far less simple than a minute, which will completely expose the existence of the wizard and no more concealment."


Before Joanna finished, Madison frowned directly, interrupted a bit stiffly, "The appearance of these monsters has nothing to do with you...it has nothing to do with us, nor do we need to do so."

"It's not saving lives, just some useless buildings. What's the difference between rebuilding one day early and rebuilding one day later."

Although he didn't speak, I'm afraid Imokin thought this way.

"There's no difference!" Seeing Madison's words seemed to be determined in a few words, Joanna's expression became uncomfortable.

She pointed at the corner angrily, where Madison had smashed her, "That!... That looks like a small part, even inconspicuous, but if you want to fix it, it will take at least a few days. , Or even more!"

"That monster destroyed so many buildings, how many people will be displaced before the reconstruction is completed!"

Madison rolled his eyes indecently, "Displaced? Do you think this is *Liana~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is New York in the United States, how could there be no place to live."

"You look so excited, you will not just be engaged in..."

Madison said, suddenly there was no sound. She looked down where Joanna was pointing, that is, the gap that was blown up by her before, and her expression was a bit dumb.

At this time, because the battle has been calmed down for a period of time, there is no secondary destruction of the spell, this damaged corner also reveals his broken face, but it seems...not as simple.

Joanna didn't realize this. She was devoting herself wholeheartedly to her career against Madison. When Madison suddenly lost her voice, she immediately urged, "What do you want to say?! What do you want to say!?"

As for how Joanna roared, Madison didn't seem to care about her. Seeing this scene, Joanna couldn't help but feel angry. She turned her eyes to Imogen, preparing to request the sound source, but found that her companion also kept Similar movements, even in the same direction.

This time Joanna finally realized the problem, the two were not in a daze... but they saw something.

He looked down quickly, but there was only a ruin, and there was nothing else.

No... wait!

With Joanna's careful observation, she finally found some clues in the ruins of the collapsed corner, which seemed to be graffiti painted on the wall, but it has already been split with the collapse of the wall, and the larger debris of the wall You can also see a part of the pattern once.

But why...she feels familiar, and the pattern seems to move!

Just after this idea appeared, a name had suddenly appeared in her mind before waiting for Joanna to think about it.

Blind pig bar!

An underground bar in the American magic world.

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