High Magic Earth

Chapter 1164: Continue fighting

The blind pig bar can also be called a goblin bar, because its boss is a goblin.

During the prohibition period in the United States, because alcohol was banned, pubs no longer supplied alcohol, and the resulting ones were those underground pubs that were hidden in the dark and sold alcohol but were not regular.

Although the magic world was not affected by Muggle regulations, the magic world at that time was also being attacked by anti-magic groups from Muggles, and more bars were conducting illegal transactions in private, such transactions are also invisible Light, the culture of underground bars over time also appeared in the magic world.

The Blind Pig Bar is a relatively famous underground bar in New York. Its owner is a goblin named Narrak, or rather a goblin gangster. It is hidden behind a wall, and the entrance to the wall is a photo The girl in the mirror graffiti, the graffiti bricks can be moved, just like Diagon Alley.

This is the graffiti that Joanna saw on the torn wall.

And if it’s just graffiti, maybe Joanna doesn’t think it’s a blind pig bar. After all, it may just be an ordinary pattern. There are a lot of fans in the world. There is a street graffiti artist in New York. Not surprisingly.

The graffiti in front of him may be the masterpiece he left behind.

But Joanna saw this already graffiti grinning at herself.

It's a real smile, splitting the mouth, the corners of the mouth upturned.

With the cracking of the wall, the graffiti has already become piece by piece, and the small bits and pieces are not counted for a while. There are some large pieces of the wall that can still see blurry graphics, such as eyes, mouths, mirror edges, etc.

And it was the gravel with graffiti on his mouth. At the same time that Joanna's eyes noticed it, the red lips on it also responded with a slight smile, curling up a naughty arc.

Joanna was right, and she could not be wrong.

Because immediately afterwards, the graffiti on this wall is like magic has been destroyed. It no longer has the original flexibility and judgment. It does not seem to realize that it has laughed, and it still keeps smoothing against Joanna. The corner of the mouth, then smile, and then smooth the corner of the mouth again, smile.

That's why Joanna can quickly determine that it is a magical creation.

The next moment, Joanna vaguely restored its full face through the graffiti of broken bricks, looking at the girl in the mirror, thus reminiscent of the name of the blind pig bar.

As for why Joanna could immediately think of its name, it’s even simpler, because she seriously read where the magical animal is. This movie has included the original book, including the original book. There have been discussions about the plot.

Even if it’s not a fan, after experiencing the incredible things of the shuttle world in person, especially through the world of Harry Potter, for the sake of her own life, she will seriously start to study the world of Harry Potter. .

Then there is only one problem left.

Why...the blind pig bar will appear here...

Why does this thing appear here, why does it not appear in its own world, why its own world does not have the United States Magic Congress, and why the United States in its own world has no trace of other magical activities except the West Coast Witch Assembly.

Madison also has many questions, these are her problems.

After becoming a supreme witch, Madison consciously searched the American magic world. At that time, she had not yet come to this world, of course, she had not seen where the magical animals were, and she had no news of Harry Potter.

But because of the existence of the British magic world, with the inextricable links between the history of the United States and the United Kingdom, the United States should not lack the Ministry of Magic.

Maybe magic is hidden from ordinary people, Muggles can't see the Ministry of Magic, but Madison is a witch, and she can use the British magic.

So even if the US Magic Congress is hidden, she should not be invisible.

But the final answer is no. Perhaps a building is easy to hide, but it is obviously impossible for the existence of the United States Department of Magic to have only one building.

The Ministry of Magic needs wizards to maintain it, and as the wizard community emerges, other buildings are naturally essential.

Conversely, when Madison traveled through New York and found no building hidden by magic, it already showed that the so-called United States Department of Magic did not exist.

Because Madison even tried to lure them out in addition to some temptation.

For example, they release magic in public, use ordinary people to attack, etc., but they get nothing.

Maybe the US Department of Magic really does not exist, and the temptation has no effect. After reaching this conclusion, Madison didn’t care. If it didn’t, don’t have it. After all, it won’t affect the witches. On the contrary... This is for the witches’ assembly. Is a good thing.

Otherwise, using the excellent therapeutic effect of magic potions, disguised as ordinary medicaments and selling at such a high profit would not be able to reach them.

Even if it is not divided, it must be subject to multiple constraints.

After all, if the U.S. Department of Magic really exists, there is definitely a reason why such a big business is not done, even if it is just some reason that seems very nonsensical, it will also allow the witch assembly and the U.S. Department of Magic to rip each other and tear them apart. go with.

But the US Department of Magic does not exist, so all this will not happen, and it is undoubtedly not good news for the witch rally.

At one time, Madison thought so.

Until she came to this world, she was understanding all the truth, and after reading the entire Harry Potter, including where the latest magical animal was released, it was clarified that the US Department of Magic did exist in New York in 1926. After the movie, Madison finally felt shaken.

The darkness is not terrible, what humans fear is the unknown behind the darkness.

Madison has been in the time since 2000, 1926, the US Department of Magic 80 years ago, should have existed in New York in theory.

So why are they disappearing 80 years later?

Was it the outbreak of war, or the internal conflict among the wizards, or the Muggles squeezing the wizard's living space.

These are all possible and the most likely reasons. In addition, there are many other speculations. For example, American wizards have encountered irresistible external attacks, or mysterious diseases, and even magic cannot be cured. , And is affected by the effects of spells, magical animals, or magic items, and thus disappears.

After all, the mystery of magic does not even dare to say that it is fully mastered. It has no end. In the magic world, anything can happen, and most of them are strange things.

But no matter what kind, the disappearance of the US Department of Magic should not be so complete, as if it was erased from the world by force, even if it never existed.

More or less, it should leave traces of the existence of wizards.

The unknown is always the most frightening existence.

After seeing where the magical animal is, Madison has more or less thought about the answer to this question, and she naturally prefers to move forward for several reasons...because that is most likely to happen.

But it is also the most unlikely, because if such a thing happened 80 years ago, the United States at this time was absolutely not as calm as Madison knew.

If the latter are possible...what happened to the Ministry of Magic at that time, and what kind of spells could have the power to disappear them so thoroughly, will the witches now on the West Coast suffer such a fate.

Madison was not clear and could not get the answer to the question. No one could even talk about it because she was special.

And as she read Harry Potter and American horror stories over and over again, more terrifying thoughts came to her mind.

Jk Rowling’s novel was written by a department. The main line of Harry Potter was naturally the earliest creation. The settings at that time were definitely not complete and full, for example...where are the magical animals that complement the rumor...

No... this is impossible...

Madison shook his head vigorously, trying to expel the idea from his mind.

She did not believe that the world she was in was only created because of the existence of the novel, and she was only a poor plot character in the script or even in the movie.

As early as watching American horror stories and seeing her own lens, Madison realized this, but she didn't believe it.

Because the life she experienced was completely different from the script, she did not believe that her world existed because of the TV series.

She is real.

But the emergence of this incident has shaken Madison.

Fortunately, she couldn't be sure what the truth was. After discovering that her thoughts were getting more and more terrifying, Madison decisively stopped herself, and she didn't need to scare herself.

This is not as happy as other brain supplements.

But now, this problem was unprepared, and she was directly in front of her, making her have to face it.

And even the truth, the truth, and the answer seem to be looming. ...



The huge buzzing sounds as if it was in the construction site of the construction site. The rubble falling and the noise of the wall collapse are deafening, and there is also a piercing sound of a heavy object being dragged on the ground.

"It's ugly."

Fu Jiang exaggeratedly pulled out two red earplugs as big as his fists from under the skirt, and put them next to his left and right ears, as if hitting a wooden pile with a punch and hammering the earplugs into it.

"Ha!" Fu Jiang rolled his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and said consciously, "I feel much better."


Being dragged by the force of the gust of wind, even if he tries to maintain his body and stability, the big ghost still unable to resist the attraction of the fan sends out a series of roars, its feet are firmly rooted in the ground, so that is still, all the way through Thousands of debris were shattered like a rumbling noise.

Its feet even plowed two half-meter deep ravines on the ground.

Obviously, although this big guy looks soft, the whole body is made of cloth, and the starry blue luster flashes under the dirty white cloth, but it is not really so fragile.

At least the bottom plate of its feet is very hard, and it is no different from the two iron blocks when crossing the ground.

Of course, Fu Jiang, who had just plugged her ears, could not hear the roar of the big ghost. She even very leisurely faced the ear of the big ghost and put a hand around the ear to make amplifying listening action.

"What do you say? I can't hear it!"

"Aren't you just such a big guy?

The earplugs cut off the sound, and the ghosts can be heard. Such exaggerated blatant and taunting taunting of the ears suddenly made the big ghost angry.

Fu Jiang could not hear its voice... but it heard Fu Jiang's sarcasm clearly.

The great ghost, which is already very intelligent, naturally understands the meaning.

But... despite the anger, the big ghost has nowhere to vent, because the fan's suction is not at all resistant to it. The small ghost in the sky has almost been cleaned by it, and all the fans are stirred into the blades and torn to pieces. Even a tiny bit of powder never stayed.

And this is the fate it is about to face.

Seeing the fan getting closer and closer to him, the angry look on the face of the big ghost is getting heavier, but at the same time the despair in the eyes is getting stronger, and so on!

Suddenly, the evil light of the big ghost's evil little inverted triangle burst into light, and it seemed that he finally realized something.

The nasty little fly floated beside the fan, getting closer and closer to the fan, that is to say...

Then at the next moment, the big ghost suddenly bent down his fat body, grabbed the ground a piece bigger than its slap, but in the eyes of ordinary people, there are already enough broken walls of two buses placed side by side, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com no longer resisted the huge attraction of the fan, and took two short ridiculous short legs and ran towards Fujiang with a sprint of 100 meters.

In fact, its speed is very slow, even slow and ridiculous.

But the distance from the fan, that is, the remaining distance of Fujiang, was originally not long. Coupled with the attraction of the fan, at this moment its speed seemed to exceed the upper limit visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Fujiang.


With a burst of unpleasant laughter, it suddenly waved the huge wall debris, suddenly shot towards the fan, and also trapped the half-empty Fujiang in it, seemingly intending to keep her in the net!

Fu Jiang didn't realize this, or she hadn't reacted yet. The big ghost had rushed in front of herself, stunned in the air, and there was still a sense of ridicule that didn't completely disappear.


At the next moment, the big ghost roared violently, making an unclear yell in his mouth, and then waving the heavy wreckage of the wall, falling down suddenly, hitting the fan heavily and covering Fujiang.

Although the fan is also very large, it has shattered countless ghosts, but in fact it is much more fragile than imagined, even ordinary metal household appliances.

The moment the broken wall touched the fan, it deformed like a rubber and flew away from a distance.

Without the obstruction of the fan, only Fu Jiang was left in place, and the big ghost did not hesitate to continue to smash the wall down!


At the next moment, the broken wall crashed to the ground and became torn apart, and Fujiang, which had been floating in the air, had already disappeared. She was smashed by the large and small wall fragments and was embedded in the ground with exaggeration.

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