High Magic Earth

Chapter 1165: Reopen

Fu Jiang, like a fly hit by a fly swatter, fell to the ground instantly.

Great Ghost:...

Ken and Josie and Marco Terre and others: ...

I didn't seem to expect that a guy who looked so powerful would be so easily, or even knocked down casually. It was completely like a thing. The scene fell into a strange quietness for a while.

But the little ghosts who don't have much wisdom and only know the destruction will not be as calm.

As Fu Jiang disappeared, the fan who was blown away by the big ghost far away also melted away like wax oil, and the remaining small ghosts that had no attractive **** immediately scrambled away from here.

Even if there is not much wisdom, they have the instinct of avoiding harm and benefiting, and they are almost twisted into powder by the fan. Even if they are more aggressive, I am afraid they will not dare to come closer.

Fortunately, they are not many in number, and even if they are reunited, they cannot become a scale, let alone threaten Ken and Josie.

These little ghosts did not intend to stay here, they swarmed out of the swarm, as if there were monsters behind them who were more terrible than they were chasing.

It seems that the power of Fujiang fans left a deep impression on them.

The lower part of Markotel deliberately wiped them out here, but after using magic to destroy several ghosts, the remaining ghosts had already escaped 100 meters away, even if Markotel wanted to chase, he was also weak.

The big ghost is still in place.

Its tiny inverted triangle eyes still radiate the evil luster of yellow orange, but at this time it looks a little cute, because it did not wake up from its feat of shooting Fujiang to the ground.

It is really incredible.

Just before, the great ghost was immersed in real despair, and the other party's power was almost irresistible.

Then the next moment, it flipped the opponent upside down.

Of course, from a human perspective, the wreckage of the wall is as big as two buses side by side, but for the ghost of this big man, this is a brick.

In any case, the fussy appearance of Fu Jiang Niu and the strength of being easily overturned stunned the big ghost, but it would not always be immersed.

Within three seconds, the big ghost reacted quickly.


It made a series of messy roars, bent down the waist of a fat and thick bucket, and two small short hands quickly grabbed the ground.


"Bang! Bang!"

Large pieces of rubble and bricks seem to have no weight in its hands, and as it rummages, it flings to the side to raise large pieces of smoke.

Obviously, if it wants to find Fu Jiang, it may be planning to add a few more feet.

"Are we going to help?" Josie looked at the guy who was covering herself under the black cloak.

She didn't know this person, but from the information he sent to herself, he was also a member of the origin meeting, and Josie chose to believe it.

After all...if this guy doesn't show up, she will soon be defeated in the fight against SG7, and there will be no worse result than this.

"No..." But Ken shook his head. "Wait first." He said.

Ken naturally knew that he and others were united with the unidentified weirdo, and even the missionaries and SG7 were counted. When facing this huge ghost monster, they had only one identity, human. .

After the unidentified weirdo died, they were the next target of the Great Ghost, even though they could escape, but the victims were ultimately human.

They should help her.

But Ken didn't do it, because he had a hunch that the weirdo might fail not so simple, not only because of the strength she showed up inadvertently, but also because of her...bad personality. ...

The big ghost grinned, its mouth covered half of its face with black paint, exposed with two rows of fierce fangs, and it was full of strange sprouts all over it, for example, the body was made of cloth, and it looked far away Like an active rag doll, his body is fat and chubby, as if full of gas.

But its teeth are realistically styled, with its greasy fangs and scarlet muscles, which are extremely ugly.

And judging from its cheerful movements and the arc of the corner of the mouth, it is obviously in a good mood.

Like a hard-working cleaner, the big ghost bends his body, uses his hands to diligently pick up rubble and walls, and throws their ruins aside from time to time.

But after a few minutes, it seems that the ground has been dug down by one layer, and it still has not seen Fu Jiang's figure.

This discovery also seemed to make the Great Ghost irritable. It didn't frown or frown, so its movements became faster and more rude.

The gravel flew around and more stones fell down, trembling around, like a heavy rain of stones.

Then in the next moment, the movement of the big ghost suddenly took place.

Its eyes did not gather on the ground, because the divided ground was still empty, yellow orange orange inverted triangle eyes staring at its right hand, among the short right hand, it held a large car Wall fragments.

A faintly visible figure was embedded in it.

"I think...I can...rescue..."

The whole person of Fu Jiang has completely turned into a pie shape, just like the exaggerated technique used in cartoon animation, she becomes thinner than paper and clings tightly to the side of the wall.

Seeing that he was finally discovered, he tremblingly stretched out a hand, and it seemed as if he would be completely cut off in the next moment.

In the distance, Ken and Josie and others hid in a relatively safe corner, keeping an eye on the big ghost. Seeing this scene, Ken finally felt relieved.


He shook his head helplessly, and the weirdo really didn't matter at all, just made a joke full of bad nature.

But... the little ghosts who ran away are true. For these people, the little ghosts are not trouble at all, but if ordinary people encounter them, I am afraid that they will be seriously injured if they die.

Ken frowned slightly, while looking around, the mess that had been destroyed by the big ghost nearby, there would not have been many survivors, and after the second ghost torture caused by this strange series of jokes, I am afraid that even the dead None of the bodies will be complete.

What a...bad character.

Thinking of these messy thoughts, Ken whispered to Josie next to him, "Go!" Waiting for the reaction of Marco Terr next to him, he pulled Josie away from here.

Marcel is a Maya. Her physical fitness is naturally much higher than that of ordinary wizards, and she can even barely keep up with the magical biological Josie and Ken.

Even if there was no response for a while, after half a second, they quickly followed the footsteps of the two of them, and they didn't get dropped.

Within a few seconds, they moved to a relatively safe place. Although they were very dissatisfied with Ken and Josie running away without saying a word, Marco Tell also saw it, compared with his outsider. , Their relationship is obviously more intimate, the two know each other.

On the other side, the missionary and sg7 were also hidden first. After Ken forcibly rescued Josie, sg7 knew that he could not be the opponent of the two by himself.

It did not continue to entangle, but under the command of the missionary, led him to withdraw gradually.

SG7's strength is already very strong, but under Josie's special deception magic, it seems to be a bit handicapped. It is okay to leave the missionary alone.

Just in time for the fierce moment between the battle between Fu Jiang and the Great Ghost, the two of them easily got out of here, and now they are gone.

However, Ken knew clearly that they might not have left too far, and they might have been hiding in a corner, observing every move on the battlefield. ...

What happened here was naturally unclear to the big ghost. It only knew that he finally found the nasty little fly.

At the moment when he saw Fu Jiang, the big ghost suddenly slammed her with the wall to the ground, and then lifted his heavy right foot to trample on it.


In a split second, Fu Jiang gave a roar. Of course, this was useless to the big ghost. Its right foot continued to step down without hesitation, as if it was planning to crush Fu Jiang into powder.

Naturally, Fu Jiang would not sit still like this.

In the next moment, Fu Jiang had suddenly embraced his thumb, and then vigorously blown it. The body, which was originally a thin piece of paper, swelled up quickly, and the original appearance was restored in the blink of an eye.

She lifted her hands up.


With a blast of air, she directly withstood the weight of the big ghost.

"You... it's time to wash your feet..."

Fu Jiang pretended to be struggling and said intermittently.

Her voice was not loud, and the big ghost above could not hear it naturally, and found her feet blocked by Fu Jiang. The evil triangle of the big ghost burst into a brighter luster, then split her mouth and continued to exert force.

next moment.


The big ghost suddenly issued a series of exclamations, holding his mouth, as if the sole of the foot was on fire, jumping on the spot with one leg, trembling the ground, and the surrounding rubble collapsed again. .

"You don't really think I am bullying well, idiot!"

Fu Jiang's face showed a fierce smile, holding a steel needle more than five meters long and grinning violently.

She just used this thing to pierce the big ghost, and even pierced the bottom of its foot directly into a hole. The whole body of the big ghost is made of rags, although the defense is stronger than it looks. But not to the extent that it can resist the attack of the steel needle puncture.

A big hole was pierced by Fu Jiang at his feet, and he was holding his feet in pain.

Fu Jiang, who was a hit, was like the previous big ghost, so she had no reason to stop people. She had no intention of stopping. She once again put her hand under the skirt and pulled it out, as if looking for what kind of weapon. smoothly.

So after half a second, she pulled out a balloon.

The magic balloon that the artist who sells balloons on the street used to weave balloon animals is still not inflated.

"Haha!" Fu Jiang laughed twice, then tucked the balloon into his mouth, then slammed it hard.


A hammer-like balloon with a big fist expands instantly as she inflates. From the appearance, it is exactly the same as the hammer on the hammer-strength machine in the playground, but the model is smaller.

Of course, Fu Jiang also noticed this.

"It seems smaller..." she muttered to herself.

But it doesn't matter.

The insufflation continued, and as she continued to infuse the gas, the balloon hammer inflated as if inflated, with no end in sight at all.

Without waiting for a minute, the balloon’s hammer became as high as four or five floors, and the original balloon material was completely transformed into a real iron hammer, which was held in the hands of Fujiang, which was only one meter and six meters away, like The ant lifted up the leaves.

Great Ghost:...

With such an eye-catching existence, the Great Ghost cannot naturally turn a blind eye. It looks at the huge iron hammer that suddenly appeared next to it. It doesn't understand that he just jumped a few times in place, how come there is such a big weapon suddenly beside him.

Of course, Fu Jiang would not explain it, and the seemingly large size and weight of the hammer is not a problem for Fu Jiang at all. This thing seems to have no weight in Fu Jiang's hands.

"Eat a hammer!"

The next moment, with Fu Jiang's unpleasant laughter and her shouting, the five-story iron hammer was suddenly swung, and then fell on the head of the big ghost.


There was a loud noise, as if to bring a turbulent wave around him.

The iron hammer hit the head of the big ghost hard, the big ghost is huge, and the hammer is also huge, which makes it unavoidable. Then the big ghost was hit with a dizziness, and it drew back a few steps in a dangling place, and once again crushed the ground into ruins.

In fact, this fierce blow didn't directly smash the head of the big ghost into a patty, which was surprising enough.

Fu Jiang apparently didn't smash. After the blow, she brandished the hammer once more, one hammer after another without a pause, and banged on the head of the big ghost.


The Great Ghost is not a Fujiang opponent who is going all out. Its speed is not good, its defense is not good, and its power is far less terrible than it seems.

Under the continuous hammers of Fu Jiang, it was almost screaming and screaming with anger and pain.

Rao is so, and his movements are slow and ridiculous when he runs away.

"Quack quack!"

At this time, Fu Jiang seemed very happy. She brandished an iron hammer that was ten times as large as hers, with an exaggerated smile on her green face. She laughed more than the villains.

I don’t know why. The hammer is scary, but the damage is far less.

Although the hooded rat beaten by the big ghost, it did not leave a wound on it, or... The special rag of the big ghost will not hurt the body?

But even so, the bursts of pain made the Great Ghost unbearable and stared at Venus, which can be distinguished from its screams.

The Great Ghost is obviously not a firm-willed guy. After finding that he has no power to fight back, he decisively chooses to give up resistance,

Running a few steps, it suddenly stopped in front of the ruins of a building, and then slammed the ground with its feet.

With a violent tremor, the dark green light slowly emerged from its feet. This color is exactly the luster that circulated in the portal before.

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