High Magic Earth

Chapter 1167: infection

Fu Jiang's green lacquered small face showed an exaggerated look of panic... but it was only enough for her to pose, the time was too short for her to respond, and the big blue hand had slapped the ground hard.


Like the sea when Poseidon was angry, the tide hit the ground, with the giant hand as the center, the rolling waves continued to spread around, the ground was shaking, and the gravel was ejected like an arrow.


Fu Jiang screamed exaggeratedly, and even the eyeballs were stunned in surprise... They popped up half a meter long, stayed in the air for several seconds, and the protruding eyeballs retracted back again.

Seeing the giant hand supporting the ground, she seemed to intend to use this to pull the rest of her out of the teleportation array, and Fujiang was too late to continue playing tricks. She gestured to the eraser in the air, and the eraser immediately wriggled, Then it became a big lid.


The lid of the cauldron seems to have no support, and the moment it appears, it starts to free-fall. It is directly reversed above the giant hand, and it buckles the giant hand under it, constantly turning in a circle, and there are several sounds. It gradually became quiet.

The lid covers the giant hand underneath...it looks like a patch to the ground.

Will it work.

Not only was Marco Tell having such a question, Fu Jiang also stared at it with his eyes.

Then the time passed by half a minute again.


A loud noise suddenly came under the large lid, as if something was hitting it, the sound was very dull, with constant echo and resonance.

The giant hand wanted to break free.

Sure enough, it's useless.

The lid of the pot was lifted upward from the inside, tilting a breathtaking arc, and was almost overturned. Fu Jiang saw the situation was not good, and quickly continued waving his hands.

Her ability seems magical, but to put it bluntly, the principle is very simple.

Changing the nature of things is the ability of Rocky Mask.

It is not out of nothing, nor is it to realize the fantasy. Those fans, ropes, hammers, and steel needles that are higher than the building do not appear because of Fujiang fantasy. They are changed. The substance used is air.

Even those cartoon-like effects and cartoon-like bodies were achieved by Fu Jiang by changing the attributes of different substances, including changing the attributes of his own body.

These are the tricks that Rocky used to use.

But because most matter is air, just like it was pulled out of the air, this makes everything look as if it is manifest, but in fact there is an essential difference between the two.

Soon, with Fu Jiang's intentions, the air properties above the large lid began to change, and they condensed into iron blocks marked with 100t marks on the scales, and then fell hard.


As the first 100t iron block pressed onto the lid, the force below suddenly stopped, then the second, third, and fourth...

Like the fear of being unable to suppress the giant hand underneath, in the end, these 100t iron pieces printed with white lacquer simply fell down like rain, directly burying the big cover in it.

Ding Ding Dang Dang rang for a while, these things stopped, Fu Jiang wiped the invisible sweat on the head, and exaggerated a drop of water.

The vicinity of the teleportation circle was quiet again.

The other party was pressed down by nearly a dozen pieces of 100t heavy iron blocks, even if they can break free, I am afraid it will take a long time.

"This should be enough for me to come up with a way to kick your ass... kicking you back home."

Fu Jiang's green face wrinkled together.

This is just a stopgap measure, even if these iron blocks can always exist, they can not be allowed to remain below a portal to the ghost world.

Turning it off completely is the only solution.


Fu Jiang changed the eraser again and carefully wiped the corners and corners of the teleportation array, but still the same as before, there was no response at all, and the ability to try everything was useless. Fu Jiang was a little dumbfounded.

The nature of the teleportation array cannot be changed.

Why, Fu Jiang couldn't understand.

Fu Jiang who put on the Rocky mask immediately possessed the power of the mask. She could do whatever the mask could do, as simple as instinct.

But besides that she still doesn't know anything.

She did not know the source of the power of the mask, nor the principle of these powers, she could not even magic.

In this situation where his ability was ineffective, Fu Jiang immediately chose the stupid way of blocking, suppressing, or even plugging the entrance with stones.

Because other than that, she didn't know what to do.

Scratching the scalp, Fu Jiang's eyes fell into the sky, and the gloomy sky somehow had a faint light, like hope lit in the dark.

It's going to be dawn.........

Yi Ao did not know the plight that Fu Jiang was facing...but Lucy, who was hiding behind the scenes, could see clearly, including Alimond, who was responsible for coordinating the logistics of Neverland.

The young man transformed into a house elf tilted his head, and his dark brown pupil had puzzled doubts.

"Very special magic..." He seemed to be talking to himself, but actually told Lucy, "Something like our family's elves, what is the relationship between us."

Lucy's expression is cold and cold. In addition to facing the clamor, most of the time she has a strange temper...Cold words are already the best situation.

"Perhaps these ghosts became after you died." Lucy made a cold joke.

Alimond, as the leader of the house elf, can be valued by Yi Huo. Its IQ is close to that of human beings. He can distinguish between goodwill and maliciousness in his discourse.

He tilted his head and looked at Lucy. He didn't realize that Lucy had other meanings. Shaking his head, Alimond did not intend to refute.

The most important thing is that he can't beat Lucy.

Then they witnessed the entire battle process between Fu Jiang and the Great Ghost. It is clear that Fu Jiang's strength is far greater than that of the Great Ghost. The entire process is unimpeded and without danger, and there is nothing to worry about.

It wasn't until the portal appeared for the second time that Fu Jiang's power could do nothing about it.

After getting a disguised necklace and possessing a human identity, Alimond's behavior and habits are getting closer and closer to humans.

"It's time for your help," Alimond said. "This magic...you should be able to solve it." He seemed to move over carefully, and commented softly to Lucy.

But unfortunately, like all opinions, this kind of thing can never be answered in the first place. After a long while, Lucy asked slowly as if he didn't answer.


Since Lucy was born, her combat power has only been under the hustle and bustle. In the face of this supreme existence that controls the entire Red Castle inside and outside, including the management of Dream Island creatures, Alimond is not as calm as the surface.

"Um... Ms. Kawakami probably needs your help. The magic is so special that she can't crack it, but I believe this magic is already very simple for you. You will be able to stop it..."

Domestic elves are also proficient in magic. As the leader of domestic elves, Alimond knows more. Some learn it by themselves, while others give it to him.

At a glance, it can see the speciality of the magic in front of it. It has exceeded the limit of energy magic, but the specific place is not that he can understand.

But I believe this is not a problem for Lucy, who has a nearly complete memory of magical knowledge.

Sure enough, Lucy nodded.

"I can solve it, it's very simple."

Just before Alimond let go, he heard Lucy say again.

"But the question is... why should I do this."

Alimond's heart suddenly raised an ominous hunch. He looked at Lucy, and his voice became stuttering, "If the portal is not closed, what will happen, you should...should..."

"The ghosts will once again flow into this world, and the number will be more and more powerful than the last time. Once again, human beings have been subjected to catastrophe and disaster... what's wrong with it."

"...Aren't there anything wrong?" Alimond's ominous premonition grew stronger.

"Of course not." Lucy said, "I think the plan is perfect."

Finally, Alimond couldn't help it anymore, "It's not perfect at all!" he snarled, "The existence of human beings is the greatest help of the husband, he needs human help!"

"Free people are born from human beings, everything comes from human beings, facing those enemies... Human beings are also on the same front as us!"

"We should protect mankind! Sir will not agree with you to do so."

"Human... we certainly need it." Lucy's voice was still calm. "Humans don't necessarily need us, they may not think we need our help."

"This... has been proven by countless worlds."

"In order for humanity to cooperate with us and make humanity and our relationship closer, I feel that it is necessary to give them some motivation...and pressure."


"I believe...he will agree when he knows."

Alimond's face became very wonderful, and even shouted, "Fear? How do you feel that fear allows humans to cooperate? This is even..."

Suddenly, Alimond's voice stopped abruptly.

He finally realized that something was wrong, and the ominous hunch kept reminding him, but he didn't notice it... nor did he expect...

But now, he finally understood that, as Alimond looked up, he met a pair of flashing yellow pupils.

The pupil contains a very strange pattern. In the middle of it is a circle. It seems to be divided into four uneven sectors, but when you look closely, it looks different.

Alimond had seen the pattern exactly the same as the yellow lacquered ring that Yi Chou had in his hand.

It’s not Yi Chou, it’s not always Yi Chou, or not just Yi Chou, but Lucy.

"Relax." Seemingly seeing Alimond's doubts, Lucy sneered, "I will not betray Mr., Mr. will always be my master."

"But as I said...Mr. should change his style."

"He has great power, but he is low-key, he always accumulates strength in secret... This is too slow."

"It is not necessary at all. Fear is not the best solution to dominate, but you have to admit that it is indeed one of the solutions, and it is also very effective."

"The existence of fear... is enough to surrender everything to him."

Alimond's eyes revealed unbelievable, "I'm going to tell these things to Mr...." He took a slight step back, but was noticed by Lucy immediately.

"No, you won't." She said.

Alimond tried to argue, but it was too late.

Because when he looked at Lucy again, there was only a dark cloud in front of him.

This was the last thing he saw when he was able to control his body. ...

Relying on Lucy's magic level, she does not need the spell of Soul Charm to control Alimond. Just simple energy control will make Alimond lose her connection to her mind and body.

"This body... is quite troublesome..."

After successfully controlling Alimond, Lucy couldn't help whispering.

Alimond is a human body, which of course is not his. The magic necklace Yi Yi gave him is far from the camouflage necklace from Melisandre, a song of ice and fire. In addition, it also has a good Magical defense ability.

Alimond has been following Yi Chou before, of course, he has never encountered any danger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The protection on the necklace has not been triggered. I am afraid that even he himself does not know that the necklace has such a role.

Unfortunately, this only blocked Lucy for less than half a second, and the necklace's defense still fell.

However, after controlling Alimond, Lucy did not continue to hurt him. As she said, Lucy remained loyal to Yi Chou, and naturally would not harm these... companions.

It is a pity that he cannot understand his approach.

But Alimond must have had a personal experience.

"Strength... Fear..." Lucy whispered softly with her right hand.

Her eyes shone bright yellow, and that was... the sign of the Yellow Light Legion. ...

Except for Lucy's large rear, everything that happened in one place is also unknown.

Mirror World New York.

The battle between Dustan and Strange continues.

With Strange's full-time offensive without spare time, Dastan was gradually provoked. At this time, the two had already shot a real fire. After all, Strange is a false energy body, of course not It will be Dastan's opponent.

Dalstein had no time to delay, or looking for the strange portal, killing Strange, he could also leave here.

Of course, even if Strange is just an energy body, I am afraid that Dalstein needs to pay some price. This is why he was reluctant to confront confrontation at first.

But at this time, Dalstein has ignored it. After all, Strange is aggressive and even nearly injured himself a few times. In this case, it is obviously not a wise choice to keep hands.

The building is collapsing and reorganizing, and New York is turning and shaking.

As the battle between the two gradually warmed up, even the entire world of mirrors began to falter.

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