High Magic Earth

Chapter 1168: Infection (2)


"Boom! Boom!"

Dalstein has completely liberated his body, and his volume has more than doubled on the basis of the original one. The length alone has reached nearly one kilometer.

No need to deliberately destroy, or even just move, he will turn everything around into ruins.

Lifting up the spider-like body, Durst spattered large pieces of sand-like things, which fell on the surrounding buildings, and dyed them coral-like red.

The red sand covers the surface of the building, almost in the blink of an eye, it wraps the building really like coral.

On the basis of the original shape of the building, the red gravel clings to its surface, showing the uneven curvature, just like the poor quality crafts that failed to make.

But the delicate Shao Shuo is closely arranged together, but it also gives people a weird beauty, as if they have been weathered monuments for countless years.


In the appearance of the appearance of God, Dastan spit out two words coldly, and his body was still in place.

As his words fell, these strange coral sculptures showed a terrible infectivity. With the building originally stained red as the origin, the red gravel began to spread frantically.

Just like the sea water at high tide, the ground, buildings, street signs, clouds, air, and even the sky are solidified by these gravels, like turning the world into a picture of red coral.

When the red coral-like gravel completely spread, everything covered by it stopped.

It was like time was suspended at this moment.

The concept of time disappeared from here, followed by sound, Wan Lai was silent, and the whole city seemed to be dead.

Mirror World's New York was contaminated in a weathered red coral building, motionless.

If Rip Hunt is here, I believe he will be surprised to find that this thing seems to be similar to the way that the ghost of time attacked their spaceship, causing them to stray into the world.

This is also the most terrible ability of Dalstein.


It is not a freeze in the general sense, but on the time level.

This ability is so horrible that he cannot even control it. Once the frozen gravel spreads, it cannot be stopped until the entire world is eroded...

It is almost impossible to reverse this process.

To the best of Dalstein's knowledge, only two people can do this...or rather, one person, and one magical creation.

His master, and the source of his ability, the magic ball of time.

But the latter can't leave the Bell of All Time, otherwise the order of the whole time will be destroyed. Believe me, if it affects the world because of this thing... you will definitely not like Alice's little unicorn smashing.

The strange pattern of Horus's eyes appeared around Dastan's eyes in the appearance of the appearance of God. He stared coldly at everything around him, watching this world of mirrors swallowed by time.

But his enemy, Strange, would not sit idly by.

Seeing Darstein once again use this near-rogue trick, Strange was obviously a little helpless, but he had to mention a mental response.

Because once time erosion spreads out, it will not only be a mirror world, but the entire outside world.

"Zi-Zi -"

His wrists gleamed with a golden halo, and his hands looked like they were wearing postmodern-style ornaments. Among the complicated patterns, there was a trace of ancient beauty.

"Turn me!"

His hands twisted outward in the opposite direction, and as the red gravel ocean was about to cover where he stood, Strange immediately started running forward.

With his movements, the world that was not covered by red gravel suddenly seemed to have his own life, and he was completely alive.


The sky is spinning and the ground is moving. New York is like a cube. Everything is just a detachable part of the cube.

As Strange advances, the ground beneath him also continues to stretch. The reliefs on the walls and the balconies that protrude are like square lattices inserted into it. When Strange passes, It emerged from the wall and came to his feet as his foothold.

Strange jumped between these steps, with the help of a floating cloak, making him look like he was jumping the city.

"Boom! Boom!"

At the same time, under the constant control of his hands waving and swiping, the world ahead is still changing dramatically.

The spreading ground is like a kaleidoscope spreading around, and buildings are copied, twisted, collapsed, and then drilled out of the ground again.

Behind Strange was a tide-like sea of ​​red gravel, closely following him like a shadow, every inch of ground spreading out again, and they all immediately spewed in like an impenetrable army of ants.

The two are like a race.

Is time the first to erode this world, or is Strange rebuilding the mirror world faster.

In fact... the answer is the former.

Because this is not the first time Dastan has done this, this is the third time. Since three times, Strange has not won time in speed once.

No one can win time.

Fortunately, he has other ways to stop this.

Deficiency sweats gradually emerged from Strange's forehead, which was a dark green light spot, which in fact constituted his energy, the time energy of the eye of Agomo.

Because of the need to release complex magic, the energy magic that maintains the imaginary body of Strange has begun to become unstable.

These flowing light spots are the best proof.

But... Strange's efforts are not without effect.

With the gradual construction of Strange's magic, I saw that at the end of this mirrored world, a new mirrored world reappeared. It was like a mirror, which was quickly pulled away in the void, first straight, then It's flat.

The new mirrored world is constantly expanding...and then spreading rapidly towards here.

This is Strange's method.

Soon, because there are so many places that Strange needs to control, the speed of the red gravel begins to exceed the speed of the Strange extension mirror world.

Strange's heart is clear that when the entire mirror world is completely destroyed by it, it will begin to spread to other worlds.

There is nothing that cannot be frozen.

Even if it is void, darkness, these have no conceptual meaning, time can freeze them, but in the same way, it will only follow the world, the spread of one world after another, gradually swallowed.

If it reaches the end of the world, or if there is only one world, it will not continue to spread.

As it happens, the world of mirrors has such a nature, which is why Dalstein did not have such a means in the beginning...because it does not necessarily work.

The world of mirrors is equivalent to countless parallel spaces. As long as Strange is willing, he can create countless parallel worlds of concepts. Each mirror world is independent and they do not touch each other.

The speed of the red tide is spreading faster and faster, and the speed between it and Strange is also shortening rapidly...Fortunately, at this time a new mirror world has taken shape.

Take a deep breath, even if Strange has three experiences... He is still ready.

In the same way, Dastan, who had always been quiet beside him, tensed his muscles.

Because when the two worlds intersect, he has the opportunity to leave the mirror world.

The red tide is getting closer and closer. They are like greedy, marching all the marching ants on the ground. Wherever they go, there are coral red carvings everywhere, accompanied by only dead silence and absolute Stagnation.

These gravels seem to be a long way from the border, but this distance is fleeting, and it is too late to make people react. The next moment, they have spread to the end of the edge.

But whether it is Strange or Dalstein, they are very human in the field of time.

"It's now!"

In the next moment, Strange suddenly jumped, and at the same time his wrist was shining brightly, and the new world of mirrors seamlessly docked.

Then briefly, in a moment when the most subtle time measurement could not be described, it slammed away again.

As if something terrible was touched, the two mirrored worlds seemed to be spring-loaded... Bounce them violently to both sides.

The red gravel floated slightly out of the original world, and when they touched, the dark void solidified into a solid state.

Fortunately, the two worlds are separated. Although they are not far away from the naked eye, they are actually not a dimension. There is no connection between them, so the gravel did not follow.

Seeing that there was no world around, the gravel began to wither gradually and then stopped spreading.

Fortunately, Strange's heart was lowered halfway, and at the same time, he turned his head and saw that Dastan was once again trapped in this world, and then completely put his heart down.

At the same time, the original mirror world behind the two had begun to collapse.

Without the material that can continue to be eroded, the red gravel began to erode itself, and soon, the layers of gravel began to cover each other, making them thicker and thicker.

Soon, the world of mirrors was wrapped into a sphere, then collapsed silently, turned into countless powder, and dissipated in the turbulence of the world.

It didn't spread outward... And this scene has been seen three times by Strange, he breathed a sigh of relief and set his eyes on Stan again.

"You are crazy," he said. "Once this thing spreads, it will destroy the whole world, here...and outside."

The outside refers to the present world.

"But I will be fine."

Of course, maybe Strange is happy that he has solved the trouble again, but Daztan who is trapped again in the mirror world is not happy. Seeing fleeing hopelessly, and being trapped here again, Daztan's tone does not seem to be So friendly.

But he is not in a hurry now, or... is the calm after anger, but under this calm, there are hidden showers and storms that are more terrible than anger.

It was the red time gravel released by Dustan himself, and he would naturally be fine.

Dastan will not be eroded by these times, even if the world is eroded, he can find an opportunity to escape again.

Mostly because there are no coordinates and reference objects, I am afraid that I need to wander for a long time in the cracks of time... before I can stray into an unknown time node.

Hearing the arrival of Darstein, Stranger even seemed a little angry, "You are really crazy!" he exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Dastan even broke out directly.

"Am I crazy?" he growled.

"You caused me to anger the flames, you caused it all...Now, when it is natural for you to bear it, let you extinguish my anger."

"Oh, oh." Strange quickly waved his hand. "You say this but it is easy to cause misunderstandings. I am not a deadpool. Maybe he is more suitable for you..."

It's useless to say that Dastan doesn't want to fight with Strange... or that he is not Strange's opponent.

Taking a deep breath, the red gravel was like a storm, and began to gather on Dustan's legs again.

The amount of time grit is not much... but he is very angry now.

Seeing the rogue look of Darstein, Strange was also a little helpless, but like Darstein said, he can't ignore it now.

Also taking a deep breath, Strange was ready again.

It's just... he is not a real human after all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but created by a high-level magic, creating mirror space one after another, he can't hold it anymore.

I hope I can stick to it for a while, Strange smiles bitterly.

But at the next moment, Dastan's movements suddenly stopped.

Ok? As if feeling the same, Strange also raised his head in a sense, looking at the empty sky of New York, which mirrored the world.

"It's really time..." he muttered in a low voice.

Under Strange's gaze, a small black spot gradually appeared above New York, which looked like a drop of ink dripping into the glass, and then the drop of ink began to expand rapidly and gradually spread into a deep Bottomless vortex.

The sky eroded a black hole.

It is a portal.

And after a few seconds, it has not disappeared, which means that it is different from the previous portal. This is a relatively stable portal...at least it has been maintained until now.

"Should I be grateful to you... or hate you..."

The appearance of the portal naturally gave Strange a breathing time, because he saw the red gravel lifted by Dalstein in the distance re-disperse. Obviously, after seeing the portal and other methods, he also gave up In order to continue this same trick.

But this series of mutations was also caused by the portal that first appeared... This Strange will also not forget.

There was no time for Strange to continue thinking.

Because Dastan, who had dispersed the red gravel, also fixed his eyes on New York, Stranche knew clearly that even if he did not need to face the overwhelming erosion attack, then he would not be much better. .

Rather than continue to do so, Strang took a deep breath, and at the next moment, he closed his eyes slightly.

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