High Magic Earth

Chapter 1169: Infection (3)


The overflowing energy is like a flashing light, and the mysterious green and verdant green instantly spread all over Strange's body. .

He was burning his remaining magic power, the purest energy of Agomoto Eye.

In fact, under normal conditions, when Strange is still alive, he can't control these energies at all. The essence of the eye of Agomomoto is the gem of time, the gate of time, even Dr. Strange cannot easily get involved. .

He can use the power of time, but he cannot try to control time... At least, this Strange can't.

But he is now dead, and it is only a magic that maintains all this, and the Strange in front is only constructed and maintained by the energy of the Eye of Agomo.

That's why he can use the energy of Agomoto Eye.

The two are one.

In a sense, Strange after death... or this special magic makes him stronger.

Time seemed to stay in place for a moment, and then in the next moment, the two seemed to make an appointment, and at the same time, the body moved, rushing forward at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

But the difference is that Strange's position is ahead, and Dalstein's front is above New York.

Where the portal is.

"You think too well."

Strange's face was a bit gloomy and fierce under the energy of the Eye of Agomo.

He won't let Dastan escape easily.

The energy of the portal is very stable, and it can erode the mirror world and open the door between the outside world and the mirror world. It itself means that the energy level of the portal is higher than that of the mirror world.

I'm afraid Strange's little means of turning the world upside down won't work on it...

But the inability to move the portal does not mean that other things cannot be moved.

"Don't think about it!"

Seeing Dalstein's double-printed face with spiders and the eyes of Horus showing a sneer, Strange suddenly shouted.

The floating cloak hunted behind his back to maintain his balance, and Strange kept pace, and his scarred hands began to spin violently.

"Click! Click!"


"Boom! Bang! Ka Ka Ka!"

With a sound like gears stirring, the whole world was alive again.

The sky, the earth, the buildings lined in New York, everything is like a Rubik's Cube. The two are inside the Rubik's Cube. When the Rubik's Cube of the outside world starts to turn, everything inside turns upside down.

The earth began to rise and fall unevenly, as if it had become a mountain, and buildings like a steel jungle began to rotate. They seemed to have turned into huge machinery factories, and the protruding parts were gears. .

These gears are fatal and weird. The balconies on the windows are laid flat and collide with each other continuously. The reliefs on the walls are turned into conveyor belts, which rotate around the wall in circles.

Every protruding part has become a natural weapon of the buildings, and even the most obscure architectural details can become the most deadly existence.

But none of this can stop Dalstein's progress.

The complicated leg structure like a spider allows him to easily jump over these cumbersome terrains. He has many feet to lightly touch the surface of these buildings, and once he touches away again, the unique rotating building in the mirror world cannot be affected at all. he.

At the next moment, Dastan's body had jumped high, and it was only one step away, and he could touch the portal above.

But this time, Strange's hands pressed down again!

"Do not!"

Along with Dastan's angry roar, he saw his body as if he was tied to an extremely heavy scale, he suddenly stagnate in the air, and then crashed down.

The entire mirroring world is changing, how can the sky be let go.

In an instant, the sky shattered into countless fast and small fragments, and these fragments quickly scattered around and then reassembled in other places.

Soon, the sky became the ground, and the ground became the new sky.

Without the background of the sky, the portal still stayed in place, but it looked a little slippery. It looked like a black hole, exuding a secret and deep luster.

Indeed, Strange can't move the portal, but he can flip the entire mirrored world.

He changed gravity, and Dastan's upward momentum naturally turned sharply.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Accompanied by the irritating sound, the buildings in the mirrored world are intertwine and blinked...Dustan was stirred into it, just like the little bug that unfortunately fell into the gears of the huge machinery factory, Dustin blinked No sound.

Only the harsh sound of rolling and cracking could be heard.

Although it is a mirrored world, it looks like a fantasy space, but everything inside is real, including these moving buildings.

Normal people fall into or are involved in it must be dead, there is no possibility of survival.

But Dustan is not a normal person, and Strange knows that this will not kill him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Strange to see the mirror world shaking again.


In the next moment, accompanied by a huge explosion, countless rubble spewed out from below the ground, and there was a huge black figure with the rubble.


He looked a little embarrassed, but there was no blood on his body, because his appearance was not bloody, but there were strange twists in many parts of his body.

Even if Dastan's appearance is very strong, he is not a physical appearance after all, he cannot resist a city...even the weight of several cities.

The ubiquitous gear directly crushed his bones, but fortunately he lost his pain in time, otherwise he did not necessarily feel that he could bear it.

At the next moment, Dashtan's body fell down with a lot of fine gravel, which was different from the terrible infectivity and erosion of the red gravel. When these gravel appeared, it was as if the iron filings met the magnet, and quickly condensed towards Dashtan.

Then he repaired his body.

Almost in an immeasurable short time, Dashtan's crushing injuries were repaired.

Dastan, who had recovered, stared at the front quietly. His heart was very angry, but when facing Strange, he was more calm.

Obviously, he just lost a round and was accidentally stirred into the mirror world by Strange. Next, he needs to be more careful.

At this time, Strange floated quietly in the air, and the floating cloak fluttered gently behind him.

His whole body radiated with dazzling luster, accompanied by a thick and huge magic power, which was almost inaccessible, and behind him was the position of the portal.

Strange guarded it and wanted to enter the portal, he must first pass him.

"Dastan!" he snarled, "want to leave from here, at least beat me first."

Immediately afterwards, Strange's body shone with more dazzling light, and a huge magic never appeared, and even his eyes glowed with burning heat, as if two flames replaced his eyes. same.

Faced with a world of mirrors eroded by a loophole, Strange decided not to keep his hands, he burned all the energy he had left.


Dastan below grinned his mouth wide, showing his teeth, the pattern of Horus's eyes around his eyes became more obvious, and then a grin appeared on his face.

Faced with the full-strength Strange, head-on confrontation is obviously not wise.

But Dalstein no longer intends to hide, he is fed up with such boring games that you retreat into.

Just let him erase the last trace of Strange's existence in this world. The last battle... is exactly what he wants! ...

No one knows that because of the appearance of the ghost portal, the two existences in the mirrored world hit a real fire.

It's like Yi Huo didn't know what happened to Lucy.

He only knows that there is a fifth person around watching this...

"one two three four……"

Yi arrogant meditation in his heart, at the same time his eyes crossed from the people around him.

Holly... This agent named Holly is the first one Yi Biao focused on. He obviously couldn't have a problem himself, and Holly has more suspiciousness with that monster than Athena. .

As for why I first stared at Holly instead of the monster, it was purely because Holly was closer to him, and the monster was hit by Athena, even if there was a problem, it would not be a big problem.

But Yi Biao silently brushed Holly several times with magic, but found no problems.

Pure humans... and early signs of diabetes.

No problem...it won't be her.

Then Yi Chou turned his gaze back to the monster.


He suddenly uttered a word softly.

Holly, who was behind Yi Chou, was shocked. This time he reacted, he was talking to himself.

Just when Holly saw this monster, she thought it looked very familiar, much like a person she had seen on the profile, Mr. Feng, the eo of seth company.

So she exclaimed subconsciously.

But it did not cause a reaction.

Whether it was the woman who was fighting it, or the man in front of him, it seemed like she hadn't heard it.

Unexpectedly, after a few minutes, the man suddenly made a noise and raised the question again.

Was it because of the slow response, Holly spit in her heart, but she didn't dare to show any abnormality on her face.

"Yes..." She nodded, and then briefly described the information she saw, the psychological activity just now gave Yi Xiao a quick description, this time is not an opportunity to waste time.

As an elite member of ib, Holly never drags the mud.

After hearing Holly's narration, Yi Chou nodded.

Mr. Feng...

He also seems to have heard the name. Where did he hear it... After throwing this question to Lucy, Yi Biao continued to think about it.

If the other party is Mr. Feng, then why would he fall to such an end...

In other words, if this monster is Mr. Feng, it means...it was converted by humans, and humans can be transformed into this monster.

This does not sound like good news.

Even if it has not yet shown infectivity and spread.

"You said I encountered this thing in the world of the song of ice and fire?" Yi Chou asked Lucy.


"Replay the memory."

Because memories are always stored in Yi Biao's mind, and thinking is almost ignoring time, so in a blink of an eye, Yi Biao will relive the situation at that time in his mind.

That was before and after Lucifer entered the world of songs of ice and fire...

Meteorites descend from the sky...

With flames and shocks, the city walls and city walls were destroyed, innocent people were hiding in the sea of ​​fire, and those without scales were also destroyed...

There, Yi Xuan, Stark and others encountered angels, and such things.

The pattern on its face is the best proof. The same power is endless, it also has a very high jumping power, and the same body swells up, like an inflated, ugly balloon that is about to explode.

"What the **** is this..." Yi Xiao whispered in his heart.

"Obviously, it was created by demons, angels, or their team."

Lucy's voice quickly rang.

"They are infinitely powerful and irrational, but they seem to be under control and are natural spoilers and the best cannon fodder."

"No..." But Yi Chou shook his head, "I mean... the principle."

"Magic? Is there an unknown technology? We always have to deal with it. If it is magic, maybe we can find a one-time solution."

Lucy at the other end was silent for half a second, and seemed to agree with Yi Chou's inference.

"I will look for clues," she said.

But Yi Chou continued to frown.

"Something's not right," he said. "I always feel... this thing is a bit strange~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I've seen him?"

"Do you mean Mr. Feng, or this kind of monster." Lucy's voice was still calm, but she didn't wait for Yi Chou to answer, and she continued on her own.

"Both are not possible. You are not familiar with the former. As for the latter... I have just replayed the highlights of your memories. I believe you have seen them clearly."

"It would be nice if I had a nzt." Yi Chou shook his head.

"I'm your nzt." Lucy's voice looked a little uncomfortable. "I know what you know. I know what you have seen but forgotten..."

"and many more."

Yi Chou suddenly interrupted Lucy, "Do you think this thing might have a prototype?"


"I mean... appeared in a TV series or movie."

After a moment of silence, Lucy said again, "That's the most basic source of our database. I can't forget it, nor can I make such a low-level mistake."

"It's you, your TV series hasn't made up yet..."

"Re-search again." Yi Xuan said directly.

"What? I can't..."

"I said, search again, it won't waste much time for you anyway."

"But it's boring, Dong who's seen it once..." Faced with Yi's arrogant orders, Lucy wouldn't resist, but only issued boring complaints.

But suddenly, Lucy's complaint stopped suddenly.

She paused for half a second, then issued a strong warning in Yi Biao's mind.

"Be careful! Sir!"

"I detected hidden unknowns around me!"

At the same time, Yi Chou seemed to feel something too. He turned his head and turned his eyes in one direction, then responded coldly in his mind.

"Yes...I found out long ago..."

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