High Magic Earth

Chapter 1170: 5th person

The voice has not fallen, and the figure of Yi Chou has arrived in an instant. ?

At this moment, he showed an extremely terrible degree, supported by strong physical qualities, his degree instantly reached half of the sound.

A black light appeared on his body. This is a kind of material similar to the **** field. Its existence can remove the interference of resistance for Yi clamor, and can also synchronize his thinking with his own degree.

It's a pity... Yi Biao's thinking can only follow this state when the body enters a state of anxiety. It cannot be like Barry. Even if the body is not in an state of anxiety, you can still think high.

In Holly's eyes, Yi Chou turned the whole person into a black lightning.

She only saw a flash of light, and the person in front was gone, and when she appeared again, she had reached the end of the other side of the corridor.

"Give me... come out!"


Yi Chao, wrapped in black lightning, ignored the gravity. He ran upright on the wall at a ninety degree angle, and then fell from the top, slamming toward the corner of the promenade.

There was nothing there, at least from the surface, there was no trace of anything.

Yi Biao's eyes subconsciously ignored here when he swept twice. Until now, he realized why he always felt wrong.

It's too clean here.

Other places are more or less contaminated with a lot of blood stains, meat foam, or fragments of residual limbs and internal organs. Only here is clean and spotless, as if they have just been cleaned by the cleaning staff.

How could I ignore such obvious flaws.

Even if she didn't pay attention, Lucy as a magical intelligence should be detected as soon as possible, but obviously, she didn't remind herself that she made a mistake.

Perhaps Lucy's setting functions and abilities are not perfect yet, and Yi Huo wonders whether she will use the silver tongue to strengthen her again after the task is over.

Even in the extreme state, there is not much time left for Yi Chou to think.

These miscellaneous thoughts are fleeting in Yi Biao's mind. In the next moment, he has come to the open space at the corner of the promenade.

No magic, no spells.

His right hand was clenched into a fist, and his rich fighting experience allowed his body to naturally show the best force, hitting it down at a tricky angle.

With Yi Qiao's physical fitness alone, his fist even made a slight sonic boom in the air.


At the next moment, his fist was beaten fiercely, as if something was resisted, and at the same time, there was a muffled noise in the air.

As if the sound of two steel plates colliding.

Sure enough, something...

Yi Biao's eyes calmed down, and he was able to kill him and Athena all the way, still not hidden behind the two people, and even the guy who dared to observe at close range was obviously not a simple existence.

At least the other party can be invisible... this has not been possible for ordinary people.

Unless it is the black technology of the new human world.

Or maybe a mutant, unknown ability, these are possible.

But soon, Yi Chou ruled out these ideas. The reinforcement of the mutants is often very simple. Except for the top mutants, the other mutants are very weak.

It is impossible for them to take a fist, and they may be killed directly.

And if it is an Alpha-class mutant, the other party does not need to hide at all...

The thinking wrapped in the black lightning is very clear. This feeling has been experienced many times. If it is not in a state of anxiety and cannot be maintained for a long time, Yi Chou wants to maintain such thinking ability all the time.

This is really convenient.

While guessing the origin of the other party in his heart, Yi Chou has thought of countless ways to deal with it.

Wrapped in a crackling black lightning, Yi Chou's body ignored gravity, while turning sharply and stopping, his right leg was already violently lifted upwards.

Its landing point is the same as that of Yi Chou's fist, only slightly to the right.

If there is no accident, there is the neck of the other party.

Even if the other party's defense is strong, and the neck is attacked, it will immediately faint.

Yi Xao could feel that the opponent stifled his own blow, but this was nothing. The powerful variants and more abilities went, but the opponent's resistance only exposed him to flaws.

Yi Chao, who is proficient in a variety of fighting, instantly restores the opposing actions that the other party may make. Then, after removing some possibilities, the other party's flaws are calculated in the blink of an eye.

The neck area...the greatest chance of no defense!


The level of pseudo-divine power allows Yi Xiao to easily reverse the offensive. Not only does he have rich fighting experience to find the best shot opportunity, because the use of pseudo-divine power suppression, even if the other party realizes, it is impossible to react, or Resist.

Yi Xiao is not afraid of the guy who peeks in secret, he just feels troublesome.

Because as long as he is found... Yi Yao does not think that the other party will be his opponent.


But at the next moment, Yi Chou felt his right leg hit a heavy object again.

Whether it is a dull voice or a hard touch indicates that this is a very strong existence...not the soft neck of the other party as expected.

Immediately afterwards, the black lightning surrounding Yi Chou has completely disappeared.

Unknown positions still exist. It always counteracts Yi Piao's pseudo-divine power. It limits Athena's degree to the limits of ordinary people. Even if Yi Piao can barely break through its interference, but the pseudo-divine power cannot last long.

This time, it is already the limit.

"Find reasons..."

Yi Xiao complained to Lucy in his mind.

Although the pseudo-magic power is not as good as the genuine rushers, it is more suitable for crushing weak opponents. It can’t be destroyed by a strange position like this... too wasteful.

Yi Huo, who had slowed down, did not panic. He calmly turned back, and at the same time, the other foot swung back and swung upward!


There was another muffled noise.

Yi Xiao frowned, and the right hand that had been retracted made a tentative punch again.


Then immediately, he took a breath of air, as if hitting a hedgehog. The other party's body surface suddenly seemed to have a lot of hard spikes, directly dripping the blood of the arrogant hand.

By the time Yi Xiao withdrew it, the deepest wound could already see the bone.

You know, Yi Biao's body can even resist the impact of ordinary bullets, but it is dripped with blood that is penetrated by these seemingly simple spikes...

Its penetration is probably no longer able to be blocked by ordinary metals.

But this did not have much impact on Yi Chou, because while he withdrew his right hand, these scary wounds on his hand had begun to heal quickly.

By the time he dumped the blood, his right hand surface had returned to its original smoothness, and he could not even see any injuries.

And... Yi Chou is not hurt in vain.

"Very interesting defense... Are you wearing any special armor." Yi Chou backed slightly, "Also, I don't like invisible enemies."


Yi Biao groaned in his mind, and Athena, who was able to figure it out, immediately understood Yi Biao's plan.

Athena, who was beating the suspected Mr. Feng's ugly mutant, raised her right hand, and a black mist immediately spread across her knowledge. They spread in the air, and soon wrapped Yi Chou and all nearby.

These black mists are creeping slowly as if they were alive, and in the process, a vague figure gradually emerged not far in front of Yi Chou.

Obviously, he is the enemy who was hidden in the dark and can be hidden...

The other party's hiding ability is very good, Yi Chou did not find him in the first time, even including Lucy.

The blank of blood stains is the flaw he shed, but this is due to inexperience. To get rid of this, his hiding is still very good, at least much better than those of the assassins.

Of course, this is when Yi Chao has not developed his own magical realm and shadow energy.

Otherwise, he will be spotted the first time, and Rao is so, Yi Biao always feels that there seems to be a glimpse of himself in secret... until the other party is completely pulled out.

The other party's exposure was not because of Lucy's reminder, but Yi Chou also noticed a hint of breath.

The dark, chaotic negative atmosphere is so rich. In this environment, like a beacon in the night, Yi Chou doesn't know how the other party made this low-level mistake, but there may be reasons why he doesn't know it.

Obviously, after the other party exposed this breath, he also knew that he might have been exposed, and he was prepared for the sudden attack of Yi Noo.

Although he was also unable to counter the anxiety of the pseudo-divine power, the opponent was not injured.

As a result, Yi Choudou was a little curious about who this guy was.

He should not be a cannon fodder that can be discarded casually... maybe some valuable information can be obtained.

With this idea in mind, when the shadow energy expelled the stealth magic nearby, Yi Chou did not attack the figure that was gradually revealed.

The other party also did not attack Yi Chou while the stealth ability had not completely disappeared. It seemed that it was planning a positive duel.

It didn't allow Yi Biao to wait for a long time. After a while, as the shadow energy dissipated, the appearance of the other party was fully displayed in front of Yi Biao.

not far away.

Looking at this sudden appearance, or the weird man who was pulled out of the invisible state by Yi Xuan, Agent Holly swallowed involuntarily.

Compared with Yi Chou's image, his appearance seems a bit too evil.

The black and white armor has bumpy bumps on it, like skin that has been corroded by sulfuric acid. The eyes of the armor are covered with a faint green flame... It even has no eyes, it is completely replaced by this flame.

The green flame often reminds people of bad existence.

The overall appearance of the armor is deep, gloomy, and cold, first coming out of hell.

Yi Xiao is obviously also a little stranger to the image of this guy. He frowned, his tone strange, "You... are you playing Spider-Man?"

The other's armor resembles that of Spider-Man, to be precise, like a spider.

There are two white traces on the chest and abdomen, pointing left and right, and there are two similar stripes on the face. spider.

Yi Xiao also noticed that there were some protruding spikes under the opponent's left shoulder. These spikes were slowly retracting and reintegrating into the armor... as if they had never appeared.

Obviously, this armor is not just as simple as it looks evil.

But if it is just this level of defense, I am afraid...

"I want to add one more item to my collection." Yi Xiao said with a smile. "Your name? Tell me...I still don't plan to say it."

In the distance Athena's battle had stopped, and when new enemies appeared here, she hit the ugly mutant creature in a few breaths until she no longer moved, not knowing if she was dead or fainted.

It seems that the previous Athena was really just playing with it.

With new enemies, this ugly thing can be abandoned.

In fact, before Yi Biao came out to ask, he was not sure whether the other party would speak, but friendly communication was still a necessary step... Of course, if the other party died directly under Yi Biao's attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then Whether it is an enemy or just a misunderstanding, it makes no sense.

Because neither the former nor the latter will cause trouble and help to Yi Chou.

Fortunately, this question quickly got an answer. After hearing Yi Chou's question, the other party seemed to be thinking for a moment, and then a dull answer came under the mask.

"I don't have a name, I only have a job."

"Title." Yi arrogantly stunned, "This is the first time I met, what is it?"

"Hell... Vanguard."...

Just as the other party's voice fell, the smile on Yi Chou's face gradually disappeared.

"If you are not kidding," he said softly, "then you are unfortunate..."

Creatures of hell... There is nothing to talk about, even if he is not a demon, he is also an enemy, and as long as he catches the other party, any information can be tortured by virtue of Yi Chou's magic.

Yi Xao still looked at the other party calmly, but at this time, his muscles hidden under the windbreaker had begun to tighten, and he was ready to go all out at any time.

Hell creatures are not like free people and plot characters. Although they have no abilities, they have the most mysterious magic.

Yi Xiao doesn't know what the magic of **** is, so he must be prepared...to avoid being overturned in a ditch by an unknown magic.

The other party seemed to be aware of this unfriendly atmosphere. Instead of retreating, he chose to welcome Yi Chou's next attack.

But at the next moment, a voice suddenly came from Yi Biao's mind.

It’s Lucy.

"Sir, I found the other person's information."

"There is nothing wrong with being called Hell Vanguard, but he has another name."

"Reborn Man."

"Please be careful. Although it is very unpopular, the opponent is indeed a hero." 8

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