High Magic Earth

Chapter 1172: Spawn (2)


El Simmons, after the spawn fell to the ground, Yi Chou did not chase after him. His steps were steady, his body was two steps back, and he looked down upon him with conspicuous eyes.

Like looking down on a pool of mud

Yi Xiao didn't care that his actions would give the other party a breathing chance, because it was too easy to overthrow the other party, and it was even easy to even warm up.

"See what?"

In his mind, Yi Huo asked Lucy softly.

Yi Chou does not have the habit of wasting time. Standing on the spot is not to promote the knighthood. This is the first magical superhero that Yi Chou encountered.

Different from the technological route, Tony Stark and Barry Allen of the Speeder family, the identity background of the regeneration man is directly linked to hell.

What useful information might be available.


"Analysis of unknown materials..."

"Combat power analysis..."

"...El Simmons, Spawn."

"Fighting power exceeds the peak of ordinary people, extension level: war-country."

"Source of power: Magic armor of unknown material."

"Loss of armor, combat effectiveness drops, extension level: city."

"The use of magic by the armor is unknown and no energy response has been found."

Yi Xiao frowned, and at the same time a question mark on his head.

"What is this?"

He had long heard that Lucy was working on a combat power analysis system, that is, the existence of a similar attribute panel, but the progress and results were not pleasant.

Because Lucy lacks one of the most important conditions, that is a reference to combat effectiveness.

Lucy has never really seen these guys who were recorded in the intelligence. Although there have been intelligences about Iron Man and the Flash, it cannot be used to speculate the situation of the green fat man alone.

Not even magical intelligence.

Of course, as both the master and the servant, the arrogant and Lucy, both wizards, will certainly not be trapped by this small problem, but for the time being, it seems that Lucy does not intend to seek Yi's help.

As for the reason...

"Fighting power analysis report." Facing Yi Xuan's question, Lucy answered with full confidence, without even shaking, and Yi Xuan could even imagine her expression and expression when she answered.

A faint sense of calmness emerged spontaneously...If you ignore her second sentence.

"...Sorry, sir, I only collected these data."

"The combat power analysis I want is like a game panel. What the **** is this? Shouldn't the analysis panel be as concise and clear as the original Dornting."

But as soon as the words were spoken, Yi Chou realized that something seemed awkward.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lucy seemed to enter a state of inexplicable silence, and then, after a second, she said again very politely.

"Perhaps in your thinking, you think all women should be the same size."

"It’s really a waste of your rich experience... sorry, I forgot that your experience is not rich at all. There is only one girlfriend in the true sense. Fortunately, you can’t find a girlfriend like that. Some of the saddest guys are better."

Closing his eyes, Yi arrogantly rubbed his forehead.

As he said, Lucy didn't seek the help of silver tongue magic for a reason, the reason is very simple, it was the magical intelligence Dornting.

Dornting's combat power analysis system is perfect, coupled with its powerful intelligence capabilities, almost all changes can be fed back to the panel at the first time, and the accuracy and authenticity of the panel it produces are also very high.

Although Yi Biao didn't ask for it, Lucy still wanted to make one by herself. Perhaps it was regarded as some kind of proof, proving that Lucy was not worse than Dornting.

But the fact is also obvious, the production of the entire system is not very successful...It can even be said that it has failed.

How easy is this?

After the Dornting incident, because she left a large number of sub-world coordinates already positioned, Yi Xuan began to rethink the existence of Dornting.

Dornting succeeded because she had the entire Oz Eye System and the database of the Oz Kingdom as a backup force.

There are a lot of materials recorded in it, the magic of Oz, the war between the wizards and Oz, and the war between the wizard and the angels, and the war between Oz and other creatures.

In a sense, she even witnessed the existence of new human beings and the capabilities of countless new human beings, which allowed her to accurately define the combat power analysis system.

This is not the case with Lucy.

She has nothing, and it would be a very long process to accumulate an analysis system from scratch.

When Yi Biao and Lucy hurt each other, El Simmons had climbed up from the ground. As a reborn hero who is a member of Chaoying, he would not be defeated by this small setback.

"Dang-Dang-Dangdang -"

Like an open rattle ringing above the Styx, four thin and long gray-black chains slowly slid out along the armor at Al's back, and its front end was sharp and sturdy. Like the front paw of an eagle.

Without any focus, the iron rope slowly floated, and the slender chain swayed in the air, just like the wandering before the wolves hunted.

Immediately afterwards, a scarlet like blood flew out from behind him, slowly dispersing in the air, as thick as blood floating in the water.

But if you look closely, you will find that this is not a blood, but a cloak.

A cloak attached to the armor and integrated with the shoulder armor.

It's just because it's so soft, even so soft that it doesn't have any substance, it looks like it is wandering in the water.

Sure enough, those who can be called heroes will inevitably have some special places.

Yi Xiao's eyes fell on the regeneration armor. The armor was in the form of a full body armor, which wrapped Al's face, but Yi Xiao did not care what the guy looked like.

Whether it is seen with your own eyes or Lucy's analysis, it highlights the ability of this armor.

As for the reborn hero himself...if there is no armor, I am afraid that his ranking in the Super League can not be squeezed into the forefront, and even the middle end is somewhat difficult. You must know that the Wolverine who is also the undead ranks more threatened than without the armor. The spawn is much higher.

Of course, all this is judged according to the movie version of Reborn.

When the first-line heroes braved the rain of bullets to level the opponent's base, in the case of one-on-one, the spawn also needs to avoid the opponent's bullets.

The bullet can penetrate his armor. Although the armor can recover on its own, Ayr will not die, but the combat effectiveness will inevitably be greatly reduced.

In fact, a lot of equipment on the side of the super hero is much better than the spawn, and it can do things much more powerful than this armor.

But it was all a technological route, and the armor of the regeneration man was a magical route. It was a gift from the king of hell.

Although Yi Xiao has a silver tongue, has almost omnipotent abilities, does not need related magic, and there is nothing that cannot be done, but this does not hinder his love of magic.

And this kind of magic still belongs to hell, his enemies... The more he knows about the enemies, the better it will be for himself.

Observing this inexplicable armor, Yi Xuan continued to speak.

"I'm curious about the day you meet Spider-Man... I believe Spider-Man will also look forward to it."

It’s no surprise that Yi Chou said that the regeneration armor’s body armor is dominated by a black tone, with white lacquer printed on it. Tie Suo made him look like he was using Spider-Man and his rival, Dr. Octopus.

The spawn is not friendly. He seems to have no plans to talk nonsense with Yi Chou. The flame-like light in his eyes flashes slightly twice. At the next moment, he bowed silently to Yi Chou.

Like a reckless bull.

"I somewhat understand Athena's feelings..."

At the moment when Al approached himself, Yi Chou suddenly turned sideways, quickly let Al's attack off, and then his right foot gently slammed his right hand against El's neck.

"You can't learn anything!"

Yi Xiao's elbows had great strength. He didn't keep his hand for this blow. If he hit Al's back neck, it might not be possible to lie down on the ground for a while.

Fortunately, an armor protects Al's body. Even if Yi Chou unexpectedly attacks his leg pivot, Al does not react, but the armor has already reacted on his own.

This time, the surface of the armor is not a thorn, but a curved round surface, like a small shield.

The choice of armor is correct, because this time Yi Chao uses nearly a third of its power. If it still tries to turn into a spiny ridge to block Yi Chao, it will be destroyed by a huge force in an instant, and then it will be protected in Ayr inside.

Obviously, it has a certain judgment about the attacks that the outside world will bear.

Yi Xiao felt that he was more interested in it.


But... even if the armor turned into a shield, Yi Biao's right foot was raised sharply, but there was still a muffled noise, but it kept Al's balance and did not let him fall forward, so this also made Yi easy The subsequent attack did not work well.


Yi Chou's elbow hits Al's back fiercely, only one finger away from the back heart, even though Al is not injured, he still staggers forward.


Immediately afterwards, there was a huge scratch on the ground, and Al's feet stomped heavily on the ground. The armor on the sole of the foot produced small spikes, using friction to force himself to stop.

At the same time, as he glides quickly, the red cloak is like an open arms, slowly wrapping Yi arrogance.

The cloak like a viscous liquid is everywhere, and it covers Yi Yi's line of sight very well, but soon, Yi Chao realizes that it is not just the line of sight that is blocked.

The surroundings became quiet, as if the sound was deprived, and there was only a silence in El's ears.

"Boring trick..."

There is a trace of boredom in Yi Biao's eyes. The effect of magic can be much stronger than this, not only the seal of sight and hearing, but also the five senses, and even a more powerful illusion.

But now... he faced such a trick, even without magic, it was already...


Yi Xao suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Al's right leg kicking to his side. He was standing still, but Al tried to get rid of it, but could not get rid of Yi's shackles.

As Yi Xiao said, he does not need to use magical means at all. Hearing and intuition after being strengthened, and rich combat experience are enough to stop Al's attack.

Aier broke free twice, and found that Yi Xuan's right hand would suffocate himself like iron tongs. While he was surprised at Yi Xiao's power, he immediately gave up the struggle.

As the elite of the special forces, Al's combat literacy is not bad, but it is still too short compared to Yi Chou.

Realizing that he couldn't compete with Yi Chou in strength, Al decisively used the help of armor.

"Baba Baba!"

Like the four sharp arrows, the four chains floating behind Al suddenly moved like a spirit snake. After wandering in the air for a while, they found out the clamor in front of them and slammed past.

Yi Xiao let go of Al's hand and then flipped backwards, as if he had grown his eyes, and Yi Xiao perfectly avoided all the attacks of the chain.

But the chain didn't hit, but it didn't stop.

They flew quickly onto the other wall, "Dangdang Dang!" accompanied by a series of crisp sounds, and then was deeply plunged into it.

Like a spring, the iron wire of Al’s back armor began to shrink, and then he flew across the wall to the other side in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ By the time Yi Xian regained his standing, he was already away from Yi Xuan. Over a long distance.

not far away.

Athena, who had beaten the ugly monster into the ruins, stood in her arms, and there was a very strong disdain in her nose. "Oh..." she sneered. "How did you fight like a stage play?" thing."

"Old guy, you haven't exercised for too long, your bones are rusty."

Known as Athena by the old guy, Yi looked back and gave Athena a light look. He now found that Athena is a violent man and has a special enthusiasm for fighting.

It's okay when it's usually quiet. Once she provokes her fight, I'm afraid it will be hard to put out.

But... this time Yi Chou couldn't give the opportunity to Athena. Rarely met an opponent who could barely watch. Yi Chou's fighting ability has not been tested yet.

Taking off the gray-brown windbreaker, Yi Chou threw it to Athena, revealing a muscle that had been strengthened, still not very large, but already formed.

The brown trench coat fell on Athena's head, covering her face and face, making her very unhappy with her long blond hair, but then Athena saw Yi Chou wearing only a small vest, She brightened her eyes and then licked the corner of her mouth. ! "

Yi Xiao didn't notice the situation on the side of Athena, but Lucy whispered in her mind.

"Come on!" Yi Xiao shook his neck and made a clicking sound. Then he moved his shoulders and said to El Simmons, "Like a real warrior, don't just hide."

At the same time, Lucy echoed in his mind, "The second analysis phase begins...Unknown energy collection, unknown armor analysis..."r

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