High Magic Earth

Chapter 1173: Spawn (3)

El Simmons didn't respond. Facing Yi Chao's provocation, he remained indifferent and stayed in place. The red sticky cloak wrapped him up, making Yi Chao unable to see his state clearly.

In fact, El Simmons is also analyzing.

The defeat of the two confrontations is enough to show the strength of the other party. The continued brutality again and again is undoubtedly looking for death. The King of Hell burned Al's memory, but did not burn his brain.

El Simmons is not stupid. On the contrary, as an elite of the special forces, his fighting consciousness is also very strong. He understands that he must find an advantage in other places.

The cloak can help him.

The cloak and the armor are the same. Al is not sure whether this armor has his own life, but this armor is like his second body and is an indispensable part of him.

The cloak extended from the armor is naturally the same.

Cloak can not directly help his combat effectiveness, but it can help him in many other aspects, such as concealment ability.

The soft cloak can change into any physical appearance, a wall, a mirror, a piece of water, or even a transparent sky.

This plays a very important hiding ability, whether it is tracking, investigating, sneaking in, or escaping.

At the same time, the cloak will block his own factors, breath, temperature, sound, and even. . Biological magnetic field and so on, which is why Yi Chao didn't find him at the beginning.

If Yi Xiao is willing, he can indeed penetrate the cloak of the cloak and find the reborn man hidden in it.

But that requires very professional spell detection, or the use of shadow energy, and a silver tongue. After all, this is a real world, not an rpg game. There will not be hidden secret rooms everywhere, and there are treasure chests waiting for Yishou to open. .

So he will not walk around the sky with advanced detection spells.

The shadow energy newly created by the silver tongue, the shadow magic level is high enough, and very versatile. . It is a pity that Yi Chou's attack on seth did not intend to use magic, nor did he surround the shadow energy around himself like the scarlet witch, with its own light and shadow effect.

Just like a devil.

El Simmons is lucky that his cloak is enough to resist the detection of some small magic.

If it wasn't for him to suddenly reveal a negative breath, as if he was deliberately exposed, Yi Chou might not be able to find it.

In addition, the regeneration man's cloak has many other functions, sturdy shield, slowing down when jumping, and a lot of shock absorption on the ground.

And the most useful of these is undoubtedly camouflage and another point of investigation.

Very similar to what Lucy is doing now.

The reason why Al sometimes doubts whether his armor has an independent life is also for this reason.

The cloak can be divided, just like earthworms, it can cut itself into small pieces, and can also control the part of the division, control it to move around, disguise, become the most obscure, and around The environment looks exactly the same.

These pieces of cloak lurked everywhere, collected everything they saw, sensed, and then re-filled on the armor, and fed back everything to themselves.

Very convenient ability.

Earlier, he noticed that there was an unusual atmosphere near a suburb of New York. He divided the next small piece from the cloak, rushed to the scene in a short time, and then hid it.

Now that piece of cloak had returned to him, and Al also received intelligence from the scene.

A space door was torn open over New York, which made Al who had just come to this world, completely confused, want to scold his mother. Even in his world, the space door is not so easy to open easily.

Fortunately, it was not a space door leading to hell, but unfortunately, the difference was not far off.

Al originally intended to rush to stop immediately. . The mission of the King of Hell was to punish evil, but he did not say that he should not simply promote goodness.

It's just that he was near seth company at the time, or that Al had just arrived in this world, and the place appeared near seth company. When he saw this, he was also attacked, and the guardian of this world appeared in the space gate. Resistance, he simply let go of his heart, no longer trying to go to the portal first, but decided to take a look here first.

However, according to the memory of the cloak fragments, El noticed a person who seemed to be calling. . Simon.

Yes, a little anchor with no name.

It is a pity that he is not him now.

The position where the cloak fragments lurked was right next to this human who was once named Simon. It clearly recorded everything that happened to Simon at that time.

Similarly, Al also saw clearly.

He clearly saw that not long after this unlucky guy fell into a coma after being hit by the first wave, he was just awake and was seen by an orange that also appeared from the portal, but was different from other green light groups. The red fluorophore hit.

Then quickly, Al felt a very deep negative breath from him.

This breath was so strong that Al never felt it from the King of Hell.

He is no longer him, some unknown creature occupies this body.

But I don't know why. This guy didn't turn back to join the ghost army suspected of his companion, but left here without stopping.

The fighting was fierce and the situation was chaotic, and no one noticed its departure.

Only Al noticed.

He remembered its breath, he would not let it go.

Because Ayre knows deeply, how much damage and irreparable scars a person who is suspected of **** creature hides in ordinary people will cause this world.

He has a personal experience at this point.

Originally, Al planned to quickly resolve the incident that occurred at Seth, and then rushed over to find the trace of that thing.

then. . He encountered an unsolvable enemy, Yi Chou.

It cannot be an enemy.

Feeling the bursts of information from the cloak, El Simmons looked very uncomfortable.

When Yi Xiao collected his intelligence, Ai was not without gain.

In the moment when Aier flicked away from Yi Huo, his cloak wrapped around the other party, and then the cloak was like having his own life, using his own magical means to start collecting information about the other party.

Al is also not sure if it is magic, he is not familiar with magic, or that he is not magic at all.

But the cloak can always deliver what he wants, such as the opponent's name, information, fighting habits, and even existing weaknesses.

Only this time the cloak disappointed him, because the message from the cloak was. .


. . .

"Mope haw, I hate mother-in-law!"

Seeing that there was no movement in the regeneration man for a long time, Yi Chou couldn't help but take the lead.

Yi Chou's concept of time is very cautious. . Don't like waste every minute.

Even if he is patient and playing with the spawn, it is because he and Lucy are not sure about the consequences of killing each other and then grabbing the armor.

After all, this thing does not belong to the spawn, but is made by the king of hell.

Neither Lucifer nor Satan is a messy guy. The slightest result is that the armor is destroyed on its own, leaving the two of them with nothing.

But Yi Xao's patience didn't kill him directly, which doesn't mean he likes the other side to rub around.

Since the other party does not cherish this opportunity. . Then it is up to you.


Yi Biao's movements are very simple, he slammed on the ground, his body ejected like an arrow.

Unlike Superman's straight movements, Yi Chou's movements don't seem so atmospheric. His body is slightly forward, while one hand is drooping naturally, while the other hand is clenched on the left side.

It's like a beast ready to go.

Unlike Batman, who immediately became manic after putting on the skin of the night knight, Yi Chou did not possess his knightly spirit, nor did he like the course of his strong movement like him.

Because Yi Xiao now looks more like a street gangster.

In fact, Yi Chou's proficient fighting skills are not less than Batman, and may even be more, because there is only one world in Batman. . But Yi Huo can travel through many worlds.

Among the songs of ice and fire, there are many strange fighting techniques that seem to have been lost in this world, and even do not even exist.

At the same time, Yi Biao's style and habits of doing things make him prefer simple and clear fighting, and he likes to get the most results for the least cost.

This will not only waste a punch, but also save time.

When these two are combined together, the fighting style that is now easy to clamor is created.

He only pays attention to practicality, demeanor and chic. . Not very important.

Faced with the clamor from the gallop, Al felt a sudden shock, because Yi claus was more than twice as fast as before, and Al immediately realized that the other party had not exerted all his strength. . It's not even clear how much effort was made.

He is not his opponent.

Al made a judgment in his heart, but he did not think of shrinking.

It is good to say that this is heroic stupidity, or the inherent recklessness of mankind, but in any case, it is these seemingly stupid persistence that made the difference between heroes and ordinary people.

because. . Not everyone can stick to this.


But it makes no sense.

Because this will not play a substantive role in combat.

Seeing Yi Biao rushing head-on, Al immediately flashed to the side to deal with such a bull-like attack. Actually Yi Biao has made the best demonstration. After all, just now Al is also such a barbaric rush to Yi Biao At this time, the situation is like a swap between the two.

But he overestimated the difference in speed between himself and Yi Chao. Even if he has the will to never back down in his heart, this thing will not increase his speed.

Al had just lost his way to avoid it, Yi Fang's fist had come to his face.


The armor generates layers and layers of existence like shields, trying to stop Yi Chou’s attack, but when Yi Chou’s fists fall on these seemingly hard shields, they are as fragile as biscuits and shattered when touched. .

Like a domino, Yi Chou broke through layers of defense and directly hit Al in the face.

Blood, teeth, and armor debris splashed in the air, like a box of overturned debris.

And it's not over yet, while Al's body is unbalanced and flew backwards, Yi Chou's idle hand protruded like a lightning, it grabbed the flew out of El, and again he was ruthlessly Pulled back.

Sudden stop and sudden acceleration made Al's body a meal, and without waiting for his thinking to react, Yi Chou had turned around violently and smashed him into the ground again with a hard foot.


When Al responded, he was lying down on the ground again, leaving only the feeling of severe pain all over his body.

"Slow, too slow." Yi Xiao shook his head, his right hand slowly rubbing the wrist of his left hand.

Although he was only punched, Al felt as if his body had been crushed. After all, Yi Biao’s power was put there, even if he was deliberately controlled, the unit was still calculated in tons, otherwise It is impossible to break the armor protection.

Some turned awkwardly, and Al struggled to crawl sideways, trying to get up from the ground.

But Yi Piao's patience is obviously exhausted.

He shook his wrist, then stepped on it, and ran towards Al again.

There seemed to be a bang in the air, and Yi Biao's figure suddenly came to Ayle at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and then kicked Ayle who was climbing up to the side.

Without waiting for Ayle to land, Yi Biao has kept up again, far beyond the ordinary people's physical qualities, Yi Biao can almost ignore the laws of physical movements, and attack from any angle as he likes, not just limited to the punch after the punch. The normal attack pattern ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This makes Aier undefeated.

He didn't even understand what was happening. His body had already flown into the air, and at the same time, Yi Biao's figure moved slightly above him, and he cleverly came over him, pressing down hard with one knee.


Al flew out again, fell to the ground, and made a muffled noise.

"Weak...too weak..."

Yi Xiao shook his head and looked at his hands thoughtfully.

Sure enough, certain physical means are necessary, which will save a lot of effort.

If Yi Biao still uses magic now, as if throwing a spell like a sandbag and playing around with this spawner, even with the power of a silver tongue, I am afraid it will still be very difficult to win.

but now. . It's almost effortless.

Of course, if you want to do all this, if there is no silver tongue, I am afraid it will not be so simple and easy. Silver tongue still belongs to magic, and magic is the biggest power of Yi Chao.

"Sir." At this time, Lucy's voice also sounded in Yi Chou's ear. "The magic of armor is very interesting, like a transformation spell, but it is not. There is a lot of negative energy mixed in it."

"This sentence seems to be no different from not saying it."

"Mr. Please, have more confidence in me... and give me more time."

Even the clay figurines have three points of anger, not to mention a super hero who was beaten by Yi Chou as a sandbag, and even lost several rounds of reborn hero El Simmons on the ground. He let out an angry hissing sound, not knowing where a strength came from, and burst out of nowhere.

Looking at Aier who suddenly stood up and rushed to himself, Yi Chou easily escaped his attack, slammed him down to the ground again, and shrugged.

"Not bad, this is like a man." He said.

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