High Magic Earth

Chapter 1174: Spawn (4)


Al roared, an angry and low-pitched roar under the armor's mask, like a locomotive, hitting him with a violent breath that destroyed everything.

He has a lot of momentum.

But the action is too slow, it is like slow motion in Yi Biao's eyes.

In fact, this is precisely the first sequence of relationships that Lucy has listed speeders’ ability as a necessary ability, dynamic visual thinking acceleration, and a series of speeders’ unique abilities, making everything in the world very slow in their eyes. .

Only speeders can defeat speeders, and those who are slow can be eliminated.

The speeder can clearly capture the most subtle movements of the other party, and the other party can't even touch the side of the speeder.

With this ability, even if Yi Xuan does not have combat experience, he can be invincible in close combat, not to mention Yi Xuan also copied countless rich combat experience with silver tongue.

"Good, but not enough!"

Yi Biao shook his body like a feather with light spirits. He hid against Ayle's body. His movements were very elegant, like an elf jumping in the jungle.

In fact, this is the common fighting method used by elves.

The setting of elves is too perfect. Yi Chou can easily write a story about elves with the silver tongue, and then use the silver tongue to read the scrolls that record their fighting moves from the book.

Very convenient, isn't it, the omnipotent silver tongue.

Immediately thereafter, at the moment of passing by, Yi Xiao gently used his feet to ignore the defenses born by Al's armor, and once again slammed his fists against Al's back.


With a muffled sound, Al felt a sweet throat.

Although the spawn is resurrected from hell, he is still a human being, but his appearance and memory are destroyed, and his body seems to be severely burned.

But he is not a demon and still belongs to humans, that is to say, he has blood.

Although this arrogant attack was still very heavy, it did not reach the level of the previous few times. Resisting the blood that was about to be sprayed out of his mouth, he swallowed it back abruptly again, and Al found that he could still maintain his balance.

He rolled on the spot, and the cloak opened instantly, and he stepped away from Yi Chou and stood up again.

The cloak is like a viscous liquid, which brushes Yi Yi's skin and has a sticky feeling, but the cloak is mixed with a very rich **** atmosphere, which makes Yi Huo very disliked.

No matter how the regeneration man punishes evil and promotes good, he can't hide that he comes from hell.

He was born with a negative atmosphere that was not friendly to other creatures.

"Oh, uh!"

At the next moment, I saw that Yi Chou was like cutting vegetables, and several flashes of cold light flashed in mid-air. Before Ayr could see what was going on, he realized that his cape drifting out fell to the ground instantly.

As if the limbs had been cut off, they were divided in a split second, or even almost cut to pieces.

"Don't let it float in front of my face."

With that, Yi Xiao shook his wrist.

It was only then that Aier could see the cold light refracted in Yi Chou's hands, which was a thin and long sharp sword, which was continuously pulled out of the sword flower by Yi Chou, as if he had his own hands in Yi Chou's hands s life.


Paying attention to Ayr’s sight, Yi Biao’s eyes blocked by the flames seemed to be observing his weapon. He shook the sword, and asked strangely, “The armor is not unfair to the sword. Place?"

Al's mouth was hidden under the mask as if he was severely burned, and according to the powerful combat power you showed, it seemed unfair to him.

But Al is not a very talkative guy, he is very quiet, especially in battle, not to mention, he is facing the enemy at this time.

Without commenting on Yi Huo's claim, Al made the most realistic answer with himself.


With an angry growl again, Al took a deep breath, regained his strength, and bumped his head again.

But anyway, he listened to Yi Xuan's advice, and at the same time, he didn't start the cloak again. Otherwise, Yi Xuan might really couldn't help but cut off his cloak directly.

Of course, Al is not a little progress.

At least this time, while rushing to Yihuo like a bull, his body began to shift its focus without leaving any traces during the sprint.

Yi Biao saw at a glance that he planned to use the roll to avoid his sight at the moment he was about to contact himself, and then attack from other corners.

but. . This is of no use to Yi Huo.

Standing motionless, Yi Chou seemed to be unaware of the other party's attacking intentions, and still exposed the flaws in his body to the outside.

Soon, the rapidly coming Al quickly approached Yi Chou, and at the same time, the sword in Yi Chou's hand seemed to slowly begin to move.

El smiled under the corner of his mouth under the mask.

He rushed to Yi Chou in the same direction, and then at the moment when he was about to contact Yi Chou, he suddenly slipped on his feet, and numerous small bumps appeared on the armor surface of the leg. Using the friction of these potholes, Al forced Reversing the trend of his own progress, the figure disappeared in Yi Biao's sight instantly.

In a trance, Al seemed to see Yi Chou's bayonet slammed in the air, which was good news, but he had too little time to think, already instinctively controlling his body, and threw his fists from an invisible visual blind spot that Yi Chou, Fiercely hit Yi Yao's lower back.


The muffled sound came to delight Al.

The lower back is not a fatal part, but it is also very important for humans. It is suddenly attacked here. Even if it is not dead, it is at least seriously injured and may even be paralyzed.

However, the opponent is obviously not an ordinary person. His body is very hard, and he is better than his armor. Maybe he will not be seriously injured or paralyzed, but at least he will lose consciousness and cannot move for a while.

This is enough for yourself.

Unfortunately, before Al's inner excitement lasted for half a second, he suddenly realized that it was wrong.

The feeling from the fist surface is wrong.

The opponent's body is very hard, the skin surface may not be soft, and it will be like an iron block, but the waist should also be very flat, instead of firmly holding his fist in it, this is. .


"Progress, but still not enough!"

But when Al realized this, Yi Chou's fist and calm face had quickly enlarged in front of him.

I don’t know when Yi Xuan’s hand that didn’t take the bayonet was put behind his back, and then he took Al’s attack indifferently. Only then did he realize where Yihou's weapons came from.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Biao turned around and twisted Al's arm. The other hand caught his neck, ignoring the armor thorns that were constantly piercing his palm, and lifted Al abruptly.

After loosening Al's fist, Yi Chou immediately gave her a heavy punch.

This punching Al stared at Venus, and then did not stay for a moment, he was kicked out by Yi Huo once again.

Yi Chou's whip beat on Al's ribs, kicked him out a distance of four or five meters, and slid down the ground again for the same length before he stopped slowly.

Al seemed to find the original feeling again, and after struggling twice, he finally got up.

Yi Xiao looked at him not far away, while slowly turning his injured palm, but Al could see that the wounds pierced by the spikes of the armor were healing again at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Not weaker than your own self-healing ability.

Taking a deep breath, the continuous defeat and Yi Chao's understatement counterattack also aroused Al's anger, and despite the severe pain in his body, he rushed again crazy.

"There is more momentum than before, this is what the regeneration man should look like."

Yi Xiao shook his hands in front of him without even moving his feet, so he blocked all Al’s attacks. At the end, he cleverly rubbed away Al’s movement rhythm. Almost turned over.

Fortunately, the cloak found a balance for him again, and Al didn't fall to the ground.


Once he stepped **** the ground, Aier threw himself in front of Yi Chou again.

"The momentum is there, but the strength is still insufficient!"


At the next moment, Al was thrown out again.

Turning over, Al flew over again in the next moment.


"The power is there, but the speed is too slow. Are you a balloon? The total amount of power and speed is the same. When one is highlighted, another must be deflated."

"Bang! Bang!"

"I miscalculated you. You are not a balloon at all. You can only say it is a ball at best. You can't even master your own strength. Your reaction to your situation in battle is not as fast as my own."

This time Ayre was even worse. He was kicked **** the other side of the wall, the whole person was embedded in it, and it looked like a painting from afar.



"Too slow!"


"You should be glad that you have the ability to heal yourself."


In this way, Al rushed to Yi Chou again and again, and then was thrown out again and again, just like a sandbag that can be discarded at will.

But in fact, Al's strength is not bad. He can squeeze into the ranks of first-line heroes in armor, even if it is not the first few, but it is also the level of the middle and upper reaches.

Even if the purpose is to kill the opponent, Captain America may not be able to walk a few rounds in his hands.

It's just that Agent Holly, who was far away, didn't know this. She only saw the regeneration man rushing up again and again, and was thrown out by Yi Chou again and again.

Effortlessly, it seems to be like bouncing off an ant crawling on it.

simply. . Incredible. .

Agent Holly knew the spawn, and after realizing that her mission might be in contact with supernatural beings, she began to collect information in this regard.

Perhaps this is just an absurd joke, just another crazy scientist’s imagination, but in case, all this is true.

As a fbi agent, Holly will not give up clues with the impossible thought.

She began to look for information, but there are not many, or even few, that she can use for reference, because there is no record of superpowers in human history.

They simply don't exist.

Fortunately, information can be said to be the fastest thing in the modern world. There is no real record, and related imagination can also be used for reference.

The products of Marvel and DC are the most comprehensive reference database.

As an elite agent of fib, Holly's learning ability is undoubtedly, perhaps not as good as the top personnel in various fields, but also much more powerful than ordinary people.

Whether it is useful or not, anyway, after a full three days of preparation, Holly's grasp of these messy materials is no less than that of ordinary fans.

So she knew the spawn.

According to the information held by Holly, the combat power of Spawn can be ranked at least in the top 100 of superheroes. Of course, it does not belong to Marvel, but this is nothing. Spawn is still a super hero.

Don't underestimate the seemingly distant ranking of Qian Bai. . Because this refers to all superheroes, not just Marvel movies or DC movies-Holly does not know the information of the Second World, nor does it know that there are only movies and TV shows in the Second World.

Of course, the spawning level of the spawn is also very high, because he has too many people.

Over a long period of time, a rebirth man will be born every century. Their fighting power will fluctuate up and down, and their levels will inevitably vary.

Holly is not sure about the period of the spawn in front of him, because his body is wrapped in armor, but no matter what period, he has already been among the ranks of superheroes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can make spawn no fight back Powerful guy. .

The right hand was tense and unnaturally clenched, because a button at the collar of Holly's coat flashed a dark red light that was barely noticeable.

This is a miniature video recording device.

. . .

The battle in the distance is still continuing, but it is also coming to an end.

After El Simmons was blown out for the eleventh time, he seemed to finally calm down, his anger faded from his head, and reason was found again.

He gave up this pointless practice and calmed down again.

The scarlet cloak slowly fell along the air behind him, and finally the claws floated behind Al, like a pool of red liquid.

Originally, Al was very embarrassed after being beaten by Yihou more than a dozen times, but its armor can be deformed, and cleaning is obviously a small thing. After a little care, it becomes like a new one, and it can’t be seen at all. There have been fierce battles before.

The same is true for Al.

Although he was beaten badly, after all, his physical ability is far better than ordinary people. After a few minutes, he gasped and looked at Yi arrogant with burning eyes, he asked in a deep voice.

"You know my name, you know me."

But unlike the previous battle, this time, it was replaced with Yi arrogance and began to be silent.

Al didn't care, he continued, "But I don't know your name, it doesn't seem fair."

"Is it resolved?"

In fact, Yi Biao did not take Al at all. When Al stopped, Yi Biao also took the opportunity to ask Lucy how it was going, because if it goes well, I am afraid that Yi Biao will have to change a little bit. Too.

Not only did Al feel all this meaningless, but Yi Chou also felt bored.

"Yes, sir... The analysis is complete..."

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