High Magic Earth

Chapter 1175: Breakthrough

I don't know if he was born in hell, or it is related to his own experience. Rebirth seems to always like to talk about fairness.

What gave him a new life was the king of hell, not themis, which is really unbelievable.

Indifferent eyes crossed across the regeneration man, Yi Chou still didn't mean to answer. On the contrary, he was communicating with Lucy in his mind.

"Is it." Yi Biao's tone showed a smile, and responded to Lucy, "This is really good and no better news. I've had enough to continue playing games with children."

"I feel the same way."

Lucy was not perfunctory, "You have wasted too much time, or you should have moved to the second battlefield now... The witch named Josie, her magic is very interesting."

"More interesting than the spawn."

Most of Lucy's energy needs to be scattered in other places, analysis of armor, real-time detection of the battlefield situation in Fujiang, management of Fantasy Island and Red Castle, distribution of various tasks and so on.

Even if she is a magical intelligence, she still seems a bit indifferent in such a busy situation.

Naturally, things like chatting with Yi Huo can only occupy a small amount of resources, and Lucy's answer inevitably seems rigid or even rigid.

Yi Chou did not care.

Mind magic seems to have a special charm. It is more intimate than ordinary communication. Yi Chou is not sure whether this is a side effect or not. .

But he didn't notice the bad things, so he didn't pay too much attention.

"So... what do you want to say."

Seeing entering the topic, Lucy also began to tilt a lot of resources to Yi Chao here, replaced by artificial intelligence expressions, that is, she raised Yi Chao's things to the first sequence of programs that need to be processed, and all the calculation rates are used in It's easy here.

To sort out the language a little, Lucy replied.

"The magic that constitutes the armor is very interesting. I found traces of the basic transformation spell on it, as well as the intermediate transformation spell and the advanced..."

"Long story short."

"Well, these spells and magic are very common, and any wizard can use it as long as he has studied hard."

"But these spells are combined together, but they certainly cannot achieve this effect, making this armor."

"There must be a reason for this. I compared all the known magical energies you recorded, and after discarding the confirmation, there are three unknown energies left."

"One of them is suspected...the energy of desire, and the remaining two have no clue."

Yi Xiao frowned slightly.

"It doesn't sound good news," he said.

"Yes." Lucy nodded.

As a magical intelligence, Lucy has the learning ability, but does not have the ability to deduce independently. In fact, Dornting does not.

It seems that at this point, the original Oz countries were far more visionary than Yi Chou. They were even able to set off the disasters and frenzy that they could set off after losing control. I don’t know if they are really visionary or have suffered a loss.

Anyway Yi Chou remembered to add such a restriction to Lucy after going through the Dornting incident.

So even if Lucy's learning ability is amazing, it is impossible to have the possibility of independent learning. In other words, she can never understand more than Yi Chou.

This avoids the possibility that even if Lucy puts a restriction on it, she still relieves herself of the restriction after she keeps learning.

Lucy can use the data Yi Xuan gave her, analyze the magic with Yi Piao's lack of patience, complexity and comprehensive thinking logic.

But it cannot produce self-understanding.

Facing the magic problem that Yi Chou can't solve, she can only give the most sensible solution.

"We need this armor," she said, "grab it."

"But you should know... Maybe its owner won't agree with it." Yi Xuan asked rhetorically.

But Lucy apparently disdained, "I don't think the other party has any choice in this situation."

Yi Xiao shook his head, "I mean its true master." His voice paused slightly, "The true creator and owner of the armor, the king of hell."

Speaking of the materials of the spawn, Lucy understands it more thoroughly than Yi Chou. She naturally knows the relationship between spawn and the king of hell.

He was like a wage earner. He took the equipment sent by his boss to recruit younger brothers. .

Rebirth Man looks beautiful, but he can never get rid of the shadow behind him.

Perhaps he could be killed, died in the task, died in the hands of the old rival heaven of hell, died of exhaustion of time or energy.

But this does not mean. . The king of **** will let others peep into the secret of hell.

Unless this armor is not important to the king of hell.

But obviously impossible.

In fact, this armor does not have any value in itself. If Yi Biao is willing, he can create an armor that is more powerful and more powerful than it.

Both the silver tongue and Yi Alcoa’s own alchemy skills can do this.

The important thing is not the armor, but the magic attached to it, the magic used in making it.

Through these magics, Yi Biao can peek into the corner of the magic used by demons and angels, just like opening a new door. He has a way to learn more and more information through this door.

Similarly, being able to make this kind of armor, at least not a magically blind **** king also knows this, he will not sit idly and watch the key of the door fall into the enemy.

--The armor is indeed a key, and Lucy has analyzed it.

Yi Xiao's answer was obviously not beyond Lucy's surprise. After half a second of pondering, she continued.

"So, sir, continue to maintain the status quo, what can we get, with my existing means, I can't get more information through only contact."

"We will find nothing at all."

"We can get more information by snatching this armor. The worst result is nothing more than doing nothing. I think there is nothing to hesitate."

Yes, Lucy used the most concise language to analyze the most factual situation and directly persuaded Yi Chou.

There is nothing to hesitate.

but. . As of now, Yi Xuan seems to be planning to cover up his identity, fearing that he will not use magic himself, so the next moment, both Yi Xuan and Lucy turned their eyes at the same time in their hearts.

I saw Athena who had a very chatting conversation and was very upset, but kept secretly watching. . .

. . .

Not far away, the spawn is still watching Yi arrogant, silent.

At first, he did not feel wrong with Yi Huo's silence because he felt that he had run into a good person.

Yes, good man, not the heroic feelings of the spawn, but he didn’t notice the murderousness in Yi Xiao, saying that the murderous consciousness has flowed. Not fatal.

The point of impact, the point of impact of power, seems to have deliberately avoided the deadly part, that is to say, the other party does not intend to kill himself.

even though. . This is a bit difficult for the reborn man who is an undead, but with the powerful skills of the other party, he directly beats himself to lose combat power and then controls it. There are still many ways to kill himself.

This seemingly benevolent release soon made Al less vigilant.

Because there is no ending that is more simple than death, and there is a more intuitive kindness than a person who can take your life and be merciful.

This made Al start thinking about other reasons.

Why is he here, why did he meet these two people, why are these two people here, and why did they fight.

Al is very smart, otherwise he will not become an elite of the special forces, but in a sense he is also stupid, otherwise he will not be betrayed by his superiors during his lifetime, and eventually ended like this.

After thinking about it, Al quickly got a conclusion.

The other party is training itself and training with actual combat.

Otherwise, is there a better explanation for the opponent throwing himself out again and again without harming him?

As for why these two people are here. . Even killing so many people, there may be some unclear misunderstandings.

After all, Al's own hands were also covered with blood.

This has gradually reduced the rebirth of the evil feelings of Yi Xuan. If it is not that Yi Xuan did not wear a tights, maybe he could even consider Yi Xuan as his predecessor.

Superhero senior.

In any case, this is a person who is far stronger than himself, and there is no maliciousness. In the face of such a guy, he can't seem too impatient.

When Yi Chou was silent, Al thought so.

But unfortunately, he is not a patient guy, and as the time of silence grows longer, he starts to think more and more randomly.

Al was already a little irritable, and this situation became more and more serious after the king of **** pulled him out of **** and ruined his appearance.

Maybe he can talk to the Winchester brothers.

Could it be that I was wrong? Looking at the arrogance standing on the spot, as if he didn't hear himself, Al couldn't help but start asking himself again.

But if you think you are wrong. . What is all this for?

Fortunately, it doesn't need him to continue to struggle for a long time, because at this time, Yi Huo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised his head slowly and then said softly.

"Fair?... There has never been fairness in this world."

Although uncomfortable, El Simmons was shocked.

Finally come, finally come! The legendary three kings will drink. . I mean, the path of life that all Chaoying must go through, life training from or opponents, or friends, question and answer of faith and will, life dreams and miserable meetings, and the purpose of being a superhero.

Rebirthman is certainly not so amused, he takes the dark route, but when he heard Yi Chou's question, he was still ready to fight.

He thought it would be a debate next.

It is a pity that the facts are far from what he thought.

"The only fairness is strength."

"Athena, get started."

Yi Biao's style is simple and clear. After confirming that he doesn't need to regenerate the hero, he chose to destroy without hesitation. He is a superhero and not fake, but he is not from the Marvel Universe series.

Most of the new human beings are enemies. If it is Marvel or dc, this kind of place has a relationship, perhaps Yi Chou will also consider the impact of the big environment, and thinking about it may turn the enemy into a friend.

But a pity. . El Simmons was just alone, and his strength was not very strong. It took a lot of energy to draw him over.

Yi Chou's decision was very decisive.

The communication of the mind is shared synchronously. When discussing with Lucy, Athena also heard clearly, and naturally no need to repeat the explanation.

What's more, as the goddess of war, she has a violent factor. Once the war is ignited, it is not easy to extinguish.

When Yi Xiao and Feng Seng played against each other, she was already eager to try. As soon as she got Yi Chou's approval, almost in the blink of an eye, she came to Sheng Shuang.


With strong incredulity and perplexity, El Simmons flew out again.

This time, it was farther than any time, and even in midair, the armor on his chest had shattered.

. . .

This woman, Al does not understand, just like he does not understand this man.

Wearing a golden battle skirt, the gorgeous armor is full of a savage and **** smell of armor. She looks like a pure warrior, and it feels the same.

As for what is also full of wisdom and gloss. . It has long been left behind by a happy Athena.

However, Al knew her name through the conversation between the two.

Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.

With the same name as the ancient Greek mansion, of course, Al does not really believe that Athena is Athena. Although he comes from hell, he is not a native of Hell. He is a special soldier in the 21st century.

While understanding the ancient Greek mythology, it also lacked the necessary belief in these gods.

Maybe it's just the same name or something. This is not her real name, it may just be a code name.

But neither the codename nor the real name can deny one thing, that is, the power of this woman. . And brutal!

The **** road paved along the way is enough to illustrate this point. A few minutes ago Al also thought this might be a misunderstanding~www.wuxiaspot.com~He needs more detailed communication.

Now, he can't take care of this.

He felt the crisis in Athena, which was different from Yi Lao's laziness and indifference. This was a threat from death, which was more profound than hell.

. . .

At the same time, the other end of the secluded underground laboratory.

Silence permeated in silence.

There are still a lot of things displayed here, experimental equipment, instruments, materials, etc., which are the same as the parts that have been spread by the war. They are also unattended here.

In addition, there are more things here than in the normal area of ​​the laboratory.

In the laboratory on the right is a pipeline of intelligent robots that have been shut down. Next to it is a single-person virtual phantom intelligent device, and then. . It seems to be a biochemical laboratory, because there are countless petri dishes in the room.

These are the really valuable things of seth company, I believe Yihou will be interested.

but. . Perhaps it's not just Yi Chou who is interested in these things.

While the hunter was staring at his prey, perhaps he was not sure that he was also a prey in the eyes of other fierce beasts in the forest.

And it's even more delicious.

There was no sound in the lonely corridor. After all the staff evacuated in a hurry, it was quiet like a cemetery.

Icy, with a hint of darkness.

Then there was a dark red luster, like a rainbow in the night, which slowly appeared in the promenade and outlined a blurry figure.

The dark red mist drifted around her, slowly moving around her body.

She gently lifted her finger, and the dark red mist instantly gathered, like a dazzling light arc, drawing a beautiful curve under the dim light.

Mysterious and beautiful.


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