High Magic Earth

Chapter 1176: pressure


It wasn't until the moment Athena shot without care that Holly really understood how powerful the two superpower owners were in front of her. . The fastest update

Although the road of **** flesh and blood composed of flesh and blood along the way has long been enough to illustrate this point, the analysis of the aftermath has never been more shocking than what I saw with my own eyes.

Because of the unclear interference position, the speed of Yi Chou and Athena are limited.

Maybe they can use their superior physical qualities to force the speed up, but in the end it is a temporary strategy. This position is like the principle of gravity. As the speed is faster, the longer it lasts, the sticky feeling will be. More and more obvious.

Yi Chao can indeed force acceleration, but that state will not exceed ten seconds, or even five seconds.

Although Athena is a god, her physical fitness is far less than Yi Chou. Her words... I'm afraid it won't last for three or four seconds.

But even without using super speed, Athena's own body of gods and the fighting skills accumulated in the long time are enough for her to beat most of the super heroes.

For example, the regeneration man in front of me.


Her fist speed is not fast, but the power is very heavy, it is difficult to imagine her petite body contains such a majestic power.

The spawn does not dare to make a hard connection, because as long as it touches a little, the armor cracks and the bones are broken.

The defense ability of the armor's autonomous deformation has no effect at all.

And Athena's fighting technique is also very clever, unlike any kind of contact with the army in front of the spawn, it is more like a fighting dance than a fighting technique.

Yes, war dance.

Just like the kind often seen in ancient sacrifices, but there are more coherent movements and elegance than those idiot Indians and Africans who only know to jump around the campfire.

Of course, as the target of the release of War Dance, he can still feel the wildness contained in it.

Athena is like a dancing butterfly. The golden skirt rises and falls with her jump, sprinkling a large dazzling golden light and white luster, and in this splendid, it is also vaguely mixed. Like a meteor, a fleeting dark golden glow.

Dark gold is the deadliest color, it represents Athena's double-edged sickle.

For a warrior on the battlefield, there is obviously no fairness, humility and chivalry in her thinking. If the other party wears armor, then it is understandable to take the weapon yourself. In fact, even if Al does not have armor, Athena will also take it. Holding a weapon.

A sharp double-edged sickle is the deadliest, more deadly than Athena's fist.

Horrible power will only spit Ay's blood, but a sharp sickle can directly harvest his life.

El Simmons could feel the coldness of Athena's rotating posture, almost turning into a residual image, surrounding his whole body, and the ubiquitous sickle kept him busy, fearing that it would cut itself if he was not careful. Throat, there is simply no time for scruples.

And this weird war dance is just like the natural formula for Athena. While fully exerting her petite advantage, she also fully utilized the power that the gods can possess.

The flexible war dance allows Athena to attack from different angles with minimal movements and movements, which greatly improves her disadvantage of slow speed, coupled with the power of the gods and strong physical qualities, she can avoid injuries. The heavy attack and flexible pace are intertwined, making her attack almost impeccable.

It's no wonder that the second generation has never seen such a dance, because its age is too long.

If you want to go back, you can at least go back to ancient Greece.

And this dance of war is tailor-made for Athena. Of course, because of the time, it is not the silver-tongue father, but her real father, Zeus.

Women are inherently weaker than men in fighting talent.

At least most races are like this, and gods are inevitable.

Of course... this refers to the world of gods and spirits in the God of War. In other worlds, powerful women are never a few, whether they are warriors or spellcasters.

But Athena is different. From her birth, it is said that she possesses the power of Zeus.

In order not to let the talent of this kind of power be buried, and at the same time give play to her peculiar advantages of petite body, Zeus thought for a long time, tailored this set of combat skills like war dance for her.

So even if he is in front of a reborn man in the ancient Greek era, he can’t have seen this fighting technique. This is what the gods use to fight, which is different from the dance of the priest.

Even the priests should not have seen it, just imitating and dancing something plausible. When a long time passed, what was passed down became a weird dance.

There are indeed some people in this world who can fight against gods and even kill gods, but it is definitely not the regeneration man in front of him.

Under the persecution of Athena, El Simmons began to retreat, on the contrary, Athena was more and more courageous, and even a golden vein gradually appeared on her face.

Hmm... War makeup has always been a favorite of the ancient Greeks. Even at ordinary times, Athena painted thick, heavier eye shadows than Avril.

The situation on the spot was clear.

Looking at the rebirth of the retreating man, Holly's heart is very ugly. Fortunately, as an elite agent, she restrained the expression on her face at a critical moment.

In fact, the appearance of superpowers and abilities does not mean that they must be enemies.

Reality is no better than comics and movies. Although there are times when reality is more coincident than the latter, people have to lament the ingenuity of fate, but in most cases, reality is still stereotyped.

Holly is not a guy with a brain in his head or a shadow in his childhood. He must decide to kill all superpowers.

For human beings, since superpowers have emerged and a new thing has emerged, it is what most people will do to maximize their benefits.

But... the above are in most cases.

The superpower obviously belongs to this minority.

Whether superpower can coexist peacefully with mankind, human's fear of superpower, the loss of research... Because superpower itself is owned by man, then this damage naturally becomes cruel.

This is always a topic that cannot be skipped.

Human beings are not unacceptable to concessions. Weak flesh and strong food will always be the norms of the natural world. Perhaps because of some mistakes, the relationship between humans and superpowers will become extremely bad, but it is not irreversible.

But the problem is that when humans have insufficient power to protect themselves, this concession begins to become endless, and the inner fear will multiply.

This is the relationship between the mutants and humans. The mutants are too powerful, and the power of humans cannot protect themselves. This makes the conflict between the two intensified, and more and more things that harm the mutants.

The unequal power and the unequal number make the two groups never find a balance point.

In addition, there are good people and bad people among human beings, and naturally the same is true of super power owners.

All these require enough force to ensure the human voice.

But all of Athena's display showed Holly no hope.

The speed almost reaching the peak of humanity, the power and self-healing ability that humans simply cannot have, and the exquisite fighting skills may be acquired, but the first two are enough to let her cross all small-scale conflicts.

Heavy weapons may be effective for her, but is it possible to start a war directly in the city, or is it necessary to release the missile for one person?

Who knows how many such people are?

It is not only their powerful fighting power, but also extremely small targets. They hide in the city and are mixed with ordinary human beings. Heavy weapons can't play any role at all.

Holly is not a main battle group, and she does not think that these superpowers must be evil, but it does not prevent her from trying to use the most malicious psychology and the worst situation to try everything. This is what her intelligence mission has to do. .

But the result... made her despair...

Not to mention the low Holly, Yi Chou and Lucy are also concerned about the battle of Athena. Of course, Athena must have won, and they are not concerned about winning or losing.

"What do you think?"

Seeing that Yi Chou hadn't spoken for a long time, and fell into the silent silence again, Lucy couldn't help but break the silence first.

Slightly stunned, Yi Chou's thinking responded instantly.

"It's not bad. This tactic is very suitable for Athena. Although it is the goddess of war... but she is not suitable for the mad warrior's wide-open battle. The assassin's flexibility is the best for her."

"...I'm not referring to this."

Yi Chou was shocked again, only to realize Lucy's meaning.

"I didn't notice the breath of hell..." He shook his head inside.

At this point, Yi Biao had reopened his magic, and controlled the shadow energy from afar, letting it float around Athena waiting for opportunities.

It looks as if this thing is controlled by Athena.

But this little trick can only lie to ordinary people, such as Agent Holly, if there is any **** creature really close, it can't be concealed.

But Yi Huo did not intend to deceive those things.

Obviously, the **** creatures must have known themselves, and Lucifer personally ran to the Second World to carry out the brutal killing of himself. Presumably, he must have been called in hell.

I don’t know how well Constantine has been.

What Yi Biao originally intended to do was to conceal the ordinary people, remove himself from the wizarding community, and divide it into abilities. Once conflicts broke out, then the first among them was the greatest help from angels and demons, human angels, and new human beings. Them.

And magic, wizards, these things existed a long time ago, and they can all be learned by humans. When the superpowers that rely purely on mutations and genes appear, how do you think that these things are more acceptable to humans...

Okay, magic still sounds more incredible.

Anyway, the situation of the new humans has become worse, and it is also a weakening of their disguise.

At first, before meeting Holly, Yi Chou planned to use the monitoring equipment and video to let Lucy spread the data without knowing it. Now with Holly, natural witness, this is even better.

Yi Chou did not use a simpler method to capture the Soul Curse, because the artificial memory would eventually have flaws.

Once encountering a mutant of mind or memory, I am afraid that the wizarding community will be disadvantaged.

With only super power and super speed, although it is troublesome, there are fewer variables.

So Yi Biao needs to hide from the past, only Holly, he is not worried about **** visitors, and finds himself using magic...

During the brief conversation between the two, Athena's battle with the spawn was about to end.

The communication between Yi Xiao and Lucy was passed on to Athena's thoughts in an exhaustive way. The latter naturally knew what to do. Athena under full firepower was not something that the spawn could resist.

The spawn also felt this.

Originally, he thought that he and his opponent were half a catty. The opponent could not kill himself with a single blow. How could he escape by force of the powerful self-healing force?

But after really meeting Athena, he realized that he was wrong.

In less than two minutes, he had become bloodied, and the armor was broken by half. The ground was full of fragments of armor fragments. Even if the armor tried to repair itself, it still made Al a large piece of scars that had been burned by hellfire. Muscles are exposed.

Even the mask on his face was broken in half, revealing an eye no different from humans.

The sharp sickle left countless small wounds everywhere on his body. The wounds were bleeding with blood. The damage caused by the artifact made him heal extremely slowly. Although each wound was not large, the huge number accumulated together. It's hard to ignore.

A lot of blood loss made his vision and thinking start to blur.

"In the end... is it evil..."

Unlike the evil spirit knight who can see through the evil, the regeneration man has no blood-heavy boundaries...ah no, it is something like a data eye, and his distinction between good and evil is very simple and violent.

The evildoer is the wicked.

No matter what Yang Shan does, the reborn man only has sin in his eyes. The difference is only in the size of the sin, is it to teach the other party a meal, or to bring him back to hell.

As for those who attacked him... it was naturally sinful.

Hearing the explosion here, the spawn who sneaked in behind knew what he knew, but he didn’t need Holly. He didn’t know what had happened here, so he could only guess secretly.

This is also the reason why he has been hiding, observing, and not fighting Yi Xiao for the first time.

First of all, someone who can kill so many people is definitely not easy. He needs to see if he is an opponent. Another point is that he doesn’t know the experience of things. Once he is wrong.

But now it seems that there should be nothing to hesitate, because he is almost dead.

There was a momentary instability in thinking~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Al's movement immediately appeared flawed.

In front of the experienced Athena, this is simply looking for a way to die.

In the next moment, the sharp sickle had already penetrated the layers of resistance, and cut off the barbed block that the armor desperately spawned, making a series of sounds of inverted teeth, and then penetrated closely to Al's artery.

Athena of course knew that the regeneration man had a strong self-healing ability and was almost immortal, but cutting off his neck was also enough for him to lie down for a long time.

The sharp sickle shone with a chilling cold light and took Al's most fragile neck straight. Just one more step, it would cut the soft skin and tendons, splitting the blood vessels and muscles.

But at this moment, the black shadow energy surrounding Athena suddenly moved.

They seemed to be attracted to the magnet, and immediately flew behind the regeneration man.

At the same time, the rear clamor also raised vigilance.

"Here...a strong negative magic."

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