High Magic Earth

Chapter 1177: Traction

Hell represents pain, confusion, evil, madness, a series of unpleasant words.

But how did these things evolve?

In the beginning, darkness was just darkness, and light was just light. They were pure beings, and they were not given any meaning.

But energy itself has qualities. Dark energy often brings chaos, bloodthirst, and so on to some creatures, which can cause painful temptations.

Over time, darkness is given the meaning of evil, and so is hell.

It’s just a different standpoint. For a race that advocates chaos, **** is their paradise.

The strong negative breath came out and immediately released these unpleasant things to the surroundings. Yi Chou could obviously feel the unusual impetuousness in his heart.

To be precise, it is his accumulated soul energy that is fluctuating, and Yi Chao, who has no soul and emotion itself, is not aware of any changes.

These confusions are like one of the most obvious signals, indicating the influx of negative breath into this world.

Dark energy.

The dark energy related to the regeneration man is nothing more than hell.

Yi Biao has even noticed that Holly's expression in the rear is somewhat abnormal, and her hands sag slightly from time to time, seeming to restrain herself again.

She is planning to draw a gun.

A lot of negative breath will magnify the dark side of the person, maybe Holly is hesitating at this time, whether to directly kill these non-human guys.

Of course, just magnifying the dark side does not mean that people are directly deprived of their intellect. Holly also knows that it is impossible to kill these three people with only one pistol.

Because Holly is exposed to this energy at close range, she will receive a little interference. If the distance is far, they may have a certain impact on humans, but it is definitely not so large.

But Yi Xiao had no time to ignore Holly's small movements, and all his attention was focused on this slowly appearing black vortex.

"Flash me away!"

Seeing that the unknown energy began to gather directly behind Al, Athena immediately closed the knife and changed her fist, punching him **** El's neck, flying him diagonally out.

Although she did not cut Al's throat with a sharp sickle, Athena's fist was not vegetarian, and Al almost felt her neck was broken.

Fortunately, he will not really die.

Yi Xiao stood behind, seemingly did not join the battle, but in fact the shadow energy surrounding Athena was controlled by him.

He couldn’t use more magic, a single black mist, or perhaps a comic hero named Scarlet Witch as a reference, misleading people’s brains, but throwing out the messy magic of the effect, it’s definitely not a sentence that can be explained simply clearly.

Fortunately, shadow energy is enough.

Shadow energy is created by the silver tongue, which is unique to Yihuo's magic. In the initial setting, it was not intended to use it to complete any high-level magic, but a lot of low-level, but involving a wide range of magic.

It is more than enough to temporarily block a portal.

In Holly's eyes, these black smokes converge into the air as if they had their own lives. Because of the large amount of condensation, their colors start to change from plain to deep. If at first they are just faint smoke, then By this time, it had become an ink cloud.

Typical...natural power.

Holly's eyes flickered slightly, and she only had to pay attention to the horrible physical qualities of these people, but instinctively ignored the most obvious thing, a black smoke surrounding the woman.

Obviously, this is the ability, degree and strength of this woman wearing a golden battle skirt...maybe it is just incidental...

Not to mention that Holly's success was misled by Yi Huo, thinking that shadow energy is Athena's ability.

Yi Chao, who controlled the shadow energy, soon encountered a little trouble. He didn't notice any anomalies and resistance near the portal, and even the magic fluctuations were very weak.

Weak enough not to be like a portal.

Is it a failed magic, or...

The answer Yi Xuan quickly learned, because the next second, the portal still did not fluctuate in the slightest, but the spawn who fell on the ground on the side seemed to be dragged by some inexplicable huge force, and suddenly appeared in the vortex. The location flew away.

"Stop him!"

Yi Chou made a roar.

Rather than listening to Athena, who can connect with the mind, it is better to call it to Holly.

At the same time Yi Chou also moved up, leaping towards the regenerating man who lost his life, and flew to the path of the energy vortex.

The magic of **** really has something special, and it is very different from the magic he already knows. At least his shadow magic can't stop its space magic.

Athena was the first to stop the regeneration man. She was the one who flies. Although there is no power to control, it is not too far.

Two steps forward, just stopped the body.

But after reaching out, Athena was almost dragged.

She stumbled for a few steps before reluctantly restraining the momentum of the regeneration man being attracted to the vortex. Rao was so, the huge gravity still faintly pulled the body of the regeneration man.

The pupil of Yi Chou who followed immediately shrank slightly.

It is natural to say how horrible Athena's power is. It is not that Yi Chou is surprised that the portal has such a large attraction and pulling force. He is surprised that the magical power is so small.

Just like accumulating energy, the greater the power, the longer it takes to accumulate energy. Sometimes it is accompanied by roars and various strange gorgeous effects.

Although there is no mandatory requirement for magic, the same is true. The more advanced the magic, the longer the preparation time and the harsher and more difficult the conditions of release.

Even the energy magic of the Oz country is the same. Although the time has been shortened a lot compared to ordinary magic, it is still a little longer than the lower-level energy magic.

Of course, not all advanced magic is like this, for example, it is not like the silver tongue of magic at all.

If Yi Xuan is willing, a story of just a few words can cause the magical effect of a tsunami.

But there is only one silver tongue.

The magic that can resist Athena's divine power is definitely not too low-level. The portal's magical fluctuations are almost invisible to itself, that is to say, silentness is the characteristic of the devil's magic.

Sure enough, they are very suitable for their characteristics, suitable for Yin people and assassinations.

It seems that I have to be more careful in the future.

Isn't this just intelligence, only a small gain.

Suppressing these messy thoughts, I saw that Athena was so strenuous that Yi Chou quickly moved to her body and came to Athena's side.

But at this moment, the energy vortex from **** seemed to realize this too. At the next moment, the body of the spawn suddenly flew off Athena's hand.

This mutation surprised Athena because she didn't even notice the other party's sudden increase in strength, and then snatched the body from her.

Athena was stunned, but Yi Chou was not.

Yi Biao, who had not yet arrived, saw clearly. At the moment just now, the body of the spawn became blurred, so Athena caught an empty space and let him fly directly out.

"I am not sure whether it is the ability of the armor itself or the ability of this unknown magic, which is being analyzed...but I personally tend to the latter."

Through Yi Biao's eyes, Lucy, who also sees all this clearly, expresses her comments.

Her voice was not irritable, but she also did not relax, "less than two meters away, time is not enough, I don't think you can catch up... I suggest you..."

So that time is not enough.

Without the blocking of Athena, the body of the spawner flew close to the energy vortex, almost reaching in a blink of an eye.

Obviously, the other end of the vortex should be hell, or something else, but in any case, it will not allow Yi Chou to get a regeneration man, or his armor.

I knew that I would rob by force. It would be easier to add a self-destructive magic directly to the armor.

Yi Ao vomited badly in his heart, seeing the other party hurriedly trying to escape from here, I don't know why, he had a weird feeling in his heart.

In other words, uneasiness... but don't know where the unrest comes from.


At this point, there was a slight gasp under the armor of the spawn. Ayr, whose neck was broken by Athena, has recovered... his neck is not divided in two, so the recovery time is not very long.

But Yi Chou can now ignore whether Al is dead or alive, the most important thing is armor.


Yi Chou shouted again, regardless of the face of Athena's face, the next moment, the black smoke surrounding the energy vortex surging again.

They formed a giant ink-like hand in the air, and grabbed fiercely at El Simmons who had just come to life.

Without Lucy's reminder, Yi Chou found the best solution to the game.

Yes, Athena is a little far away from here. She missed the best opportunity and she is not close to Ayre. She must not be behind.

Not that she was slow, but the remaining time was too short.

Athena wondered why Yi Chou called herself. She knew she should not be able to catch up, but in fact, Yi Chou was not her.

Shadow energy.

It didn't block the attraction from the energy vortex. This may be because the devil's magic is special, but it doesn't mean it can't be El Simmons.

El Simmons is not magic, but a living person.

Shadow energy was more than enough to tear him into pieces, not to mention stopping him.

Sure enough, as the shadow energy's big hand severely blocked Al in the air, he immediately stopped and was fixed in the air.

In the next moment, Yi Xuan and Athena had come to El Simmons at the same time, and Yi Xuan reached out and grabbed the armor of this regeneration man.

The magic of the devil is indeed different from the magic known by Yi Biao, and the difference seems to be still very large. In this way, the key of armor is very important.

But at the moment when Yi Chou's hand was about to touch the armor, Lucy's warning came from his mind.

"Be careful! Its magic index is soaring!"

After hesitating for half a second, Yi Chou decided to give up his defense. He grabbed the armor regardless of it, and at the same time divided a part of the shadow energy in front of Athena, forming a shield.

Then the next moment.


As if shaking the mountain, the space of the entire underground laboratory began to shake, the surrounding walls were destroyed again and there was no ruin left, and the ceiling scuttled down with stones, exposing the steel bars buried inside.

Sure enough, there is self-destructive magic.

"You are so bold." Lucy's voice came from Yi Chou's ear. She seemed helpless. "Even if you have a return plan, you shouldn't take this risk."

At this time, Yi Xiao's image was a bit embarrassed, his wrist was missing, and his right hand was bare. Just now he tried to reach out and grab the armor, and the sudden burst directly destroyed his right hand.

In fact, when hearing Lucy's warning, Yi Chou guessed that the armor was about to self-destruct.

But he chose to take a risky attempt, perhaps not self-destruction, but bluff.

And if the effect of self-destruction is not strong, the shadow energy can also control it, or even pinch it directly at the source.

It's a pity that it's not a bluff, and the intensity of the explosion is higher than Yi Chou expected... If it wasn't for the last moment, he still invoked some shadow energy in front of him, and now it's not just a right hand that disappears.

In the same way, the strong explosion also destroyed the regeneration man and the armor itself. There was nothing left and right around it. There were some scattered debris and corpses around, and the most completed thing was only the size of the human head.

After wasting so much time, I haven't got anything... This makes Yi Chou very uncomfortable.

When the shadow energy was dissipated again, Athena naturally saw the situation around her, and she also frowned, and the low air pressure in her mind almost froze her brain plasma, and her face was good. strange.

And in the next moment, she and Yi Chou felt the fluctuation of the energy vortex at the same time.

In... many positions.


Without hesitation, Yi Biao instantly rushed to the nearest energy vortex point on the right, making a momentum that intends to directly break into hell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The energy vortex also did not seem to intend to directly bring the enemy into his hometown, seeing Yi Chou came almost instantaneously, only to have time to swallow the fragments of El Simmons' body, and quickly disappeared again.

The shattered corpses everywhere disappeared for the most part, and the remaining shredded meat did not need to be collected. If the regenerate El Simmons can survive, then the shredded meat will naturally grow out.

Seeing the vortex disappear, Yi Chou stopped immediately.

He didn't really plan to go to hell, it was the other party's base camp, he just intended to force these things away... otherwise they might take the pieces of armor together.

Looking at the wreckage of the armor on the ground, Yi Chou waved his hand and said to Athena, "...Put it away."

"Sir, you want to get clues to these things...it's unlikely."

Lucy, who had been watching here, immediately poured a pot of cold water.

"But it's always better than no clue." Shrugging, Yi Chou was slightly helpless.

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