High Magic Earth

Chapter 1178: In-depth

Of course, Athena, a part-time assistant, would not have any objection to this. She walked around in disguise, but the shadow energy was actually controlled by Yi Chou. Athena quickly collected all the armor wreckage.

Although it is almost impossible to reverse the magic from this kind of broken magic items... but with a silver tongue, maybe it will succeed.

better than nothing.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned, the armor debris on the ground was cleared, and the blood was directly wiped away by Athena using shadow energy.

Although the real world has not fully mastered cloning technology, it is enough to use blood to get a lot of information.

What's more, here is the base camp of Seth Company. In the hands of these new humans, they must have mastered many of the black technologies of the second world. In the field of blood research, this world should have been far behind.

And it is not only technology that needs to be guarded, but also magic, blood curse, retrospect, temptation, demons, angels...

While Athena cleaned the blood and collected the armor fragments, Yi Xuan's right hand was also re-grown out, thanks to the modification of the silver tongue, Yi Xiao's self-healing ability is now no less than Wolverine .

Of course, he does not have the skeleton of Edman alloy.

The appearance and death of the reborn hero El Simmons seems to be somewhat anticlimactic, but his special identity as a visitor to **** is enough for Yi Chou to share part of his energy and attention.

Of course, his sudden appearance here seems to be an accident in itself.

In the course of the battle, Ayre observes Yi Chou. Similarly, Yi Chou also observes him, thinking about why he appears here and what are the reasons.

Perhaps it was premeditated. He was originally supported by **** and demons.

It may also be just an accident and coincidence. Seth's explosion and flame attracted him.

But why he appears in this world, there must be a problem.

However, all this became less important as the spawn disappeared. It didn’t make any sense. After a brief exchange with Lucy in his mind, Yi Chou turned his head in a tacit understanding with Athena, and then turned his eyes to the rear. Holly.

The stressful Holly: ...

After finishing a new look, Yi Ao took Athena and went back into Seth's company.

This unknown laboratory is much larger than it looks on the surface. It is not an ordinary building. The upper and lower floors are only a few car parks in size, but this secret laboratory is located between the two. But far beyond their total area.

Yi Xiao did not notice the existence of space magic, nor did Lucy. This shows that they are probably not using magic methods, but space technology in the direction of science and technology.

At this time Yi Biao's injury has been completely restored, and even the clothes on his body have been restored to their original condition, brand new, and the blood contaminated on the side Athena's armor has also been removed. From the relaxed expression of the two, I can't imagine What kind of battle did they experience before.

As if nothing happened.

In fact, they did handle everything cleanly.

After the spawn returned to hell, Yi Chou immediately turned his gaze to Holly. Lucy had reminded him that there was a small tail hanging behind him. Originally, he didn't take this small tail in mind, but now... …But had to deal with some

Otherwise, it seems a bit too deliberate.

Deliberately expose the existence of superpower groups.

But Yi Biao could not kill Holly, otherwise who would still be her witness and material evidence.

So he launched Athena decisively, and at the same time, he controlled the shadow energy in the rear, and began to clean Holly's shallow memory and implanted new memories.

A very simple instruction, then she will immediately end her current operation and return to the headquarters, indicating that her identity has been exposed.

But she will forget everything that happened under Seth, seeing everything, only remember that a well-equipped team of unknown personnel attacked here and robbed some of Seth's achievements.

Reasonable handling.

Not only did it avoid exposing the existence of superpower groups, but also did not kill Agent Bi, so that they focused their attention, and gave a justifiable reason.

If there are factions in the superpower group, then Yi Chou obviously plays the role of conservatives, and his approach is not a problem at all.

But in fact, what Yihou really wants to do is to expose everything and push the attack on the seth company to the head of the new human.

Although it may not have any effect... but it is a little bit to add a little blockage.

What he really wants to achieve is to let Holly finally pass the news out, and it needs to not appear too deliberate.

So after destroying most of the recording and video equipment on Holly's body, she deliberately didn't care about her secretly stuffing it into the stone seam at her hand, leaving the large and small micro video recording facility in place, Yi Chou let Athena clear her memory.

Of course, only shallow.

Yi Chou also specifically asked Athena to complain, she was not good at this kind of thing.

Although the memory is clear, in fact, it is more like shallow hypnosis. It does not even need to be the mutants and superpowers of the same mental ability. Only a powerful hypnosis master of ordinary humans can sublime Holly in the subconscious. To seduce her memory.

Then the truth will be revealed.

It's not that they haven't tried to prevent Holly from bringing the intelligence out, but that they are more inclined to combat type, and they are not good at the auxiliary ability of clearing memory, so they let the humans restore the intelligence.

Very perfect explanation.

As for Yi Biao and Athena's physical characteristics...it doesn't matter. Everything in Yi Biao is fake, including the face and body shape and voice at this time. Athena is indeed true, but it doesn't matter if she is exposed.

Even the innate character of her gods is destined not to let her hide in mortals for long.

Holly, whose memory was modified, turned around a few times in a muddled place, and then decisively ignored the two people in front of her, turned her head and returned along the same path.

This situation, which seems to be like a dementia, may still take a few minutes. This is another disguise of Athena who is not good at this kind of thing.

Seeing that Holly's little tail was solved, Yi Chou did not stay, and immediately took Athena away.

He has been delaying a lot of time along the way, at least for more than half an hour, but the gains are not much, and even the area just entered the door has not been explored.

According to Yi Chao's deepening, the more and more comprehensive laboratory information Lucy obtained, she can now guess the general map of the laboratory based on the general building rules of the building, and gives a few options.

But this was still too slow. Yi Chong originally planned this to be a surprise operation, but now it was dragged around, making Yi Chou very angry, but also made him keenly aware of what was wrong.

Any action is purposeful. Yi Chou has not yet realized the other party's purpose, but he can look around himself.

He didn't lose anything, the only thing he lost was time.

Although the tendency of the other party to delay time is not obvious... but in case it is true.

So after solving this trouble, Yi Chou resolutely took Athena to go deeper, and he decided that unless some very valuable technology, if some little guys like the suspension technology, they would simply ignore it.

Until the goal of this operation is found, it is too late to collect these technologies again.

At the same time, Yi Xao also told Lucy to pay special attention to the issue of tracking. Before, he may need a microphone to match his plan, but now he no longer needs it.

And as the bad hunch in his heart grew stronger, he always felt what seemed to happen next.

Most likely, he needs to have to use magic.

In that case, the stalker was hanging behind him, and seeing what he shouldn’t have looked was a problem. Anyway, with the unlucky guy Agent Holly acting as a megaphone, it would be better to cut it off from the root cause.

Even if you don’t need to be upset, Lucy herself can block the tracker at the entrance, or even play around.

As a magical intelligence, although Lucy did not come to the scene in person, her combined power of magic and technology can also not be glimpsed.

Ordinary artificial intelligence may only be able to work in places where there is a network, such as monitoring screens, cameras, etc., but Lucy as a magic intelligence is not limited to this.

Where the network can reach, her magic can also be achieved, although it may not be a powerful magic.

But it is still possible to create an illusion so that people in it cannot find the entrance.

The activities in Yi Chou's heart were passed to Lucy in a flash, and Lucy, who understood the meaning of Yi Chou, also responded at the same time, indicating that she would pay attention to this.

Of course, it is more likely that there will not be a second wave of people coming in at all and continue to follow Yi Chou and Athena.

Yi Chou's action came very suddenly. In fact, besides Lucy and Athena, Yi Chong didn't have any other familiar people to reveal this matter.

When meeting Mei Mei, Yi Chou didn't even mention it.

It is impossible for the news to leak out, so naturally no one can get the wind, so make preparations in advance.

It is a coincidence to be able to encounter bi's actions here at the same time.

Although the reborn man El Simmons is not clear about the situation here, he is completely confused, but he can appear here without belonging to this world, which shows that this is not an accident, but someone can do it.

Even if not all of them are ordinary people, and the role they can play is too small, Yi Chou suspects that the actions of the Holly team are also scheduled in advance.

But... the role that ordinary people can play in such a battle is still too small. Even if the army does not use heavy weapons, the effects can be very limited.

I'm afraid there will be no ordinary people in the second team behind him.

Because if it were not for Yi Chou and Athena to turn around, I am afraid that even the speed of the two of them can not be followed by ordinary people...

Yi Biao and Athena's journey was very fast, stopped to collect data and instruments from the laboratories on both sides, plus no one blocked, almost three minutes, the two people walked away three times the distance.

At this depth, the surrounding is no longer a monotonous promenade. The complex laboratory interior space is no more than a maze, and with the gradual cut off of conventional power supply, the more lights you go the more you go inside.

The dim promenade was quiet and gloomy, giving Yi Chou a feeling of returning to the underground ruling in the 17th century.

The same lifelessness, the same full of wailing and pain.

It seems here...I should have done a lot of not-so-beautiful research, and Yi Chou frowned slightly.

"Sir." At this time, Lucy's voice appeared in the minds of the two. "You have arrived in the middle of the laboratory, which is in a semi-closed state."

"I believe you have also seen that the conventional power supply has been cut off, and only some experimental equipment that cannot be stopped is still maintaining the most basic power operation."

"I have completed three simulated maps...have passed on."

"I'm not sure if the target is in this area, but there is a great possibility, you can go in and explore... It is worth noting that the energy response here is extremely high."

"From my perspective, the entire area is shrouded in light red."

"Continue inward, it is dark red."

Suddenly there was a pause at Yihou's feet. I don't know why, a feeling of palpitations suddenly came from the bottom of his heart, and he was quite sure that this feeling did not come out of thin air.

This is an intuition belonging to a senior wizard.

The next moment, he stopped and said to Lucy.

"Start a return plan."...

"Continue inward, it is dark red."

Yi Biao's footsteps paused, he keenly sensed the anomaly, and then frowned, "Continue inward...all this energy?"

"...Yes." Hesitated a little, but Lucy immediately gave a definite answer.

"What about outside?"


"It's the lab area we passed by when we came."

"Uh... there is white." Lucy glanced quickly at the magic smart light screen that only she could see.

"White, is there no energy response, or the energy response is too weak."

Frowning expression appeared on Lucy's face~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After calculating for half a second, Lucy replied again, "...the same energy response, almost invisible."

"This energy directly envelopes the entire laboratory."

Without hesitation, Yi Chou immediately reached the conclusion.

What does this mean, a large magic circle.

Yi Biao thought of this thing for the first time, not only because he was also proficient in large magic circles, but also because the demon had played this trick in the world of the song of ice and fire more than once.


With a curse, Yi Xao immediately realized that his choice had become difficult.

It's obviously an unwise choice to venture into an unknown large magic circle, but... she may be here, just leave, and Yi Chou will not be reconciled.

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