High Magic Earth

Chapter 1179: energy

Too much time wasted.

As Yi Xuan and Athena finally set foot in the middle-level test area, the exposure of unknown energy response, Yi Xuan did not know that a large magic array was hidden under Seth.

The laboratory is not a real purpose at all, this magic circle may be, the laboratory is only a means for concealment.

According to Lucy, the enveloping range of the magic circle is extremely large. Perhaps the entire underground area is enveloped. Counting the scope of the extension of space technology, this is larger than any magic circle known by Yi Chao.

And the concealment of the magic array is also very good. Its magic energy response is very low. At the edge of the edge, there is almost no energy response.

For example, Lucy, she felt the existence of energy, but did not realize that the energy was actually forming a large magic circle.

This is not to blame Lucy.

In the eyes of magical creatures, magical energy is almost ubiquitous, even if it cannot be seen because of insufficient level, it can definitely be felt.

Even the lowest wizard.

He may not understand the meaning of the term magic energy. He may not be able to manifest the magic energy for life, but he can feel the magic.

It's like human beings can't see the air and can't touch the gas, but when they come to the vacuum environment, they can definitely feel it.

That is magic.

Magic power is almost everywhere. The difference is only whether the magic creature has this concept, whether it can be distinguished. It is unknown that magic power is not a strange thing. It may be a variant, for example, a little scorching energy is mixed with cold, even if it is only how much. Different, it will also give people a new feeling.

Only after using this energy to perform magic, will I suddenly realize that it is just burning energy.

no difference.

This energy exists almost every moment, which adds countless difficulties to distinguishing rare magical energy, and Lucy will not stop to report because of an unknown new energy.

As a magical intelligence, her treatment plan is to record the energy and wait for identification.

This is also a way to complete the database.

So she didn't realize the existence of a large magic circle. She couldn't try to guess that there is a magic circle being constructed through the existence of an unknown energy. This is not a clue at all.

But when Yi Xiao took Athena into the middle area and began to approach the interior of the laboratory field, the energy response became more and more intense, and it could not be ignored anymore.

Even if Yi Chou doesn't say it, Lucy quickly perceives anomalies through the coverage of this energy and the degree of response, and infers.

Yi Chou just advanced this process.

Then Assassin Assassin, Rebirth Warrior, although these have some strength, but want to prevent Yi Chou's footsteps, but it is impossible for the cannon fodder to appear.

Just to hold the pace of the two.

The Assassin assassin was taken by Athena in one hand. Although it did take a little time, but in front of this terrifying **** of war, Athena, to clean up these mortals actually did not reach even three minutes, they were all beaten into flesh. .

Then there is the spawn.

As Yi Chao said, the armor of the spawn is not important, but the magic contained therein is very important.

The same is true of technology. In the face of a completely strange technological creation, if you can get it, you may be able to reverse a lot of useful information.

Yi Xiao knows this point, and the other party also knows that this is exactly why the regeneration man is not strong, but he is still thrown out as cannon fodder.

Although his sense of justice is not strong, his curiosity will force him to follow in. There are almost no other heroes in the world of Rebirth. They are all mortals, so the inner arrogance and quietness will also destined him not to communicate with Yi Huo normally.

The odds are greater.

The other party's plan is also very successful, he at least dragged Yi Huo nearly 20 minutes.

This is not good news.

Yi Xiao doesn't know how long this large magic circle has existed here, but judging from the fact that the other party immediately sent cannon fodder to hold his footsteps, it should have been running shortly after completion.

Yi Biao didn't believe things that were too coincidental, for example... The magic circle actually existed for a long time, just happened to be here to stop it at the last minute.

This is a coincidence.

He even believes that if the magic circle exists for a long time, it may have completed all the operations before he came to seth company.

After all, angels and demons have been around for thousands of years, and they are a legacy of the last era.

Of course, there is also a possibility that, irrespective of when the magic circle was established, it did not end because it lacked one of the most critical factors.


The goal of the magic circle is yourself.

This magic array is not uncommon, and it is not rare, the most typical is the seal magic.

The most common way for demon hunters to deal with demons is to seal them, expel them, and drive them back to hell. After a long time, even the lowest-level ghost knows these things.

What's more, the demons themselves are good at playing magic, and the seal magic is no stranger to them.

Yi Biao once found a handbook on the magic circle in Oz. This is his only one. The magic book about the magic circle, although it is just a lot of low-end magic circle composition principles, but still let him learn a lot .

As for the first few worlds, the demon hunter's handbook deceived by Biman and Midnight... There are indeed many magic circles that seal the devil.

But these things are all used to deal with demons, not to mention serious, and some are not magic at all.

The powder of bat, the first clover seen after entering the forest, the eyeball of the goldfish... and so on a lot of messy things mixed into mucus, smeared into a pattern where the five-pointed star and the six-pointed star intersect, meditating the spell...

Yi Chou feels that this is totally pseudo-magic.

Fortunately, there is the world of Oz, which once brought the combination of magic and technology to its peak. Although Yi Biao only explored a small part of the world, he was lucky to find an analysis of the magic array.

According to records, although the power of seal magic is strong, its defects and characteristics are also obvious.

The first point is the common characteristics of the magic circle, it can not be moved.

As the existence of a similar strategic weapon in magic, the power of the magic array is actually far less than imagined. At most, it is only under special circumstances, and it can exert some special effects.

The reason why the frequency of use is very low is because it is fixed.

Therefore, the magic array is called a strategic weapon in magic, not because it is as powerful as a strategic weapon, but because it is used as few times as a strategic weapon, and it is rarely used. It only exists as a deterrent.

And magic can indeed produce many incredible effects. Moving the ground, even moving giant buildings like buildings, seems to be a very simple thing for magic.

But in fact, the so-called incredible is more about technology.

For technology, magic is incredible.

After all, for science and technology, the existence of magic seems to be completely different civilization systems. The collision between two different civilization systems can be described as incredible.

But magic is not so magical for magic.

There are many constraints between magic and magic, just as there are many conflicts and problems between science and technology.

The magic array itself is composed of magic. It is immovable. It is not floating on the ground. Even the whole land can be solved so simple.

It itself contains a lot of magical energy and the structure of spells.

The second is the limitation of the magic array. Because the composition of the magic array is complex, many times its function is single, and coupled with the immovable feature, it is often difficult to make it really affect the target.

So many times, what the Devil Hunter needs to do is not how to create a magic circle, but how to deceive the demon into the magic circle.

There will be no demons or wizards so stupid that they walk into the magic circle.

For example, Yi Chao, just stepping into the core of the magic circle, he immediately realized the possibility of the existence of this large magic circle.

The Magic Circle couldn't trick him into it, unless...

Is there something, or a reason, that Yi Biao had to go in...

Yi Ao and Lucy's spiritual exchange Athena naturally also heard.

In most cases, she quietly acts as her little transparency, but it does not mean that she really does not understand anything.

Athena, who is the goddess of wisdom, learned quickly, and the science on the technology side was like this to her, which was originally the ancient power magic of the gods, especially.

Although Athena has no divine skills and cannot use magic, her mastery of basic magic knowledge is no lower than that of Lucy.

She certainly knew the magic circle.

"If this is a magic circle, we probably shouldn't move on," she said.

The magic circle is not without a solution. Yi Chao can be broken, but it takes time, and it means that when Yi Chao is outside the magic circle, it does not mean that he can still easily release the magic circle after he is sealed.

Cracking the magic array from the inside is always a hundred times more difficult than cracking from the outside.

Once the seal magic takes effect, even if Yi Biao has a silver tongue, Lucy and Athena should cooperate, and it is very difficult to break the magic circle.

"I know." Yi Huo nodded. "But she may be inside. I can't turn around now."

This action is not aimless destruction. Seth is just a company where the new human beings are pushed to the stage. Before Yi Chou came here, he didn’t know whether there were high-value technology, machines, or even the new humans themselves. Do not value seth.

Similarly, Yi Chou is not here to collect the black technology of the new human world. Although the new humans have sub-worlds with many technological directions, and the level of technology is far from the world, but for the Yi Chou with magic, they have little significance, at most only Just icing on the cake.

It is even more impossible to carry out this action just to harm the new mankind.

It's just incidental for Holly to look like that. It's best to be able to pit the new human beings. It doesn't matter if it is not.

In fact, this tumultuous action has a clear goal, and there is only one.

The host that invades the subworld...

"Maybe that thing isn't here at all." Athena said, "It's just a bait, to induce you to think it might be here."

"But if I step back now, I really don't even have the last chance."

"I have a hunch that she will be here."

"Lucy's intelligence, I promise her analysis and processing power is very strong, but as long as it is intelligence, there must be a chance of errors and mistakes, maybe you should not..."

"Hello!" Lucy yelled beside him. "But I hear it clearly, I don't need..."

"Not her."

The time is urgent, and the situation is not good. Yi Chou didn't have any thoughts and Lucy to useless things. He said lightly that he took out a potted plant from his arms.

"Lucky clover."

"A little thing I read with a silver tongue comes from Ireland. When its owner knows what will happen, its growth will flourish. On the contrary, when things might not show up as his master thought. Time, it will wither."

"What do you think it is doing now?"

Athena held out her hand, her white fingers wrapped in golden armor gently touched the green leaf seedlings, the soft clover shook gently, but the color was more and more dyed green.

"you are right."

Taking a deep breath, Athena raised her head, and her golden eyes looked at Yi Chou. "But that shouldn't be yours. I'll do the same for you."

Having said that, she reached out to stop Yi Chou's footsteps.

Although the two were talking, they didn't stop at Yi's feet. So much time has been wasted, and Yi did not want to continue to spend more time on these useless things.

Seeing that Athena had started reaching out to block, Yi Chou stopped.

Like a labyrinth, the two of them were already in the depths of the laboratory, surrounded by darkness. Standing in front of the empty fork, Yi Chou stared at Athena's pale golden eyes and said calmly, "You are not saying, I am Your father?"

"How can there be a father who lets her daughter take risks instead."

Gently pushing away Athena, Yi Chou turned and walked to the right.

"It seems..." Lucy frowned slightly in the background.

Athena stayed there for a moment, "It's not time for feelings." She hurried to catch up, "And I'm just talking, you won't take it seriously."

But without waiting for them to continue to advance for more than 100 meters, a huge and terrifying magic power suddenly appeared in front of Yi Chou, scorching, like an eternally burning sun.

"Be careful!"

Even faster than time, waiting for Yi Chou to react, this magical power immediately flooded him.

He instinctively made a block action, but immediately after Yi Chou was horrified, he seemed unable to block this force.

But... there is another person who is faster than him.

Almost at the same moment, Athena's eyes appeared with golden war makeup. Her movements seemed to be faster than Yi Chou's thinking. She jumped forward and rushed to Yi Chong in front of her.

No hesitation, no pause.

Next moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The blushing energy spewed out.

Like the tides in the sea, the manic magic with an unstoppable momentum directly tore the Athena in front to pieces.

Yi Biao's double pupils instantly magnified.

Athena’s golden figure didn’t stay for even a second, and was instantly swallowed up by the crimson light, dissipating like particles in the air, and it was too late to feel sad because he immediately realized that Athena’s blocking was fundamental It has no effect.

The crimson energy is like a tsunami sweeping all over the place, and it seems to tear everything in front of it.

Unstoppable, unable to stop, what can be done seems to be despair.

But Yi Chou didn't give up completely, because...


The moment before the crimson light was about to swallow him, the crimson light flashed in Yi Chou's eyes, then he closed his eyes and roared loudly.

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