High Magic Earth

Chapter 1180: origin

"Our trump card is out... the fastest update"

At the same time, Lucifer, who was listening to soothing music in the lounge, put down his glass and gently tapped the table to wake his brother Gabriel from his deep sleep.

"This is a ace showdown. It seems that our enemies are not very lucky... As soon as they played, they met the ace of the ace."

"You said, witch or wizard, who is better."

Gabriel woke up instantly from his sleepiness, and looked at Lucifer with a blank look.

I don't know why, Lucifer thinks it is not the first time that the other party looks at herself with this idiot-like look.

"No sense of humor." Lucifer shook her head.

"Sure enough, among the many brothers, I hate you the most, no matter which body you use!"

Gabriel frowned, "What the **** is going on."

"Our trump card has caught prey, and the guy is stuck in the area of ​​the Magic Circle...Caldenford." Seeing Gabriel was still a business official, Lucifer's mouth was quite boring, " By the way, our cannon fodder is dead."

"But that kind of useless guy, die if you die."

Lucifer sucked her lips, "I thought I could make a knight of vengeance."

"……trump card?"

Looking at Gabriel's dumbfounded face, he knew he didn't understand it at all. Perhaps the figures of ace, magic circle, upper area of ​​Canton and Fove were taken out, translating human transliteration language, each of them understand.

But when combined, he couldn't understand any of them.

Rolling his eyes, Lucifer reminded, "Ace... Crimson Witch."


Witches are not their people, use witches to deal with wizards? Are they just a gang, is this a joke.

Lucifer did not know why he could see such a complex meaning in Gabriel's eyes. He could only continue to sigh and explain.

"Uh, you know... forget it, Naliya!"

Explain, how could it be so troublesome to explain that Lucifer was too lazy to tell Gabriel.

But Gabriel did not know that this body was not his true dimension at all. As a disposable article, he had no more memories in it.

But as a privileged class among the angels, Lucifer decisively pushed the troubles to the people below.

The lazy voice sounded, which seemed to contain vaguely provocative and enchanting, worthy of being the king of hell, even if it was just the most plain words, still hiding the extremely evil trap from the depths of human nature.

He no longer tempts people to commit crimes all the time.

But this is useless for fellow angels.

Hearing Lucifer's voice, the figure of the angel Naliya appeared at the stairs of the house at a very fast speed. She was staying with her in the same room before, turning her knife with boredom, and Naliya was staring down. Demon Metz, who doesn't like anyone, only had time to see a back view, and Nali Yali had disappeared instantly at the corner of the stairs.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Metz showed a look of estranged angel, and then bore his lips in a boring way, tossing the knife up in his hand and letting it pierce into the nearby table.

When she came to the house, Nali Yali quickly arranged her manners, and then gently bowed to Lucifer, "Master Angel." She said calmly.

Then she turned around again, squinting at Gabriel with a smile on her face, "Your Gabriel."

Leaning his lips, Lucifer rolled his eyes at the place facing away from Naliyali.

Except for the demons in hell, neither the angels in the upper realm nor ordinary angels like Lucifer, even the demons are most afraid of him.

Not love and respect.

At most it's awe.

Hell... Lucifer closed his eyes slightly, father.

Gabriel and his number one little fan sister are not clear about the psychologist Lucifer. They have just completed a spiritual experience just in the blink of an eye, and they are still completing their first meeting with each other.

Nali Yali is so enthusiastic that Gabriel can't hold her back.

He nodded slightly and smiled lightly, "Naliyali...what's your name, it's beautiful."

Angels are not without communication, without human nature, or even without companions and opposite sex.

Indeed, some angels are indeed like this. They don't need to communicate, they don't have any emotion at all, and even the biological characteristics are very vague.

Most of them maintain the basic work of paradise, or lead, listen to such boring, rigid, day-to-day work.

But they are not angels at all.

Just like humans are divided into many kinds.

Angels don't have the same kind of heaven, but some places are similar to humans. At first, there were only humans in the world. Later, people began to invent robots and clone humans. Although the world's technology is not enough at this time, it will reach such a point sooner or later. Level.

As an angel whose survival time is far longer than that of human beings and has a higher technological level, it will naturally not fall behind.

They have invented something similar for a long time, or called creatures, machine angels, clone angels, whatever they call, to replace that part, even for angels, is very boring and boring work.

Real angels are magical creatures.

And since they are creatures, many creatures have the same characteristics and commonalities.

Hearing Gabriel's so gentle answer, a very suspicious blush appeared on Naliya's face, and Lucifer looked behind him with disgust.

From his point of view, of course, she can't see Na Li Ya Li's face.

Even angels can't violate the laws of physics and the refraction of light without using magic.

But the eyes of angels can't help but the archangels, the archangels, these top fighting forces, don't have a good vision, how can they fight fierce melee with the opponents.

Lucifer directly looked at Naliyali's pupils through Gabriel, seeing the reflection of Naliyali and the blushing of fans.

Although Naliyali had a tendency to become a brain powder at this time, she did not really become stupid after all. As a higher-level magical creature, the angel's self-control is still very high. Naliyali quickly restrained herself. The emotion, whispered to Gabriel to explain the origin of the scarlet witch.

Gabriel knew about the new human beings, the angels on earth, and the third multiverse, but more specifically, he was not clear.

Soon, Gabriel figured out the identity of the scarlet witch under Nariyali's narrative.


"You let a human angel deal with inheritors? She is not a witch at all, even if it is, it is impossible to be an opponent of inheritors."

"No matter what period of inheritors, no matter what generation of inheritors."

"Yes, yes, it seems that our mascot has finally figured out who the scarlet witch is." Lucifer whispered in a cool tone.

Gabriel frowned slightly, "You know very well, I don't know what happened in the third multiverse. This body is only a temporary thing, and there is no memory in it."

"Now is not the time for us to argue about these things. The magic circle is very important. We can't find a second place to gather so much space energy to reactivate it."

"Once the magic circle fails... all our plans will be affected."

"You will be asleep, and your true dimension will be affected."

"This is where I hate you." Lucifer shrugged. "It's always a serious look, and you are really upset every time."

Seeing Gabriel open his mouth, trying to argue something again, Lucifer quickly waved his hands, ignoring the angry little eyes of Naliyali and interrupted him, "Okay, okay, you think I don't know the importance of the magic circle , I really only find a lot of cannon fodder to count together?"

"The magic circle is very important, but you seem to forget the magic circle itself... what's the use."

"And who told you that the Scarlet Witch is from the third multiverse."


Next to her, Naliyali glared, she stared at Lucifer, straightening her mind.

Lucifer's mouth was stiff, he just described it this way, but he forgot that the Lord was really beside him, which was a bit embarrassing.

But... the king of **** obviously wouldn't care about these little problems, he shrugged dullly, and then forcibly skipped the topic.

"In fact, this is the case." Lucifer spread his hands, with a serious expression, but what he said in the mouth made people not serious at all. "Your information is outdated."

"You should look at the magazine I threw into the altar."

"That altar has no real effect." Gabriel reminded beside him.

The altar known to Lucifer is a large amount of energy gathered in space, but it is only used to gather energy and play a role in stabilization. Apart from this, it has no other role.

Even if there is, after a long time, and the erosion of space energy, it should lose its original effect.

When they left, Lucifer left the magazine nervously and said a bunch of baffling words. Gabriel was not clear about the meaning of the term neurotic, but he still thought Lucifer's behavior was incomprehensible.

Seeing the Lucifer story repeated, Gabriel had to remind to prevent him from fooling over.

After all... as the king of hell, deception has always been Lucifer's strength.

Of course, as a brother, Gabriel actually didn't want to take Lucifer so seriously, but as he said, the magic faction mattered, which forced him to take it seriously.

"I know, I know." Lucifer spread his hands, "I know it's useless, I just want to say... This scarlet witch is not from the third multiverse, she is from that magazine."

"The First Multiverse."...

"Impossible." For a moment, Gabriel retorted first.

"The first multiverse does not exist at all."

The composition of the multiverse, itself and true dimensions, angels and demons, wizards and magical creatures, is called the source world of the two-polar heaven, and many sub-worlds.

There are still some of these concepts.

Because if there is no such memory storage, he simply does not understand the situation, even his own existence will become unrecognizable.

These concepts are basic memories, like the operating system of a computer, stored in each sub-body.

Similarly, according to his own memory, Gabriel can be quite certain that there is no first multiverse.

The paradise paradise, which is the second world owned by the new humans, is the same as the wizard's world and has many sub-worlds with different branches.

The two mixed worlds where Chaoying is located are called the second and third multiverses respectively.

Gabriel was not sure why it was called this name. He also wondered where the first multiverse was, but the answer was no.

As an archangel, Gabriel's authority is undoubtedly great, and there can be no news or secrets hiding him.


"Like I said, your news is outdated." Lucifer said in a nasty, lazy tone, "Your stored knowledge is too old, it's time to update it."

Immediately afterwards, he turned his eyes to Nalia Yali, who also had her eyebrows closed, "There is nothing to doubt, the latest news, the first multiverse appeared."

"This scarlet witch is from the first multiverse."

The amount of information is a bit large. Compared to Gabriel, who is still digesting the news, Nali Yali, who is herself a liaison officer, is obviously more familiar with these things.

Even if she was not very happy with Lucifer, she did not dare to be vague in front of the business. "The first multiverse is..." she asked tentatively.

Lucifer had no appetite this time, and immediately gave the answer.

"Did I remind you a long time ago, that magazine, she came from the world after that magazine."

"In what human beings often say, that is... the Marvel universe of the comics world."

"Now, are you still doubting her combat effectiveness."

Unlike Gabriel, who does not know anything, Nali Yali knows all the information. If the guy really comes from the so-called comic world, then her combat power...Recalling the settings in the comics, Na Li Yali's face could not help changing, it was really terrifying.

Although Gabriel's information is not comprehensive, it does not affect his IQ.

At the same time, he also noticed the focus of Lucifer's discourse.

"How did you get this latest news?" he asked. "How did the first multiverse appear?"

Not that Gabriel was suspicious. He was indeed curious. How the first multiverse appeared did not always happen for no reason. Of course, the more sub-worlds, the better, which is equally important to angels.

Perhaps they have mastered the reasons for the emergence of the first multiverse ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ they can spawn more sub-worlds.

And he can be said to have been with Lucifer all the time, he didn’t know the so-called latest news, but if it had been before... In fact, the angels’ message transmission speed is still very fast, Gabriel The knowledge store is definitely too late to update.

"These two questions." After the seriousness, Lucifer returned to the lazy, even disgusting tone, "I think it can be answered with an answer."

"And I think you already know the answer, but you don't realize it yourself."...

Seth, under the ruins.

In the underground laboratory.

In a red promenade made up of plasma and flesh, some of them have been completely destroyed by Athena and have been completely reduced to ashes in ruins. Something seems to move.

Just like the buds that have just risen in spring, they will come out from the bottom up.

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