High Magic Earth

Chapter 1181: Birth


A sound like a groundhog digging mud came from under the ruins, and it was extremely clear and harsh on the empty and quiet promenade.

Just like the scenes in the horror movie, in the deserted room, between the quiet and strange ruins, an inexplicable sound came suddenly, as if something was about to be born.


The mound shook, slightly undulating, drum by drum, slipping the top of the gravel down, and jumping on the ground with a sound of dangdang.

Then at the next moment, a very ugly and ugly face suddenly came out of the mud.


He took a deep breath, like a baby who could not wait for the first breath of the airway, and then ignored the mud, gray dust and the broken fragments of the ruins, breathing heavily and greedily.

Without experiencing suffocation, it is never possible to know the value of breathing.


The inexplicable creature gasped, his voice hoarse and unpleasant, like a worn saw, sawing a decayed and old tree, rough and frosting echoed in the air.

But soon, the sound began to become normal, and it gradually changed from a strange tone to a range acceptable to humans, until it became similar to humans.

But this strange creature is not like a human being.

How ugly he is, even ugly, it will make the brain blank and lose the surging of continuous thinking and communication.

It's like being soaked in water for a whole week and becoming a bloated body.

His face was drilled out of the ruins irregularly, with a swollen neck, like an unknown creature, wearing a coat of a swollen human body.

Strange, discordant, ugly, ugly, all dark words can be used on him, and even saying that he is strange may beautify him.

Fortunately, no one is around here, otherwise those who see him will doubt how these things are organized together to create such a difficult and rigorous existence.

But the creature itself is undecided.

There is neither a puddle nor a mirror here, of course he cannot see his new appearance.

A big mouthful of gasping, breathing indifferently into the air mixed with dust and ruin particles. After resting for a long time in place, the unknown creature seemed to ease up.

He broke away slightly, and the gravel rolled down suddenly.

This creature has freed its head, but except for the neck and shoulders, it is still buried under the rubble.

Fortunately, the ruins were not deep, and it was hard for him.

There was no change in the face of the numb dead man, but the next moment, after he had accumulated enough energy, he made a violent struggle and directly broke free.


A small amount of rubble was like sparse scattered raindrops, and he was splashed everywhere, refracted again along the walls and ceiling.

At this time, as the monster walked out of the ruins completely, he could see all his appearance.

The fat body is pale on the surface, and the body is pale, which makes people uncomfortable at a glance, not to mention his face. In fact, his entire body is like his face, swelled, bloated, Uncomfortable.

Like a large floating corpse.

He was the strange creature that Yi Xao and Athena met before meeting the spawn.

The cannon fodder of angels, ugly monsters that are not even as good as monsters.

Athena was quite happy to play with him at the beginning. Although she looked ugly and had no combat effectiveness, she was considered a qualified sandbag and nut.

Unfortunately, after the emergence of the spawn, Athena punched him into the wall with a decisive punch, directly penetrated the wall, and buried it under a large ruin.

Then Athena didn't care about him, so she concentrated on watching Yi Chou and the spawn fight until she shot it herself.

In this way, this monster seems to have survived...

At this time, it has become a veritable monster.

In other words, it is more weird than a monster.

The swollen body was a full circle again than before. If there is still some human skin color before, the skin that was burst into support was completely pale.

The black lines are also particularly clear on the surface, like wrinkled skin, with black ink flowing.

He is completely out of the aesthetic range that human beings can understand and appreciate.

But in fact, this guy who was beaten up by Athena and broke into the ruins is, in a sense, really not a monster.

Mr. Feng.

Yes, he was what Agent Holly thought of when he saw his face, Mr. Feng.

But it is a pity that his face had a vague appearance before the transformation, and now, even the last point is not left.

The fat and greasy monster stood in the center of the ruins, like a worker wearing doll makeup, working all day, sweating and tired.

But his skin is more terrifying than any doll.

The monster didn't move. He was standing on the spot, not knowing what to do, maybe thinking, or not even thinking.

Then, after a moment, he tremblingly extended his right hand and slowly grasped the chin on his left face.


Accompanied by a frustrating hissing and pulling sound, half of his cheek was dragged down.

Fortunately, under the ripped face, there is no more weird existence, or potholes, like unknown objects on the back of the moon.

It's a pretty-looking face.

Although the face below looks good, it is a pity that the corpse-like human skin is draped on the outside and hangs on his head like a residual limb. It is impossible to look at anything.

On the contrary, half of the face was still hanging on the head, and the fact that half of the face had been ripped off added even more strangeness to him.

The thick fat radish fingers touched the normal face, and the corner of the face of this face seemed to be slightly curved, and then immediately, he pressed the fat, corpse-like skin directly from his head. Down.


Human skin breaks from the neck, making a rubber band-like sound.

Blood has been drained away, fat and other substances have also been converted into jelly-like existence, and the place where the neck and head are broken has bounced twice, and then shaken back to the original position.



Throwing a large floating corpse cap on the nearby ruins, Mr. Feng, who has returned to his original appearance, can finally breathe the fresh air this time.

He opened his mouth and seemed to feel his new life.

"Unexpectedly...I'm still alive..."...

Mr. Feng did not think that he was still alive.

It's like hell.

In the previous three days, Mr. Feng felt like living in **** for three hundred years.

And it was Lucifer who caused all this.

One morning, Mr. Feng did not notice any abnormal momentum, and Lucifer called him to the top of the Petronas Twin Towers.

Unable to refuse, Mr. Feng came to the Petronas Twin Towers and saw Lucifer. Then, for no reason, he was transferred to Lucifer and replaced by the angels' lowest level of existence.

That kind of monster that looks neither human nor ghost.

Not an angel, nor a human being, not even a monster.

But Lucifer was still beside him, who had been completely sarcomatized at that time, and whispered like a crocodile tears, saying that he was going to transform himself into a great warrior.

Mr. Feng did not want to be a so-called warrior at all.

Mr. Feng, who is the general manager of Seth Company, is well aware of this experiment. It is to make cannon fodder for the angels. In fact, there are not many people who have personally advanced the laboratory.

Unexpectedly, there will be a day for his turn.

But he could not resist because he had no power against Lucifer.

It's just that Mr. Feng didn't understand where he was exposed.

In other words, Lucifer was not clear about this matter, he was just on a whim, and wanted a more advanced human cannon fodder as his new toy.

Closing his eyes, Mr. Feng began to wait for darkness.

In fact, Mr. Feng is not surprised that Lucifer did this because he had never been loyal to angels.

Twenty years ago, a sudden disaster took everything away from him.

Including his beloved wife and unborn children.

The meteorite that fell from the sky destroyed and destroyed an inconspicuous hospital in the United States, taking away countless lives and his family.

Originally he wanted to start again in the United States, where dreams and darkness coexist, but now... he has nothing.

Then Mr. Feng returned to his country.

At that time, there were almost no free people in the world, and the activity of natural phenomena was at a low point. After fifteen years of incognito, Mr. Feng disappeared from everyone's sight.

Over the past 15 years, Mr. Feng has been constantly looking for the truth and clues of the incident. Although the government concealed the facts and announced that it was just an accidental natural gas incident, he hurried to the hospital in a hurry and wanted to see when his child was born. At the first moment, Mr. Feng saw clearly.

That was not an accident at all, but a meteorite drop.

The meteorite destroyed the hospital and destroyed his family and everything.

Why did the meteorite land in the city?

At first, Mr. Feng focused the problem on meteorites. According to the monitoring efforts of Nasa, such meteorites will certainly not be ignored. They will evacuate nearby residents in advance. The real world is not to make movies and it is impossible to hide the news.

Because no one dares to assume this responsibility.

nasa... Mr. Feng remembered this name in his heart, so this was his original target of revenge, but soon, he noticed another anomaly at the time.

When the flame of revenge gradually calmed down, and pain and sorrow were reoccupied by reason, Mr. Feng thought of another problem.

The meteorite is so large that it crashed from the sky and directly destroyed the entire hospital.

Not its impact.

But its own volume overwhelms the hospital.

Meteorites of this size...According to the impact it can cause, in theory, the entire town was unavoidable.

But it is miraculous, except for the location of the hospital, it has almost no reach.

Mr. Feng sees clearly and remembers clearly, because this situation is deeply imprinted in his mind, so that he will never forget.

This moment immediately attracted the full attention of Mr. Feng.

He put all the focus on this.

In the next 13 years, Mr. Feng's energy was almost here, and after looking for the truth of the things he gradually came into contact with after seven years.

But the answer made him unbelievable.

There are actually angels in the world.

That was his first contact with the power of nature. It is eleven years ago from today.

It took a long time for Mr. Feng to convince himself all this, and then the investigation continued. Although the investigation went deeper and deeper, Mr. Feng felt more and more ridiculous about all the things he encountered.

The way angels come is meteorite.

The death of his wife and unborn child is only because of the coming of an angel. For the angel, this is probably a trivial matter... even, he may not know.

But for Mr. Feng, this is all he has.

In six years, he began to learn computer hacking techniques, cultivate his military knowledge, fighting skills, Sanda, business knowledge, multilingual training.

The flame of hatred is the best driving force for human progress.

Mr. Feng is not a genius. Compared with ordinary people, although he is very good, it is because he has put more effort and sweat.

In order for his wife and children to live better in the future, Mr. Feng paid almost everything.

And now, he put all this into revenge.


Promoted by the fire of revenge, Mr. Feng showed his perseverance. In only five years, he has trained himself as a qualified agent, and is very good in all aspects.

He used his own technology and means to implement the destruction plan. He eliminated all the materials on the Internet and destroyed most of the paper materials. Then Mr. Feng changed his name and returned to the United States with Feng as his surname.

In fact, he originally forgot his name.

Two years ago, he successfully contacted people related to natural forces, and then touched the edge of angel existence. Then within a year, he showed extraordinary commercial talent, and finally succeeded in succeeding him in office six months ago. The institute leader, Ryan Felton, became the new leader.

Not surprisingly, he saw the angel.

And from the beginning it was Archangel, Lucifer, the fallen angel of the King of Hell.

Then he got a lot of secrets, natural existence, angels, new humans, and even another world, the wizard vampire werewolf, and countless enemies.

Like other people, Mr. Feng has shown fanaticism, which is the yearning of human beings for natural existence, the desire for higher-level evolution, stronger power, and longer life.

It seems that Mr. Feng seems to be fully involved.

But in fact, only he knew that he never forgot his true purpose of entering here.

In order to hate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he lives like a walking dead every day, just to be able to watch all this dead, all angels, all demons, all natural existence, all everything.

He forced himself to become another person, forced himself to forget everything, and even to avoid the spiritual power from exposing himself, he was no longer the original him in the subconscious.

Mr. Feng hypnotized himself, and only a special time, special place, and special things can wake him up again.

Every day, only a short time he can be himself.

But now, everything is over.


Some slumped down on the ground, Mr. Feng was silent.

It was over before it even started.

And all that he did seemed ridiculous like an absurd farce.

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