High Magic Earth

Chapter 1187: New humans

"25% energy consumption"

"72.34% remaining"

"Damage rate 0.08%"

"functioning normally."

The explosion behind was roaring, but Mr. Feng did not mean to turn his head.

Of course not because the real man never looked back at the explosion, but because he really had no time to take care of these things. He did not know whether the attack of the plasma gun had caused the effect, or whether the other party's pursuit was hindered.

He only knew that he would be truly safe only if he left here.

not much time.

To seize all opportunities.

As he said, the Iron Overlord’s armor is fully fired, maybe one or two people can be replaced, but the price is that he stays here with the armor.

But he didn't want to die like this with the other party, and was worthless.

Although these advance teams are strong, they are only high-level cannon fodder, which is not worthy of him.

Mr. Feng knew that he would not be the opponent of eight free men. If the opponents were all rookies or Tangning's wonderful flowers, the opponents were not only rookies, but also members of the advance team, although there was indeed a Downing.

At the beginning of the battle, he almost exploded out, in order to catch the opponent by surprise.

Then take advantage of the chaos.

Just like what he is doing now, this is the best time, how far he can run, how far he can run, and then, Mr. Feng is not sure if there will be such a good opportunity.

Mr. Feng is not sure if only these people are surrounding him, and the arrangement under Lucifer has only a small advance team? But what he can confirm is that as long as he enters the downtown stage, the room for maneuvering will increase greatly.

Even if someone in the government is biased towards Lucifer and is under the control of the angels, they will converge a little under the attention of a large number of witnesses.

At least not as embarrassed as it is now.

As long as there is more than one way to fight, kill and kill, it is a victory for Mr. Feng.

Although during the preparation period, he also accumulated a lot of combat experience through fighting techniques and double training. His skill is definitely the peak among ordinary people. Now that the unknown changes have appeared on his body, even if he is a normal new human Not much, but he is still a behind-the-scenes being more inclined to use his brain.

Compared with hands-on, he prefers to use his brain.

After all, he was a hardworking, senior program engineer before everything happened.

Otherwise, it will not take such a short time to climb to the position of person in charge of the institute.

Everything requires a certain grade, which is good enough. ...

But looking at the 74% remaining energy displayed on the screen, Mr. Feng frowned.

The previous attack was indeed massive and powerful, but again, its cost was very high, directly consuming a quarter of the armor's energy reserves.

In other words, such an attack Mr. Feng can also fight three times!

Of course...it's counted like this, but he won't do it.

The energy reserve supports the entire armor. Once the energy is exhausted, it not only means that the energy weapon is instantly used, but the Iron Overlord armor will also stop moving due to the loss of power.

The armor without electricity is not as good as a bicycle. Mr. Feng does not have so much power to wear it to run.

In addition to running armor, it also needs energy to support the operation of other functions and weapons. The plasma gun can be fully blown and can only be released once at most.

But looking at the light curtain inside Iron Overlord, Mr. Feng smiled bitterly. He felt that even if he could start the plasma gun again, there might be no chance to release it.

It is impossible for the other party to give him such a good chance for the second time.

At this point the screen has become completely blank.

The surroundings were empty, except for a huge armor of the Iron Overlord who was running fast on the ruins, there was not even a figure.

The advance team disappeared, seemingly as quickly and silently as they came, and they left again silently.

It is a pity that Mr. Feng knows deeply that this group of new human beings who do not know the means used by the angels to bewitched into the advance team will not easily give up on a task.

In addition to not showing fanatic brain damage, their various styles are almost like fanatics, often in the face of casualties and high tasks, they will not change their faces and never shrink back.

Fortunately, this situation only exists in their trust in angels. In addition, they still have independent thinking. Different emotions and seven emotions and six desires are no different from ordinary people. They are not like the ascetic monks who are often associated with fanatics. .

This also made their anomalies undetected.

There were not many people who knew about the advance team, and even less in-depth understanding. Only after in-depth understanding would they be able to detect their inadequacies and anomalies, otherwise they would only think that they value the mission very seriously and do their due diligence.

Although so many personalities are valuable, it is simply a knight of the new century, and it is still a bit conspicuous to gather together the guys who can abandon the most precious life of the new human for the task.

But... it seems no surprise that the sense of responsibility is also very strong. After all, the advance team needs such people, or it may be specially selected, otherwise it will invent what the income standard does.

This is not enough to make people think that they have been subtly controlled, it can only sigh, there are still many stupid people in this world.

And being in a high position is enough to perceive these strange people, except for Mr. Feng, but they all share the same heart with angels and demons.

So even if Mr. Feng found out, he could do nothing and change nothing.

Mr. Feng understands the abnormalities of these people, so he knows that these people are not leaving, they are just invisible.

Even if the Iron Overlord is equipped with Seth's latest detectors and sensors, they can't show them a tiny bit on the screen. ...

Ms. M was very angry. She had never been so angry.

Because since she joined the advance team...no, or since she became a powerman, she has not been so embarrassed like this.

The bullets of special materials were not stopped by the husband, making them hit her face like a shower.

Even if only some of the weapons use this special bullet, the throughput is still amazing at a rate of fire several times faster than Gatling.

The number of bullets almost covered Ms. M's whole body.

Although these bullets were not enough to kill her, and the important positions such as the head and the chest had gantz combat uniforms and Ms. M's own ability to protect both, but these dense raindrops also hurt her.

Even the thighs, calves, and arms, which are relatively unimportant places, have weak defenses, and are instantly broken down by these special bullets, and then bleed.

The pain permeated her whole body and eroded her reason instantly.

She hasn't suffered such a big loss since becoming a power man.

Although Ms. M hasn't been a member of the advance team for a long time, she has experienced a lot of tasks. It can't be said that she has experienced a lot of battles but she has rich combat experience.

Unfortunately, most of the battles she experienced were crushing.

After the advancement of the advance team members this time, they have not yet experienced the mission of pioneering a new world. They have been shaking and wandering in the lower world, and they can basically only meet some sturdy special forces, ninjas, so-called martial arts masters.

To deal with these people, they have supernatural power, and at the same time, the well-equipped advance team is naturally at hand.

But the high-tech planes that have not yet been fully developed are completely different, where they not only lag behind in weapons and equipment, they are completely antique, and even superpowers can no longer play a huge role.

Special functions are no longer rare, because there are not a few high-tech planes with dark energy, the original force, and so on, and even many of them.

Of course, even if you have entered the high-tech plane, maybe Ms. M will not have such an embarrassing experience, because the risk of high-tech is really too dangerous.

Compared with the embarrassing escape and drifting, it is more likely to die instantly or be caught and frozen.

But Ms didn’t know and wouldn’t think about it. She only knew she was very angry.

Anger, only scrubbing with blood.

"...I want you to taste this pain too."

Ms. M had probably never been beaten, and she had such a deep obsession for being blown away by a bullet.

It's a pity... she just thought about clenching her teeth.

Ms. M's ability is not suitable for combat, but more inclined to assist.

She is a mutant.

Obviously, the ability of the second world to enable or activate the mutants by default. Her first world must be the police. Whether it is a trilogy series, or various prequels, post-reposts, and re-starts, it must be related to the mutants.

But when M started to awaken her ability, she didn't think about the mutant at all.

At that time she had not learned that the existence of the mutant was one reason, and the other was that her ability to recognize it was too low.

Very common and common presence, stealth.

This is the most common element in early science fiction movies, and it is also an example that many scientists and researchers like to cite. Because its existence is too ordinary, it is completely different from the colorful and weird abilities of other mutants. This makes Ms. m I didn't think of myself as a mutant for the first time.

Until she saw a blue elf named Tianqi appear...

Ms. M's ability is very useless, because the simple stealth has no effect, even if she can bring her clothes together, but it is only for her convenience.

For some strange guys, the lack of this element seems to make her lose a lot of points.

Even later, she discovered that her invisibility included not only the optical sight level, but also heat, breath, sound and other factors. It was just like erasing her entire person from the earth. But it still has little value.

Because she can't disappear at the physical level.

Only a simple weight sensor is needed, and all the secret gates say goodbye to her.

Of course, this little value is only for the ranks of high-end mutants. For ordinary people, a ghost that completely eliminates its own existence and only leaves weight is still very scary.

She carried out the assassination, which was unfavorable.

But among the high-end new human beings, her existence is obviously not enough.

The advance team is the most high-end fighting force of the new human beings. Of course, sometimes because of the shortage of personnel, there will also be relatively useless guys temporarily filled in to make up the number, but most of them are the existence of cannon fodder and bait, and will not live long.

Maybe Ms. M exists like this?

The answer is not like this.

Among the 25 people in the advance team, Ms. M may not be ranked high, but she is never behind. She is floating at the mid-level level.

In the auxiliary ranks, she is an indispensable member.

In fact, Ms. herself has always considered her ability to be useless. After discovering that she is in a world of mutants, she immediately realized that she could not continue to be a lawyer as a self-reliance like this world.

Although the lawyer also exists in the mutant world, as long as the identity of her mutant is exposed, this matter is enough to destroy all of her.

Ms. M decisively chose the survival path more in line with the mutants, and used her ability to find a way to make money for herself.

Lawyers were originally a group of guys who were good at taking advantage of the loophole. In other words, they lacked the necessary awe of the rules.

The existence of the mutant has broken the law itself, how could Ms. M. not try.

Using her invisibility ability, she went to the most suitable way for stealth to make money without hesitation, stealing.

As long as the money or something is in her arms, no one can see it. At first, the crime in the supermarket was very successful. Then she soon no longer limited to this kind of petty, but turned to have a bigger goal .


With a clever little head who can become a lawyer, Ms. did succeed all the way, but because her entity could not disappear completely, she was eventually found whereabouts.

After being chased, fleeing in a panic, and escaping to a narrow dead end, and looking for three soldiers coming side by side, Ms. M finally realized another role of her mutant ability.

It's not just the same clothes and things she wears that are invisible.

But everything she touches can be transmitted invisibly. ——

In a panic, she slapped the wall of the dead end, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com then went on, the entire wall was invisible by her, completely transformed into a transparent existence, exposing the supermarket behind the wall and a crowd of brutal faces.

The next thing is not so important. She is still standing here, which means that she finally escaped the pursuit.

The important thing is that her invisibility is not limited to herself, she can also invisible teammates, of course, provided that she can reach.

The restriction of the latter once made Ms. M, who was caught in joy, once again splashed with a basin of cold water, but she soon realized that her feet were also in contact with the ground.

As long as she steps on the ground, everything built on the ground is in her contact.

Not surprisingly, the range is also limited. Through her continuous intentional exercise, this range has been extended to a distance of about 115 meters.

This is enough.

Enough to let the members of this new human advance team, with a latent ability that is several times more professional than killers and thieves, quietly surround the enemy.

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