High Magic Earth

Chapter 1188: sleepy


"The sensing data is abnormal."

"Suspected eight-level shock."

"Emergency evasion."

As if feeling the feeling, the armor of the Iron Overlord on the run was suddenly stopped, the huge body fell to the right with an incredible degree of flexibility, but when it was about to touch the ground, his right hand gently supported, and then Like a gymnast, a backflip fell a distance of four or five meters.

The huge volume and clever movements are like a tank drift, with a shocking color in the comic.

At the next moment, a three-meter-round ground suddenly roared, as if an invisible large hand was squeezed upwards from under the soil, squeezing everything in the center between the mud and the debris.

Of course, the real giant hand does not exist. Only the rubble and the mud are lifted up. They appear in the shape of crescents. They slowly close. It seems that there is no power like flowing sand, but it has been stirred in. The tragedy of a single-person scooter that has completely turned into a discus can be known that its power is not so small.

Originally standing in the center, Mr. Feng, who was almost squeezed into a discus, saw no pause at all. He turned around and deflected slightly again, and then rushed out of the seth company's range again.

Although the size of the Iron Overlord’s armor is huge, its flexibility has been confirmed. Although it has just been forced to stop, it re-accelerated from zero, and it took only less than three seconds to reach its peak again.

Regardless of this, Mr. Feng in the Iron Overlord was almost sulking.

As long as it is not a fatal attack, he intends to ignore it and stubbornly pass by.

His movements seemed too obvious, and the members of the advance team hidden nearby quickly realized this, so they also accelerated.

For a time, the huge Iron Overlord armor ran in the front and flickered in the back, just like the old TV signal was not good enough to break the film, and eight figures occasionally appeared and occasionally spent the screen.

They appear like ghosts from time to time, dissipating and invisible from time to time, and because of the extremely fast speed, they look like they are floating on the ground from a distance.

The opening of this urban highway chase out of thin air adds a bit of a horror movie theater atmosphere.

This is exactly the effect of Ms. M's mutant ability.

Through the ground, Ms. M. conducts her invisibility to the body of the other seven advance teammates. As long as they and Ms. M’s feet are in contact with the earth at the same time, and within 115 meters, the effect of invisibility Will not disappear.

Of course, no matter whether it is running or jumping, it is impossible for someone to leave one foot on the ground all the time, and the silver tongue becomes a flower screen effect is naturally worthless. In order to solve this problem, they have a special conduction band on their bodies.

The ground is connected by a conductive belt, and their clothing is connected at the same time, and then passed to the body under the clothing.

Invisible transmission can also be achieved.

Anyway, as long as it is contact, within this 115 meters, no matter how many passes, Ms. M can transmit the final effect.

However, with the acceleration of the Iron Overlord, these people had to speed up, and even the conduction band began to float away from the ground under their feet, which caused the situation at this time.

Of course, Mr. Feng noticed that the group of guys behind him did not need to turn their heads. The detection of the iron bully's dead corner had displayed the situation behind him on the screen in front of him in real time.

But regardless of whether they are invisible or attacking, Mr. Feng only cares about one thing, that is, he keeps accelerating until he escapes from here.

Although Seth is a new human enterprise, most of its secrets are buried in the mezzanine laboratory underground, supported by space folding technology, and the building group on the ground is still just a high-tech company.

It occupies a small area, not to mention the size of New York. With the speed of the Iron Overlord, it has ran out most of the distance between the two confrontations. It is even about to see the gate and entrance security of Seth. Room, completely away from the scope of the complex.

"The sensing data is abnormal."

"Suspected of an eleventh level shock."

"Emergency evasion, action mode failure, evasion failure... conduct second simulation..."

"Skip action simulation failed, evasion failed... Carry out the third simulation..."


At the next moment, the ground splashed high again, and the explosion appeared in front of the foot of the Iron Overlord. Although it was not large in scale, it also succeeded in giving it a slight pause.

But then, the whole ground began to rise and fall, just like the tide when the big wave threw, and the whole surface was like a sea.

The trembling sand, the falling cars and ruins, and the broken wreckage stirred by gears instantly made the Iron Overlord lose his sense of balance and stopped the pace of progress.

Just this one pause, the group of ghostly figures behind him quickly rushed in, shortening most of the distance in an instant.

Obviously, the explosion is not a means to stop it, the wave-like ground is.

"The action simulation was successful."

"Turn on parkour mode."

However, the Iron Tyrant is not completely driven by Mr. Feng, and the assisted driving of the intelligent system is the top priority. It has not been three seconds before the armor has found a solution.


Accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, the Iron Overlord stepped on the ground with both feet, and then pulled up.

Facing the ground that has completely turned into a wave under the feet, the control system obviously changed the movement skills during the movement, from light and flexible focus to strong power, supplemented by rolling and occasionally forward movements of the limbs on the ground.

For humans, if you run parkour in a vigorous and heavy way, you will obviously fail to break your ankle, or hit a large piece of wreckage caused by the undulation when you roll, and you will be seriously injured. The end.

But mechanical armor will not.

The flexible foot design can rotate in a circle, and the hard shell is enough to crush all the unobtrusive things that are in front of it.

The method that is not suitable for humans is the most suitable method for Iron Overlord.

Three seconds later, the Iron Overlord again returned to the arena at an amazing speed, jumped, rolled, then threw himself forward again, and continued to jump and roll.

It's like a champion runner.

In terms of power, the machine has more advantages than humans. Even if the ground under the feet is not suitable for running, the Iron Overlord with Parkour as the solution will soon reopen the distance.

The group of advance team members behind them continued to be left behind.

Mr. Feng was indifferently fixed in the armor of the Iron Overlord, surrounded by the soft built-in that is most suitable for the human body. Although there is still a shock in it, it is much easier than a direct impact.

Of course, the armor was not controlled by Mr. Feng, and he gave most of the control to Zhinao.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to intuitively anticipate the upcoming attack and then evade it aside urgently? Just kidding, maybe there are some people who are on the verge of life and death all year round.

But it will definitely not be him.

Mr. Feng is proficient in martial arts, and is not just the king of the training ground. Before becoming the head of the research institute, there are many experiences that directly threatened his life.

But it is obviously not enough to dance between life and death all year round.

As he said, he prefers to use his brain.

Compared with those experienced professional mercenaries and soldiers, Mr. Feng's experience is almost plain.

The real danger is predicted in advance is the Iron Overlord itself. The existence of technology is to better serve human beings. The control system always detects the concentration of surrounding energy, the vibration of the ground, even the frequency of sound waves, the spectral degree of rays, and many other human beings. Unobservable data.

By detecting changes in these data, it can detect anomalies in advance and then respond.

It is much more reliable than the flash of human intuition and aura.

This is science. ...

"That does not work."

In the group of people chasing behind, came a low and thick female voice, just like her ability, tamped like the earth and full of strange charm.

Ms. n.

The superpowers of non-mutants control the earth.

Super hero from American drama.

But unlike Samuel, one of the big villains, the more powers gathered around him, the stronger he has the ability to control and control.

She simply controlled the ground.

Control the metal, control the ground, and stealth. Three of the advance team members have shown different abilities.

But it seems far less cool and diverse than those abilities in the movie.

In fact, this single power is not entirely without value and potential.

Of course, like the Black Phoenix, the professor's ability is very powerful, but this kind of existence is very rare. It is human, not ability. There are many people with mental abilities among the mutants, but there is only one professor.

If used properly, any power has its own value.

Of course, even if you exercise all the time, developing your own limit potential will not make the ability become stronger and stronger. Whether it is the ability of the mutant or the super power of other worlds, they are all constant.

Getting started quickly, at first has great power, but it can not continue to enhance through learning and research like magic.

Most of the powers have been fixed from the beginning. Unfortunately, most powers are weak.

Even if you continue to exercise the day after tomorrow, it is just to increase your control of the ability, find more ways to use it, and better tap the untapped potential.

And this potential is often not much, and there are few ways to easily change this upper limit.

As for the Magneto who can only lift the iron anchor at the beginning can lift the bridge in the later period, it is because he was born an Alpha mutant, and the limit is much higher than the ordinary mutant.

Even in the power world, it is divided into three, six, and nine.

No matter where, the emperor...ah no, the class will always exist.

Ms. N is a ground-capable person. She cannot lift the ground or create an earthquake. Her power is far less powerful.

However, creating some spikes, depressions, and small-scale shocks is completely okay, enough to limit enemy movements and large-scale clearance.

However, in the face of the Iron Overlord armor that seemed to be ramming like a heavy tank, it was obviously a bit weak.

"The distance is getting farther and farther, and we can't catch up."

A group of people are chasing the Iron Tyrant armor in a frenzy, with Ms. n as the center, the entire ground is showing the trend of undulating waves, the buildings on the ground are constantly collapsing and destroying, and the buried cables are also cracking and splashing momentum Amazing spark.

But the ground beneath them was not affected at all, and was still very calm and stable.

A piece of ground with a surface area of ​​about ten square meters is completely different from the surrounding waves. It is calm like an island in the sea. It moves along with the progress of eight people. Even under the control of Ms. n, the soil here More fluffy and soft, more suitable for human jump running.

In fact, if Ms. N's control ability is strong enough, she can simulate the principle of the conveyor belt, allowing people to stand on the ground without moving, and quickly move forward.

Unfortunately, she doesn't have such precise control right now.

The voice fell, and a male advance team member in the formation frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

They weren't slowing forward. In the undulating sea waves around them, their feet were steady. They just drove like a speedboat, but they chased an exoskeleton armor.

In the face of the fully mature future technology, even if it is not the exoskeleton armor that is already known for its speed, it is not comparable to the speed of humans.

In the absence of speed abilities, being able to catch up with the armor without being thrown to the shadows is already due to the strong physical fitness and gantz combat uniforms of these advance team members.

But they just keep up, not catch up.

Seeing that the distance is getting farther and farther, there seems to be a tendency to be thrown away again. The headed man finally opened his eyebrows, and there seems to be an indelible depression in his eyes, whispered.

"...It's your turn."

No one answered, but everyone seemed to know who he was referring to.

The members of the advance team spread out in a tacit understanding, and then exposed one of them. He had a very young face, but it seemed a little too neutral to see whether it was a man or a woman.

Hearing the man's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He didn't nod or make a noise, but raised his hands, crossed each other, and drew a weird symbol on his chest.

He had a strange ring on his right hand, which was put on two fingers, the plane was very wide, and it was across the back of the finger, just like a glove.

Hanging ring.

Then immediately, a spark broke out on his face, like a short circuit in an electrical appliance, which was damaged and flickered. A dark purple light flashed vaguely in it, but soon disappeared.

But these are just some inconspicuous details, and the next changes are the real changes.

"Kaka Kaka!"

As the strange man waved his hands forward, the surrounding scenery changed drastically, like countless planes and mirrors constantly reflecting and refracting, like a kaleidoscope that immediately extended outward.

Mirror space.

The signature skills of the Karma Taj Masters.

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