High Magic Earth

Chapter 1190: Unknown unknown

but. . The fastest update. They seem to have forgotten something.

The new human being as the leader frowned slightly, but after thinking about it, he did not get an answer. Soon he stopped thinking about this meaningless question, but continued to focus on the armor in front of him.

Although it trapped it, the ability to deal with this kind of metal big man is not effective. In the face of well-equipped exoskeleton armor, there is still some danger...

At the same time, outside the mirrored space, Tang Ning finally stood up from behind the ruins, and slowly followed.

Looking at the deserted seth company gate, he was stunned, and immediately realized what was happening.

With a sigh, he whispered, "The fools...forgot me again."

He shook the samurai sword in his hand boringly, pulled out a series of beautiful sword flowers, and then suddenly closed, inserted into the waist sheath.

Not the dark and deep samurai swords of the gantz series, but the sharp, metal ordinary samurai swords.

The training of multiple assassination organizations from Ninja Masters, Ninja League, and Assassin League has made Tangning extremely proficient in swordsmanship.

But... the skills of swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and fighting are extremely dependent on talent. Tangning is just an ordinary person. Even if he is a member of a free man, he can't be compared with the protagonists in the plot.

Their rapid progress, skills and movements that are difficult for ordinary people to master, are as simple as high jumps and long jumps in their hands.

Tang Ning can't do this, but the many skills from many ancient organizations allow him to use this insight to make up for his lack of talent.

But even so, he could not break the barrier of space and enter the mirrored space.

The existence of magic and non-magic are completely two worlds, and so is technology. In fact, if the creation of technology is not simple and convenient to be created, ordinary people are completely like entering another world in the field of those scientists.

Without the master's response, Tang Ning cannot enter the mirror space by himself.

"A bunch of idiots..."

Light a cigarette again, and Tangning kicked the stone beside the kick lazily.

I hope that group of guys don't sort out any more moths.

Mutants, abilities, advance teams have super powers, but no matter how good the equipment and strength, they can't stand the user's low IQ.

Of course, they are not really idiots, just lack of experience, but this is the deadliest mistake in Tangning's eyes.

The highest mortality rate on the battlefield is recruits, no one can save these guys, except the goddess of luck.

After going through it, it will naturally become an elite veteran.

But... even if these advance men are dead, Tang Ning does not matter. Their ability is not very strong. Although most of the new humans are shooting pinballs, only the waste capacity of the size of the lighter flames, but look carefully. If you look for it, there are still quite a few with Mr. and Ms. n.

However, during this search period, the vacant manpower will cause a lot of inconvenience.

You know...the new humans also have a lot of problems. Their biggest trouble is not the so-called wizards, magic, nor the angels pressing on them, or the ordinary people with the largest base in the real world, just themselves.

A group of guys have gained superpowers, and they don’t measure how many pounds or a few pounds they have.

Tang Ning sighed disdainfully. In his country, what kind of word is on the Internet, medium... secondary disease!


Tang Ning thinks that his fellow villagers are doing very well. Yijinyexing and financial fortune have always been their rules of conduct. Seriously, they are close to the world in two years. The number of his fellow villagers has not exceeded double digits. .

And most of the people hit other free people in the plot world, and had to reveal their identities.

Compare these idiots from other countries...Tang Ning can only sigh...

I don’t know how the person in charge of the last research institute dealt with these messy things, and even suppressed them for so long.

Thinking of the angels who seemed to intend to become the new head of the academy, Tang Ning couldn't help but grow up.

First of all, he does not think he is this piece of material. He is a lone wolf, fierce, crazy, and has always been synonymous with him. He may have some cleverness, but that is all small-scale tactical level, rising to a strategic scale, he is absolutely No way.

Secondly, Tang Ning is very clear about his own strength. Although he said that other new humans never dared to spy on themselves and neglect themselves, it was built on their bare feet and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Once you really have the scale, you jump into the frame, and the strength is really not enough.

Almost every free man has more or less superpowers. Even his own fighting skills, firearms, and gun fighting skills are very good, but they can only crush those new humans with weak superpowers.

Even in the face of Mr. and Ms. n, this level of existence, Tang Ning has been difficult to win.

Of course, this refers to the situation of head-on combat.

Somehow, he rubbed his forehead distressedly. Tangning didn't understand. He just planned to go to the academy to see if he could get some up-to-date information, and then get some benefits. How could this be the next task.

The leader himself is not this material, nor is the nanny.

Let yourself take this rookie...

The coach is not so good.


Complaining between himself and Ai, Tang Ning suddenly raised his head, and the katana bounced up, which had instantly fallen into his hands.

The sharp blade of light flashed through the air, seeming to exhale chills.

Without staying, Tang Ning's eyes swept away, and he quickly rushed to the wreckage of a broken broken wall nearby. This triangular broken wall can well cover most of his body, so he does not need to worry about at least from Attack on the back and side.

Concentrating on the other side and the front is convenient.

After the two worlds of crisis everywhere survived, Tang Ning's vigilance has been buried in his soul. He has been completely transformed from an ordinary person into a warrior. Although compared with those protagonists, it may not be the best, but it is definitely Is the most qualified warrior.

Because he is still alive.

And those supporting actors and protagonists are dead.

When he walks to any unfamiliar place, Tangning will pay attention to his surroundings, which is why he can find the best hiding place the first time he senses danger...

Holding a samurai sword in his hand, Tangning didn't feel much security.

This feeling of palpitations was felt only by the leaders of several ancient assassins.

Powerful, ancient, full of wisdom... and danger!

It feels almost exactly the same, except that the feeling given to him at this time seems to be more ancient, more powerful, and simply unable to resist.

Loosen the five fingers on the handle and stretched slightly. Tang Ning took a deep breath and slowly took each finger one by one again, holding it back again.

Knife extraction is also good at him. As a concealed shot and an equally powerful attack, Tangning seems a little panicked to give up so easily.

But in fact, it is only the rigid use of knife-drawing that makes death faster.

Faced with an enemy that is almost incapable of confrontation, if you don’t go all out in the first place, then you probably have no chance to resist.

Downing is not the rookie of the third advance team, nor can he make such a low-level mistake.

He wandered countless times on the verge of life and death. When he was weak, he experienced several death crises. After being strong, he also did not completely break away from the threat of death.

It was just a death.

There is no difference between dying under the penetration of a bullet and dying under Thor.

Death will not become great because your enemy becomes stronger.

Death is death, the end of everything.

There is nothing to fear.

Slowing his breathing, Tang Ning's spirit entered a highly concentrated state. In the face of the unknown powerful enemy, he not only did not fall into fear, but became more excited.

Applying the language in the game, Tang Ning was obviously added with an attack bu.

No words, no disturbances.

Tang Ning observed lightly and listened to everything around him.

His breath was slightly undetectable, and even his heartbeat seemed to be aware of the master's situation. While beating powerfully, he slightly reduced the vibration of the arteries and ventricles.

Tang Ning is vigilant, vigilant with the weapon in his hand, to block all attacks that may appear around him.

Maybe it was a bullet from a sniper rifle, maybe it was an unknown attack in the dark, or maybe it was a grenade attack from a distance, um... the latter, he probably had to run away.

But after a long time, even if the psychological qualities calmed down by Tangning could not help but relax somewhat, the expected so-called attack still did not appear.

Not only that, everything around has returned to normal, normal, as if it were all my own illusion.

Is it an illusion?

Tang Ning does not think so. After life and death, he believes in his instincts. This has saved him more than once, allowing him to avoid the zombies' clicks in advance to avoid the virus infection, or licking the murderous shot of the lord. The ending into a patty.

But why... nothing.

Tang Ning continued to be vigilant, but after another five or six minutes, he finally closed his knife slowly.

If you continue to maintain the state of high vigilance, it is likely to start to consume a lot of his mind and physical strength, but it will be more difficult to deal with the following situation.

Simply, it is better to relax.

But... the expected attack still did not appear.

Grabbing his head in doubt, Tangning frowned.

"Is it... really an illusion."

This is not good news, which shows that his instincts are also wrong. At the critical moment, one mistake has been enough to make him die ten times.

Absolutely bad news.

However, Tang Ning is more inclined to another possibility, there is indeed something peeping at himself, but...it has not attacked...

"He" stood in front of Tangning.

Looking at Tang Ning's binocular focus, he didn't focus on his position, but he seemed to perceive something. He slowly took a step back, away from himself, and looked around with vigilance. He felt very interesting.

"Very powerful...perceived..."

You know, its hiding, even if Gu Yi can't perceive it, can be sensed by the creature in front of him, who is completely the same family as Gu Yi.

Doesn't it mean that the ancient multivariate universe is the first in the world?

Grabbing the organ like this in his head, he raised a trace of interest.


The name of the race of Guyi is also the race of the creature in front of them. They all seem to be humans.

He has been to many worlds dominated by humans, and more than once, he tried to sneak into the multiverse of Guyi.

In fact, his smuggling is very successful, as he said, his hiding ability is not detected by any biological energy, and he sneaks in every time, and then attaches to some unlucky human.

Observe, feel, these will not be noticed, but once he tries to use the power that does not belong to humans, no matter what, he will be immediately noticed by Gu Yi.

In some other worlds, he is sometimes also noticed, but that is only a special case, very... a power system that can be accommodated only to exclude him.

There is absolutely no Gu Yi so fast...and the reaction is fierce.

Seeing yourself is like blowing hair... sorry, judging from human aesthetics, Gu Yi seems to have no hair.

Gu Yi can't kill him, but he can't beat Gu Yi, but Gu Yi can even dare to have his old acquaintances and their dependents, and he can also survive.

In the face of Gu Yi, he should quickly run away.

It's just that he has never given up. That multiverse is definitely the most interesting multiverse of creatures he has discovered.

There are even traces left by the supreme power.

Once that kind of trace is dead, what is born is very effective even for him, which makes him indifferent for many years.

But there is the existence of Gu Yi.

In addition to Gu Yi, the existence of a multiverse stronger than Gu Yi is everywhere, and some even dare not face it easily.

Obviously, only a short period of time, less than a hundred years, can give birth to so many powerful existences.

Weird universe.

But he was not in a hurry. As he said, it was only a hundred years old. There were very few deformed creatures that were so powerful but could not resist the power of time.

He can fully afford it.

Such a huge multiverse... He just peeked into one corner.

It has made him unable to resist greed.

But waiting is boring, even if it is only a short time of 100 years, he decided to find some new fun, finally wandering in his world for more than ten years, and found a gap again, did not expect to be a human world again.

Without Gu Yi, it means that he is safe, and it also means...maybe bored.

Humans are very boring. At first, he found it very interesting. Later, he realized that most human worlds are just the same.

There is no difference between the whole and I don’t say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but there is a little difference in the individual existence, which makes him have to adapt to his body every time, so as not to make trouble... It is bursted by 30 burger sandwich pizza Belly problems.

But the appearance of this human in front of him made him feel a little interesting.

There is also a folding space next to it.

Gu Yi is the best, but it appears in a multiverse without Gu Yi.

Observing the human creatures in front of him for a while, he suddenly turned his head and turned into the folding space.

Folding space technology, the so-called mirror space, did not hinder him a bit, just like crossing the door of his home, he walked in as soon as he took a step...

Tang Ning, who was just a few steps away, did not react at all to what happened at this time. He could not see or hear.

But intuitively, he seemed to feel that something bad was going to happen.

Some...not very interesting things.

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