High Magic Earth

Chapter 1191: put one's oar in

Mr. Feng is very patient. He remembered that he could squat quietly for an hour beside a small river in the countryside in order to catch fish when he was a child.

For children who are active in their sevens or eights, this kind of quietness is almost unbelievable.

After coming to the United States, after working, he could find a bug all night to find a bug.

Just like a hunter, some people are born with this talent.

Mr. Feng stayed in the armor, motionless.

He felt like he was back to being a kid again.

The surrounding is quiet, there is no companion, the enemy is surrounded, only himself, and he is waiting for a fish, the fish in the river is also the only way to live.

It's just that this fish may never come.

He gazed calmly at the light curtain in front of him, and he saw that the advance team had enclosed himself, Tang Ning was not there, but he didn't bring any improvement to his situation without one less.

The surrounding world is a rotating world. In the mirrored space, the earth and sky are integrated with the surrounding buildings. They are like a piece of moving Lego bricks, stirring all kinds of gears and bites like flowing water.

Damn the mage.

Mr. Feng's eyes were looking for the mage, the guy who trapped himself in the Jedi.

Soon Mr. Feng found him because the other party was not hidden.

His hands were lying across his chest, turning from time to time, apparently controlling the mirrored space under their feet, his fingers carrying the mage's sign items, hanging rings.

So Mr. Feng recognized it at a glance.

For this guy, Mr. Feng has little influence. Perhaps it is a free man who joined in later, or maybe a plot character. After all, the most famous are Gu Yi and Strange, but it does not mean that the mage is only two of them.

There are many mages in Karma Taj. Of course, most of them are of cannon fodder level. Of course, these cannon fodder-like plot characters cannot be remembered by Feng.

Even if he thinks, I am afraid they will not get their information.

But... they may be cannon fodder in the Marvel Universe, but only face ordinary people, or after going out of the Marvel Universe, they may immediately rise to the level of small bosses.

For example, the situation encountered by Mr. Feng at this time.

Mr. Feng could not tell whether the other party was a free man or a plot character. Presumably, the other party would not tell himself. Mr. Feng stared at the other party silently through the armor, and seemed to imprint this face in the memory.

The mage's appearance is not handsome, an ordinary face, thrown into the crowd, I am afraid that he will not be found immediately.

But the black marks on his forehead ruined the ordinary, just like marking him, making his face instantly characteristic.

Not a scar... It looks like a burnt mark...

The iron bully knew the other person's face clearly, and Mr. Bi Feng personally observed it a hundred times with the naked eye, and he soon discovered the abnormal place.

This face is not his face.

It's an electronic mask.

The information of SHIELD was present in Mr. Feng's mind. If he remembered correctly, this thing appeared in the story of SHIELD. He did not expect it to be worn on his face.

As for the scorched part... the light of the black and purple light escaped from the bottom of the mark, very thin, and if it was only observed with the naked eye, it would be almost impossible to find.

Fortunately, Mr. Feng has the Iron Overlord's intelligent system as a supplement, and the special capture device allows him to see everything clearly.

"Purple and black light..."

The mask was burnt out, the mage, the dark purple light... these many elements were mixed together, and it is not surprising that it reminds people of a certain existence.

"Mage with the help of Dommam... Sure enough..."

In fact, Mr. Feng did not expect the other party to have a mage.

He was very surprised at the emergence of the mage. To the best of his knowledge, the new humans have only single digits as mages. The talents are mediocre, and they cannot leave Kama Taj at all.

The mage of the characters in the plot are all arrogant. They are not looking above the top, but they don’t show much love in front of ordinary people, let alone cooperate.

Even the lowest cannon fodder mage, they are not willing to have too much contact with the existence of illegal division.

The Master has not been absorbed in the Institute, so Mr. Feng is the same, as was his previous term.

He didn't expect that he had just died shortly, and there was a Karma Taj Master in the academy, but... if the other party is destined for Dormam, then everything makes sense.

Although it is not clear what the other person's head is thinking, if it is a plot character, then obviously it is to dedicate this world to Dormam, if it is a free man... probably also brainwashed.

Otherwise, the normal free man will not choose to stand with the doomed fate.

The assimilation with his eternal decay is much longer and scarier than the momentary death.

Mr. Feng suddenly realized that he was going to die. Why did he still have time to think about these messy problems.

Boring and yawning, his gaze fell to the corner of the screen in front of his eyes, the progress bar staying there had reached 46%, and when it finally reached 100%...


The armor will blow up.

Start with its energy reactor.

Just like a miniature nuclear bomb...

"what should we do."

As Mr. Feng thought about **** everyone... including himself, the group of advance guys outside seemed a little helpless.

The Iron Overlord armor is obviously the property of Seth. Of course, they can take out the gantz pistol and directly blast it to rot. The people inside must be dead, but I am afraid that the armor will not be used.

They can still see the value of this suit.

In the case of occupying the absolute advantage and trapping the opponent, the armor is still sparse... I am afraid this mission will not be their credit, but will become a fault.

They must do their best to not damage this armor.

Of course, this is when the opponent has lost his ability to resist, so in fact, the leader of the advance team, Mr. T, now very much hopes that the opponent will suddenly burst something, and then they can take advantage of the situation to tear down the opponent... at least than in It is much better to be dazed here.

Hearing his team member's question, Mr. T scratched his hair with some distress.

"O... try telepathy and let him open the armor from inside."

When there is no good way, he can only pin his hopes on Ms. O.


It's just... Ms. O's telepathic ability is very poor. Her main ability is to protect the barrier, which is an invisible existence similar to the air barrier.

For most psychic abilities, psychic abilities are their main duties, barriers, floating, mental power, etc. These are all deputies born from psychic abilities.

It's a pity that Ms. O's situation does not seem to be the case. Her barrier is very strong, and she can even resist a tank strike at close range, but her psychic ability is amazing.

Even reading mind and reading mind is very difficult.

Not to mention the higher level, but control the other party's thinking.

This is almost impossible.

But Mr. T has no better solution, better than nothing...


Mr. Feng in the armor suddenly took a breath.

He suddenly felt a headache in his head, like a bear child, naughtily inserted a steel needle into his temple. The needle stick is just as uncomfortable, but only for a moment, very short.

Mr. Feng knows his body very well. After the unknown changes before, he is almost as good as ever.

Certainly it cannot be the case of cerebral congestion, of course, there may be a sequelae of the mutation that you don’t know, after all, it is already a mutation... certainly not within the controllable range.

However, Mr. Feng prefers another possibility. Those with mental ability are spying on themselves.

In fact, the screen has been shown very clearly. The intelligent system records the voices of the outside world and naturally hears the things Mr. T explained.

Although I don’t know what the advance of the codename o has, but it allows me to open the armor from the inside... nothing more than a mental ability.

But if you want to control yourself... I'm afraid it's not enough.

Mr. Feng's deep hypnosis technique is his most proficient thing. Although he has not concealed Lucifer, he has at least concealed all the new human beings of mental abilities.

Only the pain of the needle tip has proved that o's ability is insufficient.

Staying quietly in the armor, Mr. Feng waited for the progress bar to advance one by one.

He had no plans to resist at all, nor did he need to resist at all.

What the leader of the advance team has considered, Mr. Feng naturally cannot be unaware that the Iron Overlord is the property of seth. After they are trapped, they will certainly find a way to strip it as completely as possible.

But I am afraid it will be very difficult compared to this.

Iron Overlord's defense is already very strong, and I want to not damage the armor as much as possible...

If you rebel, you will be completely different. In the face of life threats, these people obviously will not estimate the value of property. Even if the Iron Overlord is smashed, the new person in charge may not be able to say anything.

Free people are very different from ordinary people. Their particularity predestines that they will not obey discipline like soldiers. If the new person in charge dares to let the free people give their lives for some inexplicable reasons... what happens next will definitely not be pleasant Too.

Therefore, Mr. Feng has not resisted from beginning to end. All he has to do is to start the iron tyrant's self-explosive program, and then wait for everyone to do it together.


Mr. Feng said in a low voice.

What it feels like to wait for death, Mr. Feng is not clear, because he feels that his head is a little confused at this time. Originally, he thought he would be greeted with death calmly, but this is not the case.

Irritable, restless, he was not calm at all.

But to put it bluntly, he didn't want to die.

Revenge...not even started...

"Do you want to live?"

"No." Suddenly, a voice appeared in Mr. Feng's ear, almost instinctively, and he answered subconsciously.

But he soon realized that the problem seemed to be different from the one he was thinking about, so he quickly remedied, "Uh, I mean... No, I don't want to die, not that I don't want to live."

"Strange human." The voice continued, "I feel your soul is agitated, you... not willing, that emotion is expressed in this word, right."

Suddenly a voice appeared, and Mr. Feng calmed down after a moment.

Maybe it's a trap for people with psychic abilities, or maybe it isn't.

But no matter what it is, you always have to give it a try.

"Yes, I am not willing." Mr. Feng said down.

"I don't want to die here, death is meaningless."

"I still have things to do."

"Many creatures feel that they haven't finished something before they die, maybe the remaining bite is not eaten, maybe the energy is not released, maybe like you... unwilling."

"But death will always come as scheduled."

"This is the wonderful place of death."

"Then what do you say about this?" Mr. Feng looked calmly at the progress bar that had reached 86%. "Don't laugh at me."

"No... I want to say that death does not come alone for a certain creature, it is always there, just to harvest the souls that they put into their arms."

"It is not inevitable, the method is very simple, as long as it does not die."

"I can make you die, escape from here, and avoid the ending of death."

"That's great." Mr. Feng said, "Take me out of here, but by the way...I won't go out with the armor on my own."

"If you can, just take me away and throw the armor here. By the way, don't forget the suitcase on my right."

This kind of deception is a bit too low-level. Mr. Feng's eyes are disdainful, and he doesn't even feel the power of guidance in his heart, so he wants to deceive himself.

Really boring.

The feeling before death was boring.


"Of course." But unexpectedly, the voice continued to say, "I can take you directly...and that suitcase, and then leave this metal here."

"But I saved you, you have to work for me... maybe using your vocabulary, the servant is closer."

"If you refuse, I will let death find you again."

Hearing this, Mr. Feng finally frowned, he began to look squarely, then paused for half a second, and answered without hesitation, "No problem."

"Save me~www.wuxiaspot.com~I work for you."

There is nothing to hesitate.

Death and survival are undoubtedly the latter.

"Then... the contract is reached."

"This metal, it seems that its energy fluctuations are rising rapidly. You want to let the same kind of people around you into the arms of death. In this case, I will take you before the last moment and it will not affect your plan."

Mr. Feng's mouth twitched and took himself away before the explosion, which didn't sound very reliable.

But in any case, the worst ending is nothing but death.

When he arrived here, he could already be sure that this was not the advancement's psychic ability to interfere with himself, because the other party had already noticed that the armor was about to explode, and these guys stood here calmly.

Unless they seek death.

Otherwise, with Seth's current technology, it is impossible to stop the outbreak of a near-miniature nuclear bomb. (.)

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