High Magic Earth

Chapter 1192: Join in

Of course, it is also possible that the other party is a kind of hallucination, leaving a lot of phantoms in place...

But Mr. Feng is too lazy to think so much, his ultimate goal is to make those angels and demons pay the price, not these new human beings.

When death is imminent, he chooses to die with the other party, but even if the other party escapes, he will not feel despair or anger, he is not directed at these people.

So far, Mr. Feng is not in a hurry.


There is still 6%, everything is over, just leave all the rest to time.

After calming down, Mr. Feng gave birth to new doubts, "Who are you." He asked.

"I don't know how to describe me in your human language... You don't have a vocabulary to describe me accurately."

"If it's closer...you like to call us ghosts and ghosts, but I don't think it suits me."

"So if you want, you can call it the name of this human body, Simon."

One bite of you humans... Obviously, the other person does not seem to be human.

But Mr. Feng thinks there is nothing surprising. Angels, demons, new humans, and even parallel worlds have appeared, and it seems that there is no other human race.

Even if an alien comes in one day, Mr. Feng will not be much surprised, only secretly wondering whether they can use their power to kill angels and demons.

"Why choose me."


Mr. Feng stared at the progress bar at the bottom of the screen as if he were staring at the fuse.

Once the self-destruction program is started, it cannot be terminated, because the detonation of the energy reactor is irreversible, but now he seems to have the possibility of surviving. It seems to be a loss to replace the lives of the eight advance team members with an iron overlord armor. .

After all, the former is Mr. Feng's next important bargaining chip, while the latter can be thrown away, there is no need to desperately.

But even if it can stop, Mr. Feng will not choose to terminate.

Because before everything is confirmed, Mr. Feng will, to the utmost extent, doubt what the other party said.


"You didn't refuse, did you," the voice continued. "This shows that my choice is correct."

"Don't you think I might not be able to help you." Mr. Feng asked again.

"Then continue to look for other human beings, I don't lack time."

Mr. Feng raised an eyebrow.

This answer sounds very simple and ordinary, but in fact it is full of cruel taste. If it fails to meet the requirements, it will be replaced again. As a replaced self, I am afraid that the ending will not be good.

But it's better than dying directly here.

Opening his mouth, Mr. Feng also tried to ask something, but suddenly, Mr. Feng thought of the progress bar of the armor self-destruction program, his eyes moved slightly, and it suddenly found that 98% had come.

"in case……"

Mr. Feng didn't say anything. The manic power came in all directions. It seemed to put him in a storm for a moment, like a vortex in the sea. The strong attraction made him have no time to do anything, so he tore him away.

The world is rotating and subverting, and the concepts of time and space are blurred.

Mr. Feng saw that he flew out of the armor, just like a soul without him. He gently passed through the cold metal and came into contact with the damp, fresh air outside.

Then he saw eight members of the advance team outside.

They seemed to have exhausted their patience and were discussing how to violently dismantle the armor, but they didn't seem to realize the imminent death and were still surrounded by the armor.

It seemed that he noticed his gaze. The mage who released the mirrored space turned his head slightly, and an equally transparent soul floated out.

But still waiting for him to completely break free of his own body, he made a scream in the air.


The next moment, the translucent flexibility disappeared, and his body collapsed weakly.

"How do you..."

Mr. Feng heard the advance leader's question in surprise, and also felt that the mirror space was rapidly peeling and shattering. Similarly, there was the rich energy rising from the armor of the Iron Overlord...

Heat waves, irritability, something terrible seems to explode from the armor.

The attraction became bigger and bigger, and Mr. Feng seemed to become a flat boat in the sea. Then, he was quickly pulled out in a catapult way. The speed was fast, and even everything around him had become Blurred.

In a trance, Mr. Feng seemed to feel that he saw colorful lines. They were like sensitive fish, and they flew through this void.

The next moment, everything around was slowed down, the collapse of the mirrored space, the explosion of armor, everything was imprisoned in place, as if frozen.

Then immediately, the surrounding situation began to circulate quickly again. When Mr. Feng recovered, he had already stood outside the mirrored space.

The head-to-head is Seth's corporate headquarters, which is mostly ruined.

Without hesitation, Mr. Feng immediately squeezed his thigh, because everything he experienced just now looks very similar to the soul out, especially... the mage who believed in Dormam also had a move to strip his soul.

In addition to opening the portal and mirroring the space, the mage of the Karma Taj series also has a signature ability that is similar to the soul separation of Wan Jinyou.

Taking advantage of the soul's short-lived re-entry and returning again, they can break away from most of the shackles.

Therefore, Mr. Feng doubts whether he is now in a pure soul state. The other party did save himself, but only saved a soul.

Although this kind of self is still alive, it is too inconvenient if only the soul becomes a ghost or ghost.

Fortunately, in the next moment, Mr. Feng felt the solid muscles and the pain that was transmitted to the brain.

His body is still there.

But then Mr. Feng was stunned again, because he suddenly realized that he had never experienced the soul away from the body, and he could not know at all what kind of reaction should be normal in this state.

Maybe... even if it becomes a soul, there is already pain and texture.

Mr. Feng's little entanglement is not a big problem. What really matters is the self-destructed Iron Overlord armor. The mirror space is also on the verge of collapse. Without the mirror space as an obstacle... I am afraid that New York City will face this impact.

Even, he may still be within the scope of the explosion.

"Leave me."

At the same time that these thoughts of electric light and stone fire ended in Mr. Feng's mind, the familiar voice came from his ear.

Unlike the feeling of appearing directly in his mind, this time, the existence of sound is real, it is audible and accessible.

A huge force, no less than the power that dragged his soul out before, instantly dragged him to another place.

In a hurry, Mr. Feng turned his head to look aside, and saw a person no different from ordinary humans.

A pale young man, his skin glowed with lack of sunlight and movement, and his muscles and bones looked so weak. With Mr. Feng’s eyesight, he could see at a glance that this was a young man who had not been trained in combat. people.

But... he was able to drag himself forward.

In theory, humans can hold heavy objects of the same volume and weight, but only in theory. Because of the relationship between limb construction and body strength, few people can develop the theory. Even half of it is very difficult.

Being able to take a large living person to walk briskly, the opponent's power is absolutely abnormal.

According to what the other party said, you can also call me the name of the person who is attached. Simon sees that it may be a possessed state.

But whether it is possessed or just humanoid, the immediate priority is to escape from here.

Mr. Feng, who had adjusted his condition, immediately caught up with the speed of the other party. His body went through many messes. He did not know the change of principle, and it also exceeded the scope of normal people.

In the face of the possibility of coming, the outbreak of micro-nuclear bombs, he could not care about too many other things, and turned to follow Simon's pace.

Of course, if you want to run out of the range of the nuclear bomb with your legs, unless it is Barry Allen or Clark Kent, otherwise most people don’t think about it.

Fleeing here is just instinctive to do so in Mr. Trend Feng.

If you want to survive, instead of relying on your own legs, it is better to pray that the disintegration of the mirror space is not so fast, at least to isolate the outbreak of the nuclear bomb.

But the one most likely to help him was the unknown creature beside him.

He rescued himself, certainly not intending to let him die in the explosion.

Between thoughts, Mr. Feng set his sights on Simon's body, which seemed to be felt, and Simon also stopped.

"It seems that the danger has been lifted."

Mr. Feng immediately understood Simon's meaning. He turned around and saw that the space on the edge of the seth gate was violently shaking, like the air twisted by the heat.

Searing and high temperature are scorching everything, even if they are far apart, he can still feel the faint air waves and strong radiation.

The Iron Overlord self-destructed.

An energy reactor comparable to a nuclear bomb exploded completely, but was trapped in the mirrored space.

Fortunately... if it breaks out in New York, even if the responsibility is pushed to seth company, the difficulty of going to the government will increase several times in an instant.

"Hold it."

While Mr. Feng was stunned, a cold square object was pushed in front of him.

Looking down, it was his suitcase hidden in the armor of the Iron Overlord.

"Now, I have completed what I need to do, and it's up to you."

Unexpectedly, the other party really brought this thing out.

When there is nowhere to go, the technology and information in the suitcase, as well as the Iron Overlord armor are Mr. Feng’s name and important bargaining chip, but now he has a new home, maybe... there is no need to go to the government .

Of course, even if he wanted to, he probably didn't have another chance.

Faced with unknown creatures whose strength exceeds his own unknown, Mr. Feng wisely did not resist, but calmly responded to his work for the other party...or called the servant more suitable conditions.

"What do you need me to do?" Mr. Feng asked lightly.

Although after many years of preparation and training, Mr. Feng is also very good at secret agents, coupled with the power that he does not know how to mutate at this time, it is no problem that the combat power is among the top free men among the new humans.

Even if he is not a free man.

But in fact, Mr. Feng is best at using his brain. He is not a cannon fodder suitable for charging, but a talent for management.

"The first point."

I don’t know if I don’t understand the characteristics of human beings, or whether the communication between the groups of unknown creatures is so simple. He did not show anything to Mr. Feng’s neat and sincere, but continued to speak as usual.

"I need to know... what is the relationship between this world and Supreme Master Gu Yi."...

Outside the seth company, the ruins fell back into peace.

Tang Ning is still hiding behind an inconspicuous wall. He knows that the inexplicable hostility is not directed at himself, but he does not want to have too much action to attract the attention of the other party.

Soon, he saw a strong twist in the open space of the company's door. Then, the hot heat and air waves could be felt even after he was hiding in the ruins.

Tang Ning is not clear what is happening in the mirror space.

But instinct told him that it might not be a good thing.

Perhaps it was self-explosive. Tangning's keen sense of battle made Tangning foresee a possibility for the first time. There must be a self-destructive device in the armor of the Iron Overlord, and once the self-destructive device linked to the energy core broke out, the power was no less than that. Nuclear bombs of the same level.

It's in trouble...

Rubbing his eyebrows, Tang Ning felt that these people might not be able to survive. He had no feelings for these guys. What troubled him was that the eight advance teams were all destroyed.

Similarly, Tang Ning did not realize that the two culprits that caused it all were not far away. In his thinking, since the Iron Overlord chose to self-destruct, then its controllers were naturally not spared.

Soon after, as Mr. Feng and Simon left, Tangning also left here.

He originally planned to wait for the mirror space to open by himself, and look at the situation inside. After the master who controlled it died, the mirror space would naturally not exist.

But after more than ten minutes, nothing still appeared in the open space in front of him, but Tang Ning, who was hiding behind the rubble, began to feel a wave of discomfort emerge.

It's like... directly exposed to radiation.

Obviously, the mirror space has been opened, but everything in it has been destroyed by the explosion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even the smallest ash has not flowed out, and only the aftermath of the explosion has been released.

As the three parties left, it seemed that Seth had once again recovered calm.

Tang Ning is not clear that Mr. Feng is still alive, and with the extinction of the parties in the mirror space, no one will know that an unknown creature rescued Mr. Feng.

It seems that all this has been concealed.

I just don't know how long it can cover up.

But in fact, it is far more than the three parties that gather near Seth.

"Spider, is there any news."

"No, how are you there."

Taking a deep breath, still hiding opposite seth company, the top floor of the top floor, watching all the falcons below adjusted the angle of the sniper rifle, then said slowly.

"You can't believe what I saw."r

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