High Magic Earth

Chapter 1193: call

Fu Jiang couldn't believe his eyes.

Using the air, she transformed a lot of iron pieces written with t, just like the weights on the balance, scattered scattered on the huge pot lid.

But just a few seconds ago, the lid of the big pot that pressed against the gap was suddenly pushed up.

This is the iron block of t, and there are more than one block, there is a pile of bulk pressure there.

Fu Jiang's barren knowledge reserves made it difficult for her to imagine what kind of power it was, but at a glance, she saw the changes in the gap blocked by the lid.

At first it was a giant hand.

If at the beginning there was only one hand, at this time, it has already appeared more densely,

Just like corals, more giant hands crowded out with not-so-gap gaps, working together to try to lift the nasty objects that pressed against their heads and prevented them from entering the world.

Each giant hand is at least as thick as the Eiffel Tower site, but because the gap is not wide, they are almost in an impossible shape, like jelly you push me to grow out.

Then rooted and germinated on the ground part, showing a coral shape, exerting force from all corners, hitting the heavy objects above.

This situation is not only terrible, but also absolutely unbearable for human aesthetics.

The roots of giant hands are like the birthstones of distorted human thoughts. They not only have a rugged appearance that is entangled with each other, but also make people look at it, and they fall into a kind of disgust and madness from the depths of their hearts.

They are not evil spirits, but they must have a certain relationship with evil spirits.

Because they have some of the same characteristics as evil spirits.

Fu Jiang is not a pure human being. It was not originally, even after wearing a mask.

Even the lowest and most unqualified **** has completely missed humanity.

Fu Jiang, who is one of the big devil itself, has not been infected with mental pollution, but after a glance, she also realized her troubles.

The day is about to dawn. Daybreak means that the power of the mask disappears. Before then, she may not be able to expel the other party and close the portal.

Even if she can make something like a sun umbrella, it can't be delayed for long, and during the delay, her power will be greatly reduced.

In fact, Fu Jiang now feels that his strength is beginning to weaken.

As the sun gradually rose, the power of the Rocky mask was being weakened a little bit.

Without the mask, Fu Jiang, even if she would not be truly dead, she could even split indefinitely. It was meaningless, because just an ordinary person who would not die could not hurt the other party, and even had difficulty touching the other party.

What should I do.

Fu Jiang was a little dazed.

To be honest, her knowledge reserve is not high, at best it is only the standard of a 100-year-old high school student. Most of her life is killing, and spending time with the temptation to kill her.

Xiaonaogua, who only charms others, never thought that she could use the ability of immortality and memory sharing to reach the peak of various fields in minutes.

Perhaps this is the limitation and qualification.

If Fu Jiang does not have an immortal body and an infinite division, perhaps it is placed in ordinary high school, which is the existence of a bottom scum.

Faced with this difficult situation at this time, she was dazed for the first time, and then... still helpless.

Fortunately, Fu Jiang is also aware of the consequences of the portal being completely opened. That is not that a simple mission fails, but that the entire world is likely to face threats.

Although Fujiang only has the level of high school students, these concepts still exist.

After a few minutes of sluggishness, she decisively thought of another supporter, and was the only other object she could think of in her barren little brain.


Although the relationship between her Athena and Lucy was strange, sometimes very intimate, sometimes mediocre, and sometimes a little bit of hatred, but when facing the enemy, their goals were surprisingly consistent.


She asked Lucy for help, and Lucy couldn't help her.

Even thinking of this, Fu Jiang's head was rarely smart, she was very suspicious that Lucy was staring at this moment, paying attention to her every move.

"Lucy." Fu Jiang whispered, "What should I do."...

In fact, Fu Jiang made no mistake.

Lucy is indeed staring at her every move, and Yi Chou’s actions are crucial, and the same is true here. She can’t ignore such a big plan, especially... actions led by Fu Jiang can’t be taken lightly.

When the ghost appeared and Fu Jiang made a fan, Lucy couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

If she were to change to her, she would definitely not choose a fan-like way to destroy the other side, even if you directly painted an eraser to wipe them off, it was much better than that.

I should have asked myself long ago.

Your own wisdom, combined with the mask's wonderful ability, is the best match for destroying the enemy.

Of course, it’s not bad for Fu Jiang to do this, because Lucy didn’t intend to wipe out the other party.

Human beings will never cherish the things that are easily obtained. If we want to make humans stand on the same front line with the wizards in future wars, the first thing to let them know... is fear.

The yellow light flashed in Lucy's eyes, and she had no intention of responding to Fu Jiang's constant call.

Whether it is a new human being or these supernatural forces from the ghost world, as long as they are not wizards, when they let the human beings of this world taste enough fear, the kind of despair that has resisted and is still unable to resist... It was the moment when the wizards officially played.

Although magic is as old and unfamiliar to humans, it is always better than the legendary aliens of angels and demons.

In addition to strong religious believers, with the progress of the world, more and more people began to doubt angels, the inhuman existence of devil gods is just aliens, visitors from other distant planets, or other races.

Instead of foolishly thinking that they are messengers of God, as in the past, and God is the master of humanity.

Advances in this world have made the rapid development of science and technology, which prevents angels and demons from rapidly developing their own power. However, it also makes it difficult for all non-scientific forces to intervene in humans and be accepted by human groups.

With the emergence of wizards and magic, it is difficult to say what kind of attitude human beings will take. Most witch free men are not worried about the problem.

Hostility and maliciousness are the most likely things.

If you want humans and wizards to stand together, you must have an appropriate opportunity.

And fear... is this opportunity.

Of course, in addition to this, there are many other options. Slowly approaching, exchange of interests, and slowly revealing their own existence are very good methods.

Fear is not the only one, nor is it the best choice.

But for Lucy, for the fear of yellow lights, this is the best choice.

"Pavilion... Your Excellency..."

Although Alimond has been controlled by Lucy, there is still a little resistance instinct. It is not surprising that domestic elves and humans are different races and have certain magic resistance.

"What do you want to say."

Looking at Alimond, Lucy asked squintingly.

When he just returned to the present world, Yi Chou put the fear of the yellow light on his hand just in case.

The power of the Seven Lantern Rings is undoubtedly. In the world of ink heart, he was just relying on the power of the Lantern Ring to temporarily transform into armor weapons and the like, and successfully blocked the mania at the time.

He put the light ring on his hand just to guard against unexpected situations.

Of course, the power of the yellow light's fear is not so easy to control. Yi Chou is also very clear. In the initial period of time, he almost kept a part of the energy to pay attention to it every day.

Even after relaxing his vigilance, he still conducts self-examination from time to time.

In order to prevent being lost in the power of fear without being aware of it.

But apparently, the yellow light ring seems to be aware of this too. It did not make trouble, but was quiet for a long time. It converged its fear power and began to subtly weaken its sense of existence, almost weakening to... Yi Huo will forget it.

It does not interfere and influence Yi Chou, but it does not mean that it is really quiet.

In fact, almost forgetting it is the best proof of its restlessness.

In addition, there is a crucial point.

When creating Lucy, Yi Chou also carried this ring.

Obviously, Lucy has been affected by the ring, and perhaps even her magical intelligence itself has not realized that her thinking and processing methods have begun to distort in some abnormal direction.

Under Lucy's indifferent gaze, Alimond twitched his lips slightly hesitantly, and finally had no guts to say what he was trying to question.

"No... nothing..." he whispered.

Lucy nodded.

But on the other side of the mind space, Fu Jiang is still chattering, which makes Lucy feel a little upset.

The mind space is together. At present, there are only four users, Yi Chao, Lucy, Fujiang, and Athena. The discussion between the four can be heard by everyone. Of course, there is also a separate channel to prevent others from hearing.

Lucy and Fujiang are now in separate channels.

Otherwise, Yi Biao and Athena could not have paid attention to the situation here, and of course, Lucy would not let this happen.

"Lucy, what should I do?"


"Lucy Lucy, call Lucy."

From the beginning, Fu Jiang didn't feel so embarrassed to open his mouth. He finally did a task independently, but he asked Lucy for help for the first time. .

This annoyed Lucy.

"Enough." Lucy said in her heart. "No need to shout, just think about what you want to say in your heart."


Fu Jiang responded pitifully, and then immediately asked, "Did you hear that, Lucy?"

"You idiot!" Lucy was grumpy.

Not caring about the title Lucy put on herself, Fu Jiang continued anxiously and asked, "What should I do... It's going to be dawn."

Increasingly crises made Fu Jiang care about nothing else. These clustered together, like the arms of a coral, would have opened the pile of heavy iron tusks full of t, overturned them, and there would be no obstruction outside the gap.

Fu Jiang didn’t try to stop these things in other ways. The sharp blades transformed into huge scissors are useless to them. The blades can’t cut their skin. Instead, they burst themselves into a crack, and the rich sulfuric acid can’t corrode them. After dripping, it became thicker and thicker like a layer of beeswax on their skin.

Although the mask can directly change the nature of the material, as if creating objects out of nothing, such as turning air into huge scissors, after the conversion is completed, it still needs to comply with the physical properties it should have.

Scissors can be extremely sharp, but they can't cut steel like invincibility.

When it encounters a harder existence, it will also return without success.

Obviously, these thick blue arms have unparalleled defense and resistance. Not to mention the mask when the sun is about to appear. I am afraid that it is the mask at night. It is not so easy to forcibly break its defense.

Of course, these are known steel, sulfuric acid, etc.

There are also many unknown properties. For example, Fu Jiang can turn a portal without substance into an entity, and then trapped with a rope and throw it away.

This is the magical power unique to the mask.

Magic can always do a lot of things that humans do not understand. It is not really incomprehensible, but it has not yet reached the realm of magic.

But Fu Jiang's barren imagination and the weakening mask power made her unable to think of any good way to skip these physical properties and destroy these arms.

Seeing that the Tie Tuo began to become more and more unsustainable, Fu Jiang had to send Lucy for help.

In fact, Lucy knew all about what happened in Fujiang, but she frowned, but she was not prepared to solve the problem completely.

"The presence on the other side of the gap is very powerful," Lucy said. "You are not its opponent and you can't stop it. Maybe the husband can kick them back."

"What about others?"

"Sir, there are still many things to do, and the actions there are more important than yours."

Lucy did not intend to let it go completely, because whatever the strength of the other side of the gap is strong or weak, its volume is already there.

For humans who have not mastered the power of the mysterious side, at this stage, the larger the volume, the more damage they can cause.

This world is not only a force of Yi Chao.

The existence of the wizards may not be particularly powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But if you gather together and work hard, maybe it is no problem to return them. There are always so many people who have hidden dragons and tigers.

In addition to magic, new humans and angels cannot be ignored, and Lucy has no intention of letting them pick the fruits.

So even if the gap is opened and the unknown creature is put in, it does not take long. As long as the damage caused is more serious than the previous big ghost, it is enough to attract human attention, but it does not bring a strong rebound, it is enough to remove it. Plug it back.

Even fear is not formed in one day.

Hearing Lucy’s answer, Fu Jiang at the other end fell silent, and Lucy was silently thinking there, but she seemed to overlook one thing, that is, no matter how perfect the plan is, there may be unexpected situations.

Just as the two fell silent, Lucy suddenly felt a call from her heart.

That's Yi Chou's voice.

From far to near, with haste and restlessness, "Lucy!!" (.)

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